View Full Version : LFM's that probably won't fill....
12-13-2009, 09:58 PM
Please feel free post screen shots of LFM's that you think are funny and will never fill.
Only a few requests, please blackout or whiteout any names and don't post anyones name, I'm all for having fun and joking at someone being stupid, but don't want to see people getting banned for a laugh.
This one made me chuckle. :D
12-13-2009, 10:18 PM
I was just laughing about that one myself - nice post.
12-13-2009, 10:19 PM
No screenshot, but I'm always a big fan of:
Pit Elite, no noobs, experienced only, need guide, lvl 8-10 (party leader is lvl 7).
The old ghosts of perdition runs for caster/clerics only lead by a single monk or ranger were always entertaining as well. Nowadays its a single caster/cleric looking for 5 melees for bauble hunting heh.
12-14-2009, 03:41 AM
Not an LFM--but I joined a LFM for Catacombs Elite 7 -9, there were 2 Tanks and 3 cleric hirelings--I quickly found something lese to do.
"Subterranean Slayer/Rares. No noobs, be selfsufficient!"
12-14-2009, 05:32 AM
Bit off-topic but I can't help myself..... LFM from the biggest jerk ever to run on Sarlona, and a fan message :)
12-14-2009, 06:45 AM
Bit off-topic but I can't help myself..... LFM from the biggest jerk ever to run on Sarlona, and a fan message :)
That cracks me up. How are they ever going to fill a group for WW part 3?
12-14-2009, 08:16 AM
There was one awhile back that stated 'don't bother if more than 2 classes, noob.'
12-14-2009, 08:24 AM
"Subterranean Slayer/Rares. No noobs, be selfsufficient!"
I don't see anything wrong with that one. I'd probably join it.
There was on on Ghallanda last night for Genesis Point. "Need XP/Guide/Puzzle Solver/Lorinthor's Belt" It sat up there for a good 30 mins or so. I mean, he wasn't asking for much, was he?
12-14-2009, 12:45 PM
hey at least he was honest... :) I'd rather have someone say they don't know the quest early on and follow, than someone who thinks they know it and doesn't follow directions.
Garth saying my Abbot Elite - Need Guide isnt gonna fill :(
12-15-2009, 10:08 AM
"Subterranean Slayer/Rares. No noobs, be selfsufficient!"
I'd join that. Not seeing a problem with that one at all.
12-15-2009, 10:12 AM
I'd possibly join the Sub T One.. I've been learning my way around there.
There are several problems with this Sub LFM.
1. It is challenging to be selfsufficient in Sub. 95% of the characters who can breeze through Vale killing everything on their own can't hold their ground in Sub.
2. Sub slayer is inefficient. It might or might not be fun to kill things there but from the point of earning exp/money you are either doing skelly runs or going to the raid spot or don't enter Sub at all.
12-15-2009, 10:35 AM
I like to go through the Sub once just to try and get my explorers done...then, just run to the raids and rack up whatever kill count occurs. Definitely, won't be going there just to repetitively do slayers although with a raid group it is fairly easy to get those kills.
12-15-2009, 11:46 AM
You are all missing the point.....
This thread was supposed to be funny and lighthearted, NOT erupt into meaningful and useful conversation.....:D
Stop with all your inane drivel of the Sub and put up some screen shots dammit ;).
12-15-2009, 05:13 PM
two of my favorites the first one would fill (happened to be one of the chicks in the party lol) the bottom one offered lap dances but I think people didnt want that offer:
Im thinking the first guy isnt going to get lucky with either request or a group and the second ones insults cracked me up. Yeah thats a great way to get people in calling them knuckleheads lmao I love Sarlona..its so chaotic here :)
12-15-2009, 05:37 PM
That cracks me up. How are they ever going to fill a group for WW part 3?
I know, right?
12-18-2009, 05:23 PM
There are several problems with this Sub LFM.
1. It is challenging to be selfsufficient in Sub. 95% of the characters who can breeze through Vale killing everything on their own can't hold their ground in Sub.
2. Sub slayer is inefficient. It might or might not be fun to kill things there but from the point of earning exp/money you are either doing skelly runs or going to the raid spot or don't enter Sub at all.
1) That is why the LFM asks you to be self sufficient. If you can't handle it, don't join. I have a paladin, a ranger, and 2 casters that do just fine in there. Then again I always shake my head how the heck someone dies on the way to hound, or keeps whining about how many noob levels they got on the last beholder.
2) If it's not fun or worth it to you, don't join. Only so many times one can run given slayers without needing a change of pace, and the sub provides that. Fun fact: I got a friend of mine leveled in the sub. I told her, don't put your feather fall, and jump. The explorer at the bottom did it :)
12-18-2009, 05:25 PM
The old ghosts of perdition runs for caster/clerics only lead by a single monk or ranger were always entertaining as well. Nowadays its a single caster/cleric looking for 5 melees for bauble hunting heh.
And then the ranger keeps the baubble :) Have a guildie whom this happened to I dunno how many times already, hehe.
At least the old ghost runs offered a reward for you to join and help out, not that I ever charged anyone when I did help out, but I thought it was nice that they offered it.
I may do a few more runs of this again in the future, but I'd never pug it. Solo or friends-only.
12-19-2009, 11:44 PM (¤t=ScreenShot00122.jpg)
All the names removed (except mine :)) to protect the innocent :D
I really thought we'd be past this once we got to 20, but that hasn't been the case.
12-19-2009, 11:52 PM
This one time I saw an LFM for Necromancer's Doom, said something like "need someone to pick up my stone".
The guy was a level 5 :eek:
12-20-2009, 01:36 AM
This one time I saw an LFM for Necromancer's Doom, said something like "need someone to pick up my stone".
The guy was a level 5 :eek:
Those are the kind of things that you HAVE to screen shot :D
12-20-2009, 02:21 AM
names removed to protect the innocent
12-20-2009, 03:24 AM
omg garth nearly spit out my drink reading that +1 for you
12-20-2009, 10:44 AM
names removed to protect the innocent
EVERYONE should take notice of Garth and his HUGE contribution to this thread.
12-20-2009, 09:48 PM
I'd like to point out I made it into garth's screenshot. I feel like I was one of those bystanders on the evening news =D
12-20-2009, 10:32 PM
I'd like to point out I made it into garth's screenshot. I feel like I was one of those bystanders on the evening news =D
Wave to the cameras......
12-21-2009, 05:58 PM
This one made me smile today.:D
12-21-2009, 06:15 PM (¤t=ScreenShot00122.jpg)
All the names removed (except mine :)) to protect the innocent :D
I really thought we'd be past this once we got to 20, but that hasn't been the case.
I'm kind of confused about your screenshot. Are you referring to your Shroud LFM? Or is it the Abbot? (BTW is that my Abbot group? It looks identical to what I usually do)
One of my favorite LFMs was a Reaver with 10 players in it that "Needed puzzle solver."
Or the "Let Sleeping Dust Lie" with 2 people in it that was not accepting clerics, sorcs, or wizards.
I know I have a collection of screenshots somewhere...
12-21-2009, 11:19 PM
I'm kind of confused about your screenshot. Are you referring to your Shroud LFM? Or is it the Abbot? (BTW is that my Abbot group? It looks identical to what I usually do)
One of my favorite LFMs was a Reaver with 10 players in it that "Needed puzzle solver."
Or the "Let Sleeping Dust Lie" with 2 people in it that was not accepting clerics, sorcs, or wizards.
I know I have a collection of screenshots somewhere...
I think it was his shroud lfm. And I think the leader of that abbot is adelineb (might be misspelled). If that's you that's probably you, and if not... well... I dunno then.
12-21-2009, 11:30 PM
names removed to protect the innocent
Initials preserved to incriminate the guilty.
12-21-2009, 11:35 PM
I think it was his shroud lfm. And I think the leader of that abbot is adelineb (might be misspelled). If that's you that's probably you, and if not... well... I dunno then.
Dude adelineb is totally stealing my happy dwarven abbot lfm outfit.
12-22-2009, 03:35 AM
Pleasehelpmedothisquestahundredtimessoicangetgoodw eapons???
Nice Garth. to this I say
"Pleasestartlisteningtogroupleadersasyoulevelanddon ttellthemyouraltsandmaybetheywillletyouintheirraid sotherwise****andcancel!"
Ok and the please help me do this solo quest cracked me up too lol I was on the way out the door when i saw that :D
Edit:wow the filter picked that up, im not sure if i should be impressed or insulted lol.
12-22-2009, 12:23 PM
I should have taken the screenshot but did anyone see the LFM for a Wizard in VoN 6?
Wasn't a typo that I could see and all members were in the Plane of Night.
12-22-2009, 03:19 PM
lol Towrn that was hysterical please help me do solo quests...nope not going to think about that one may make my brain implode lol
12-22-2009, 04:07 PM
I didn't get a screen shot (nor was it on Sarlona) but I saw a 2 cleric / 1 fighter / 1 bard offering to main heal or main tank Tear. It amused me.
/scurries back to my world.
12-23-2009, 09:53 PM
Another one that I had to chuckle at.:D
01-28-2010, 01:36 AM
01-28-2010, 10:49 AM
names removed to protect the innocent
Yeah, that guy is already on my do not group list... lol
01-28-2010, 11:24 AM
You can't always be sure they are serious, when I see a stupid party search I do get the urge to put out my own search for Arachnophobia, Miller's debt or the exploding barrels with the thieves one.
I haven't yet, but may do one day when I get irritated enough.
01-28-2010, 11:33 AM
I'm kind of confused about your screenshot. Are you referring to your Shroud LFM? Or is it the Abbot? (BTW is that my Abbot group? It looks identical to what I usually do)
One of my favorite LFMs was a Reaver with 10 players in it that "Needed puzzle solver."
Or the "Let Sleeping Dust Lie" with 2 people in it that was not accepting clerics, sorcs, or wizards.
I know I have a collection of screenshots somewhere...
Sorry for the delayed response... I blame it on leaving town for Christmas break.
I was referring to my LFM - and it never had more than 2 people in it :D
01-28-2010, 11:42 AM
Was rooting through some screenshots, and found this little beauty... (¤t=CarryMePlease_edited.jpg)
01-28-2010, 12:05 PM
I'd like to point out I made it into garth's screenshot. I feel like I was one of those bystanders on the evening news =D
So would you please describe the tornado?
01-28-2010, 08:07 PM
So would you please describe the tornado?
I heard it was more like an EARTHQUAKE!! than a tornado.
01-28-2010, 08:21 PM
This one did fill....two different times!
Hey, at least he was willing to take any class, lol.
01-28-2010, 09:20 PM
I heard it was more like an EARTHQUAKE!! than a tornado.
I hate giving Garth rep, but i have to lol.
01-29-2010, 09:10 AM
I was going to reply saying the least likely to be joined LFM's were those with some reference to firearms, demises, and hope. However, I was beaten already. +1 rep to the perpetrator.
Also, there was this time I was in a shroud group, group leader being Shroudleader (let's say), and another LFM with the traits I depicted above (and just 1 member, the LFM creator of course) changed topic to something in the way of:
ShroudCOMEINJointhisGroupSHROUDLEADERPartyMembersA reAllGonnADie.
In fact, I nearly died of a bad case of ROTFL.
01-30-2010, 10:51 PM
It filled, but i thought it was pretty funny so.
I've seen more than one that was "before bug fix".
02-05-2010, 12:07 PM
it filled, but duhh, i wonder how many ppl pretended not to be there for the first time :P
02-05-2010, 06:29 PM
All those icy oozes are dangerous... (
02-05-2010, 06:47 PM
All those icy oozes are dangerous... (
I'd put money on them having just completed Kobold, where a caster with oozepuppet is amazing, and they just didn't update the LFM :P
02-06-2010, 12:42 AM
I'd put money on them having just completed Kobold, where a caster with oozepuppet is amazing, and they just didn't update the LFM :P
Sure, or they could have changed their minds and decided to run kobold and forgot to change the quest. Either way, that lfm stayed like that for a rather long time.
02-06-2010, 01:09 AM
was watching a fella try to fill shroud the other night with:
"please have a clue, i'm tired"
he got one person to join until he gave up.
02-06-2010, 01:33 AM
was watching a fella try to fill shroud the other night with:
"please have a clue, i'm tired"
he got one person to join until he gave up.
Then apparently more people than usual had a clue.
Looks like it stalled on about six people, then eventually disappeared.
02-21-2010, 10:31 AM
I have no screen-shot but.
need cleric and rouge
02-21-2010, 11:01 AM
This one did fill....two different times!
Hey, at least he was willing to take any class, lol.
You madam win my little game of most amazing screenshot.
Did you happen to get the scoop from the guy, did he score? :D:rolleyes::D
02-21-2010, 02:04 PM
You sir win my little game of most amazing screenshot.
Did you happen to get the scoop from the guy, did he score? :D:rolleyes::D
I dunno.. I think he should have restricted the levels.. I mean, you don't want to get a total noob for long walks, you know? Oh you stumbled AGAIN?! Ugh. :p
02-21-2010, 02:12 PM
You sir win my little game of most amazing screenshot.
Did you happen to get the scoop from the guy, did he score? :D:rolleyes::D
I'm a chick...
Nicetomeetchu. :)
TBH, I was curious when I saw one person (level 4-5) join him in the tavern. I went, took my armor off and /danced in front of the both of them. I couldn't help myself. She was in there for a little while and took off after about ten minutes.
That's all the scoop I have, my good man. ;)
02-21-2010, 02:19 PM
It filled, but i thought it was pretty funny so.
It sure did - the apps were faster than I could keep track of to get only the correct people. =D
02-21-2010, 02:23 PM
You madam win my little game of most amazing screenshot.
Did you happen to get the scoop from the guy, did he score? :D:rolleyes::D
I'm a chick...
Nicetomeetchu. :)
TBH, I was curious when I saw one person (level 4-5) join him in the tavern. I went, took my armor off and /danced in front of the both of them. I couldn't help myself. She was in there for a little while and took off after about ten minutes.
That's all the scoop I have, my good man. ;)
Edited my last post to reflect new information :D
02-21-2010, 06:57 PM
Oh shucks, Towrn.
You didn't have to go back and edit it. ;)
And BTW....
The guy in the LFM frequents the forums pretty regularly- I'm surprised that he's not in here commenting about it, although the posting was on Argo.
So Mr. Anonymous LFM dude--- I'm just poking fun at you by posting the screenie. No offense meant.
02-21-2010, 07:01 PM
It sure did - the apps were faster than I could keep track of to get only the correct people. =D
I figured it would fill, it just struck me as funny. Harry isnt that difficult to beat on hard when hes working right. Our group last night would have 1 rounded him if we didnt have a little bit of the deadweight :D
02-22-2010, 12:57 AM
I figured it would fill, it just struck me as funny. Harry isnt that difficult to beat on hard when hes working right. Our group last night would have 1 rounded him if we didnt have a little bit of the deadweight :D
Well, as I'm f2p with limited time, plat, and player network, it was more prudent to get it done then than later. ^^
02-22-2010, 01:37 AM
I swear, this is the most lfms I ever saw before the game went F2P...
02-22-2010, 01:40 AM
Well, as I'm f2p with limited time, plat, and player network, it was more prudent to get it done then than later. ^^
Or you could learn the methods to get it done on hard with it WAI. Doesnt really matter to me, its your time :D
02-22-2010, 01:11 PM
I figured it would fill, it just struck me as funny. Harry isnt that difficult to beat on hard when hes working right. Our group last night would have 1 rounded him if we didnt have a little bit of the deadweight :D
Hey, I think I might resemble that remark....
02-22-2010, 06:15 PM
Or you could learn the methods to get it done on hard with it WAI. Doesnt really matter to me, its your time :D
What's WAI? I just thought it was smarter to do it while the circumstances were better regardless. =)
02-22-2010, 06:29 PM
What's WAI? I just thought it was smarter to do it while the circumstances were better regardless. =)
Working As Intended
Hey its not like I didnt go in there when he was bugged, just sayin.
02-23-2010, 10:02 AM (
Heh :)
02-23-2010, 11:32 AM (
Heh :)
It was fun to watch how ppl were scarred to join them:)
02-23-2010, 12:39 PM
It was fun to watch how ppl were scarred to join them:)
Hey, I'd been terrified too! :eek:
02-24-2010, 08:36 PM
More for you, Towrn.
Finally got around to 'Shopping the names out.
02-24-2010, 08:40 PM
"Subterranean Slayer/Rares. No noobs, be selfsufficient!"
That actually looks like a good group that would fill quickly!
02-24-2010, 08:47 PM
More for you, Towrn.
Finally got around to 'Shopping the names out.
This one looks like one I would join in a heartbeat.
I love my battlecleric and will sacrafice a halfling any day (unless I am playing my army of halfers)
02-25-2010, 12:26 PM
This group actually filled rather quickly. I just wanted to share the interesting approach to fill the party.
foot note... I actually tried to get someone to prove the hottness. However, she would not "cam up" ;)
02-25-2010, 12:30 PM
More for you, Towrn.
Finally got around to 'Shopping the names out.
DPS ranger tank healer, now that is a build I wanna see! My head is hurting just thinking about it...
+1rep for the geat pic and making me laugh
02-25-2010, 08:11 PM
This one looks like one I would join in a heartbeat.
I love my battlecleric and will sacrafice a halfling any day (unless I am playing my army of halfers)
Considering I play a Halfling Cleric, I *had* to take a screenshot of that one. :D
02-25-2010, 08:21 PM
DPS ranger tank healer, now that is a build I wanna see! My head is hurting just thinking about it...
+1rep for the geat pic and making me laugh
My main is a dps tank healer....
03-01-2010, 10:10 PM
Prey on the Hunter, 2 spots open for Sorc/Wizard, 3 20's and 2 18s.
"Casual runs for tempest NO ZERGERS" (¤t=Prey_No_Zerging.jpg)
I would have joined them, but it would have been much faster to just zerg it solo - besides, they would certainly have rejected Gemstone :D
I swear, I see so many of these... every level 13-15 who buys the vale thinks they immediately have to run the shroud - for xp, of course.
03-02-2010, 07:49 AM
Prey on the Hunter, 2 spots open for Sorc/Wizard, 3 20's and 2 18s.
"Casual runs for tempest NO ZERGERS" (¤t=Prey_No_Zerging.jpg)
I would have joined them, but it would have been much faster to just zerg it solo - besides, they would certainly have rejected Gemstone :D
I usually avoid any group that you farm for a said item/rune and they require only a certain class.
03-02-2010, 11:23 AM
Prey on the Hunter, 2 spots open for Sorc/Wizard, 3 20's and 2 18s.
"Casual runs for tempest NO ZERGERS" (¤t=Prey_No_Zerging.jpg)
I would have joined them, but it would have been much faster to just zerg it solo - besides, they would certainly have rejected Gemstone :D
I was laughing about this one too, glad you got a SS of it
03-02-2010, 11:40 AM
I don't have a screenshot, as I'm at work. But just the other night I was leveling my TR battle caster Graype. I'm level 9 currently and was about to solo the Pit, but I always check the LFMs before I decide to solo something. Sure enough, there is an LFM for the Pit levels 6-9! They have 5 people in group, and only looking for 1 more fighter-type. Surely, my TR toon, with his gear, and my knowledge of the Pit will fit their bill! I take 1 more moment to read the notes: "BYOH. No Hand Holding. Need Someone Who Knows The Quest."
I tried to join their group. After a minute of not being accepted, I sent the party leader a tell, detailing the strengths of my build, the gear that I have, and the fact that I can solo the quest (so clearly I know what I'm doing.) He proceeds to tell me that "Sorcs can't tank." and declines me. I soloed the quest and sent him a tell when I was done (20 min later), and they were only at the 2nd furnace. I probably should have thanked him. :-)
03-02-2010, 11:53 AM
... After a minute of not being accepted, I sent the party leader a tell...
With a few exceptions, I've learned that an ignored join request is an excellant indicator of ignorance. There's 2 people I can think of right now whose groups I don't even try to join, and that I'd probably drop group if they joined a PUG I was in... after a brief reason typed in party chat, of course.
03-02-2010, 11:57 AM
Happened a couple months ago. No screenshot.
LFM: "Tor for flagging. Need Opener."
03-02-2010, 12:58 PM
I tried to join their group. After a minute of not being accepted, I sent the party leader a tell, detailing the strengths of my build, the gear that I have, and the fact that I can solo the quest (so clearly I know what I'm doing.) He proceeds to tell me that "Sorcs can't tank." and declines me. I soloed the quest and sent him a tell when I was done (20 min later), and they were only at the 2nd furnace. I probably should have thanked him. :-)
/Waits for Lifespawn to get home from work. :D
03-02-2010, 03:35 PM
With a few exceptions, I've learned that an ignored join request is an excellant indicator of ignorance. There's 2 people I can think of right now whose groups I don't even try to join, and that I'd probably drop group if they joined a PUG I was in... after a brief reason typed in party chat, of course.
Ignored join requests usually amount to me making note of the leader and ensuring they are never a part of my groups. After all, why would I want someone in my group that doesn't want me in theirs?
Even better is when they send me a tell some other time asking me to join. Really fun when I'm on my healer...
03-02-2010, 05:08 PM
With a few exceptions, I've learned that an ignored join request is an excellant indicator of ignorance. There's 2 people I can think of right now whose groups I don't even try to join, and that I'd probably drop group if they joined a PUG I was in... after a brief reason typed in party chat, of course.
oh i hope its not me i hope its not me i hope its not me
03-02-2010, 07:52 PM
03-02-2010, 11:48 PM
03-02-2010, 11:50 PM
Lyle, up til now no one has posted names and we all get to laugh about silly LFMs, I'd hate to see a fun thread get closed.
If you wouldn't mind editing your post to take out the names i'd appreciate it.
03-02-2010, 11:58 PM
Lyle, up til now no one has posted names and we all get to laugh about silly LFMs, I'd hate to see a fun thread get closed.
If you wouldn't mind editing your post to take out the names i'd appreciate it.
Yeah I just caught that when I posted, edited it :P
I don't function well sober and been dry for three hours, brb going to store :P
03-03-2010, 12:30 AM
Yeah I just caught that when I posted, edited it :P
I don't function well sober and been dry for three hours, brb going to store :P
HA......Thanks for the edit.
03-04-2010, 03:42 AM
03-04-2010, 03:48 AM
03-04-2010, 08:21 AM
I saw this one myself and just thought, ***!?!?
03-04-2010, 07:25 PM
03-05-2010, 04:34 AM
Omg that is terrible! Lol, it is a lot more easier to solo the **** trinket than what people believe.
All you have to do is go in casual level and mad dash to the storage bin, break it and if it isn't in there recall out and repeat.
Took me two hours to get my last one. This time I'm binding it so that I'll never have to mess with it again lol
03-05-2010, 06:09 AM
Uh yea... I'm not on your server but I see this kind of stuff on a regular basis (makes me wonder why I'm still there :D )
03-06-2010, 12:32 PM
Towrn, you may have a new winnar....
03-07-2010, 12:28 AM
Towrn, you may have a new winnar....
There are so many good ones in here that I wouldn't be able to choose now if someone asked me to.
Keep em comin.
03-08-2010, 07:50 AM
From last night....
03-08-2010, 08:49 AM
unfortunately no screenshots, but I've seen something like that:
"Shroud elite - experienced only (need opener)"
"Need epic opener for harbor quests" (lvl19 character)
03-08-2010, 11:41 PM
From last night....
he he thats funny.
From last night....
Oh man my wf bard woulda been PERFECT for that!! He has intimi!! :cool:
03-09-2010, 10:43 AM
Ignored join requests usually amount to me making note of the leader and ensuring they are never a part of my groups. After all, why would I want someone in my group that doesn't want me in theirs?
Even better is when they send me a tell some other time asking me to join. Really fun when I'm on my healer...
I usaly find if I get ignored when I try to join it turns out to be a good thing.
Like last night I tried to join a LFM for Stormcleave Leet on my cleric9/ranger2. They already had two cleric in group but I two wepon fight with dwarven axes with good str for cleric and high wis. The extra heals can't hurt the group anyway.
Get turned down and start doing other stuff. 40 min later there is another LFM up,
"House D favor, Stormcleave Elite only end boss and mephitis left"
Both the Clerics had already dropped group, glad I missed that one.
03-10-2010, 10:18 AM
The Devs finally listened to the player base and made Korthos Island Epic...Good Job Devs :D
03-10-2010, 11:04 AM
[QUOTE=Kadran;2796471]I don't have a screenshot, as I'm at work. But just the other night I was leveling my TR battle caster Graype. I'm level 9 currently and was about to solo the Pit, but I always check the LFMs before I decide to solo something.
Lol i know u my one toon ran a ts with u and hes right the party leader doesnot know what the hell hes doin u pretty much soloed TS on our grooup and never really suffred dam
oh my toon was either Amyia or Lanessa i think it was lanessa
i have a few screen shots but my favorite is of a end of ques reward that was a +3 dwarven axe which could only be used by humans but if u were a human u still had to take the feat O.o
03-10-2010, 04:50 PM
From last night....
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
03-10-2010, 05:26 PM
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
i think its ok to do it if u have someone that can but imho i think its a waste of dps for them not to be swinging in part4/5 to save a few heals ? yes i know u can keep him on u but he still turns and still does damage to everyone so why not just swing , either way to funny especially when u see it for the 2nd time
03-10-2010, 05:46 PM
Moar Screenshots!
03-10-2010, 05:49 PM
Ooooh! Epic Cannith Crystal!
I heard the Epic Bracers of Assistance have MASS AID on them!!!
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
The first one was funny because they didn't have fighter selected. Don't see anything wrong with that one. Well, other than the min level 16.
i think its ok to do it if u have someone that can but imho i think its a waste of dps for them not to be swinging in part4/5 to save a few heals ? yes i know u can keep him on u but he still turns and still does damage to everyone so why not just swing , either way to funny especially when u see it for the 2nd time
An intimidator can prevent random wipes in part 4 because Harry won't be throwing random meteors at the healers if he's intimidated.
Plus it helps prevent not-so-random wipes from the healers sucking at healing, which is the #1 cause of PUG wipes in part 4. If the intimidator is good and gets him 100%, he'll pretty much never turn.
Personally I use my kensei fighter to intimidate, which is ideal IMO - intimidation with almost no DPS loss.
03-10-2010, 06:28 PM
The first one was funny because they didn't have fighter selected. Don't see anything wrong with that one.
An intimidator can prevent random wipes in part 4 because Harry won't be throwing random meteors at the healers if he's intimidated.
Plus it helps prevent not-so-random wipes from the healers sucking at healing, which is the #1 cause of PUG wipes in part 4. If the intimidator is good and gets him 100%, he'll pretty much never turn.
Personally I use my kensei fighter to intimidate, which is ideal IMO - intimidation with no DPS loss.
intimidate does cause a loss of dps, and while nice to have, its funny as hell because you certainly dont need one, much less wait for one.
intimidate does cause a loss of dps, and while nice to have, its funny as hell because you certainly dont need one, much less wait for one.
My edit says "almost no", but I guess the forums going down got my edit lost for awhile.
Sure you don't need one, but it sure as hell helps. I'd put it on the same level as needing/wanting a bard.
03-10-2010, 08:51 PM
My edit says "almost no", but I guess the forums going down got my edit lost for awhile.
Sure you don't need one, but it sure as hell helps. I'd put it on the same level as needing/wanting a bard.
really ? same level as bard id say not but this imho , bards are nice yes not a necessity but I'd never say o should we wait to have a intimitank like i would for a bard but maybe u just havent been around long enough when part 4 was they way it is now and he just didnt stand there for everyone to beat on u actually took damage and u put a ranged person in front of the clerics to block meteor storms and when u left one person in to help block them as well either way they are far from being needed
03-10-2010, 08:53 PM
My edit says "almost no", but I guess the forums going down got my edit lost for awhile.
Sure you don't need one, but it sure as hell helps. I'd put it on the same level as needing/wanting a bard.
not I bards > intimitanks in shroud.
Bard will make part 1 faster, but won't save you.
Bard will maybe make part 2 faster if you're lucky, but won't save you.
Bard won't help you in part 3.
Bard can save you in part 4.
Bard can save you in part 5.
Intimi can save you in part 4 but not part 5.
I'd take a bard before an intimi, but I'd rather have both over 2x random dps in a PUG. Especially if the bard or the intimi can dps.
03-10-2010, 09:58 PM
Bard will make part 1 faster, but won't save you.
Bard will maybe make part 2 faster if you're lucky, but won't save you.
Bard won't help you in part 3.
Bard can save you in part 4.
Bard can save you in part 5.
Intimi can save you in part 4 but not part 5.
I'd take a bard before an intimi, but I'd rather have both over 2x random dps in a PUG. Especially if the bard or the intimi can dps.
with a group of 3 or 4 people you know, throw up the lfm and take the first to apply that are within level range, run shroud, loot ingredients, switch to alt, repeat.
03-10-2010, 10:35 PM
Bard will make part 1 faster, but won't save you. and how does intim ?
Bard will maybe make part 2 faster if you're lucky, but won't save you. intim sometimes gets in the way here because he has all the agro so i dont use it unless necessary
Bard won't help you in part 3. if u need help here u shouldnt run shroud
Bard can save you in part 4. agree here to a point but better then intim
Bard can save you in part 5. agree here to a point but better then intim
Intimi can save you in part 4 but not part 5. yes intim helps but to me its not worth it , again this is imho everyone else can think differently
I'd take a bard before an intimi, but I'd rather have both over 2x random dps in a PUG. Especially if the bard or the intimi can dps.
might be right with the average pug but i wont wait for either so who cares ;) lets shroud and get done lol and my thoughts are in red
Bard songs won't do diddly in part 1-3, intimidate won't do diddly in 1-3.
03-10-2010, 11:11 PM
lol i dont get the point how does bard songs not do anything for u in part 1 ? u do more damage
part 2 as well
part 3 well of course it doesnt do any good
but we agreed on the bard and not so much on the intim as which i thought most of the debate was coming from but hey maybe i can't read now too anyway
as for this converstation im done
03-10-2010, 11:20 PM
We are again turning this thread into an argument with some thought out logic, and some non logic at all if you were to ask some.
I suggest we get back to the hilarity of screen shots you think are funny :D
03-11-2010, 12:29 AM
We are again turning this thread into an argument with some thought out logic, and some non logic at all if you were to ask some.
I suggest we get back to the hilarity of screen shots you think are funny :D
Who are you, the effing forum police, your thread has been hijacked, get out.
03-11-2010, 12:35 AM
Who are you, the effing forum police, your thread has been hijacked, get out.
I refuse to believe this can happen.....:D
03-11-2010, 12:54 AM
I refuse to believe this can happen.....:D
03-11-2010, 09:02 AM
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
Careful Quick, I think they are breeding!
I think we need to start to spay or neuter the froobs.
03-11-2010, 10:03 AM
I refuse to believe this can happen.....:D
Huh......I can't figure out what is better a bard or intimatank.......we need more input on this;)
No pic, nut it was hilarious.
18-20 Pray on the Hunter
Farming runes on CASUAL. Need healer!
03-11-2010, 10:29 AM
Huh......I can't figure out what is better a bard or intimatank.......we need more input on this;)
well I've seen a few intimibards, my next shroud lfm will be for intimibards only I think :)
03-11-2010, 10:30 AM
Saw this myself, the very next day, this guy (Lv 9 TR Sorc) joins our House J raid and proceeds to say he dosn't do party buffs... And talks big on how GOOD he is because he has been to level 20 and back. My response? "Shut up being level 20 doesn't make you a good player, but buffs sure help." His response... @$%$%#$ %, rage quit. Me to group, its ok, its for the better, I saw him trying to farm ham in Xorian last night... LOL, Good times!
well I've seen a few intimibards, my next shroud lfm will be for intimibards only I think :)
You mean I'll finally be able to group with you??? My bard has 55 intimi!! :D :D :D
03-11-2010, 05:34 PM
You mean I'll finally be able to group with you??? My bard has 55 intimi!! :D :D :D
don't get to excited he's just getting your hopes up lol
03-11-2010, 05:59 PM
There was an lfm up last night that equated joining their coal chamber run to a peri-rectal exam. I laughed when I saw it, but then noticed that no one seemed to want any part of it. It was up for close to 2 hours that I noticed while doing other content.
I really need to learn how to take screenshots. However I do wonder if that screenie would have earned me an infracton.
03-11-2010, 07:08 PM
Huh......I can't figure out what is better a bard or intimatank.......we need more input on this;)
I hate you Gurb.......:D
03-11-2010, 07:13 PM
"Subterranean Slayer/Rares. No noobs, be selfsufficient!"
Ahh an excuse to park oneself at the entrance and collect XP!
03-11-2010, 11:20 PM
Found this one these days :D (
03-12-2010, 07:01 PM
Found this one these days :D (
I really really really really *10 hope this is a joke...really...
It had like 10 people in it too...
03-13-2010, 01:04 AM
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
Well, at least with your SS, they had the fighter icon…
03-13-2010, 01:39 AM
It had like 10 people in it too...
What's wrong with this?? Probably had some 16s that wanted the exp... Why would they wipe? It's not like we couldn't do that raid when 16 was the cap...
03-13-2010, 01:41 AM
Well, at least with your SS, they had the fighter icon…
Intimidating actually works in Part 4... Not a bad tactic... One guy intimidates, everyone else beats on his back...
Part 5 it doesn't work too well... if you don't surround him, he moves away...
What's wrong with this?? Probably had some 16s that wanted the exp... Why would they wipe? It's not like we couldn't do that raid when 16 was the cap...
A group with good players in it is one thing, a clueless PUG is another. About half the PUG VODs I've tried have wiped, even ones with nothing but 20s on normal.
Running raids for xp? Are you kidding? Aside from VON when you're 10-13, maybe.
Intimidating actually works in Part 4... Not a bad tactic... One guy intimidates, everyone else beats on his back...
Part 5 it doesn't work too well... if you don't surround him, he moves away...
You seem to have missed a few posts. And learn how to not multipost, sheesh.
03-13-2010, 01:42 AM
OMG i just saw another lol
What the heck is going on???
I mean to reply to the image... I certainly wouldn't wait for an intimitank... but intimidating is useful now in the Shroud for average groups...
03-13-2010, 01:55 AM
for discression...
03-13-2010, 01:58 AM
Well, at least with your SS, they had the fighter icon…
Poo on you.
Intimidating actually works in Part 4... Not a bad tactic... One guy intimidates, everyone else beats on his back...
Part 5 it doesn't work too well... if you don't surround him, he moves away...
Lol i wouldnt wait for an intimitank
I mean to reply to the image... I certainly wouldn't wait for an intimitank... but intimidating is useful now in the Shroud for average groups...
Meh tank and spank might be ok, but if hes close to dropping, i would have rather had that tank swinging the whole time.
03-13-2010, 03:45 AM
Saw this myself, the very next day, this guy (Lv 9 TR Sorc) joins our House J raid and proceeds to say he dosn't do party buffs... And talks big on how GOOD he is because he has been to level 20 and back. My response? "Shut up being level 20 doesn't make you a good player, but buffs sure help." His response... @$%$%#$ %, rage quit. Me to group, its ok, its for the better, I saw him trying to farm ham in Xorian last night... LOL, Good times!
LoL I was the one that ****ed him off. He said he wouldn't buff and I responded "reroll mr arcane" jokingly. He then got all ****y about it and we bantered a little and he rage quit. I do recall the comment about him looking for tasty hams lol.
03-13-2010, 04:39 AM
LoL I was the one that ****ed him off. He said he wouldn't buff and I responded "reroll mr arcane" jokingly. He then got all ****y about it and we bantered a little and he rage quit. I do recall the comment about him looking for tasty hams lol.
heh some get super mad about things huh? I had a group drop me for refusing to gh everyone in a shroud pt 1 (with my scrolls) when there was a bard in the group, course the bard was not helping either saying he needed to save mana to displace everyone.
03-13-2010, 12:10 PM
heh some get super mad about things huh? I had a group drop me for refusing to gh everyone in a shroud pt 1 (with my scrolls) when there was a bard in the group, course the bard was not helping either saying he needed to save mana to displace everyone.
I'd love a ss of that convo :D
Buffs for part 1????
Thought that part one worked like heals do in the asteroids room of the Abbot?
03-13-2010, 12:15 PM
I'd love a ss of that convo :D
Buffs for part 1????
Thought that part one worked like heals do in the asteroids room of the Abbot?
Yeah most of it was in voice or i would have it. Its pretty funny that the whole group signed on to recall and reform lol.
This was when the cap was 16 as well.
03-13-2010, 12:36 PM
Meh tank and spank might be ok, but if hes close to dropping, i would have rather had that tank swinging the whole time.
FYI - You can hit the intimidate button AND swing the whole time... :)
03-13-2010, 06:02 PM
FYI - You can hit the intimidate button AND swing the whole time... :)
You better double check your game mechanics bud, if you hit intimidate, you are going to stop swinging.
03-14-2010, 04:34 AM
Even though we could have used him in our group I'm hoping the 20th level bard tried talking some sense into this guy :D
03-14-2010, 11:34 AM
Even though we could have used him in our group I'm hoping the 20th level bard tried talking some sense into this guy :D
Um.... perhaps it's a friend/guildy and he just has him in group to chat while the raid fills? I frequently have a guildy of a different level in party while soloing just to have someone to talk to. Just cause he's in the party doesn't mean he's standing outside Shroud. :)
We did see a Level 1 Fighter in Amrath today, though. Looked him up on DDO to see if it was a reincarnation bug- sure enough... Level 1. In Amrath. Couldn't figure that one out.
03-14-2010, 11:58 AM
Um.... perhaps it's a friend/guildy and he just has him in group to chat while the raid fills? I frequently have a guildy of a different level in party while soloing just to have someone to talk to. Just cause he's in the party doesn't mean he's standing outside Shroud. :)
We did see a Level 1 Fighter in Amrath today, though. Looked him up on DDO to see if it was a reincarnation bug- sure enough... Level 1. In Amrath. Couldn't figure that one out.
I'd love to have that player Banishment to how he got there, its pretty easy to teleport people to public places where lowbies cannot enter due to level requirements.
PS: Wonder how would that level 1 guy get out of Amrath. /death? :D
03-14-2010, 12:31 PM
I'd love to have that player Banishment to how he got there, its pretty easy to teleport people to public places where lowbies cannot enter due to level requirements.
PS: Wonder how would that level 1 guy get out of Amrath. /death? :D
except that u can't teleport there
03-14-2010, 12:54 PM
except that u can't teleport there
you can with a ddo store item and a friend
03-14-2010, 09:48 PM
you can with a ddo store item and a friend
I should buy me some more of them.
03-14-2010, 10:25 PM
I'm just thinking, "...what...the...hell??? o_O"
03-14-2010, 10:38 PM
I'm just thinking, "...what...the...hell??? o_O"
you dont know, monks do that all the time :D
03-14-2010, 10:51 PM
you dont know, monks do that all the time :D
Granted at level 4, of course. That's why the level 3 Monk wasn't good enough. ;)
03-14-2010, 11:07 PM
Granted at level 4, of course. That's why the level 3 Monk wasn't good enough. ;)
So you do know monks :p
03-15-2010, 01:42 AM
monk - he knows how to be charming...
and he also apparntly knows how to say "Face PALM"
03-15-2010, 08:54 AM
Daily delivery for your enjoyment. :)
This poor person had nobody in group and was trying to solo Irestone at level 3. I actually felt bad for him.
CON is *not* a Dumbstat! :)
So true, and a really appropriate typo.
I'm just picturing some kid trying to solo Delera's and he's concentrating really hard....when his mom comes into his room, taps him on the shoulder and he jumps a mile.
03-15-2010, 09:03 AM
I'd love to have that player Banishment to how he got there, its pretty easy to teleport people to public places where lowbies cannot enter due to level requirements.
PS: Wonder how would that level 1 guy get out of Amrath. /death? :D
For kicks- I'd love to set a Level 1 character in Amrath and put LFMs up:
A New Invasion
Elite Favour run-NO XP-Zerg
Must be Flagged, know your role!
Weapons Shipment
Baubles are the new Twink item!
If I could somehow get into the SubT-
VoD Raid
Be flagged, need Cleric Capstone
I can't help myself- I really just want to see who would apply. Especially once they hovered over and saw my location :)
03-15-2010, 09:58 AM
Wasn't gonna post this, since it isn't that amusing, but when people are talking about new people in Amrath and I had this screenie just sitting there i couldn't resist
03-17-2010, 04:32 AM
you can with a ddo store item and a friend
I should buy me some more of them.
Um .. more store items? Or more friends?
To get back on subject:
The second one was sort of making fun of the first, but still. Greedy SOBs. If I pulled a bauble with a melee after joining an LFM like that, I'd keep it.
03-17-2010, 01:02 PM
To get back on subject:
The second one was sort of making fun of the first, but still. Greedy SOBs. If I pulled a bauble with a melee after joining an LFM like that, I'd keep it.
Joined a HoX/VoD lfm yesterday. They were doing IR runs while they waited. I stayed at the entrance and listened. At one point the leader asked peeps to roll so whoever pulled the icy could just pass it to them. I was cringing :)
03-17-2010, 01:52 PM
To get back on subject:
The second one was sort of making fun of the first, but still. Greedy SOBs. If I pulled a bauble with a melee after joining an LFM like that, I'd keep it.
Actually I was in the second group on my bard, to the best of my recollection as it was a pug not friends & family, the lfm was changed for the last spot by the leader to that as the leader thought it would be better if we had a melee so if the arrowhead dropped maybe someone could use it, the idea was a balanced party of melees and mana users. But again I wasnt the leader, when I joined there was no class limitations noted. The first group I purposely did not join as I thought jeesh what a greedy person. I know when I am doing boot runs I might not like if someone else gets something I need but Im not going to exclude them from joining..... thats ridiculous.
03-17-2010, 02:40 PM
To get back on subject:
The second one was sort of making fun of the first, but still. Greedy SOBs. If I pulled a bauble with a melee after joining an LFM like that, I'd keep it.
Why? Any spellcaster or Cleric/FVS can easily solo weapons--but many of us often bring others just so they have a chance to get materials for their boots, and so that in the long run we have more people that can do TOD. Arguably, the Boot Materials that drop in that quest are worth a lot more than that Bauble because people can actually trade them or sell them, and they are not exclusive so you can stack 10 of them in your inventory...unlike the Bauble which a person can only have one of.
Joined a HoX/VoD lfm yesterday. They were doing IR runs while they waited. I stayed at the entrance and listened. At one point the leader asked peeps to roll so whoever pulled the icy could just pass it to them. I was cringing :)
I think I was in there, and yeah, it was a little cringe-worthy. Trying to do Icy runs while waiting for a raid to fill is not the greatest idea really in the first place, especially with the way the leader did it.
Why? Any spellcaster or Cleric/FVS can easily solo weapons--but many of us often bring others just so they have a chance to get materials for their boots, and so that in the long run we have more people that can do TOD. Arguably, the Boot Materials that drop in that quest are worth a lot more than that Bauble because people can actually trade them or sell them, and they are not exclusive so you can stack 10 of them in your inventory...unlike the Bauble which a person can only have one of.
That he can solo it is the point. He's just trying to get more bodies that don't use mana in there so he'll get any Bauble that drops. Greedy. It's like putting up an Icy run LFM for only people that don't need Icy, or a DQ LFM for only people that don't need Torc (both real examples).
03-17-2010, 04:31 PM
I think I was in there, and yeah, it was a little cringe-worthy. Trying to do Icy runs while waiting for a raid to fill is not the greatest idea really in the first place, especially with the way the leader did it.
Well the run I was in, the leader made everyone recall out of the sub because he wanted the mob to spawn on "easy". Last I checked there was no dungeon scaling in raid instances, but I wastn going to argue....So we just cleared the way to hound and a few of us were prepared to run it short if they kept doing IR runs.
That he can solo it is the point. He's just trying to get more bodies that don't use mana in there so he'll get any Bauble that drops. Greedy. It's like putting up an Icy run LFM for only people that don't need Icy, or a DQ LFM for only people that don't need Torc (both real examples).
Yeah but at lest in WS there are ingred that drop. Those are useful to any class.
Well the run I was in, the leader made everyone recall out of the sub because he wanted the mob to spawn on "easy". Last I checked there was no dungeon scaling in raid instances, but I wastn going to argue....So we just cleared the way to hound and a few of us were prepared to run it short if they kept doing IR runs.
Yep, that was the run. I figured he was either being an idiot or knew some exploit that I didn't.
Yeah but at lest in WS there are ingred that drop. Those are useful to any class.
Doesn't make it any less greedy.
03-17-2010, 04:57 PM
Yep, that was the run. I figured he was either being an idiot or knew some exploit that I didn't.
Doesn't make it any less greedy.
Honestly if they want to throw the lfm up and have it cleared, it doesnt bother me.
03-17-2010, 05:00 PM
...unlike the Bauble which a person can only have one of.
I'm going to have to call you on this one... I'm starting to believe that my toons aren't even allowed one.
03-17-2010, 05:45 PM
I'm going to have to call you on this one... I'm starting to believe that my toons aren't even allowed one.
LOL yes, it took one of my clerics 57 runs to get one--though she got plenty of boot ingredients during that time:)))
Doesn't make it any less greedy.
I don't even think that it is greedy--no one knows the backstory--maybe he/she has done 90 runs and Hey at least he/she is upfront about it--I join these LFMs all the time on my ranger because I could care less, I dont need the bauble, and soloing is boring as all get out, plus its a pain if I have to heal the planes caller in the first part. Plus, I get another healer/caster/bard a bauble which means it works out better in the long run for all of us who raid and do Epic.
Maybe I would never put up an LFM like that, but Im also much shiftier and sneakier, and can achieve the same means as the LFM without being upfront about it :)
03-17-2010, 07:57 PM
Maybe I would never put up an LFM like that, but Im also much shiftier and sneakier, and can achieve the same means as the LFM without being upfront about it :)
I ordered this book you wrote from Amazon.....wonder if it'll work for us guys too. Knowing some of these lonley boys out there are gullible(Thelmellen) I could just use a high pitched voice and he'd bite :).
03-19-2010, 07:11 PM
07-03-2010, 03:28 AM
Some thread necromancy but thought I'd share :D : (
and a little later from the same person...:D (
Sarlona and its sense of humor ;) (
My new catch phrase ;P (
07-03-2010, 08:51 AM
I love it when my threads get necroed (and I'm not the one to necro it)
07-03-2010, 10:11 AM
Saw one a couple of weeks ago that made me laugh, should have SS'd it but I didn't. It was a level 18 doing a level 7 quest (the Bazaar one in Searing Heights) and it said, "For favor, no XP, no zerging."
No zerging in a low level favor run??? LOL
It was a wizard too! It's not like the DA wouldn't disappear immediately with a couple well placed Wails right, assuming that's the reason behind the "no zerging" comment? hehe
And Hi Towrn. :)
07-03-2010, 10:53 AM
Some thread necromancy but thought I'd share :D : (
and a little later from the same person...:D (
Hey, I'm famous! 9 hours, 33 runs. But I got my guards! Woo!
"What do you get when you put..."
07-03-2010, 11:02 AM
Some thread necromancy but thought I'd share :D :
This thread should never have died in the first place.
07-03-2010, 11:09 AM
Saw one a couple of weeks ago that made me laugh, should have SS'd it but I didn't. It was a level 18 doing a level 7 quest (the Bazaar one in Searing Heights) and it said, "For favor, no XP, no zerging."
No zerging in a low level favor run??? LOL
It was a wizard too! It's not like the DA wouldn't disappear immediately with a couple well placed Wails right, assuming that's the reason behind the "no zerging" comment? hehe
And Hi Towrn. :)
Hi Ced, how you doing?
This thread should never have died in the first place.
Amen Brotha! :D
07-03-2010, 11:10 AM
My favorite. Appropriately titled "needy."
07-03-2010, 11:40 AM
A while ago I saw an LFM from a famously braindead individual saying:
"Epic Von 1. Need a Toaster!"
I was in the process of making an lfm saying "Epic Von 1. Need a Fridge!" but he took it down :(
07-03-2010, 12:07 PM
Silent party is...silent
ToD on casual:
Racism in DDO:
Racism redux:
To join, or not to join, that is the question:
I lost my silverware:
Psst, wanna buy some ingredients:
07-03-2010, 12:19 PM
Not an LFM--but I joined a LFM for Catacombs Elite 7 -9, there were 2 Tanks and 3 cleric hirelings--I quickly found something lese to do.
You must have had the third hireling...
07-03-2010, 12:21 PM
You must have had the third hireling...
Huh? :confused:
I think you missed the point.
07-03-2010, 12:24 PM
Prey on the Hunter, 2 spots open for Sorc/Wizard, 3 20's and 2 18s.
"Casual runs for tempest NO ZERGERS"
I would have joined them, but it would have been much faster to just zerg it solo - besides, they would certainly have rejected Gemstone :D
That's priceless. Saw a Shroud group last night that said 3rd Reform that's gonna inspire me to join.
07-03-2010, 12:28 PM
You must have had the third hireling...
u obviously missed the point of this post
07-03-2010, 12:41 PM
Huh? :confused:
I think you missed the point.
u obviously missed the point of this post
Not an uncommon occurrence...
07-03-2010, 12:50 PM
You must have had the third hireling...
Nah, one person can use a Gold Seal hireling and a regular hireling at the same time.
07-04-2010, 08:29 PM
May I humbly submit:
and (which I also mentioned in a previous post) two from the same person:
07-04-2010, 09:08 PM
A while ago I saw an LFM from a famously braindead individual saying:
"Epic Von 1. Need a Toaster!"
I was in the process of making an lfm saying "Epic Von 1. Need a Fridge!" but he took it down :(
I've gotten into the habit of inviting him whenever I see his lfm's and then promptly kicking him from group. He usually doesn't put the lfm back up for awhile.
07-04-2010, 11:27 PM
07-05-2010, 09:51 AM
07-06-2010, 02:30 PM
07-06-2010, 02:33 PM
Many on Sarlona will remember this day. This was multiple screenshots so you'll see some duplicates.
07-06-2010, 02:37 PM
****, that VoD 15 major pot buyin is a bargain compared to quik's group.
07-06-2010, 03:17 PM
****, that VoD 15 major pot buyin is a bargain compared to quik's group.
But my group filled :p
07-06-2010, 05:21 PM
That LFM was by someone that just replied in this thread ;)
07-06-2010, 05:51 PM
That LFM was by someone that just replied in this thread ;)
But it filled :D
07-08-2010, 04:11 AM
I swear, this is the most lfms I ever saw before the game went F2P...
Rangers give free hugs.
07-08-2010, 04:28 AM
Joined a HoX/VoD lfm yesterday. They were doing IR runs while they waited. I stayed at the entrance and listened. At one point the leader asked peeps to roll so whoever pulled the icy could just pass it to them. I was cringing :)
off topic but you know what's fun?
rolling a 1d100 for 72 (hell yeah it's my icy!)
once I'm half way there after 4 minutes(?) some guy decides to roll and rolls 73.... (are you serious?)
05-10-2011, 06:51 PM
I love it when my threads get necroed (and I'm not the one to necro it)
This thread should never have died in the first place.
Time for a re-necro!!!!
I still love this thread and am gonna have to post a few more screenie's. :D Been some nice one's lately.
yuda :D
05-10-2011, 07:03 PM
That cracks me up. How are they ever going to fill a group for WW part 3?
Oh god, I laughed so hard when I read that I didn't even realize this was a necro thread. But still...hahaha
05-10-2011, 07:09 PM
Don't have a screenshot but there was an LFM earlier this week that read:
"VoD hard, first timer, zerg/BYOH"
05-10-2011, 07:11 PM
Don't have a screenshot but there was an LFM earlier this week that read:
"VoD hard, first timer, zerg/BYOH"
Hahahahaha thats great!
05-10-2011, 09:56 PM
[/img] [img]
Uploaded with
PS: my making them images doesnt seem to have worked... how do i do it?
05-10-2011, 10:52 PM
I was thinking about digging this thread up the other day. Glad someone did! +1 for the necro :)
05-10-2011, 11:01 PM
I was thinking about digging this thread up the other day. Glad someone did! +1 for the necro :)
You must have been looking at some of the same LFM's I was Quick, cause I had the same thought, but I hate necro'ing my own threads, so I didn't.
05-10-2011, 11:43 PM
took my first screenshot in the game ever yesterday of an lfm. Im far too lazy to imagehost it and such, but it was lvl1-4 and said "Looking for in game girl (i have my own guild)".
I started to contemplate the possible meaning of such a message, then decided drinking whiskey wouldnt hurt my head as much as figuring out some people..
05-10-2011, 11:54 PM (
Uploaded with (
05-11-2011, 12:40 AM
DPS ranger tank healer, now that is a build I wanna see! My head is hurting just thinking about it...
+1rep for the geat pic and making me laugh
It was my 12 ranger 6 monk 2 fighter before U9 ^^
05-11-2011, 01:07 AM
There was one on Cannith within the last day.
20 lvl Sorc put up LFM for Monastery of the Scorpion on normal.
LFM reads: "Guide needed - NO BATTLECLERICS"
I challenged him about his (paraphrase) I need help - but not your help.
30 mins later - the LFM still up with ...... no-one else.
05-11-2011, 02:44 AM
Saw a LFM last week: "Need someone to open the secret doors in waterworks for me". I mailed him a detect secret doors item with my best regards and "Please dont do that again" :)
05-11-2011, 02:46 AM
I don't feel like uploading the screen shot
"Need pro beholder slayer" from an infamous level 20 WF Arcane
05-11-2011, 12:20 PM
i just love this thread! i will post my images so everyone can see some funny stuff
05-11-2011, 12:30 PM
i just love this thread! i will post my images so everyone can see some funny stuff
well hurry up, im bored!
05-11-2011, 12:30 PM
I've got a ton that I'll post tonight!
05-11-2011, 12:42 PM
No screenshot, but I'm always a big fan of:
Pit Elite, no noobs, experienced only, need guide, lvl 8-10 (party leader is lvl 7).
The old ghosts of perdition runs for caster/clerics only lead by a single monk or ranger were always entertaining as well. Nowadays its a single caster/cleric looking for 5 melees for bauble hunting heh.
Saw "Eye of the Titan hard farming for eardweller, don't join if you want one". When I hovered, it was 1 sorc and 4 wiz. :D
05-11-2011, 12:57 PM
Didn't take a screenie but this one was great:
"DD farming for Eardweller" only accepting rogue... And actually denied a rogue/wizard guildmate of mine...
05-13-2011, 12:47 PM
This one is full of win!
I think someone was having a bad day...
You can get rich in TS?
yuda :D
05-13-2011, 12:49 PM
You can get rich in TS? yuda :D
Obviously! The LFM says so! :P
05-13-2011, 12:53 PM
Here's a few more for fun. :D
Virgin alert!!!!
Yeah nub!
I wanna know, was this person really running that quest? Or was this a clever plea for someone to put in a ticket?
Isn't that a solo quest? ;)
yuda :D
05-13-2011, 06:16 PM
Dude could have asked for an opener and probably got a full group, but this? open and run for him not with him? yeah dont think so though I do wonder if he managed to find a sucke...helper :D
06-19-2011, 06:52 AM
It might fill but I still found it amusing enough to share.
06-19-2011, 09:19 AM
I don't feel like uploading the screen shot
"Need pro beholder slayer" from an infamous level 20 WF Arcane
Lost my sip of coffee on that one!
Wish you would have uploaded it! I would save it for posterity and continual laughs.
06-19-2011, 01:06 PM
I love this thread.
06-19-2011, 01:32 PM
It might fill but I still found it amusing enough to share.
That totally sounds like Tobril.
Dude could have asked for an opener and probably got a full group, but this? open and run for him not with him? yeah dont think so though I do wonder if he managed to find a sucke...helper :D
I don't mind running the catacombs quests, it's the running up and down and up and down and up and down...
If I could get someone to run up and down to advance the quest, I'd totally give up the end rewards and run the quest for them :D
And now, for my contribution to this thread...
I'm sure they were just looking for someone with enough wisdom for the rune, but it looks suspiciously like they're fishing for a healer :D
I have nothing but respect for the size of their balls, but I woulda loved to be listening in to the party chat when the level 2 found out what happened to their XP :D
06-19-2011, 01:52 PM
I wish I had known of this thread when I did my last all cleric run. The whole time I had it listed I was getting slammed left and right being told it would never fill and a few whiners saying things like "You sure are makeing it tough for the rest of us to find a healer" in which I replied "Good, roll up a healer and come join us."
So after all this when I got 12 Clerics in the group I put the post up. It simply read;
"Ha Ha, I have all the healers!"
I just can't stand unsolicited advice you get when building a group. I think what ****es me off most is when I do this I tend to leave it open for level 1-20 and leave all classes open so anyone on an alt can see the post as well but get tell after tell telling me how to build a group. DUDE!!! I didn't get to level 20 not knowing what I am doing.
06-19-2011, 04:03 PM
DUDE!!! I didn't get to level 20 not knowing what I am doing.
Most people I know who got to 20 did so without knowing what they're doing. It's rather common nowadays. In fact, its the rule.
06-19-2011, 08:02 PM
06-20-2011, 11:37 AM
yuda :D
06-20-2011, 01:19 PM
Nowadays its a single caster/cleric looking for 5 melees for bauble hunting heh.
I take it you've seen my recent LFMs on Orien then? ;)
(nah, I don't put many LFMs up, and when I do it's for anyone to join)
Guy on the first page 118 hps? :)
06-20-2011, 03:34 PM
Lost my sip of coffee on that one!
Wish you would have uploaded it! I would save it for posterity and continual laughs.
Oh, I have it saved on my computer at home.
06-20-2011, 04:22 PM
Oh, I have it saved on my computer at home.
Post it man!
yuda :D
06-21-2011, 10:01 AM
I've got a ton that I'll post tonight!
Promises.... promises...
06-24-2011, 06:38 PM
If this was a joke, its pretty funny. Sadly, I think they were serious. It was up for awhile, too. More than long enough for the portal to have long since closed. Had to share.
06-24-2011, 07:15 PM
Looks like it stalled on about six people, then eventually disappeared.
They probably forgotten to change party into raid, and seeing no one new comes, just shrotmanned it.
Uploaded with
PS: my making them images doesnt seem to have worked... how do i do it?
first, you reversed the /img and the img tags. it should be img first and then /img at the end. second, no spaces.
hope that helps ^_^
in the case of imageshack, you can just copy-paste the line under "embed this image" labeled: forum, and that *should* result in the proper format, all img tags already applied as appropriate, no need to play with it
06-27-2011, 08:31 PM
Got a fresh one...
Sad, sad...
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