View Full Version : Turbine - Here is a new class for you to add :)
12-17-2009, 07:36 AM
I think Turbine really should add the class Factotum from dungeonscape. It has the little something that the game lacks right now. Something that can do 'anything'.
You should give him IP at around the same rate and let it regen slowly (faster when not in combat). You should also implement the feat that gives +1 IP the first time you take it, and +1 IP + the amount of times you already have taken it IP after that.
The first level abilities lets it do some melee and trapsmithing. The skill boost thingy should just be 1 IP for +level to skills for 5 secs or something, and the other ability could function as pala's smite evil (not exactly like it, but something like that). The trapsmithing would give him versatility. The SA ability could be a buff that gives him the SA of a rogue of half his level for as an example 5 seconds. The armor class thingy, 5 seconds too.
The spells should be as written, maybe increase the cost to 2 IP. And it should be able to be used as long as you have enough IP, not just once. The level 5 ability should function around as cleric turn undead, or about half the healing of lay on hands, depending on which version of it you choose. The level 8 ability is a bit tricky, but you could just give him something like +X atk speed and movement speed or something to not overpower it. The level 11 ability could also function for 5 secs, ignoring DR and SR on the target.
And the level 13 ability... idk what to do here... maybe just an ability that ignores the damage the first time after you rest that you would be knocked unconscious. At 19... provide a set amount of options that lasts for a minute or so... And then you will get something that can fill in on most roles, be good at solo, but still not overpowered as it wont have the damage of anything else, nor the ability to do something for longer periods of time. More like burst heal, burst damage and burst spells, with a little defence :)
Thanks in advance, I hope you will implement it :)
12-17-2009, 07:39 AM
I dont see Turbine adding any class that is not an Official DnD class.
12-17-2009, 07:44 AM
It *is* an official DnD class. It's from the Dungeonscape splatbook.
That being said though, I wouldn't like seeing this class in game when not even all of the PHB classes and races are.
12-23-2009, 11:03 AM
An official class that no one heard about. :(
I think the audience would appreciate much more to see a druid on ddo first, or popular prestiges like dragon adept...
01-01-2010, 06:38 PM
Oh for the love of... Druids Unite!
01-06-2010, 03:41 PM
I dont see Turbine adding any class that is not an Official DnD class.
I dont see Turbine adding any class that is not an Official Eberron class.
01-06-2010, 03:45 PM
I dont see Turbine adding any class that is not a core Eberron DnD class.
Fixed that for ya ;)
No splatbooks for joo!
01-06-2010, 03:51 PM
release date 2007. Sounds like the last few splat books released about the time when people were waiting for 4.0 to be released so not buying books of 3.5 anymore.
But as for a class that can do anything... Bards pretty much fill the bill of it.
01-06-2010, 03:52 PM
I say bring on the Artificer. We already have summon construct, spells like flame arrow and holy sword, seems like they could be worked in with a few tweaks.
01-06-2010, 04:10 PM
I say bring on the Artificer. We already have summon construct, spells like flame arrow and holy sword, seems like they could be worked in with a few tweaks.
Build it as a Buffing and Pet Class and allow the abilities to apply metamagics to wands and scrolls by using "spell points"... or Infusion Points as it were.
Start them off with Iron Defenders and upgrade them over levels to Shield Golems and maybe eventually a WF Titan... with various in between
the "spell" list will need some work though... most of the infusions aren't viable the way they are written.
However the Armor Augmentations could have two different properties to choose from. One adds a defensive buff maybe a little DR/magic or something like that, while the other creates a Guard/damage shield on the target.
The Weapon Augmentation could apply a damage buff to the character... like a flaming(elemental) aura that adds an elemental type extra damage.
Toughen Construct and those spells could only apply to the Artificers Pet.
They could also get a "Charm" Construct effect... reprogram or something.
The only thing is that there really isn' a crafting aspect to the game(yet)... so that aspect really won't be applicable for now
01-06-2010, 04:43 PM
I Want Druids... But they Better not be Freakin Gimpy! No Tree Hugging Animal Lovers.. More Like being able to call Natures Fury's Like Lightning..Earth Quakes..Call Magma from the planets Core.. Etc.. etc.. and turn into air elementals Knocking everything in Sight on there arse.. instead of us all the time.
01-06-2010, 05:11 PM
Factoti are neat. But what you do, is you spend every feat you possibly can to get more Inspiration Points. And since you get more from each additional feat than the last...
Well, you soon rack up so many points, you can get some major attacks or skill checks done.
However, the way the points work is very, very similar to the Action Boosts we already have as enhancements available to most classes (And Humans).
So, you can mimic it fairly closely by being a Human, Rogue, Bard, or some multiclass thereof, potentially including Fighter as well.
And anyway, when it comes down to it, they're Rogues without sneak attack, with built-in skill boosts and spell clickies :p.
Aside from Druids (And that's a neat interpretation of Artificer there that might work out well), I can't really think of any other base classes that aren't either too powerful, or too close to what we already have, with nothing to gain from adding it. (Artificers, if we get them, should also be able to handle traps, though.) Scout would be too annoying (movement required to do the best damage? groups would hate that), Factotum doesn't have a use for, Warmage and Healer are gimpy, Marshall doesn't have much going for it (and the Paladin auras we have cover their buff), etc.
Oh, I guess Dragon Shaman and Dragonfire Adept could both work. Moreso the former.
But whatever.
01-06-2010, 05:54 PM
Not a fan of factotum myself.
I did make a plan for the artificer class, but it was pruned in one of the forums clearouts. I imagined them as a pet class, with a team of constructs. Of course, they'd get their infusions and repair spells as well.
01-06-2010, 10:44 PM
Also another class that would be nice to see from my style of play is Swashbuckler
I already know one of the PrEs for it ... Duelist.
I would also be lying if I said I wasn't vaguely interested in Swordsage too
but only vaguely... I like the Book of Nine Swords... but I'm not overly fond of the classes themselves
How about no. lets not starting adding optional classes from books noone bought, before we add something missing classes from the Eberron book and the missing races.
01-22-2010, 07:13 PM
How about no. lets not starting adding optional classes from books noone bought, before we add something missing classes from the Eberron book and the missing races.
01-22-2010, 07:32 PM
I'd rather have Duskblade. There's no way in DDO right now to decently combine Melee and Arcane spells. I know it's not the best in pnp either, but it's a lot of fun, and Duskblade lets you do it right.
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