View Full Version : Time-Out happens (Ports?)

12-17-2009, 01:30 PM
I downloaded (standard) and installed (custom with everything) DDO and tried to play. I went into the Sarlona server (because the friend who recommended this game plays there.) and it made 20 connect attempts and then timed out. This happened on multiple successive tries. I checked FAQ. Well the guide is the exact same as the one for 'Data Server Error' so there may be a mislinking, but regardless, I tried it, didn't work. Our firewall is pretty zealous and probably has a bunch of ports that are needed for this game blocked. Can someone give me the full list of ports needed to run the game properly? Also, is there anything else than what the (possibly mislinking) FAQ told me, to do?
I have Windows Vista.

Thank you.

Edit: Did some more searching and ran into this. The following ports must be opened: 9000-9013 UDP and 80 UDP. This right?

Edit 2: Opened the ports, now it works, though I can't get the Party chat to work.