View Full Version : Dragon Scales

12-16-2009, 10:08 PM
Why on earth do people try to sell these things for 4-5 mil gold? do you know it takes 25 of these to make the end product? youre wasting your time by trying to sell for so much i hate to tell you. even if someone had that kind of change laying around they coudl easily form a 6 man group and farm for these themselves.

i bought a blue set of scales off the ah for 50k plats, that is a reasonable amount. and when i was a little short to buy the other one i placed a bid of 47k. and dont you know someone came along bought them for 50 and is reselling it for 5mil. to you whoever you are. i hate you and hope you die in a fire

12-17-2009, 07:48 AM
i hate you and hope you die in a fire

Now thats the Lirial that we all know and love!

12-17-2009, 08:01 AM
Why on earth do people try to sell these things for 4-5 mil gold? do you know it takes 25 of these to make the end product? youre wasting your time by trying to sell for so much i hate to tell you. even if someone had that kind of change laying around they coudl easily form a 6 man group and farm for these themselves.

i bought a blue set of scales off the ah for 50k plats, that is a reasonable amount. and when i was a little short to buy the other one i placed a bid of 47k. and dont you know someone came along bought them for 50 and is reselling it for 5mil. to you whoever you are. i hate you and hope you die in a fire

Yeah, its a shame that people monopolize in a portion of the market like this. If my hunch is correct, then like any other MMO, the people generally buying up and selling the dragon scales are probably plat sellers.

As in every game, the plat sellers generally tend to ruin high-end stuff, usually by any means, and the automation of the auction house is a plus. Perhaps they Farm their own, while at the same time, buying up all of cheap scales and reselling them.

12-17-2009, 01:00 PM
I understand the hate, really I do. But any rare item that can be monopolized will be. Its almost a rule in this sort of game.

12-17-2009, 01:08 PM
Wow, even on Orion this Is dumb low. Anyone that runs tor 75ish times to come up with 25 blue scales has enough plat to make 50 k a joke. At 20 k a scale (a very good deal) a set would go for 500k plat, 350 k platto the end seller for his time. And that is a steal......50 k plat is goofy for a set.....much like 120 k plat for a single scale is.

12-17-2009, 01:11 PM
i think i agree. but the single scale now is up for 500k plat lol

guess ill just keep farming for them

i should clarify because i think you misinterpreted my post. i bought 1 scale for 50k plats. not a "set" and was trying to buy another single scale for another 50k but was 3k plats short. the starting bid was 45k so i placed a bid and lost it do a buyout :/ now it is for resale for 500k plats , thats just for 1 scale

12-22-2009, 12:39 PM
On most of the other servers ... 5 mill for a dragon scale is around an average price per scale .... Given that orien is still a newer server that doesn't accept character transfers . Some folks fail to realize there isn't alot of money on Orien yet , outside your typical asian plat farmers .

Now if your shrewd an monoplize the auction you can make some decent coin as well ...Just examine the item your trying to sell , compare to simular / identical items currently priced on the ah . Then list yours for 20% cheaper , under cut everyone . If the items a popular item it'll sell fast . After a while you learn what sells good on the ah an what doesn't sell and becomes better to vendor at the brokers in houses D &K , and the marketplace for clothes / jewlery .

the 5 mill pricing is prolly set by folks who have played on other servers an using the pricing from there former server for the ah pricing here .

It's sometimes ammusing what one can find on the vendor brokers ... the other day was looking for a +6 dex ring , saw one on the ah an the seller wanted 9 mill , pure comedy . I went to the jewlery brokers , an got a +6 dex ring for 4k .

12-23-2009, 10:51 AM
As I recall when I was hunting these down on Sarlona-they ran around 200K to 300K G.P. per scale for Black or White. Blue generally ran about 500k G.P. per scale.

A full set would run you between 7-9 Mill. G.P.

05-27-2014, 09:14 PM
Thats a rip. Ill sell a full set for 60k. Pst for trades

05-28-2014, 10:48 AM