View Full Version : Inquisitive short caster, seeking acceptance...

11-16-2009, 02:44 PM
I am dreaming of the day when I can move out of the front yard and into the the game. Put me in coach I am ready to play. I feel many with agree with me when I say that the lack of me and my people is just FUBAGR, or Fouled Up Beyond All Gnown Recognition. We have sat by idly watching the other races tackle challenges placed before them, waiting for our opportunity, but no longer. I am standing up to be heard.

Honestly, I was shocked and amazed when I heard Guard Crichton at the harbor in Stormreach has sent group after countless group to defend Stormreach against kolbolds. My people are very adept at fighting them, as we have for countless generations. Call on us and we will show them gnomercy! We might even invent the Stormreach Kolbold Defense System, so that Guard Crichton will no longer have to send out countless groups.

And I keep hearing about these nasty elite traps. I heard of some poor sap who had his whole left side sliced off the other day, don't worry he's all right... You'll have to excuse the pun, but remember seven days without a pun, makes one weak... But really, what better way to detect some of these traps than some gnomish trap disabling equipment. I hear stories of adventurers tyeing maces to ropes and finding traps that way. Really?

And to top it off, we are not even allowed to sell our wares. I hear of adventurers buying elven spell components, dwarven armor, but we do not have the opportunity to sell you gnoman listening devices, or potion helmets, or gnomish heavy backpack assistance system. I can travel from house to house through your fancy teleporters, but I feel everyone might enjoy themselves on the automatic gnome flinging system to travel from house to house. We have a comittee working on a super long-range system right now to even get to Korthos, or out to the desert.

The Gnoman Empire spreads far and wide, well more wide than far. Although the sun never sets on the Gnoman Empire, we have yet to see highly skilled mercenaries come to our aid. It seems like the Elves, Humans, and Dwarves in Stormreach are always seeking assistance. I am not surprised about the dwarves. Which reminds me, why do dwarves have such fat nostrils? Look at their fingers.

The city of stormreach seems to be getting worse and not better. The problems are growing from bad to worse like a dwarf grows a beard. For, I can remember a time when Chamberlain Cyrese Embree was recruiting the best and the brightest, the toughest and the strongest that Stormreach has to offer, to help him out. The gnomes were not asked then, the problems grew worse. Now the best Stormreach has to offer, don't even think of that as a challenge, as Iosynne d’Phiarlan offers far more challenge. Yet my people still sit on the sidelines? How much worse will it get before you ask for our assistance? Let's face it the best and brightes are not always the most efficient. I have heard numerous stories of poeple going in and out, in and out, in and out, of the Twighlight Vale in order to get some thing to go somewhere. Ask us gnomes to do it and maybe we can get it right the first time and kill this Sally and Harry once and be done with them instead of over and over and over like a bad gnomish automatic picture player stuck on repeat. The gnomes with get rid of them for good, because we think outside the box, we get things right, when we have done the right research and thought and committee planning. What's the difference between a human being swallowed by a dragon, and a gnome being swallowed by a dragon?
Being swallowed was part of the gnome's plan.

Really, why are gnomes being excluded from saving Eberron? (Maybe this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find it. Is there a simple answer or are we waiting for the right moment to introduce the super cool super tough, inquisitive, talkative, creative, bardic, small race that brings a smile to everyone face, and decoration to everyones lawn?)

Signed: Dimble Stumbleduck Dontpuntme Nackle, lead burrower of the 27th tunnel, inventor of the six-finger mug, lead committee member creating the brass magnet, Second committee member looking into the negative resistor, creator of the illusion of peace with the drow and the elves, card carrying member of the Gnomish Liberation Army fighting the evil empress Zocara, conqueror of an ankeg at a drinking contest, reigning champion at the Basilisk starring contest, fourth member of the Committee investigating where shadows disappear to, and most importantly head committee member of the Ministry of Curiosity.

11-16-2009, 03:00 PM
...I Love It!

11-16-2009, 03:08 PM
..rock on, dude! too funny

11-16-2009, 03:16 PM
Good stuff......

11-16-2009, 03:39 PM
Dude, I would love to have us gnomes be brought into DDO, that means Rasmus, my main, might have to be deleted and remade as the race he origionally was. :)

And yes, I consider this a petition for all of us Gnomes, and again, I do sign this petition.

11-16-2009, 05:21 PM
Ok, but before we add another short race I need three things implemented:

- Half-a-pult : for halflings to help out in siege missions.

- Gnome Crossbows: Like greater crossbows, but for gnomes! No, not for gnomes to wield them... that'd be pointless.

- Oversized Pest Wielding for Warforged. Now talk about some serious DPS! Give them bursting short swords and you can do blunt and piercing damage at the same time! (And bursting too!) Poison them first and you could even add extra poisoned damage blood flares!

::goes hide::

PS: Nice post, was a lot of fun :D

11-16-2009, 05:26 PM
It makes me wonder how many signatures would make them pause and consider...

Cause, **** it would be sweet to go to the gnomish house and do some missions gnomish style and buy gomish things like a double 1/16th staff (which looks oddly familiar with a one-handed quarterstaff, or a small 1/4 staff) or a replacement buckle for the belt of eating less than 1/2 hour before swimming. Or to play a gnome who has 3 extra backpack slots (but they don't hold any potions,wands, useful items, weapons, armor, or clothing.

But at the same time, I can see why they haven't introduced the overpowered gnome because it means they would have to dramatically increase the character limit for names, hire someone to come up with the special gnomanclature (like ring of assistance from constant gravity storm, which acts like a ring of feather fall) and they would have to hire someone to come up with the animation for all the warforged to crouch when going through the gnomish house.

The gnomish missions gets me the most excited. By not introducing gnomes yet, they have kind of set it up so that the gnomes run all the behind the scenes action. Maybe one of the missions is to re-set the shroud timer lol.

a gnome can dream...

11-16-2009, 06:37 PM
I'm against the gnomish invasion for one reason, and one reason only.

Gnome Monks.

(don't ask. Seriously. You do not want to know.)

11-16-2009, 08:17 PM
Oversized Pest Wielding for Warforged. Now talk about some serious DPS! Give them bursting short swords and you can do blunt and piercing damage at the same time! (And bursting too!) Poison them first and you could even add extra poisoned damage blood flares!

Would they do sonic damage too from the ceaseless talking???


11-16-2009, 09:38 PM
Would they do sonic damage too from the ceaseless talking???


I think that one causes daze... the sonic damage comes from the squeaky screams of terror :)

12-15-2009, 12:24 PM
shameless self-bump, in the attempt to maybe one day get an official answer, or gnomes in the game...

12-15-2009, 07:24 PM
Back into your hole hobbit! We don't take kindly to your kind around here.

Seriously. It's been asked for since before launch. If it happens, it happens. Just don't hold your breath or anything.

12-15-2009, 11:57 PM
Really, why are gnomes being excluded from saving Eberron? (Maybe this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn't find it. Is there a simple answer or are we waiting for the right moment to introduce the super cool super tough, inquisitive, talkative, creative, bardic, small race that brings a smile to everyone face, and decoration to everyones lawn?)

“Short” answer: The developers are incapable of coding DDO to include gnomes. They try and pass the blame to marketing people, Wizards of the Coast, Atari and (My personal favorite) the character animators. Why? Because it’s easier than admitting that they can’t do something.

12-18-2009, 05:12 PM
“Short” answer: The developers are incapable of coding DDO to include gnomes. They try and pass the blame to marketing people, Wizards of the Coast, Atari and (My personal favorite) the character animators. Why? Because it’s easier than admitting that they can’t do something.

You can't handle the truth!

12-19-2009, 02:21 AM
You can't handle the truth!

They can prove me wrong. All they have to do is order a code gnome!

08-30-2011, 04:59 PM
Turbine released 1/2 orcs: huge success great for Barbarians, and warchanters

With artificers coming out with the next update, does that mean that they are going to increase the name length size in anticipation of the gnome race in the following update. That's right, I'm still calling for gnomes the'd make an awesome artificers. I'd pay for gnome race before I'll buy an artificer class. Heck, I'd go so far as to say the only way I'll roll an artificer is that if it is gnomish.

Remember, "There's no race like gnomes."

08-30-2011, 05:06 PM
Turbine released 1/2 orcs: huge success great for Barbarians, and warchanters

With artificers coming out with the next update, does that mean that they are going to increase the name length size in anticipation of the gnome race in the following update. That's right, I'm still calling for gnomes the'd make an awesome artificers. I'd pay for gnome race before I'll buy an artificer class. Heck, I'd go so far as to say the only way I'll roll an artificer is that if it is gnomish.

Remember, "There's no race like gnomes."

Also, there's no business like gnome business.

08-30-2011, 05:57 PM
Turbine released 1/2 orcs: huge success great for Barbarians, and warchanters

With artificers coming out with the next update, does that mean that they are going to increase the name length size in anticipation of the gnome race in the following update. That's right, I'm still calling for gnomes the'd make an awesome artificers. I'd pay for gnome race before I'll buy an artificer class. Heck, I'd go so far as to say the only way I'll roll an artificer is that if it is gnomish.

Remember, "There's no race like gnomes."

This is a wonderful Necro. Thank you.

08-30-2011, 06:29 PM
This is a wonderful Necro. Thank you.

Gnomes make great necromancers too!

08-30-2011, 07:04 PM
I am dying to TR my Horc barb into a Gnome barb. ANKLE SLASHER!!!! :D

yuda :D

/signed for gnome

07-22-2014, 03:29 AM
and it was fair teeming with gnomes and it was great. Gnomes were saving the day left and right. The gnomes were adding tons of fun creativity, adventure, and character. I get home and udpate my computer for Update 22 Patch 2. My sadness at missing my friends is surpassed by only my sadness that Patch 2 did not include gnomes,

07-30-2014, 03:35 PM
Iconic Gnomish Engineer anybody ?

08-08-2014, 01:30 PM
Bring on the gnome lads and lasses. High adventure for all!