View Full Version : Which Sarlonians have Risen from the Dead, and why did you TR?

12-01-2009, 02:40 PM
I TR'd the first cleric I rolled when the level cap was 10
--besides being a 28pt build, she put a lot of silly points into the Heal skill, and had like a 2 balance. I did enjoy having 2 pure Divine Caster/Healers to raid with, so I TR'd her as an FVS for a little bit of change--still an offensive caster though.

Its been fun leveling as my spells actually work thus far without too much fail--not sure I would be having as much fun if I hadn't slugged it out in Amrath and Epic for the last few months.

I might TR a 2nd time for the FVS past life feat--at this point Im leaning towards TRing back to a Cleric.

12-01-2009, 02:44 PM
Same as you really, I TR'd my original 28-pt build and it has really breathed new life into the character. I did not really like the ranger class and switched to a WF fighter. Going from 28-pt to 34-pt was a huge boost to DPS as most of those points went into strength.

All in all, I am really happy with my TR but I cannot imagine going to a 36-pt build at this point. Time will tell.

12-01-2009, 02:46 PM
I did so on my intimitank... going for completionist.. and then back to intimtank...

12-01-2009, 03:00 PM
TR'd a rog mut. Made b4 monks, so i rolled another b4 TR came out. Now going 20 fighter prolly.

12-01-2009, 03:40 PM
if I can find the desire to log in then I plan on TR Zixx into a pure barb....he's so Mod 4(think that was GH wasn't it?). But we'll see.

12-01-2009, 04:37 PM
I did so on my intimitank... going for completionist.. and then back to intimtank...

You my friend are one sick puppy.

Moops: I have only 1 Build I`d TR (If I ever get to 20 with him); as far as Bruttus and others I`ve done the # crunching (as well as XP`s/Time) and it simply makes no sense since he has +3 Tomes all around (except WIS) and the benefits are +4 Intimidate and a few skill points here and there.

In Conclusion (for my builds with +3 Tomes on the right stats....) Lesser Reincarnation FTW!

12-01-2009, 04:40 PM
tr'ed my tempest monk, changed race from drow to halfling

12-01-2009, 05:08 PM
I to also TR my origianl 28 point build Pugster went from Rogue to Wizard this is my first caster but it will be short lived as i well be tr again and going to completionist.

12-01-2009, 05:17 PM
Matson started over, it gives me something to do.
I leveled Matson as fast as possible and I reached level 10, 12, 16 then 20 prematurely. It's been a minute and I'm ready to go again, taking my time thinking about math and grandmas while I level.

12-01-2009, 05:19 PM
I am planning on doing both my first 28 pt build (JA - as soon as I get to lv 20)... I learned a lot about the game, but this charactor could be a lot better... JA has some good loot I don't want to loose.

I have a 28 pt cleric I may do as well...

12-01-2009, 05:23 PM
I would have if any but my original 28 point Halfling Rogue was capped. I just love him too much to kill him off. Will prolly do the Greater Rez on him just to get the 32 points and tweak a few skill points (not to mention take advantage of the +2 Intel tome he ate at level 16).

12-01-2009, 05:38 PM
I TR my cleric... not sure why, spur of the moment. So far not too bad, Butterheal had no +3 tomes... I like the +2 levels for turning undead(fun for low levels), but it is going to take forever level back up again.

One good then... The pendant of time works at level 1

12-01-2009, 06:10 PM
made my cleric a fvs. gonna do my pally x2. everyone else is not a tr candidate

12-01-2009, 06:48 PM
I TR'd Henry the other day. His 28-pt stat allocation wasn't anywhere near what it would have been if I had rolled him post-Shroud, GR was nowhere in sight, and the Fighter Past Life feat is really nice.

The big thing though was that quite frankly I was running out of things to do on him - he wasn't really performing as well in Epic as I had hoped, and I have all of the loot I could possibly want other than Epic stuff which currently Kulgan is more effective at gathering than he was. Soon enough I'll have a significantly higher Intimidate, way more DPS (I actually have the dex to TWF this time), and a slightly better AC.

12-01-2009, 07:38 PM
I TR'd Kalanth because in the end game I found that Rogue 14 / Barbarian 6 was not as good as I had hoped it would be.

12-01-2009, 08:24 PM
I have to wait for my 1,000 Turbine Points. But, my monk Aemlas, is getting the TR treatment.

Why? Eladrin won. I decided to stop foolishly trying to play a monk based on the Eberron campaign setting and instead play a monk from the Rokugan campaign setting.

I think my Drow Ranger is destined to come back as a 2 Monk/18 Paladin. I like the idea of a Drow Pally that can self cast extended barkskin.

I may also attempt the Completionist path on Arturium. I’m going to wait until the Reincarnation cap is removed though. I don’t want to get stuck as a 36 point kensai because the DDO devs have the “Skill Focus: Painting oneself into a corner” feat. I chose Art for this journey because he is my character with the most versatile collection of bound/raid loot.

12-01-2009, 09:56 PM
My drow S&B defender pally Scarybat became my first level 20 character last night.. and promptly reincarnated as a human TWF pally. I loved being nigh invincible (raid buffed sustained AC 68, and that's without chattering or insight bonus, so I had potential for 75) but I hated taking so long to kill stuff once I ran out of smites. Scarybat the second won't have the same AC, but at least stuff will die fast!

12-01-2009, 10:06 PM
I think my Drow Ranger is destined to come back as a 2 Monk/18 Paladin. I like the idea of a Drow Pally that can self cast extended barkskin.

I was told that the barkskin past life feat was only usable on others...

Was I told misinformation on this?

12-01-2009, 10:07 PM
I was told that the barkskin past life feat was only usable on others...

Was I told misinformation on this?

IDK. AFAIK it works like a dragonmark.

12-02-2009, 12:02 AM
tr'd to change race mainly, while i was at it i got a class upgrade as well. drow -> wf is worth every penny even without the 2 extra stat points.

12-02-2009, 02:43 AM
3 more Titan's until I TR Towrn.

Was originally thinking about taking him from the gimp build that he is and making him into a 18pally/2monk. With all the other people I see doing that and my usual frustration with Pally builds I am starting to rethink it.

Maybe a 34 point version of Tierbal or maybe Towrnado.

Still have some time to decide and up for hearing some ideas.

12-02-2009, 11:01 AM
I TR'd Stratonike because Quik told me that dex-based rangers are useless.:p

12-02-2009, 11:04 AM
I TR'd Stratonike because Quik told me that dex-based rangers are useless.:p

I never said any such thing. They got bark dont they?

12-02-2009, 11:11 AM
I never said any such thing. They got bark dont they?

Good point. Maybe you said MY dex-based ranger is useless.

12-02-2009, 11:21 AM
Good point. Maybe you said MY dex-based ranger is useless.

Thats certainly possible.

12-02-2009, 11:27 AM
Good point. Maybe you said MY dex-based ranger is useless.

He told me it was Dex based rangers with bad connectivity issues that were useless......


12-02-2009, 11:39 AM
He told me it was Dex based rangers with bad connectivity issues that were useless......


Ouch! !?et tu Brute?! :p

12-02-2009, 11:40 AM
Ouch! !?et tu Brute?! :p
Dude, that's not Bruttus, that's Towrn. Duh.

12-02-2009, 01:06 PM
I'll be true-reincarnating my original character, Justin, shortly. He's only L19 so I have to get him some XP and want to finish a greensteel cloak for him, but I am holding fast to my goal of accomplishing this in December, it shouldn't be a problem.

He is a 28 point human rogue, built early morning of headstart, Feb 2006. I kept him for nostalgia, but he will be so much more effective rebuilt. I am transitioning him to a Str based assasin, lowering int by a couple of points and also making good use of the 6 extra build points, and not putting skill points into skills that back then, we thought would eventually be useful, like repair :) He already has his radiance rapier and already can solo rares in Amrath so I can't wait to see what the new build can do, as he originally only had a 10 Str.

I noticed recently in-game that Butter and Henry reincarnated already, good luck to you and everyone else with your projects. Even though it will be a grind to get back up to cap, I am quite excited, and already have a lot of gear lined up from level 1 on. The key I think is having other folks who also are doing it or have lowbie alts so you have somebody to make the levelling back up a lot more enjoyable. I don't plan on pushing it and making it a chore to get back up, I'll do it when I want to as I have plenty of other chars to run.

12-02-2009, 01:36 PM
Even though it will be a grind to get back up to cap, I am quite excited, and already have a lot of gear lined up from level 1 on.

Thus far It has not been a grind for me, Im only level 8, but I have been running all quests close to level despite XP amount, and have just been having fun enjoying the content.

I made level 8 doing mostly everything in Korthos/Harbor/half the marketplace and a few scattered things in the houses--I just ran Stormcleave for the first time on Normal at LvL7--which is crazy--I usally hit that at 3 or 4. Though Ive done things on N /H/E i haven't repeated anything other than that--Its a different kind of grind than it used to be--Farming the same quests for xp--Im doing all the side stuff, much of which Ive only done once or twice and taking my time, much of the game seems new to me this way instead of just doing WW/STK/TR/SC/Delerias/Gwylens/Tear/Co6/VONS. Leveling this way does let me know that if I TR the same alt again, I can add farming the above quests for the added XP amount.

12-02-2009, 03:23 PM
Anyone else notice the rather cool lineage tab on my.ddo.com?


Examples: Henry (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/henry), Hexanna (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/hexanna), Matson (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/matson)

It's almost worth TRing just for that!



12-02-2009, 06:22 PM
Anyone else notice the rather cool lineage tab on my.ddo.com?


Examples: Henry (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/henry), Hexanna (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/hexanna), Matson (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/matson)

It's almost worth TRing just for that!



What’s stopping you from reincarnating your monk for the bigger fists feat?

12-02-2009, 07:15 PM
Anyone else notice the rather cool lineage tab on my.ddo.com?


Examples: Henry (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/henry), Hexanna (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/hexanna), Matson (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/matson)

It's almost worth TRing just for that!



LOL, okay so they did lie about not keeping a record of your old toon on that reincarnate warning text box :)

12-02-2009, 07:25 PM
What’s stopping you from reincarnating your monk for the bigger fists feat?

too much effort for too little benefit - I would get +1 dmg from the past life feat and have to give up a feat to get +1 dmg from the fist, and maybe get +1 dmg (into STR) from the extra stat points, so +3 dmg for tons of work and a lost feat.

ok I was ready to argue why it wasn't worth it, but somehow writing this post has made me think maybe it is... :eek:


12-02-2009, 07:35 PM
too much effort for too little benefit - I would get +1 dmg from the past life feat and have to give up a feat to get +1 dmg from the fist, and maybe get +1 dmg (into STR) from the extra stat points, so +3 dmg for tons of work and a lost feat.

ok I was ready to argue why it wasn't worth it, but somehow writing this post has made me think maybe it is... :eek:

Do it! Plus then you can make Keensky TR through peer pressure.

12-02-2009, 07:37 PM
too much effort for too little benefit - I would get +1 dmg from the past life feat and have to give up a feat to get +1 dmg from the fist, and maybe get +1 dmg (into STR) from the extra stat points, so +3 dmg for tons of work and a lost feat.

ok I was ready to argue why it wasn't worth it, but somehow writing this post has made me think maybe it is... :eek:


LOL - You could have said “THE GRIND!!! OMG IT BURNSSSSS!!! IT BURNSSSS!!!” as a legit response. Fortunately, for me, I have no +3/+4 tomes on my monk so it’s no big loss to do a reincarnation.

12-02-2009, 08:28 PM
LOL - You could have said “THE GRIND!!! OMG IT BURNSSSSS!!! IT BURNSSSS!!!” as a legit response. Fortunately, for me, I have no +3/+4 tomes on my monk so it’s no big loss to do a reincarnation.

yup that's a good reason! I have a +3 wis tome on tibetan!


p.s. I do hate grinding, and I bet Henry is already n levels above me

12-03-2009, 09:08 AM
Thus far It has not been a grind for me, Im only level 8, but I have been running all quests close to level despite XP amount, and have just been having fun enjoying the content.

I made level 8 doing mostly everything in Korthos/Harbor/half the marketplace and a few scattered things in the houses--I just ran Stormcleave for the first time on Normal at LvL7--which is crazy--I usally hit that at 3 or 4. Though Ive done things on N /H/E i haven't repeated anything other than that--Its a different kind of grind than it used to be--Farming the same quests for xp--Im doing all the side stuff, much of which Ive only done once or twice and taking my time, much of the game seems new to me this way instead of just doing WW/STK/TR/SC/Delerias/Gwylens/Tear/Co6/VONS. Leveling this way does let me know that if I TR the same alt again, I can add farming the above quests for the added XP amount.

This is exactly my experience so far as well. I am loving every minute of it! I am almost 8, but so far it hasn't felt like a grind at all. For me, it almost feels nostalgic! The first time I took Cedrica through all these quests almost four years ago, it was a MUCH different experience for me than it is now.

I won't be TR'ing Cedrica again. I just needed to fix a few small imperfections, so far so good. :)

Edit: OH!!! My 1000th post! How perfect is that? lol

12-03-2009, 11:30 AM
This is exactly my experience so far as well. I am loving every minute of it! I am almost 8, but so far it hasn't felt like a grind at all. For me, it almost feels nostalgic! The first time I took Cedrica through all these quests almost four years ago, it was a MUCH different experience for me than it is now.

I won't be TR'ing Cedrica again. I just needed to fix a few small imperfections, so far so good. :)

Edit: OH!!! My 1000th post! How perfect is that? lol

Congrats on 1000, Ced! I totally agree with your post regarding the leveling process being nostalgic. I'm having a blast, personally. In addition, hitting the levels where you can start re-equipping your old gear is a nice carrot to drive you on as well. Lvl 9--bloodstone!

12-03-2009, 11:37 AM
Congrats on 1000, Ced! I totally agree with your post regarding the leveling process being nostalgic. I'm having a blast, personally. In addition, hitting the levels where you can start re-equipping your old gear is a nice carrot to drive you on as well. Lvl 9--bloodstone!

Can't wait til I TR towrn, he has so much gear that isn't used properly.

Chattering Ring
Jungle Cloak
Levik's Bracers
Dragon Boots
Icy Raiment
and hopefully in 2 more titans
Titan Belt

Too much to not be excited about a TR.

Also, grats on 1000 Ced. Good to see ya.

12-03-2009, 11:44 AM
This is exactly my experience so far as well. I am loving every minute of it! I am almost 8, but so far it hasn't felt like a grind at all. For me, it almost feels nostalgic! The first time I took Cedrica through all these quests almost four years ago, it was a MUCH different experience for me than it is now.

I won't be TR'ing Cedrica again. I just needed to fix a few small imperfections, so far so good. :)

Edit: OH!!! My 1000th post! How perfect is that? lol

Same for me, I am almost level 8 and I still havent done gwylands, tear, greymoon/co6, von's or threnal.
I did do stormcleve N/H/E last nite... but I havent felt the grind yet... I think the higher levels will become a major grind.

12-03-2009, 02:52 PM
Same for me, I am almost level 8 and I still havent done gwylands, tear, greymoon/co6, von's or threnal.
I did do stormcleve N/H/E last nite... but I havent felt the grind yet... I think the higher levels will become a major grind.

Im not sure that they will for me--I love the Gianthold, The Vale, The Jeets Series and Amrath, and would be running those quests for fun anyway. I think that I would be fine if I stayed 16 forever and could get into some GH pugs, and at the same time all the raids. One thing is for sure, instead of hitting GH at 9 or 10, I'm going to wait til prob lvl 12.

I love playing this character, Nostalgic is exactly right Cedrica. And knowing that I don' t have to grind for any gear, has lessened my haste to hurry.

12-03-2009, 03:05 PM
Im not sure that they will for me--I love the Gianthold, The Vale, The Jeets Series and Amrath, and would be running those quests for fun anyway. I think that I would be fine if I stayed 16 forever and could get into some GH pugs, and at the same time all the raids. One thing is for sure, instead of hitting GH at 9 or 10, I'm going to wait til prob lvl 12.

I love playing this character, Nostalgic is exactly right Cedrica. And knowing that I don' t have to grind for any gear, has lessened my haste to hurry.

The paly im leveling didnt start GH till 13 (not a reincarnate). Hes 16 and just finished all the GH normals. Still need to go do wiz king elite for full xp (havent taken 16 yet.)

Also dont forget the refuge. The xp is big out there, and well worth a n/h/e round robin. The orchard quests are big as well.

12-03-2009, 03:28 PM
The paly im leveling didnt start GH till 13 (not a reincarnate). Hes 16 and just finished all the GH normals. Still need to go do wiz king elite for full xp (havent taken 16 yet.)

Also dont forget the refuge. The xp is big out there, and well worth a n/h/e round robin. The orchard quests are big as well.

I dont like the refuge quests though:) And there is nothing that I need from them, So I dont plan on spending alot of time in the Refuge, if at all. Ooooh but I forgot I like the Abbott flagging quests alot too--so much to run at the lvl 16 range:)

12-03-2009, 03:39 PM
I dont like the refuge quests though:) And there is nothing that I need from them, So I dont plan on spending alot of time in the Refuge, if at all. Ooooh but I forgot I like the Abbott flagging quests alot too--so much to run at the lvl 16 range:)

I never thought I'd say this but....isn't leveling FUN!:o

12-03-2009, 08:18 PM
I dont like the refuge quests though:) And there is nothing that I need from them, So I dont plan on spending alot of time in the Refuge, if at all. Ooooh but I forgot I like the Abbott flagging quests alot too--so much to run at the lvl 16 range:)

While I wouldn’t grind those quests either I would suggest running them on Normal and Hard because the XP is pretty good.

But yeah, the relevelling without worrying about grind gear is one of the big plusses for me. I’m actively having to make the decision NOT to reincarnate my rogue so I can tear stuff apart at level 12 with his rad II scimitars.

12-04-2009, 02:28 AM
While I wouldn’t grind those quests either I would suggest running them on Normal and Hard because the XP is pretty good.

But yeah, the relevelling without worrying about grind gear is one of the big plusses for me. I’m actively having to make the decision NOT to reincarnate my rogue so I can tear stuff apart at level 12 with his rad II scimitars.

Yeah the refuge is just to much xp to pass up imo. With a decent group of "knowns" you can bang em out real quick as well. I wouldnt dream of skipping them on a reincarnated alt, though Im sure many will.

I hear ya bout level 12 though. For those of us without min lvl 8 GS lvls 9-12 is like candyland

lvl 9-Bloodstone, Planar Gird, FS greeves, chattering ring, SFGloves, other titan gear
lvl 10-Vorps, smiters, disruptors, banishers (unless you got lvl 8's)
lvl 11-GS items boots of the innocent if you gots
lvl 12- GS weaons
lvl 13-Tharnes, Madstone boots, HOGF, other reaver gear.

Very nice 5 levels. And yeah, I reincarnated a finesse rog into a str fighter, I waited till I had dual lit II khops. The day I finished the second I reincarnated :)

12-04-2009, 06:50 PM
Will probably TR my bard at 20....she started as an Extreme Explorer experiment that I didn't want to reroll again when I died at like 6 or 7. Sheelagh has too many tomes so will lesser TR her whenever it becomes available and if they ever hit 20 I may well try TRing the rogue and possibly the paly... but I don't see that happening anytime soon.:p

12-05-2009, 10:03 AM
I managed to get Kalanth back to level 2... Did not take long to realize that starting over was for the bonus of another +1 was not as thrilling as originally thought...

12-05-2009, 10:19 AM
My take on the TR is that you have to be real careful that you don't jump way ahead of your level. I am waiting to level 12 to get into GH and I may stay there and bank xp well into my next level. Same thing with the desert, I am trying to bank as much xp as possible so that I don't hurry to the vale or shavarath and level past some really good xp. I don't want to find myself at level 17 and be out of options that don't involve a ton of grinding.

12-05-2009, 10:32 AM
My take on the TR is that you have to be real careful that you don't jump way ahead of your level. I am waiting to level 12 to get into GH and I may stay there and bank xp well into my next level. Same thing with the desert, I am trying to bank as much xp as possible so that I don't hurry to the vale or shavarath and level past some really good xp. I don't want to find myself at level 17 and be out of options that don't involve a ton of grinding.

If your looking to bank xp there is no reason to go to GH till your 13. Shadow Crypt, Wiz King, Von 1-4, Tempest Spine, Co6 Etc are all good xp before then. Im about 8k from 13 and havent set foot in GH. Ill prolly be well into 13 before I do as we plan on running von 5 n/h tonight for some good xp. Did TS last night n/h/e as well. I also dont see any reason to go into the vale till 16 or 17.

12-05-2009, 10:41 AM
Started running shadow crypt but have yet to get into the desert. I was rushing to try to get to 12 so that I could get my GS weapons and my disruptors. Then I will head to the desert, I hate the undead area without disruptors. Plus, this will be my first WF trip into that area so it will be a new experience in many ways.

Yep, have ran VONS, CO6, and the others - although I got really sick of CO6 really quick.

I am thinking that TR feels like an extra bubble per level....is that about right?

If anyone gets a run to desert area to farm wiz-king, I would love an invite. The reincarnated character is named Maverickace, he is a level 11.4 WF fighter - Sarlona server.

12-05-2009, 11:00 AM
I originally didn't plan to TR my rogue, but I have decided to go ahead and do it after seeing how much fun everyone else has been having with TR. It will give me a chance to make a few slight improvements and wring out a couple more points of extra monster slaying goodness. The only regret I will still have is giving up my maxed out favor. There are a few quests I'm not looking forward to repeating, but I guess I'll do them anyway. I just won't TR for about 9 or 10 more days as I want to hit my 20th ToD and 80th shroud completions first.

12-05-2009, 12:48 PM
i ransack quests then move on. did shadowcrypt 13 times (11 on n, 1 h/e) did this with many litany flagging quests and once all my friends have full sigil will do this on litany, lvl 14 and skipped co6, von1-4, gh, vale, and desert. you may call this tedious, however, there is no way faster to lvl :D

12-05-2009, 12:52 PM
i ransack quests then move on. did shadowcrypt 13 times (11 on n, 1 h/e) did this with many litany flagging quests and once all my friends have full sigil will do this on litany, lvl 14 and skipped co6, von1-4, gh, vale, and desert. you may call this tedious, however, there is no way faster to lvl :D

I keep a wf'd caster at 10 on another acct so i can run through shadow crypt whenever I want. I usually run n/h then elite till my eyes bleed. I do wiz king a lot after that.

12-05-2009, 04:34 PM
I keep a wf'd caster at 10 on another acct so i can run through shadow crypt whenever I want. I usually run n/h then elite till my eyes bleed. I do wiz king a lot after that.

yeah im at the point where i wanna ransack wiz king but i dunno anyone who knows it well enough to farm for xp, ive maybe ran it 10 times total and cant find a path that is fast enough to make it worth it :/

12-05-2009, 06:56 PM
yeah im at the point where i wanna ransack wiz king but i dunno anyone who knows it well enough to farm for xp, ive maybe ran it 10 times total and cant find a path that is fast enough to make it worth it :/

Heres my take on wiz king.

The bulk of the xp comes in optionals. Optional xp is awarded as soon as the optional is completed. I run it during "down time" so no matter what its worth my while.

12-06-2009, 11:03 AM
Heres my take on wiz king.

The bulk of the xp comes in optionals. Optional xp is awarded as soon as the optional is completed. I run it during "down time" so no matter what its worth my while.

yeah it's worth some 20k with op....only thing ya need to know Hoko is do the whole thing.

12-06-2009, 11:13 AM
I originally didn't plan to TR my rogue, but I have decided to go ahead and do it after seeing how much fun everyone else has been having with TR. It will give me a chance to make a few slight improvements and wring out a couple more points of extra monster slaying goodness. The only regret I will still have is giving up my maxed out favor. There are a few quests I'm not looking forward to repeating, but I guess I'll do them anyway. I just won't TR for about 9 or 10 more days as I want to hit my 20th ToD and 80th shroud completions first.

hey Jack I TR'd Zixx and got him up to 4th...if your not running up with guildies and want to zerg stuff to get it done send me a tell in game. I should be playin a bit more here soon as my schedule clears up...so I'll keep my eye open for ya too.

of course you might be 10th before I get a chance to log in :)!!!

12-06-2009, 12:33 PM
hey Jack I TR'd Zixx and got him up to 4th...if your not running up with guildies and want to zerg stuff to get it done send me a tell in game. I should be playin a bit more here soon as my schedule clears up...so I'll keep my eye open for ya too.

of course you might be 10th before I get a chance to log in :)!!!

Sounds good. I'll get my 20th ToD tonight (hopefully), and my 80th shroud next week, so next Sunday I'll be ready to TR. Hopefully your schedule will be better by then.

12-12-2009, 11:52 PM
TR-ed my main, wizard, likely only doing it once. Respec-ed skills to build in umd and diplo, got 3-4 points more Con then he originally had at creation, and the past life feats for wizard are quite nice. Doubtful I will TR him more than this once though, and unsure if i will ever TR any of my other builds.

12-14-2009, 06:25 PM
An Update--I keep hearing the question, " Is it worth it?" and really I think it depends on why your doing it.

My TR journey has been slower than that of my guildies and friends --besides taking time away for Dragon Age, I took a bit of a different approach most people I know--Ive pretty much done everything in my lvl range one time--but no more than 3 times, and my Lvl 9 FVS has 900+ favor, which is more than my lvl 18 Bard, and almost as much as a couple of my capped alts. I even amazingly made it to 9 without doing WW on Elite or Hard.

Ive also been trying to PUG as much as possible to meet new people instead of just hitting big XP quests over and over with my friends, or soloing.

Its been great fun, I've gotten to take my one time favorite Alt on a nostalgic journey, replay her in content that she once had fun in. I've done a few quests that I never did b4 because they came out after my alts were capped at that time--and many other quests that I've only done once or twice because there were actually LFMS/Or people to fill my LFMS for them.

I hit up 3 barrel Cove which I always stayed away from because the XP was rather meh, and did the new quests out there as well as the others with a fun group, I still need to do a few quests out there.

And for the first time since Level Cap was 10--I ran all 3 threnals in one night--that was nostalgic--minus of course the nerfed loot run.

I have not done VONS yet or the the Titan Quests, and have only run Stormcleave twice, Have not Done Co6 so I will prob farm those as well as the Mid level Necro quests.

So far it does not feel like a grind for me--I suppose once I hit 16 and start to get anxious for Imploison, it will feel grindy.