View Full Version : Little bit of an experiment.

12-11-2009, 04:44 PM
I recently purchased 32 point builds and I was thinking of trying something...just to see how well it works out. I have created a ranger that I haven't done anything with yet. I was going to delete him and recreate when I got vet status, (I'm just saving the name) but I was thinking today...why don't I start him off at level 1...

I was thinking, "I wonder how well I would do if I only did every quest one time. That's it. If I PUG and we do it on Elite, thats great...if I decide to solo on Normal, that's the only time I'll go through it. I was wondering how feasible is it to actively level using this method? I remember reading that it is possible to level effectively by going through each quest on Normal, but wanted to get your take on it.

A few things to consider:
I am VIP
My characters are not permadeath on this server.
I'm not completely counting out the explorer areas.

12-11-2009, 06:29 PM
I recently purchased 32 point builds and I was thinking of trying something...just to see how well it works out. I have created a ranger that I haven't done anything with yet. I was going to delete him and recreate when I got vet status, (I'm just saving the name) but I was thinking today...why don't I start him off at level 1...

I was thinking, "I wonder how well I would do if I only did every quest one time. That's it. If I PUG and we do it on Elite, thats great...if I decide to solo on Normal, that's the only time I'll go through it. I was wondering how feasible is it to actively level using this method? I remember reading that it is possible to level effectively by going through each quest on Normal, but wanted to get your take on it.

A few things to consider:
I am VIP
My characters are not permadeath on this server.
I'm not completely counting out the explorer areas.
without lots of slayers i dont think u will have enough xp at high lvls.

12-12-2009, 06:48 PM
Well if you look at this post.

The base xp available in the game is a bit north of 600k. Figure most quests you will end up getting some optional xp along the way but you will still be short. (assuming you run on normal and don't do wilderness areas).

12-14-2009, 09:23 AM
If you are a VIP then you can run the quests on HARD to start off.

Will you be twinking him with gear?

I would start off at level 4 and get the starter gear(or twinking). Then go BACK to Korthos to run the quests. Get the easy EXP and el baddo loot, then come back to the harbor to find better gear.

Interesting experiment. I assume RAIDS do not count.