View Full Version : Silly happenings in Sarlona

12-02-2009, 02:46 PM
Okay vets and newbies a like, this is a zone for all the little mishaps that happen on our server.

Now those who know me know I tend to be a wise arse most of the time. I am sarcastic when people get on my nerves and last night was no exception.

My level 20 cleric who I took off anonymous since I dont pug with her no more standing outside the shroud. We had an lfm up since not enough guildies on were in the mood to run it. And I get a tell:

Hey are you shroud ready...

Okay im level 20, standing outside the shroud gates, in a group with an lfm up that says "the shroud." But no im not so I told him

Sorry I dont do that shroud thing.

I get

"okay good luck with that :p"

LOL I could have said yes but come on if that wasnt one of the dumbest questions ive dealt with in a while I dont know what is.

Then weve got the pan handlers who go down the list of guild and level and have the nerve to get mad when you wont give them money. How many of my guild mates got this

"Hey im a sorc just starting out can you give me money?"

This happened to quite a few of us in one night. So here it is sarlona tell us about your silly mishaps via tells or general chat. Good for laughs good for vents :)

12-02-2009, 03:09 PM
Heard and seen it all... With the influx of new players, some of them are really immature and need to grow up or buy a clue.

Turbine has done something well but there has been some unintended consequences. I am hoping some of the riff raff will leave the game and those who are new begin to adapt to DDO and the community.

Unfortunately, my patience has worn thin....

Let's hope it doesn't take too long.

12-02-2009, 03:22 PM
Heard and seen it all... With the influx of new players, some of them are really immature and need to grow up or buy a clue.

A clue? Is that in the DDO Store, or what quest do I have to do to get it?

12-02-2009, 03:35 PM
A clue? Is that in the DDO Store, or what quest do I have to do to get it?
Nope, not sold in the store. It's a rare loot drop, but it doesn't have a static drop location. Just keep running a bunch of different quests until you find one. Most people get a clue by about level 10-12, but there are a few that make it further than that without ever finding one. Since it is Bound to Account, you won't find one at a pawn broker or the AH either.

12-02-2009, 03:44 PM
Hehe guys :) and come on no serious soap box stuff here I do enough of that in other threads. This is more of a commentary on the silly stuff people hit you up with in tells. For some reason Kamari gets tons of them I dunno why is it her level? is it because shes a cleric? All I know is not having her anonymous has me getting strange tells at weird times.

Like running a Tower one night in the middle of healing the last part I get

"Hey are you busy..?"

And I respond "kinda in the middle of healing a raid."


"oh well im going to bed now but I want advice on healing from you at some point."

Never did hear from the person again but it was funny to get that in the middle of a raid. Even more so them wanting clericing advice from me since I do 98 percent of my clericing drunk :)

12-02-2009, 04:03 PM
It always happens to me in the bank, someone comes up to me and sends me a tell asking for money.

How about the time I was at the auctioneer in the marketplace and some guy sent me a tell asking to "borrow" 150,000 platinum so he could buy some "stuff". Yes, he asked for 150k plat. If he said he was 1500 short or something like that I probably would have given it to him.

These people that haven't found the clue reward just don't seem to understand that others aren't there to support them financially throughout the game.

How about groups that have a real LFM up (rare I know) and refuse your character because they're looking for x and they have 3 slots open. You tell them that you can solo said quest/area and they never respond.

My latest one was soloing the desert for loot. I was standing outside the gate waiting my 5 minutes when I got a tell asking if I wanted to join their group for a loot run. I sent a tell back with "as long as you know you won't get experience". So I joined the group, we split the group just to reset everyone and joined back up.

I ran in, while they waited for health/hp to return and did the undead area. Left all the chests alone and finally they came in and the group leader (who invited me) started *****ing about no experience (in text of course). So I copied and pasted our converstation to the group chat and 4 of the party dropped.

The fifth died shortly thereafter (no idea where he went, I told them all I was going to the undead area) and recalled and I grabbed my chests.

12-02-2009, 04:09 PM
It always happens to me in the bank, someone comes up to me and sends me a tell asking for money.

How about the time I was at the auctioneer in the marketplace and some guy sent me a tell asking to "borrow" 150,000 platinum so he could buy some "stuff". Yes, he asked for 150k plat. If he said he was 1500 short or something like that I probably would have given it to him.

These people that haven't found the clue reward just don't seem to understand that others aren't there to support them financially throughout the game.

How about groups that have a real LFM up (rare I know) and refuse your character because they're looking for x and they have 3 slots open. You tell them that you can solo said quest/area and they never respond.

My latest one was soloing the desert for loot. I was standing outside the gate waiting my 5 minutes when I got a tell asking if I wanted to join their group for a loot run. I sent a tell back with "as long as you know you won't get experience". So I joined the group, we split the group just to reset everyone and joined back up.

I ran in, while they waited for health/hp to return and did the undead area. Left all the chests alone and finally they came in and the group leader (who invited me) started *****ing about no experience (in text of course). So I copied and pasted our converstation to the group chat and 4 of the party dropped.

The fifth died shortly thereafter (no idea where he went, I told them all I was going to the undead area) and recalled and I grabbed my chests.

Both of those would so get me grumbly, Ive gone threw that to the whole "come help us with explorer or quest." ya warn them up front hey im at least 5 levels ahead or a level or two above the explorer and just farming so you wont get any xp and they say they dont care till it dawns on them "A player in this instance is too high level xp impeded." Ive shaken my head a few times at that.

12-02-2009, 04:14 PM
I had a person send me a tell asking for a hand out and I just ignored him.

Two minutes later, same person sends a tell saying "At least you could have been nice and said No"

Of course I ignored him....

The nerve!!!!

12-02-2009, 04:19 PM
A clue? Is that in the DDO Store, or what quest do I have to do to get it?

Can someone share the quest?

I got a blind invite while on my lowbie cleric Bereave. I wasn't really doing anything, so I accepted, typed /afk, and sat back and watched the party chat while helping my wife around the house. It's amazing how long they waited for me to join them in the Kobold Assault :D

I don't think I'm ready to start messing with people who send out blind invites, but I'm pretty close.

12-02-2009, 04:22 PM
I had a person send me a tell asking for a hand out and I just ignored him.

Two minutes later, same person sends a tell saying "At least you could have been nice and said No"

Of course I ignored him....

The nerve!!!!

LOL, I got the exact same tell, and the exact same "At least you could have said no instead of ignoring me" tell, after ignoring the tell. Happened to a few of my guildies as well, in the marketplace bank a few days ago.

12-02-2009, 04:35 PM
This is more of a commentary on the silly stuff people hit you up with in tells. For some reason Kamari gets tons of them I dunno why is it her level? is it because shes a cleric?

Hot toons, obviously.

I got a blind invite while on my lowbie cleric Bereave. I wasn't really doing anything, so I accepted, typed /afk, and sat back and watched the party chat while helping my wife around the house. It's amazing how long they waited for me to join them in the Kobold Assault

I get blind invites a lot, and I generally try to tell them why I declined if I'm not actually right in the middle of something. If someone sends a tell I make sure I tell them why I can't group with them (if I can't or don't want to at that point). Kobold Assault I still haven't done, actually... I went in when I first arrived in Stormreach from Korthos, got my ass handed to me and have been too scared to go back :)

I'm seeing lots of complaining about low level newbs asking for coin via tells... so, as a low level newb I need to know, what's the correct way to ask?? j/k I'd much prefer advice and info on what gear I should be looking out for and what quests to run to get it. I've noticed my gear is falling behind my level (Level 6 cleric) so I dumped soome of my hard earned plat into a +4 mace and +4 full plate (I paid about 3600 plat for both... hope I didn't get taken).

12-02-2009, 04:40 PM
Hot toons, obviously.

I get blind invites a lot, and I generally try to tell them why I declined if I'm not actually right in the middle of something. If someone sends a tell I make sure I tell them why I can't group with them (if I can't or don't want to at that point). Kobold Assault I still haven't done, actually... I went in when I first arrived in Stormreach from Korthos, got my ass handed to me and have been too scared to go back :)

I'm seeing lots of complaining about low level newbs asking for coin via tells... so, as a low level newb I need to know, what's the correct way to ask?? j/k I'd much prefer advice and info on what gear I should be looking out for and what quests to run to get it. I've noticed my gear is falling behind my level (Level 6 cleric) so I dumped soome of my hard earned plat into a +4 mace and +4 full plate (I paid about 3600 plat for both... hope I didn't get taken).

Hehe thanks I try to make my gals cute.

But to answer your question to me its never polite to send a random tell asking for a large amount of plat. Like MsEricka's example a person actually came up to her and asked for 150k platinum. Thats rude, ive had it where someone was trying to buy something and only needed a few hundred, to me that is somewhat acceptable. But people have different thresholds and its very rude to just expect players to fund a new character. If anything the best thing you can do is as you said ask in general if there is a good way to earn plat. Sometimes you may get a nice person who sends you things or some really solid advice on how to make a little coin. Either is better then hitting up a level 20 for gold just because they are high level and many players dont understand that and get offended when they are either ignored or told no.

12-02-2009, 04:43 PM
Oh and to the +4 armor and Mace I would say that you may get people who say yes you were ripped off because they have better gear. You have to look at it from the perspective are you making use out of it? Does it keep you safer then your old gear. I fear too many long term players forget the point where a simple + to their gear was the world. In a day where most of us have mithral full plate waiting around for our alts we can be out of touch sometimes. So I dont think you may have been ripped off specially if your getting use out of it, not the greatest gear but your just starting soon you'll be in the kinda gear you see some of us posting about :)

12-02-2009, 04:59 PM
Okay vets and newbies a like, this is a zone for all the little mishaps that happen on our server.

Now those who know me know I tend to be a wise arse most of the time. I am sarcastic when people get on my nerves and last night was no exception.

My level 20 cleric who I took off anonymous since I dont pug with her no more standing outside the shroud. We had an lfm up since not enough guildies on were in the mood to run it. And I get a tell:

Hey are you shroud ready...

Okay im level 20, standing outside the shroud gates, in a group with an lfm up that says "the shroud." But no im not so I told him

Sorry I dont do that shroud thing.

I get

"okay good luck with that :p"

That was me. It might surprise you, but there are quite a few level 20 players who aren't shroud ready. You know, all the new players who started around MOD 9. I did a /who cleric 16-20 and worked my way down the list. Being a level 20 cleric you were one of the first people I messaged. I also checked to see who was LFG 1-20 Cleric and FVS first, there were NONE; hence I went through the 16-20 list. I only messaged people who clearly weren't in the middle of a quest. If you were in the Shroud, A New Invasion, Enter the Kobold, etc you didn't get a request. If you were in the Leaky Dingy, Meridia, etc; I probably sent you a tell. You were in Meridia; hence the request.

When I received your reply I pretty much knew you were being a sarcastic a*hole, but I wished you luck anyway. Is it really hard to answer a yes/no question? You aren't fooling people when you say "I don't do that shroud thing". You are, however, making it apparent that you are a passive aggressive child.

Since "I don't do the shroud thing" was a pretty ridiculous response I copy/pasta'd it into group chat for a good laugh. Most everyone agreed that you came across as an ass, or someone they'd rather not have in the group. I sincerely wish you luck in all you do.

Warmest Regards,


12-02-2009, 05:00 PM
But to answer your question to me its never polite to send a random tell asking for a large amount of plat. Like MsEricka's example a person actually came up to her and asked for 150k platinum. Thats rude...<snip>

No doubt it's rude. It's also just not my play style. It would be like using a save game editor on a single player game. It would make the game easier for sure, but I'd never be able to look at that character again and not know I've cheated.

Oh and to the +4 armor and Mace I would say that you may get people who say yes you were ripped off because they have better gear. You have to look at it from the perspective are you making use out of it? Does it keep you safer then your old gear.

Well, I had an amber mace from Korthos and FP+3... so in general I think it's an improvement. I'm sure when I hit level 7 the first chest I pop will have FP+5 in it and I'll curse my foolish spending. The mace for sure seems to smack things nicely, though. I'm happy with that :) I mean, sure I'd love it if it smacked them and then thundered them or something too, but hey.

12-02-2009, 05:03 PM
Good that you and your friends think im an ass for answering what was clearly a silly question. Im not going to sugar coat or apologize, I was standing outside the shroud in Meridia not the leaky dingy or phoenix, I am not a new player clearly and you sent a tell asking if I was shroud ready when I was in an group with an lfm group up. So sorry if you didnt like my response but thats how I am, funny how those who you say think im an ass probably would still send a tell to get a heal. But meh whatever glad you got a laugh so did the people I told about your obvious fact finding tell.

Next time I am in the dinghy instead of the shroud feel free to ask me about any other raid I may not be flagged for :)

12-02-2009, 05:06 PM
No doubt it's rude. It's also just not my play style. It would be like using a save game editor on a single player game. It would make the game easier for sure, but I'd never be able to look at that character again and not know I've cheated.

Well, I had an amber mace from Korthos and FP+3... so in general I think it's an improvement. I'm sure when I hit level 7 the first chest I pop will have FP+5 in it and I'll curse my foolish spending. The mace for sure seems to smack things nicely, though. I'm happy with that :) I mean, sure I'd love it if it smacked them and then thundered them or something too, but hey.

:) Np its as I said when I first started playing I cherished any thing I got that I could use, remember the first light fort robe my wizard pulled from a collectible turn in I used that till I got something better. Its all about perspective. If your getting use out your gear and its protecting you I dont think its a waste of money. and not everyone can twink out their characters off the bat and many people forget that. So definitely enjoy your gear before you become the long term jaded vet who is not used to not having crafted items :)

12-02-2009, 05:08 PM
good That Everyone Thinks I'm An Ass For Passive Aggressively Answering A Reasonable Question. Im Not Going To Sugar Coat Or Apologize, I Am Going To Continue Defending My Childish Behavior. So (-1/2 For Starting A Sentence With So) Sorry If You Didn't Like My Response But That's Me, The Arse. But Meh Whatever Glad You Got A Laugh So Did The People I Told About Your Obvious Fact Finding Tell.

Next Time I Am In The Dinghy Instead Of The Shroud Feel Free To Ask Me About Any Other Raid I May Not Be Flagged For :)


12-02-2009, 05:13 PM
Oh your going to be a source of entertainment for sure and here I thought Bran not posting no more would never be filled. Glad to see someone trying to fill his shoes though.

One thing about me never claimed to ever be a nice person, never claimed to be one who enjoys silly tells in fact by this thread and some of my others should tell you that. So if you dont like it fine but your calling me childish doesnt hurt been called worst with good reason. So unless you have more to add to this thread besides going rounds with me I suggest ya quit while your ahead. Your a nice person who only wanted a cleric and IM a meanie who thought your tell was stupid. Im sure you'll win a ton of friends who will support you threw out your gaming time in here and I'll be all alone.

(cue sad violin music)

12-02-2009, 05:15 PM
Oh your going to be a source of entertainment for sure and here I thought Bran not posting no more would never be filled. Glad to see someone trying to fill his shoes though.

One thing about me never claimed to ever be a nice person, never claimed to be one who enjoys silly tells in fact by this thread and some of my others should tell you that. So if you dont like it fine but your calling me childish doesnt hurt been called worst with good reason. So unless you have more to add to this thread besides going rounds with me I suggest ya quit while your ahead. Your a nice person who only wanted a cleric and IM a meanie who thought your tell was stupid. Im sure you'll win a ton of friends who will support you threw out your gaming time in here and I'll be all alone.

(cue sad violin music)

Wanna make out?

12-02-2009, 05:21 PM
Wanna make out?

lol now that got me to laugh +1 rep in a few hours when I can see im not always a witch just 99.9 percent of the time.

12-02-2009, 05:25 PM

Oh, this is gonna get good, i bet.....



12-02-2009, 05:27 PM
Wanna make out?


....aye, do have to admit that one came in from left field.

But not quite reppy yet. keep trying. :D

12-02-2009, 05:28 PM
Hehe CD I think Ive made the bad impression that im all sunshine and ponies. I can admit to being good to friends I care about but I have a short fuse ive mentioned it several times in my postings in these forums. And with all I got going on I tend to get very snippy at things. Now if he wants to keep going as you remember back in the days of the muffin man I will keep it going at least it will provide entertainment.

But I make no apologizes and just like im sure some of his people thought my tell back was being an ass, there were many more people who thought "gee thats a kinda stupid tell to send a level 20 guilded cleric standing outside the gates of the shroud in a group already."

A little research or looking to see that in the group icon by my name would have saved him/her a lot of trouble but meh what do I know?

12-02-2009, 05:30 PM
That was me. It might surprise you, but there are quite a few level 20 players who aren't shroud ready. You know, all the new players who started around MOD 9. I did a /who cleric 16-20 and worked my way down the list. Being a level 20 cleric you were one of the first people I messaged. I also checked to see who was LFG 1-20 Cleric and FVS first, there were NONE; hence I went through the 16-20 list. I only messaged people who clearly weren't in the middle of a quest. If you were in the Shroud, A New Invasion, Enter the Kobold, etc you didn't get a request. If you were in the Leaky Dingy, Meridia, etc; I probably sent you a tell. You were in Meridia; hence the request.

When I received your reply I pretty much knew you were being a sarcastic a*hole, but I wished you luck anyway. Is it really hard to answer a yes/no question? You aren't fooling people when you say "I don't do that shroud thing". You are, however, making it apparent that you are a passive aggressive child.

Since "I don't do the shroud thing" was a pretty ridiculous response I copy/pasta'd it into group chat for a good laugh. Most everyone agreed that you came across as an ass, or someone they'd rather not have in the group. I sincerely wish you luck in all you do.

Warmest Regards,


So what was the point of sending a tell to a cleric in group asking if they were shroud flagged? If you sent me a tell like that for no reason, I'd laugh and give you a smart a$$ response too.

12-02-2009, 05:34 PM
And theres no way for me to say this without sounding a bit elitist but I dont know of any level 20 that got there without doing a shroud. I tip my hats to them if they have because they bypassed not only a major xp area but a major item area to. But sure I really believe he saw my name without the group icon sent me an innocent tell on my level 20 asking me if I was flagged for the most popular raid in game and expected me to say "why yes and I will drop the group im in of almost all guildies to pug it."

12-02-2009, 05:38 PM
I WANNA CLUE, I WANNA CLUE! Wat drops clues?:p

12-02-2009, 05:42 PM
I WANNA CLUE, I WANNA CLUE! Wat drops clues?:p

That dumb looking blue dog thing my youngest watches.


12-02-2009, 06:08 PM
So what was the point of sending a tell to a cleric in group asking if they were shroud flagged? If you sent me a tell like that for no reason, I'd laugh and give you a smart a$$ response too.

The point is to avoid blind tells. I could have just asked "Have time for a shroud run?"; however the fact that someone does have the time doesn't mean they have the ability (the proper flagging in this case). It seems to me that it's best to ask if they are indeed flagged.

You seem to be pretty helpful on not just the Sarlona board, but the DDO forums in their entirety. As a matter of fact many of your posts have helped answer questions that I have had, negating the need to start my own thread asking a silly question that had already been answered. In light of that I am inclined to ask you is there a better way of filling your party without sending blind tells?


/edit- To be fair I did miss the fact that Kalari was already in a group. We're human, we all miss things from time to time. If i had caught that I wouldn't have pestered sweet Kalari for his/her hawt divine healin'.

12-02-2009, 06:10 PM
lol now that got me to laugh +1 rep in a few hours when I can see im not always a witch just 99.9 percent of the time.

I'll take that as a yes! I'll be waiting for you in Meridia. I'll be the one near the shroud entrance with the LFM up <3 <3 <3

12-02-2009, 06:13 PM
I'll take that as a yes! I'll be waiting for you in Meridia. I'll be the one near the shroud entrance with the LFM up <3 <3 <3

And praying you hit that 0.1%, eh?

12-02-2009, 06:14 PM
Nope, not sold in the store. It's a rare loot drop, but it doesn't have a static drop location. Just keep running a bunch of different quests until you find one. Most people get a clue by about level 10-12, but there are a few that make it further than that without ever finding one. Since it is Bound to Account, you won't find one at a pawn broker or the AH either.

Ummm....10-12 when the cap was 16.. now it could be 14...

I did a vale quest with some guy that was amazed I had a smiter and soloed untill he hit 10. He wondered what my glowing weapons were and man his 200 hp's were a lot. Needless to say the Rainbow run didnt go well.

I heard you could spend TP's on getting a Clue, but all u get is a signed picture of Tim Curry in drag and a lead pipe.

12-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Then we’ve got the pan handlers who go down the list of guild and level and have the nerve to get mad when you wont give them money. How many of my guild mates got this
"Hey im a sorc just starting out can you give me money?"

Oh come on Kal. It’s ok to let the reading audience know how Cable and I handled that situation.

12-02-2009, 06:25 PM
The point is to avoid blind tells. I could have just asked "Have time for a shroud run?"; however the fact that someone does have the time doesn't mean they have the ability (the proper flagging in this case). It seems to me that it's best to ask if they are indeed flagged.

You seem to be pretty helpful on not just the Sarlona board, but the DDO forums in their entirety. As a matter of fact many of your posts have helped answer questions that I have had, negating the need to start my own thread asking a silly question that had already been answered. In light of that I am inclined to ask you is there a better way of filling your party without sending blind tells?


/edit- To be fair I did miss the fact that Kalari was already in a group. We're human, we all miss things from time to time. If i had caught that I wouldn't have pestered sweet Kalari for his/her hawt divine healin'.

And my point was its bad form to try to get a player (esp healers) to drop the raid group they are in and join yours, but you seem to have figured that out already.

I personally rarely send tells to people I dont know to fill a group. I never have been a fan of it. I understand that a lot of peeps do, but i dont. I put up an lfm, and wait for it to fill, or another to pop up i can join. When I was new, this took longer as fewer people knew me, now that I've been around it takes longer because lots of people know me ;D

12-02-2009, 06:29 PM
Oh come on Kal. It’s ok to let the reading audience know how Cable and I handled that situation.

LOL I should Art but then you'll be called an Ass for answering back the only way I know how to when someone sends me a tell that I find annoying. I guess im just used to this type of attitude and all but still I have been getting so many tells on Kamari that I almost want to kick Creeg for saying "you should get off anon" and myself for listening.

And yes im female moody grumpy and a drinker to boot, not sure why people put up with me but they do :)

12-02-2009, 06:30 PM
And my point was its bad form to try to get a player (esp healers) to drop the raid group they are in and join yours, but you seem to have figured that out already.

I personally rarely send tells to people I dont know to fill a group. I never have been a fan of it. I understand that a lot of peeps do, but i dont. I put up an lfm, and wait for it to fill, or another to pop up i can join. When I was new, this took longer as fewer people knew me, now that I've been around it takes longer because lots of people know me ;D

LOL Quik ya know your always welcome in any of my groups that way I can make fun of ya and you cant hear me cause you have everything muted :p

12-02-2009, 06:32 PM
And my point was its bad form to try to get a player (esp healers) to drop the raid group they are in and join yours, but you seem to have figured that out already.

I personally rarely send tells to people I dont know to fill a group. I never have been a fan of it. I understand that a lot of peeps do, but i dont. I put up an lfm, and wait for it to fill, or another to pop up i can join. When I was new, this took longer as fewer people knew me, now that I've been around it takes longer because lots of people know me ;D

Seems reasonable. I did have an LFM up; we just weren't having luck with healers. I decided to expedite things by sending tells. I'll look for your shroud lfm's in game so that I can have the "Quikie" experience ;)

12-02-2009, 06:33 PM
[edit] nevermind. But be nice to Kalari.

12-02-2009, 06:35 PM
And E seriously smart assing asside you asked Quik a good question but to add to that. If you see a cleric who is level 20 and in a guild just assume that they are flagged for most raids. You maybe wrong but the better tell if your going to send one to a healer that high level is "hello im setting up a shroud are you free to run with me." That would have gotten at least from me "No sorry I am already in a guild run." Or even yet which I honestly admit "No I do not pug my cleric in a shroud anymore." Now Pugs to me means complete strangers I just dont trust it due to my temperament to run a raid with complete strangers anymore. So id at least be honest about it.

But you sent a tell to me asking me if I was flagged for a major raid and got a smart ass response. As stated before thats pretty much how I am not going to change anytime soon and the older I get the more stubborn I am as well.

12-02-2009, 06:40 PM
And E seriously smart assing asside you asked Quik a good question but to add to that. If you see a cleric who is level 20 and in a guild just assume that they are flagged for most raids. You maybe wrong but the better tell if your going to send one to a healer that high level is "hello im setting up a shroud are you free to run with me." That would have gotten at least from me "No sorry I am already in a guild run." Or even yet which I honestly admit "No I do not pug my cleric in a shroud anymore." Now Pugs to me means complete strangers I just dont trust it due to my temperament to run a raid with complete strangers anymore. So id at least be honest about it.

But you sent a tell to me asking me if I was flagged for a major raid and got a smart ass response. As stated before thats pretty much how I am not going to change anytime soon and the older I get the more stubborn I am as well.

It's my Army back ground that causes me to be direct and terse. In my military mind we just said the same thing, only I said it with fewer words. I have to remind myself that outside of work I need less of a bottom line up front guy, and more of a pr guy :)

I'm currently in the subterrane setting up a hound run, are you free to run (make out) with me?

^^^ Was that better? :)

12-02-2009, 06:44 PM
It's my Army back ground that causes me to be direct and terse. In my military mind we just said the same thing, only I said it with fewer words. I have to remind myself that outside of work I need less of a bottom line up front guy, and more of a pr guy :)

I'm currently in the subterrane setting up a hound run, are you free to run (make out) with me?

^^^ Was that better? :)

LOL your silly I'll give you that and have made me laugh twice. Hopefully you'll have a lot of fun in this game and who knows one day we may run together but tonight when I get on I have a lowbie im going to work on and try to relax and raids are not always relaxing specially for a healer.

12-02-2009, 06:54 PM
<snip> tonight when I get on I have a lowbie im going to work on and try to relax and raids are not always relaxing specially for a healer.

Would you mind if I looked you up when I'm on? I'd like to get into some groups that I can learn more from. I'd also like to check out your guild (Lost Legions?) as I think I'm starting to need more consistent groups. I still enjoy PUGs, actually, but I find it difficult to get those together sometimes in the limited time on I have. I'd like to get grouped quicker when logging on, so I can get stuff done. I usually play at around 11pm PST (after the wife is asleep) and my character is YohGee.

Hey... that's kinda like a blind forum posting, which is one step removed from a blind tell, which is one step removed from a blind invite... I won't be offended if you ignore this post.

12-02-2009, 06:56 PM
lol dont worry and hmm 11 pm pst I should be on if im not in group sure you'll probably see a couple of lost legion on some of my girls are on anon but most arent. Depends on what I get roped into tonight though I really want to work on that new build of mine. :) And as I said before if your fun have no problem with adults who like to drink and can run with our officers I think youd like our guild.

12-02-2009, 07:01 PM
so this one time I was running shroud with the guild im in Lost LEgion...you may know them...and we were at the puzzle part...and i decided it would be a big help to throw down a sleet storm and a grease mixed...right at the entrance to were you get the water things (though I havent figured out what you dod with them,...i double clicked those things for like 15 minutes...and still couldnt drink it...) ...

thats when I heard a scream and the cleric that was partaking of this great adventure died...you may know her...her name is kalarti or kelari or something like that ...

ANYWAY i thought to myself..man i cant believe she just didnt tumble through that...

well long story short..i pulled a large scale..so if you see this cleric kill her and your guaranteed a scale :-)

12-02-2009, 07:02 PM
lol dont worry and hmm 11 pm pst I should be on if im not in group sure you'll probably see a couple of lost legion on some of my girls are on anon but most arent. Depends on what I get roped into tonight though I really want to work on that new build of mine. :) And as I said before if your fun have no problem with adults who like to drink and can run with our officers I think youd like our guild.

Gunna have your guildies give him the run around to??!11??!?!?1/!/!?1!??!?!one

Making IB run smoke screen for ya because youre scared I might have my sound on this time is bunk!

12-02-2009, 07:03 PM
so this one time I was running shroud with the guild im in Lost LEgion...you may know them...and we were at the puzzle part...and i decided it would be a big help to throw down a sleet storm and a grease mixed...right at the entrance to were you get the water things (though I havent figured out what you dod with them,...i double clicked those things for like 15 minutes...and still couldnt drink it...) ...

thats when I heard a scream and the cleric that was partaking of this great adventure died...you may know her...her name is kalarti or kelari or something like that ...

ANYWAY i thought to myself..man i cant believe she just didnt tumble through that...

well long story short..i pulled a large scale..so if you see this cleric kill her and your guaranteed a scale :-)

LOL you are so not getting any more heals lol you see this is another reason why Im not nice they kill me for loot can you believe it? for loot! lol bastards lol

12-02-2009, 07:06 PM
LOL I should Art but then you'll be called an Ass for answering back the only way I know how to when someone sends me a tell that I find annoying. I guess im just used to this type of attitude and all but still I have been getting so many tells on Kamari that I almost want to kick Creeg for saying "you should get off anon" and myself for listening.

And yes im female moody grumpy and a drinker to boot, not sure why people put up with me but they do :)

Bah! I get called an ass all the time on the forums. And if we want to protect the identity of the guild I forwarded the guy to we can just change the name to Sergod.

12-02-2009, 07:07 PM
Gunna have your guildies give him the run around to??!11??!?!?1/!/!?1!??!?!one

Making IB run smoke screen for ya because youre scared I might have my sound on this time is bunk!

LOL I was in such a bad mood that night from a pug and he of all people c blocking those looking for me is funny cause we arent exactly best of friends. But nah I should really be on around that time but if anyone Quik can tell you I tend to almost always be in some form of group. Really trying to figure why people put up with me think its that whole good loot rumor which is just that a rumor!

12-02-2009, 07:31 PM
The point is to avoid blind tells. I could have just asked "Have time for a shroud run?"; however the fact that someone does have the time doesn't mean they have the ability (the proper flagging in this case). It seems to me that it's best to ask if they are indeed flagged.

You seem to be pretty helpful on not just the Sarlona board, but the DDO forums in their entirety. As a matter of fact many of your posts have helped answer questions that I have had, negating the need to start my own thread asking a silly question that had already been answered. In light of that I am inclined to ask you is there a better way of filling your party without sending blind tells?


/edit- To be fair I did miss the fact that Kalari was already in a group. We're human, we all miss things from time to time. If i had caught that I wouldn't have pestered sweet Kalari for his/her hawt divine healin'.
Using the built-in tools for grouping is the best way to do it without ****ing anyone off, and either give it some time or make do with who you have. Personally I can't stand it when people I don't know send me tells asking to join a group and they have an LFM up - if I'm interested in joining your group, I'll use the LFM, ESPECIALLY these days when you never know who might be in there already. I try to put the known culprits on my friends list so I at least have some chance of avoiding them in PUGs, but it doesn't catch them all.

12-02-2009, 08:27 PM
My reply has become I am sorry you failed your diplomacy roll :rolleyes:

12-03-2009, 07:25 AM
OK first... as to the original line of this thread. I had someone send me this long tell the other night when we were running irestone for coins, and to be blown on the ship while we waited for the jester. His story was he needed 120p to respect or something like that. I went to the market and handed him 500p, it turns out he asked half the group and X had handed him 5000p moments before me...lol. So best part is about 2 hours later... I get the exact same tell from him as before, as does every level 20 in the party:rolleyes: Amazing.

And my point was its bad form to try to get a player (esp healers) to drop the raid group they are in and join yours, but you seem to have figured that out already.

I personally rarely send tells to people I dont know to fill a group. I never have been a fan of it. I understand that a lot of peeps do, but i dont. I put up an lfm, and wait for it to fill, or another to pop up i can join. When I was new, this took longer as fewer people knew me, now that I've been around it takes longer because lots of people know me ;D

Lol. X got asked to leave us tonite to join another raid on his barb.. both raids just needed 2 more to go but they needed DPS. X thought it was funny and copy/pasted it to us, so I sent the guy a tell saying there was 2 real live females in our raid... good luck trying to get him.:p

well long story short..i pulled a large scale..so if you see this cleric kill her and your guaranteed a scale :-)

Stop these vicious rumors killing clerics does NOT get you scales... and despite Creeg's assertions to the contrary killing my other alts does not either:rolleyes:

12-03-2009, 08:16 AM
Stop these vicious rumors killing clerics does NOT get you scales... and despite Creeg's assertions to the contrary killing my other alts does not either:rolleyes:

Notice how they deny, deny, deny... until they accidently kill themselves in the blades or something and then they get a large scale or a +2 book? Then all of a sudden they seem to die every time in part 3 and 4... when no one else is around.

But don't limit yourself to the clerics, folks. The more kills you get in part 3, the more points you earn. And the more points you earn, the better chance at uber loot. This is a fact. Not to mention, you get to drink more. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

For those unfamiliar with the point system:
2 points for clerics and wf casters
1 point for everyone else.
Double points for Kalari. Her cleric is worth 4 points!

(and for the record, everytime I have managed to drop Catiriona's clerics in part 3, someone has pulled a +2 book and I have gotten a large scale. everytime I have dropped Kamari... large devil scale for myself. not saying it is definite, just saying a larger sample size is needed. I shall continue to attempt to gather data, to put all the speculation to rest.)

12-03-2009, 10:43 AM
Stop these vicious rumors killing clerics does NOT get you scales... and despite Creeg's assertions to the contrary killing my other alts does not either:rolleyes:

Maybe not, but it sure is fun listening to you go "*slurp*NOOOOoooo!*slurp* AFK I need another popsicle!"

12-03-2009, 01:18 PM
Notice how they deny, deny, deny... until they accidently kill themselves in the blades or something and then they get a large scale or a +2 book? Then all of a sudden they seem to die every time in part 3 and 4... when no one else is around.

But don't limit yourself to the clerics, folks. The more kills you get in part 3, the more points you earn. And the more points you earn, the better chance at uber loot. This is a fact. Not to mention, you get to drink more. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

For those unfamiliar with the point system:
2 points for clerics and wf casters
1 point for everyone else.
Double points for Kalari. Her cleric is worth 4 points!

(and for the record, everytime I have managed to drop Catiriona's clerics in part 3, someone has pulled a +2 book and I have gotten a large scale. everytime I have dropped Kamari... large devil scale for myself. not saying it is definite, just saying a larger sample size is needed. I shall continue to attempt to gather data, to put all the speculation to rest.)

You see this this is why I dont pug folks, He has people believing even in lowbie quests now that if you kill one of my characters tomes drop. And people wonder why im a grumbly smart ass. You are so going to pay for this Creeg *Shakes fist!*

12-03-2009, 01:24 PM
You see this this is why I dont pug folks, He has people believing even in lowbie quests now that if you kill one of my characters tomes drop. And people wonder why im a grumbly smart ass. You are so going to pay for this Creeg *Shakes fist!*

And this is why I'm trying to get into your guild... so I can get tomes without having to convince you to PUG. Hey, at least as a fellow cleric I'll (probably) have the decency to res you after I kill you, right?

Sorry I couldn't hang with you or the other LLer that got hold of me. It was a rough night all round for me. Doing a 1.0 release at work now on one hour sleep. *blah*

12-03-2009, 01:30 PM
Np I hope your little one is doing okay mine is still sore he hit his face on my computer desk lost two teeth may lose a third. It is definitely not easy with little ones and we have quite a few parents in our merry little group. Only downside is my little one tends to hear and repeat things his mommy says about her bastard guildies lol

like **** it Creeg stop sending your minions to kill me...though hes against me to they hear him laughing as they kill my character my frustration gives him the giggles sigh.. future Lost legion member I suppose :) and I'll probably be on the same hours tonight cant play during the day anymore due to work and family so hopefully we will get to run together soon.

*Edit* oh not you to I do not bring tomes when I die darn it! lol

12-03-2009, 02:03 PM
Our little dude is just starting up a good head cold it seems like, but wow... a three tooth wipe out? That's extreme! Poor little one. I'll keep my eyes open if I'm on tonight, but I'll be playing PnP and with only an hour sleep last night I might just fade to black when I get home :D

12-03-2009, 03:44 PM

12-03-2009, 03:51 PM
mmmmm Curious....I did not see Kal, deny any of the empirical evidence that LL was reporting on the relationship between her clerics deaths and "uber" loot then being pulled in the chests....:)

The worm....the spice.....is there a relationship....mmmmmmm....the Guild highliners need to know.....

12-03-2009, 04:53 PM
re:HGM-chi, the guild officers probably need to hear back from your doctor to make sure your liver can handle it...

Even though I haven't been able to log on for the past few days, I have been practicing my 6oz grape curls to wind down after the wife and kids were asleep.

I support you joining a guild, as playing with experienced players creates a very steep learning curve. I have yet to feel frustrated running a quest with the guild as they help a ton and give advice freely. The xp comes faster, the damage is higher, and the tactics are more refined (I'm not kidding; Creeg gave me a hard time about saying it but I stand by it).

As good as running in a guild is, I have found a drawback. Unfortunately must of the experienced players have run these quests countless times, and they always feel like it is going way too slow. I do want to add, that not once has any guild member complained that I was going to slow, or that I screwed up or anything. They are all very supportive, nice, and helpful, and thank them for it. I feel like I am just barely grasping everything that is going on, and I don't seem to use my resources completely well. I hate asking for help and directions, but I find it inevitable at times (ex "Where are you guys?" What are we doing next?" "What should I be doing?" "How far till the next shrine?"). I run quests over in Pugs just so I feel comfortable with the mission, and in the second run, everything makes more sense.

reply to eqpablon:
But I must say I do find the whole situation kind of funny, Kalari giving a smart-ass reply he he... No offense to her, but I feel that her bark is worse than her bite. She is entitled to a smart-ass comment every now and then, but I find her too nice, all due to perspective. Nothing against you or the other members of the raid, but her defense, kalari is very nice and helpful and gets taken advantage of. I can recall a few times I have been blind, helpless, poisoned, diseased, doomed, etc and Kalari will cure me of said ailment before it takes ten minutes of searching through my inventory. From my understanding, Heal scrolls and raise dead scrolls get very expensive. It is probably safer to just deny the blind invite than endure the frustration of doling advice and items in a group of cocky, ill informed, or confused players.

On the other hand, since I am still learning and I will make more mistakes than anyone, send me a blind tell (certainly not just a blind invite) and an invite, and I will gladly accept, as I might up using more of your resources than mine. I am more than willing to use my resources you will just have to let me know when and where.

I must jump on the band-wagon and agree that blind invites are really annoying. I haven't been playing that long and I see them as taboo. I don't mind joining pugs too much yet, because I am still making as many mistakes as anyone, but send me a blind tell before you send me a blind invite (I am not saying blind tells are good, I just feel that it is better than a blind invite).

12-03-2009, 05:00 PM
re:HGM-chi, the guild officers probably need to hear back from your doctor to make sure your liver can handle it...

My doctor would almost certainly say I can't handle it. That's why I quit going to her.

12-03-2009, 05:34 PM
mmmmm Curious....I did not see Kal, deny any of the empirical evidence that LL was reporting on the relationship between her clerics deaths and "uber" loot then being pulled in the chests....:)

The worm....the spice.....is there a relationship....mmmmmmm....the Guild highliners need to know.....

Since she can't deny the causality clearly it is fact. And it demands further researching. For instance, since my toon is far too low level to actually be running with Kalari, would it be enough that I get a tell from someone in her group when the time to knock her off is at hand, I could quickly run a short level appropriate quest and pop the end chest at the same time as her group and see if I get a tome or black dragon scale as well...

Just a thought.

12-03-2009, 05:58 PM
Oh you are all so awful and you do not get good loot from my death dont make me break out the angry look.

And nooo Nadalis I am mean just ask the guys when im up at 5 am running after a few drinks and someone does something stupid. I am not nice I am chaotic you never know what you may get at any point :)

But if your in my crew I do have a team mentality and your being hurt wont help us win. You'll see it more in raids trust me I dont like to fail and will pull out any stops to make sure that dont happen.

But the good loot thing totally untrue I promise *breaks out gold halo*

12-03-2009, 06:02 PM
odd happenings indeed on sarlona.
we hardly have any of that on ghallanda,panhandeling that is.
stupid is abundant though.

12-03-2009, 06:30 PM
stupid is abundant though.

Im not sure this is server specific so much as species specific :)

12-03-2009, 08:21 PM

Isn’t anyone with some variant of the name “Jezibele” worth double points too?

Anyway, in semi-related news IB and I are testing the effects of invoking Kreegan’s name in a quest instance. So far it increases the party’s DPS by 25%. We’re hoping to verify that it results in an increased drop rate of raid items.

12-03-2009, 08:27 PM
But with you and ib in the same group doesnt take away from group dps?:D

12-03-2009, 09:05 PM
Im not sure this is server specific so much as species specific :)

indeed, +rep

12-03-2009, 09:20 PM
You are right. You are indeed very mean and scary. wink wink

and, Killing a Kalari cleric variant does not increase chances of of uber raid loot. wink wink

and, and you can convert 1,000 gold festivul coins to 1 plat festivul coin and the jester will give you a ring of evasion. wink wink

"IB and I are testing the effects of invoking Kreegan’s name in a quest instance. So far it increases the party’s DPS by 25%. We’re hoping to verify that it results in an increased drop rate of raid items. "

Judging by my fist experience if Kal's rogue is offed by a well placed grease, and Creeg dies multiple times of self-inflicted traps = NO raid loot: 0 for 1
Clearly Kal needs to bring clerics and not rogues on the raid runs for her deaths to increase the uber raid loot.

12-03-2009, 09:39 PM
But with you and ib in the same group doesnt take away from group dps?:D

Only if one of your bards is with us.

Judging by my fist experience if Kal's rogue is offed by a well placed grease, and Creeg dies multiple times of self-inflicted traps = NO raid loot: 0 for 1
Clearly Kal needs to bring clerics and not rogues on the raid runs for her deaths to increase the uber raid loot.

Remember: We never actually invoked the name of “Kreegan” in that raid. He was playing and we kept calling him “Aebot”.

12-03-2009, 09:44 PM
Only if one of your bards is with us. :P you should know better than to invite one of my party school bards :cool:

12-03-2009, 11:37 PM
Ugh you know my poor rogue gets little respect as it is but I will take the not killing her cause she dont bring loot any day :p

As for involking Creeg's name towards loot does cussing him out every time one of his minions try to sick me count?

Either way panhandlers and beggars are bad those who hit random invites are starting to really work my nerves. Sometimes I just click no and move on my way but in the middle of combat you sometimes hit yes and get pulled into a group mess. Then you tell the people um I really didnt want to join im kinda in the middle of something only to have them beg you to stay. I just dont get it if you have an lfm up and I didnt click on it what makes you think a blind invite while im already in a quest is going to make me change my mind?

This is another reason why I like hirelings now even if I dont use them for anything but buffs or haste they keep me from going threw this much anymore. Sad really.

12-04-2009, 02:23 AM
Ugh this thread had promise, but now its a LL circle jerk. Cmon Kal yell at these guys and get em back on topic!

12-04-2009, 02:33 AM
LOL im shocked at how many of them have been sober enough to post in my little ole venting thread :eek:

Plus they just wanted to use my thread to push their kal killing agenda the jerks :mad:

12-04-2009, 02:35 AM
LOL im shocked at how many of them have been sober enough to post in my little ole venting thread :eek:

Plus they just wanted to use my thread to push their kal killing agenda the jerks :mad:

Nobody needs to push that agenda, it happens regardless ;)

12-04-2009, 03:53 AM
Ugh this thread had promise, but now its a LL circle jerk. Cmon Kal yell at these guys and get em back on topic!

Hey... I was promoting the killing of a certain Harper, too! And it isn't so much as promoting the killing of them, but of the drinking for all of us. Oh, and the bonus loot is nice, as well.

Good call QuantumFX... Jezibele is certainly a double point kill, but she is crafty. Kamari is easier, cause she always tries to hide in her puzzle room... so I always know right where she is.

12-04-2009, 04:05 AM
Good that you and your friends think im an ass for answering what was clearly a silly question. Im not going to sugar coat or apologize, I was standing outside the shroud in Meridia not the leaky dingy or phoenix, I am not a new player clearly and you sent a tell asking if I was shroud ready when I was in an group with an lfm group up. So sorry if you didnt like my response but thats how I am, funny how those who you say think im an ass probably would still send a tell to get a heal. But meh whatever glad you got a laugh so did the people I told about your obvious fact finding tell.

Next time I am in the dinghy instead of the shroud feel free to ask me about any other raid I may not be flagged for :)

Well I am on Sarlona(to low yet for shroud) but keep an eye out for me when I get there. As I am pretty sure who I'd run with and I promise not to beg for stuff or be to much of an idiot and I would be playing my FvS

12-04-2009, 07:13 AM
Well I am on Sarlona(to low yet for shroud) but keep an eye out for me when I get there. As I am pretty sure who I'd run with and I promise not to beg for stuff or be to much of an idiot and I would be playing my FvS

:) sounds good and dont mind me I just dont like random tells Its been really hard lately since people will spam you for various things and it kinda makes me grumpy.

12-04-2009, 07:46 AM
:) sounds good and dont mind me I just dont like random tells Its been really hard lately since people will spam you for various things and it kinda makes me grumpy.

I hate them to also hate the blind guild invites I have been getting

12-04-2009, 08:22 AM
Oh your going to be a source of entertainment for sure and here I thought Bran not posting no more would never be filled. Glad to see someone trying to fill his shoes though.

One thing about me never claimed to ever be a nice person, never claimed to be one who enjoys silly tells in fact by this thread and some of my others should tell you that. So if you dont like it fine but your calling me childish doesnt hurt been called worst with good reason. So unless you have more to add to this thread besides going rounds with me I suggest ya quit while your ahead. Your a nice person who only wanted a cleric and IM a meanie who thought your tell was stupid. Im sure you'll win a ton of friends who will support you threw out your gaming time in here and I'll be all alone.

(cue sad violin music)

Lol Awesome Vintage Kal!!!! Let's go play a drinking game.

12-04-2009, 08:33 AM
That was me. It might surprise you, but there are quite a few level 20 players who aren't shroud ready. You know, all the new players who started around MOD 9. I did a /who cleric 16-20 and worked my way down the list. Being a level 20 cleric you were one of the first people I messaged. I also checked to see who was LFG 1-20 Cleric and FVS first, there were NONE; hence I went through the 16-20 list. I only messaged people who clearly weren't in the middle of a quest. If you were in the Shroud, A New Invasion, Enter the Kobold, etc you didn't get a request. If you were in the Leaky Dingy, Meridia, etc; I probably sent you a tell. You were in Meridia; hence the request.

When I received your reply I pretty much knew you were being a sarcastic a*hole, but I wished you luck anyway. Is it really hard to answer a yes/no question? You aren't fooling people when you say "I don't do that shroud thing". You are, however, making it apparent that you are a passive aggressive child.

Since "I don't do the shroud thing" was a pretty ridiculous response I copy/pasta'd it into group chat for a good laugh. Most everyone agreed that you came across as an ass, or someone they'd rather not have in the group. I sincerely wish you luck in all you do.

Warmest Regards,


You think she gave you a SmartA answer, try sending blind tells to my cleric or FVS and see what you get. People need to learn to put up a freaking LFM and wait. People will join if they wish to run the quest.

12-04-2009, 09:22 AM
Been luckly so far, my cleric has only gotten a hand full of blind invites since I started back playing again.

Oh and killing her doesn't get you loot. :P I am more likely to pull something good and give it way. lol

12-04-2009, 02:02 PM
Oh and killing her doesn't get you loot. :P I am more likely to pull something good and give it way. lol

That will have to be verified through correct scientific method, in game. What level is your cleric? I need to get grouped more often... but I think that means I need to find longer stretches of time I can be logged in for, really. **** job. **** family. ;)

12-04-2009, 02:22 PM
That will have to be verified through correct scientific method, in game. *SNIP*

That will involve tens of thousands of runs of killing the cleric! Wow thats dedication :)

12-04-2009, 02:27 PM
lol ugh go and get some sleep hoping people will be in here venting about bad tells and the like and still see this cleric killing propaganda :mad::mad:

Ya'll all get the stink eye for this times 10!

12-04-2009, 02:33 PM
Level 20 of course lol. If you can find her, lately I have been playing my fvs trying to get her to 20.

12-04-2009, 02:36 PM
I hate them to also hate the blind guild invites I have been getting

I got my first guild invite last night or the night before... it was odd at best.

lol ugh go and get some sleep hoping people will be in here venting about bad tells and the like and still see this cleric killing propaganda :mad::mad:

Whoa! Slow down there. Nobody said anything about "cleric killing" in general. I think it was specific to your cleric. I never get any decent loot when my cleric dies. And I should know, because he dies frequently.

12-04-2009, 02:39 PM
I got my first guild invite last night or the night before... it was odd at best.

Whoa! Slow down there. Nobody said anything about "cleric killing" in general. I think it was specific to your cleric. I never get any decent loot when my cleric dies. And I should know, because he dies frequently.

My cleric does not bring good loot I swear it, Creeg just keeps a lucky gnome in his back pocket and he always pulls good loot so its not fair to link my deaths to his pulls.

And yes blind guild invites are very annoying now, used to be id roll up a new character and play them till at least 5 or 6 before guilding them that way I know they are worth keeping. Now with all the spam invites I just let the guys know "hey I made a new build may not keep them but send me an invite" that way I dont have to go threw that. Sure I could disable invites but then when im ready to be invited I tend to forget I had the darn option disabled :p

12-04-2009, 03:51 PM
<snip>id roll up a new character and play them till at least 5 or 6 before guilding them that way I know they are worth keeping.<snip>

YohGee is level 6 now... how do I tell if he is worth keeping? I read posts on the forum and can't help but figure I'm trying to run the middle ground between battle cleric and healer. I also figure people in the know call that middle ground "gimp". Ah well. I enjoy bringing out the gimp ;)

12-04-2009, 03:59 PM
YohGee is level 6 now... how do I tell if he is worth keeping? I read posts on the forum and can't help but figure I'm trying to run the middle ground between battle cleric and healer. I also figure people in the know call that middle ground "gimp". Ah well. I enjoy bringing out the gimp ;)

If you got him to six and still enjoy playing him thats one sign, but group interaction can will help.

The problem with clerics is many groups will assume you are there only to heal, when your out there swinging your weapon and they are crying that they are poisoned/blind what not they dont want to hear how your taking down mobs.

Now im not bragging but I do multitask a lot so my cleric tends to fight, cast and heal when needed. But took me years to get it just right and the ocassional person will still die specially if I need a drink :) I think as long as you find yourself having fun though your build is keepable. Though once you get to higher levels it may change hopefully it wont though and hey I like playing gimps people seem to bring me along no matter what :)

12-04-2009, 04:04 PM
I had a person send me a tell asking for a hand out and I just ignored him.

Two minutes later, same person sends a tell saying "At least you could have been nice and said No"

Of course I ignored him....

The nerve!!!!

Yep I got panhandled the other day, and I was in a hurry and let the zone the guy started sending nasty tells.

Should had reported is butt. But I just said what I always say? “SirgodDeathgun, that you?”

12-04-2009, 05:29 PM
YohGee is level 6 now... how do I tell if he is worth keeping? I read posts on the forum and can't help but figure I'm trying to run the middle ground between battle cleric and healer. I also figure people in the know call that middle ground "gimp". Ah well. I enjoy bringing out the gimp ;)

You are a Cleric...by definition you CANNOT be gimp. It is impossible. Well almost impossible to do that. There are no super tricks or secrets or massive break points in the game that you simply must hit like some multiclass builds have.

Pure Cleric...can rule the universe, or at least as much of the quest as you want to...

My level 20 can do pretty much anything she wants. Crack heads, sure. Drop some nasty spells or healing...not a problem. Even be a semi tank if needed. Done that too. She is a 28 pt, rolled up in the first week build. (I did have a vast D&D background.)

My level 18 is a walking nuking shrine. A bit weaker and softer, but with a bit more punch on her spells (Empower vs Empower Healing in this one).

My Level 15 is more a dwarven healbot, but more than able to beat heads (but is on my other account so is often more a buffbot when I am dual boxing.

My level 7 cleric runs with lower level guild runs

Working on a FvS at level 6 so far.

In between the other 20 characters on the server...(not enough hours in the day...)


Not to mention other clerics/FvS on other servers of low/mid levels....

12-04-2009, 06:32 PM
None of my alts are ever anon and I can't remember the last time I got a blind invite. Heck I rarely even get the "hey can you come do our raid" tells, don't know if I am just lucky or if noone wuvs me:confused:

And Creeg... if you kill yourself you get to drink TWICE, I recommend this over trying to kill me at every turn;):p

12-04-2009, 06:49 PM
None of my alts are ever anon and I can't remember the last time I got a blind invite. Heck I rarely even get the "hey can you come do our raid" tells, don't know if I am just lucky or if noone wuvs me:confused:

And Creeg... if you kill yourself you get to drink TWICE, I recommend this over trying to kill me at every turn;):p

But does he get to do a triple if he takes both of you down at once!?!:eek: That really depends on the goals of the night I would guess...

12-05-2009, 12:14 AM
None of my alts are ever anon and I can't remember the last time I got a blind invite. Heck I rarely even get the "hey can you come do our raid" tells, don't know if I am just lucky or if noone wuvs me:confused:

I think everyone knows that if you’re not in an LFM then you’re on timer.

12-05-2009, 04:06 AM
You think she gave you a SmartA answer, try sending blind tells to my cleric or FVS and see what you get. People need to learn to put up a freaking LFM and wait. People will join if they wish to run the quest.

Firstly, thanks for piling on, truly heroic.

Secondly, there is a lot of information in this thread. I know reading comprehension isn't everyone's strong point; I am not judging you. In case you missed it, I had a LFM up, had been waiting, and was trying to expedite things.

Saying people will join if they wish to join is, at best, a myopic observation. I expect more depth of analysis from someone with a 2006 join date. Consider this, MANY people are new and are unaware that there are pre reqs for certain raids. Some new players are aware that there may be pre reqs but they may not know what the pre reqs are. In summation, people may join if they wish; however wishing to run a quest doesn't mean they have the pre reqs to actually gain entry to the quest.

I look forward to your insightful, ad hominem free reply.


p.s. Names of your FVS's and Clerics so that I may take you up on your dare.

12-05-2009, 08:47 AM
My opinion - free and worth every penny:

Blind invites are really annoying
Blind tells are fine unless they are worded by buttheads or followed up by insults when you decline.

Lately I've been getting Tells that are so gently and politely worded it takes an entire paragraph to get to the part where I can see which quest is involved. How tortuous to write that and then copy and paste it over and over, but still I appreciate the extra effort.

12-05-2009, 05:23 PM
Cat consider yourself lucky I dont even understand why I get some of the tells that I get hit with in game. Last night was our weekly fraidnight and some guy hit nearly our full list to help him with icy runs. First couple of people in our group asked did we know the person sending the tell figuring it was a mutual friend or maybe a relative of one of our players. No such luck, we were on our way to do a TOD when the guy literally spams over half the raid group with

"Hey can you come run me to get icy's?"

When he finally got to me I told him "not to sound mean but did you check to see if the person your sending this tell is in a group already? Tonight is a guild function night and im already in a group you should really check the who list to see if the people your sending tells to are already occupied."

Did the who list stop listing people in group? Or is this an influx of people who dont even bother to check they just see a high level and assume that were on with nothing to do? its hard not to get snarky any more this on top of the pan handling has gotten out of hand.

I thought the guy who not only begged me for equipment then wanted me to bring his level 7 sorc who pown's everyone in pvp threw the vale of all places (cause he loves devils and the like) was bad. But I just chalked that guy up to maybe a kid or someone who sustained a lot of head injuries. I dont know the excuses from some of the others but they have been getting down right nasty when you tell them no to. So if im a lot tougher with the responses I give back in tells now you can blame the guys who get an attitude when I wont give them 50k plat to help them out. Since when did someone on korthos need that kinda plat anyway?

12-05-2009, 06:29 PM
Firstly, thanks for piling on, truly heroic.

Secondly, there is a lot of information in this thread. I know reading comprehension isn't everyone's strong point; I am not judging you. In case you missed it, I had a LFM up, had been waiting, and was trying to expedite things.

Saying people will join if they wish to join is, at best, a myopic observation. I expect more depth of analysis from someone with a 2006 join date. Consider this, MANY people are new and are unaware that there are pre reqs for certain raids. Some new players are aware that there may be pre reqs but they may not know what the pre reqs are. In summation, people may join if they wish; however wishing to run a quest doesn't mean they have the pre reqs to actually gain entry to the quest.

I look forward to your insightful, ad hominem free reply.


p.s. Names of your FVS's and Clerics so that I may take you up on your dare.

Guessing reading comprehension is not yours either, you missed the WAIT part.

12-05-2009, 09:11 PM
Ugh this thread had promise, but now its a LL circle jerk. Cmon Kal yell at these guys and get em back on topic!

/spins head in 360 degree.
theres a topic.

12-07-2009, 12:10 PM
Joined a pug yesterday for Stormcleave with my L6 Bard. Group forms and we're all 5-6 with one 4. Leader decides he wants to do it on hard. I immediately say I think this is going to be out of reach for our group on hard and another person says the part with the skellies is going to be extremely tough. Leader says no problem, if we die we'll just restart on normal. Now here is where I should have bailed but I figured why not give it a try.

We make it to the skellies actually with no problems. In fact we're kind of mowing through everything. Once we hit the Arcanes that start spamming CK then things go horribly awry. Deaths everywhere, organization fully falls apart. So we're deciding what to do to regroup with we all hear the telltale "Ding" of someone leaving group.

You guessed it, party leader vanished in a rage.


12-07-2009, 01:24 PM
Joined a pug yesterday for Stormcleave with my L6 Bard. Group forms and we're all 5-6 with one 4. Leader decides he wants to do it on hard. I immediately say I think this is going to be out of reach for our group on hard and another person says the part with the skellies is going to be extremely tough. Leader says no problem, if we die we'll just restart on normal. Now here is where I should have bailed but I figured why not give it a try.

We make it to the skellies actually with no problems. In fact we're kind of mowing through everything. Once we hit the Arcanes that start spamming CK then things go horribly awry. Deaths everywhere, organization fully falls apart. So we're deciding what to do to regroup with we all hear the telltale "Ding" of someone leaving group.

You guessed it, party leader vanished in a rage.


Ugh I hate when that happens its why if Im in a group that states normal (specially at low levels) then they go "oh we should try" I immediately find a way out now. Its just a mess waiting to happen. And if your going to put a group together why leave when you knew there was a chance at a failure due to the level challenge vs level of your party? ugh some people should never have the star and sorry you went threw that FlyinS.

12-08-2009, 02:05 AM
Guessing reading comprehension is not yours either, you missed the WAIT part.

...In case you missed it, I had a LFM up, had been WAITING, and was trying to expedite things.

The defense rests.