View Full Version : If you leave quest halfway, do optionals you killed respawn?

12-16-2009, 08:12 AM
I did Durk's Secret on solo 20-22 times, to collect Festivult coins. Unfortunately, uintil yesterday I did not know how to access troglodytes. Even more embarassing, every time I killed Witch Doctor Rakhat I would leave his chest because I could not open the grate -- potion shop in Harbor does not sell Bull's Strength, and I had not noticed the potion seller in Marketplace.

Well, on Dec. 13 I noticed the potion seller, next day bought a Bull's Strength and finally got Rakhat's chest, and yesterday found out how to find the trog -- and his chest. But during first "troglodyte run", I kill each Kobold Brother... and get the message "You cleaned out this chest". Nothing to get there any more.

So my question is -- if I am to continue "farming" Durk's Secret, the fastest way would be: enter, check for Witch Doctor Zizzy, kill trog, check for Witch Doctor Rakhat, exit, go in again. But it only works if they Rakhat, Zizzy and trog will respawn. So, will they?

BTW, I realize the above makes me sound like a total anal-retentive "play-for-points" type (what's the word for it? :) ), which I am not. I am only doing this because of limited availability time for Festivult coins. So far my favorite part of the game has been sneaking around Cerulean Hills (literally -- I explored most of it in "Move Silently" mode), walk up to every orc and bugbear unseen, and slaying them before they can react. Or, when I come upon a group, observe, decide on a plan of action, then swiftly execute. As an aside, when I get enough experience for level 5, how do I take a level as a Rogue? Just ask a Rogue trainer?

12-16-2009, 09:07 AM
Optionals only respawn when the whole quest resets (you beat the primary objective and leave, or you leave without it completed and it resets after 5 minutes), so I'm afraid your plan won't work like you hoped it might.

To level up in a class, yes, all you need to do is speak to a trainer of that class.

12-16-2009, 10:37 AM
You can RANSACK a chest after NINE openings. I believe one day rest resets the timer by 1.

So, you have encountered Rakhat 5 times, But when you come back in the next day it is set to 4 times, and you encounter him three more times that day. So it is 4+3 now you are at 7 times.

Once you hit the magic NUMBER 9 times and you have ransacked this chest often message you might as well wait.

I could be wrong on this but i know for FACT that on my NINTH time of opening the same chest I ALWAYS get the ransacked message. ALWAYS. After that, I just plan on doing it in two weeks.

That way you can work on running other quests and getting better loot besides crummy festivult coins, (a infinitesimal chance of getting an uber item), and move on to quests with better loot and better EXP.

But that is my opinion.

what is your coinage drop rate on running solo Durk's Got a Secret?

On elite, my average drop is 3 Gold Coins, 11 Silver Coins, and 65 Copper Coins. I run the entire quest for all optionals and all collectables. That means I look for all lizards, all kobold shamans, all traps, four mushrooms, two rubbles, and I try to get Muck as often as possible.

12-16-2009, 01:25 PM
That way you can work on running other quests and getting better loot besides crummy festivult coins, (a infinitesimal chance of getting an uber item), and move on to quests with better loot and better EXP.

I think I will do that, and will continue hitting Durk's Secret, Garrison's Pack and such only occasionally when I have a few minutes with nothing better to do. And unless I can find Bull's Strength potions somewhere other than vendor, I will forego Rakhat -- his chest is not worth dropping 360 gold every time.

what is your coinage drop rate on running solo Durk's Got a Secret?
Sorry, I had not been keeping track. Very few gold coins, and typically 3-4 copper or 2 silver per chest -- sometimes both. Chests in Cerulean Hills seem to give better loot.

12-16-2009, 01:28 PM
Ransack resets 7 days after the FIRST time you opened it.

Once you hit ransack, Move on to another dungeon.

Irestone Inlet is a great quest for farming coins. If you can handle it....

12-17-2009, 08:50 AM
Irestone Inlet is a great quest for farming coins. If you can handle it....
Apparently not. I got killed 3 or 4 times in Irestone, used up a load of cakes and cookies, and to add insult to injury, when I did defeat one pirate encampment the chest was ****! One lousy copper coin, and very few other items.

12-19-2009, 07:41 PM
Irestone I would only run at higher levels when you are getting ZERO experience.

Stick to these quests if you want to farm coins at low levels. There are a couple others that I do, but why let the DEVS know that easy. Make them look at the data to see.

Durk's Got a Secret

Kobold's New Ringleader

Defend Haverdasher

Irestone has too many wandering parties if you are not aware. Personally, I do NOT run Irestone at all for coin farming. Takes too long.