View Full Version : Be a part of something...

12-02-2009, 10:25 AM
Well, I’ve been back on Ghallanda for a couple of months now. Good to be back home. Got my characters all planned out, well stocked and ready to do some adventuring. As soon as Festivult comes to an end, I will be ready for the fun to begin (one last farming run before the real work begins).

I will be recruiting for my own guild soon. Something gets lost in transaltion when a guild is too big and people tend to “nit-pick” or find pet peaves when a guild is too small (I do it too). Not that I have any ill regards for former guilds that I have been a part of. But I think we are all here to have fun. And not everyone has the same concept of what fun is.

What I am looking for, for starters is a group of 12 (a solid raid party) that can grow what I would like to be one of the best guilds on Ghallanda (I would say THE BEST, but that is matter of opinion). So, 11 others and myself. No experience neccessary, they are welcome to be VIP, F2P, new player or founder; I would actually like to see a mixture of all. These 11 would be the official ‘board members’ for Drakken Storm Industries, with me being the CEO.

PM me for more information or a ‘draft’ of the guild’s constitution.

I will keep those that need to know in the know. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sweet Home Ghallanda (Part I):

Airship keep on cruising. White dragon don’t smash it again. Singing songs about Xen’drik, I never want to see Korthos again (never again). Well, I heard Natt gann was a performer. But now Natt Gann’s not around. I think he broke his leg when the tent exploded. I think The Coin Lords put him down (like a lame horse).

Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.

In Stormreach Harbor I love the loot runs. Durk’s, Water Works and Irestone Inlet are the best. Now, the crowds in the Marketplace do not bother me. Do the new players really bother you, tell the truth.

Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.

There’s really not any problems, finding a group now the game is free to play. Most of these guys are buying their content from the DDO Store (when its free for a VIP like me).

Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.

Sweet home Ghallanda. Where the skies aren’t always blue (they’re sometimes grey). Sweet home Ghallanda. I feel most at home on you.

(Extended Version - Part II - Coming Soon)

12-14-2009, 12:42 PM
My basic philosophies of what this guild should hold true...

Drakken-Storm Industries is a guild of Dungeons & Dragons Online players that maintains the following philosophies:

I. This is only a game! If your character dies, you lose money or don’t always get the best loot and rewards, don’t get mad. This game is designed to be fun, not overly stressful. Dungeons & Dragons from inception was a socially based idea, meant to bring people together to have a good time, let’s keep it that way.

II. Every quest and every adventurer is unique! Whether it is a group of new or a group of veteran adventurers, each quest offers new challenges. No matter the difficulty level. Whether it is your first time running an adventure or your eight millionth, every time you enter a quest it is that characters first time.

III. There is no fun in “zerging”! Meaning that those adventurers that find it necessary to run ahead of their group and attempt to kill everything (successful or not) will be dismissed from that adventuring party. This has a tendency to ruin the fun for others, especially those that have not run an adventure before.

IV. We were all “noobs” at some point. Therefore we will openly accept all new adventurers into an adventuring party that wish to join. However, if an adventurer is not conforming to party rules they may be dismissed with a majority vote of guild members in the adventuring party.

V. No one knows it all! All advice is to be given in a “matter of opinion” way; everyone has their way of doing things and not everyone’s is the same. Offer input but don’t be condescending or overly critical if it is not used.

VI. Be the kind stranger. Don’t be greedy with your loot. If there is something that you receive but have no use for, offer it to a guild member or a complete stranger. This extra step will help you make new friends, help our guild grow and make everyone’s playing experience a lot better (even a stranger’s).

VII. Make Drakken-Storm Industries the guild you want it to be. Even if you are not an officer, make your voice heard. If there is something you want to see more or less of in guild, say so. The officers are not mind readers (well, not all of them).

VIII. Play the character that you want to play. Don’t be afraid to try various character builds. Make a multi-class character, give your character a handicap (a rogue with low INT and DEX scores, a warforged bard or sorcerer, whatever); do whatever it takes with your character to make the game fun.

12-21-2009, 11:51 AM
These tenants seem to be very much to what she believes in, she doesn't have a mic, or any characters above level 6 on this server but would love to become part of this guild at start < http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=220874 > has more details about who she is and what she is looking for if you feel that she matches up she would love to hear from you and become part of your organization.

12-21-2009, 01:23 PM
These tenants seem to be very much to what she believes in, she doesn't have a mic, or any characters above level 6 on this server but would love to become part of this guild at start < http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=220874 > has more details about who she is and what she is looking for if you feel that she matches up she would love to hear from you and become part of your organization.

PM sent. :D

01-02-2010, 09:16 AM
Good mornin' ladies and gentlemen...

With the New Year now upon us and my RL 'holiday obligations' out of the way. I am returning to the game with a fresh perspective and optimistic view for the coming year(s).

I will now be actively recruiting for Drakken Storm Industries guild. If the philosophies and views of guild comradery are of like mindedness to your own and you are interested in becoming a member of this new upstart guild, feel free to drop me a line in game or a PM here on the forums.

Again this is a NEW guild. I formerly was using the guild tag for my toons only, but have decided due to 'raid requirements' and the 'difficulty' of adventuring without a 'balanced' party have decided to extend the ranks to interested players.

At this point the guild is 3 members strong (myself included) and with the various alts available from the three members, we are available to party with those that are interested in level range of 2-17 (mostly in level range of 4-9).

You do not have to be a VIP or a DDO veteran to be a member of this guild. I am looking for potential officers (PM me for officer requirements) and members. New players of DDO are welcome as are founders. :D

Happy New Year and I hope to see you in game...

edit: newly created guild site (thanks to Guild Portal) http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?PageName=Home&GuildID=342334&TabID=2865832

01-03-2010, 09:44 PM
bump ;)

02-04-2010, 03:27 PM
Ok, after a two-month break I am back in game and still recruiting. I apologize to those that wondered where I went, but I became distracted by the various RL objectives I have been trying to meet and tried a couple of new games (well, new to me) during my break.

But, I am back now. Check the guildportal site for more info on what is going on...

02-06-2010, 12:03 PM
The guild seems great so far. A leader that knows the game well, but isn't running around with the "I know all!" attitude. Members that are both friendly and helpful. And a guild environment that is catered toward a good time rather than power play.
All in all, as a reformed soloist, the game is much more enjoyable for me now.
Thanks for that.


02-06-2010, 12:30 PM
Thanks for the kind words. I am glad you are enjoying our little group sessions. I am sure as we grow and get to know each other better, they will become a lot more enjoyable :D

06-12-2010, 02:41 PM
Well, after starting a new full time job. I am now slowly coming back to DDO as a F2P (Premium or whatever you want to call it...) player. The upcoming update has lured me in, I will admit.

I will be making "adjustments" to the guild charter to reflect MY new play schedule (which I will admit is still fairly sparse right now). But I am interested in hearing from interested people that are still looking for a good CASUAL guild / group to run with. I know that my schedule is mostly going to be weekends only now due to RL obligations.

Interested persons can either post here or send me a PM for more information and invitations.

A special thanks to those that have stuck with Drakken Storm Industries through these lonely times in game. Your commitment to a guild tag is most admirable. However, I do not harbor any hard feelings that needed to find something more. ;)

I look forward to seeing everyone in game. :D

07-13-2010, 10:07 PM

Looking for a few good adventuring companions when you play? Need some advice on tactics, a guided tour of one of the many explorer areas, a hand with a loot run? Check us out.

No Blind invites!

No guild "fees / dues" required (donations are welcome).

No drama or "guild politics".

Not a lot of time to dedicate to "scheduled runs"? Not a problem. Due to my own schedule play times are random (weekends mostly - day and evening US EST).

Currently recruiting players of all caliber.

Inquire within.

10-23-2010, 08:26 PM
Hello. I certainly like the sound of what you want to put together. I have been looking for something to be a part of for some time. My only toons are currently Bootstomp (my main), and Cunomar. Still trying to figure out how to post things properly, I was trying to follow Darklily's example, but it seems I've got some things to learn yet. You can learn a bit more about me from the link:


10-24-2010, 11:39 PM
PM Sent Gunner4...

In addition I am "glad" to say that I am back in the action of DDO and furthermore back to subscriber status with the release of Update 7.

Game time is still spiratic at best - but I hope to see some of my old friends roaming the city wards.

See everyone in game...

11-04-2010, 06:55 AM
Fariwell for now Ghallanda, I will be traveling to Sarlona for a while. :o

I'm sure I'll come back to visit from time to time. :D

Those that have characters on Sarlona and think they are interested in my guild idea are welcome to look up an officer of "DSI" on Sarlona and get an invite. ;)


11-07-2010, 08:57 PM
As you have probably seen around Ghallanda a rather small but experienced guild named, Psychobilly Delux. They are a small experienced guild with, no drama, no rascism and no language. If you are an experienced, regular player, not minding to not be the leader of a guild, I would check them out.

- If intrested Contact Jawney (and other toon names spelt similar)