View Full Version : Valhalla PD Guild Anniversary Events

12-04-2009, 12:19 PM
The Valhalla Permadeath Guild will be celebrating its one year anniversay on DDO starting December 13, 2009 through December 31, 2009 with a series of guild events and challenges.

Those who are outside of the guild are welcome to join us for these events as we'd love to meet the community at large.

The purpose of these events is to stay alive in a challenging quest and have a lot of fun. The events are designed for lower level adventurers - and please do not bring in an adventurer that has been "geared up" as we want to make the focus on group dynamics, tactics, and strategy - not buying magic etc.

The guidelines for these challenges is simple. All VPD rules are to be followed and then add these:
1 - Get off the boat at Korthos Level One.
2 - Go through the Grotto if you wish (you probably should)
3 - Take care of any action points - spell selection etc on Korthos.
4 - Stop at the Korthos vendor if you need/wish to buy componenets --- arrow and common items (no potions or scrolls).
5 - Meet at the designated quest and run.
6 - You may not level during the run but you may spend AP's - reset spells - visit the Harbor Vendors to replace common supplies (no buying scrolls or potions)
7 - Optionally you may level and rinse/repeat.

If the group finishes the gauntlet take a screenshot - send to me via the VPD forums for your prize. The group must remain intact and alive to beat the challenge. You must stay at Lvl 1 for all of the chapters in a challenge.

You may rinse/repeat and run on Hard/Elite at a higher level (if earned)

Challenge One The Waterworks @ Lvl 1 on Normal (all optionals)

Challenge Two Irestone Inlet @ Lvl 1 on Normal (all optionals)

Challenge Three PIP @ Lvl 1 on Normal (all optionals)

Challenge Four STK Part I - III (run the Helm) on Normal - then have another open part IV and proceed.
* Group may level to LVL 2 and do the last Chapter as it is a Lvl 5 quest.
F2P welcome but secure access to the chain (all optionals)

These groups are open to the general public - and are meant to introduce ourselves to you and allow all to experience PD play. My goal is to have no more than three guild members on each run.

I am planning on running this with several Level 1's on and after 12/13/09

You do NOT have to be a VPD member to run in this challenge - and may wear your tags from other Ghallanda Guilds. Of course we hope

Reply here or via PM or via in game tell if you are interested.

Good luck and good hunting.

KG Wiking

12-12-2009, 02:03 AM
Six went into the WW and Six Came out. So the first leg of The Gauntlet is complted.

Some glitches --- you must be Lvl 2 and up to run Parts III and IV - so make sure someone can open that up and then all enter in.

We go back in next week - should be interesting.

The Team was nicknamed "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight" due to logisitcal issues (including a frapped up attempt at FRAPS)

Runslikegirl Sorc 1
Jamalia Ran 1
Docmedivac Cler 1
Overeasy Ran 1
Dereon Ftr 1
SneakyFest Rog 1

Two runs are set for Sunday - and if any others outside of VPD wish to join in please send VPD members/officers an in game tell.


12-12-2009, 11:32 AM
Since the first challenge on normal was agreed to be - not overly challenging....
Six level ones will be entering the WW right from the boat of Korthos and running the Gauntlet on Hard.

The group plans to leave in about 15 minutes and will report back with their tales.


12-13-2009, 08:26 PM
Slightly off topic, but I'm interested in joining your PD guild. How does one go about that?

12-14-2009, 11:49 AM
PM sent

12-14-2009, 11:52 AM
The second team of Lvl 1 adventurers went in on hard on Saturday and has finished the first two chapters - one player was incapped but a quick acting cleric got them back on their feet.

The group will continue later this week - at a time TBD


12-14-2009, 01:06 PM
I am glad our guildies could join with your guildies for this permadeath challenge, can't believe my guildmate made the silly mistake of getting caught in behind bloodletters gate!!!

Looking forward to finishing the challenge with the two valhallan permadeath guilds teamed up together!!!

P.S. Can't wait to fight some named ogres in part 3 and 4!!!

So far it has been easy peasy!!!