View Full Version : Trade Here....<>....

12-01-2009, 02:52 PM
Tradeing: Bloodstone, Gird, Min.Lev.15. 30% Stride Ring, +2 Force HandWrap Pure Good, +1 Para Khop BackStab4,
Armor Bracers 7, +1 Weak/Enf Dwarven, +3 Mald/Bone Heavy Mace, +1 Acid Greataxe Greater Evil Outsider Bane,
+2 Para Falchion Tendon 6% RR Half.26, Spectral gloves, +1, +2 Tomes, +5 light steal shield of stability RR ElfDrow,
+5 Mithrial full Plate Plain, And Plat...

Looking for Large Ing and Named items. To name a few: Spell Storing Ring, Whirlwind, Beholders optic Nerves, Ring Of Dijn, Firestorm Greaves, Kardins Eye, Min Level 7 Haste Clickies, Twigs, Sirroco, Golden Greaves,
Vulk Dagger, Ancient Band, +5 Something Handwraps Weigted 5%, +5 Mald/Bone Handwraps, Large unbound Bags,

Updateing shortly...Lets Talk, Send me a private message

12-18-2009, 04:02 PM
Bloodstone and level 8 +5 mith full plate. Want them.

12-18-2009, 06:52 PM
i want the spectral gloves, send me a tell in game, characters in the sig.

12-22-2009, 12:02 AM
+5 Something Handwraps Weigted 5%

This item simply does not exist as it would be a minimum of a +11 modifier, min lvl 20 and no items with that can be dropped from random loot gen. the best you could get is a min lvl 18: +5 handwraps of weighted 5% or +4 flaming/frost/acid etc... weighted 5%.