View Full Version : LF Guild to Join

12-02-2009, 07:32 AM
Hey fellow Khyberians (?)

I am new to DDO and Khyber in general, and looking to join up with a guild to progress through the game. I've been playing D&D and MMORPGs for over 20 years (yikes how old am I!), and liking what I am seeing from DDO so far. I will be mainly F2P with the odd purchase of TPs when they are on sale, and plan to get a few of the more popular adventure packs. That said, I live in the UK and am online nearly every night for a few hours - more if I'm annoyed with darn kobald shaman's casting hold person on me and killing me! Revenge is a must.....

My main is a lvl 7 fighter going along the SD path. I also have a lvl 3 Ranger (AA) for fun, and plan to make a pure healing Cleric and a Drow fighter Kensei when my favour piles up a bit.

If you think there is room for me, please feel free to whisper "Inbhir" ingame. Or heck, if you just need a tank for some instance fun, I'll probably be up to help you out with that too.


01-10-2010, 09:41 PM

20 years eh, that's a long time. Now that's a veteran :)

Well we have a number of player from around the world, not sure if any are based in the UK. I guess you're not on the Europian servers :)

We are laid back, fun, but also focused. A varying number of people from multiple timezones. A good tank is always welcome, we seem to have a lot of rogues ;)

So give a look and see how you go:
[RECRUIT] - Omega Syndicate on Khyber (http://www.os.rumbaar.net/index.php?topic=63.0)

01-11-2010, 06:13 AM
If yor looking for a guild that has people in your time zone you might also wanna check out IBC we have a 15% UK population lol ;)

Read around look at guilds let us know im sure we all will be lucky to have you.