View Full Version : When to drop group...

11-12-2009, 08:03 AM
So wasn't much going on for my level 15 fighter last night so out comes the lowbies. I had a bit of an epiphany last night, and realized there were certain signs that always proceeded a REALLY bad group. The first few examples caused me to drop a group advertised as WW on elite.

All Melee group (Unless doing content absurdly under level and easy)

Group leader asks "Can anyone open this on elite?"

Someone say's "gogogo"

Every time I'm in a lowbie group, or even higher, and someone starts saying gogogo before everyone's even at quest... It never ends well. Especially going into Black Anvil Mine, without healers and down two . . . on Elite.

Anyone else got any signs of impending doom?

11-12-2009, 09:02 AM
I regularly run quests without cleric on elite with my lowbies, but I try to make sure they're not more than 2-3 levels over me... For example, WW elite at level 2, Tangleroot hard at level 3, elite at 4.

As for signs of impending doom? When someone says they absolutely need a cleric to do such a quest.

11-12-2009, 09:55 AM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.

11-12-2009, 09:59 AM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.

When the cleric in high level content asks the question

What is a heal scroll?

ding gone

11-12-2009, 10:01 AM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.

Lol was it Thrann? He asks every time for share on TOD :)

11-12-2009, 10:08 AM
You have a party with level 7-9 people in it, none of them have done the pit and they want to open it on elite.


complete waste of 3 hours. had a group like this, ignored my better judgment and did it with them anyway. we died, I don't know, 10x each or so because of rabbit-on-crack syndrome, get to end fight, have another party wipe because people keep running into the room, and everyone quits without finishing it.

No xp, no loot, no favor.

11-12-2009, 10:25 AM
when you are going into a trap heavy quest thay want to run elite and party members say we don't need a rogue and nobody in the party has rogue abiltys.


11-12-2009, 10:26 AM
when you are going into a trap heavy quest thay want to run elite and party members say we don't need a rogue and nobody in the party has rogue abiltys.


With the way traps are bugged atm I agree ;)

11-12-2009, 10:28 AM
Lol was it Thrann? He asks every time for share on TOD :)

Lol. Not quite as bad as having to talk to the quest giver to get into the quest though lol. I hear peeps say, but it saves me 30 seconds of having to click through the text. Like my job is to save everyone 30 seconds?

11-12-2009, 10:29 AM
You have a party with level 7-9 people in it, none of them have done the pit and they want to open it on elite.


complete waste of 3 hours. had a group like this, ignored my better judgment and did it with them anyway. we died, I don't know, 10x each or so because of rabbit-on-crack syndrome, get to end fight, have another party wipe because people keep running into the room, and everyone quits without finishing it.

No xp, no loot, no favor.

Uh yeah, bad call. Should be running the pit tonight or tomorrow on our lowbies. We typically dont lfm spots but we might. Keep a look out if you want a quick run.

11-12-2009, 10:30 AM
I regularly run quests without cleric on elite with my lowbies, but I try to make sure they're not more than 2-3 levels over me... For example, WW elite at level 2, Tangleroot hard at level 3, elite at 4.

As for signs of impending doom? When someone says they absolutely need a cleric to do such a quest.

It wasn't the lack of healer that lead directly to my leaving. It was the culmination of all three.

There are times when it's just NOT worth the frustration.

It was mostly the gogogo though.. that is like a chant of doom.

11-12-2009, 10:50 AM
(Party):Assio has joined your Party.

(Party):You leave your Party.


11-12-2009, 11:01 AM
Bringing up a lowbie fvs that's heal spec'd has been painful.
I ran a 'thrall of the necromancer' the other night, lvl's 7-9... shoulda been fun....
Had 3 deaths in the fire trap at the begining... I should have taken that as a sign.
10 raise scrolls, 8 cure serious wands and an hour of painful healing later we finally drop the end guy and I hear from the (non-trap removing) rogue, "Wow... that was the easiest quest I've been on!"


11-12-2009, 11:10 AM
"gogogo" has been my motto for long time now. Our guild founders actually wanted that to be our guildname but we didn't think of it until about two months in ><

11-12-2009, 12:04 PM
i don't join a group if the level range is 4-8, 5-9, 6-10, 7-11, or 8-12 etc.. as that is the default setting and anyone who starts a group with the default setting is clearly f2p and has no clue what they are doing, and that you need to narrow down your quest to 3 levels for optimum xp.

and in my experience, if the leader does not know what they are doing, then they will obviously grab the wrong classes thus making a fail run (especially on elite now that even lvl 8 elite traps 1 shot you with improved evasion on a 1 roll). until they fix how much dmg traps do on elite i forsee any group doing something on elite without a rogue at lvl will be guarnatee'd failure unless everyone in the group is a twink and has tons of rez cakes/cookies etc..

11-12-2009, 12:08 PM
OP the answer is simple. If you are in a group where you are even entertaining that thought, you should probably just drop. If the make up and style of the group is annoying at the start, it is unlikely to get any better.

I have to assume you play the game for you to have fun and if that is not happening, might as well change and see if you can have fun elsewhere. There are some players that can just suck the fun out of things for everyone in a group.

11-12-2009, 12:10 PM
i don't join a group if the level range is 4-8, 5-9, 6-10, 7-11, or 8-12 etc.. as that is the default setting and anyone who starts a group with the default setting is clearly f2p and has no clue what they are doing, and that you need to narrow down your quest to 3 levels for optimum xp.

and in my experience, if the leader does not know what they are doing, then they will obviously grab the wrong classes thus making a fail run (especially on elite now that even lvl 8 elite traps 1 shot you with improved evasion on a 1 roll). until they fix how much dmg traps do on elite i forsee any group doing something on elite without a rogue at lvl will be guarnatee'd failure unless everyone in the group is a twink and has tons of rez cakes/cookies etc..

ALAS, no rez cakes anymore...if you had some you were counting on....DON'T, they are now Searing Light Cakes...:(

11-12-2009, 12:54 PM
Bringing up a lowbie fvs that's heal spec'd has been painful.
I ran a 'thrall of the necromancer' the other night, lvl's 7-9... shoulda been fun....
Had 3 deaths in the fire trap at the begining... I should have taken that as a sign.
10 raise scrolls, 8 cure serious wands and an hour of painful healing later we finally drop the end guy and I hear from the (non-trap removing) rogue, "Wow... that was the easiest quest I've been on!"


Wow... honestly, at that level, I would not expect anyone to be expending those kinds of resources. I've started up a rogue, just because of one's like that though. I figure once word gets around that I'll actually stop and disable the trap, I may get invites! :D

So I'm thinking should add to the list..

If half the party wipes within first thirty seconds of entering quest, run away screaming.

11-12-2009, 01:49 PM
If they take too long getting to the quest and getting it started :)
And if they insist on having not one, but 2 clerics for a quest. . .

11-12-2009, 01:51 PM
If they take too long getting to the quest and getting it started :)
And if they insist on having not one, but 2 clerics for a quest. . .

Well that would depend on the 1st cleric wouldn't it....:D I am sure that sadly we all know of some clerics who need a healbot for themselves...

11-12-2009, 01:53 PM
Well that would depend on the 1st cleric wouldn't it....:D I am sure that sadly we all know of some clerics who need a healbot for themselves...

LOL so true. . .

11-12-2009, 01:58 PM
Im really starting to think at low levels its easier to run alone or find other friends who have alts and short manning threw quests now. Its been painful between those who dont read lfm's, droppers because they tried to join a pay to play quest as free to play and just dealing with child like people ive been prone more then ever to leave a group. :( Lowbie running is tedious enough at times having to hand hold and babysit and pull people threw quests youve run thousands of times is not fun at all.

11-12-2009, 01:59 PM
If your cleric wasted half of his mana bar to prevent party wipe within first thirty seconds of entering quest, run away screaming.

Fixed for you.

11-12-2009, 02:04 PM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.

Had that on a Waterworks run last night. Asks to share the quest while standing at the entrance.

11-12-2009, 02:06 PM
I'm crying just reading this.......

Bringing up a lowbie fvs that's heal spec'd has been painful.
I ran a 'thrall of the necromancer' the other night, lvl's 7-9... shoulda been fun....
Had 3 deaths in the fire trap at the begining... I should have taken that as a sign.
10 raise scrolls, 8 cure serious wands and an hour of painful healing later we finally drop the end guy and I hear from the (non-trap removing) rogue, "Wow... that was the easiest quest I've been on!"


11-12-2009, 02:10 PM
Two things that make me stop and think "Do I really want to play with these people?"

#1: "We need a healer"
#2 "Armor class is useless, anyways" (Heard this one this morning.)

11-12-2009, 02:12 PM
I think we all have seen the level of play go down since the F2P started. For good or bad i cast no blame, this is just my observation. I pug a lot and my pugging has been curtailed somewhat because of this very issue. Just the nature of the beast I guess.

11-12-2009, 02:14 PM
Anyone else got any signs of impending doom?

No communication, one or two guys constantly afk with no reason, cleric has no mana after the first fight, caster doesn't haste but doesn't seem to cast much either, tank doesn't seem to be able to kill anything...

And the ever popular "We've failed this twice now, but third time lucky!"

11-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Any LFM that says:

"ELITE . Need opener"

I avoid like the plague. Which explains why I mostly solo until about L10 or L12...

11-12-2009, 03:30 PM
Any group with Quik. :p:D;)

Any Black Mantis Group. :p:p:p:D:D:D:D;)


11-12-2009, 03:32 PM
"It's ok, I did this in beta, np"

11-12-2009, 03:33 PM
dang, I need to add my lowbies to my sig, maybe I can get some pity groups out of my frustrated postings lol.

11-12-2009, 03:39 PM
Sigh I had to just leave a redwillow group its becoming painfully obvious that I have no patience left for lowbie groups. Little mistakes that I used to laugh at and try to help with now aggrivate me. And when your in a group with a leader who blind invites others doesnt know how to pull aggro and your squishy caster is about the last man standing..

Yeah its time to drop group go cool down and wonder if its too early for a strong drink


11-12-2009, 03:43 PM
This is a pet peeve of mine. When playing my cleric, I join a pug where the LFM said normal -- where normal will be a good challenge for a party of the given level.

However, I've had too many instances where I join, and someone says "oh good, a healer, now we can run it on elite." Not because they are well-equipped toons played by experienced players, but just because they have a babysitter.

Great. My job just went from capable offensive caster and healer, to scroll-using, wand-whipping, potion-guzzling nannybot for a quest that will be an expensive lost cause.

I have learned the hard way to ask to play at the level stated by the lfm, and I'll happily drop group and something else otherwise.

11-12-2009, 03:49 PM
but if there is a particularly tough fight or a specific tactic that needs to be employed and ppl don't listen then wipe, yeah, you need to find another punching bag.

Have gotten a lot less forgiving of my time, if there is little hope of completing either because of group makeup, failure of ppl to communicate or failure to consider others enjoyment of the game, I just drop, I don't recall and keep trying when I know (can't KNOW for certain as I have seen things get pulled out of a hat at the last minute to get a win) it can't be completed in a reasonable amount of time, I would rather write off the time already wasted and move on than continue to waste time that I know can't be gotten back.

This seems to becoming more prevalent as more of the newer players reach the mid to upper levels with little idea of how to play/cooperate other than throwing massive amounts of resources/brawn at a situation and hope you get a lucky crit to help you win.

Also, pet peave of mine lately as I am leveling my mid level cleric atm, fortification, for those that don't know, your will HAVE TO HAVE IT in the Gianthold area and beyond or you will be continually one/two shotted by crits, even if you have a lot of hit points.

As an aside, squishy or not, if a +30% cure light heals you from 1/4 of your life to max beyond lvl 10, you need more con, better items or a re-evaluation of your toon.

11-12-2009, 03:52 PM
Sigh. There are still people who are willing to support stupidity with their own copper.

11-12-2009, 04:05 PM
I've grown more discriminating at the LFM panel when I started leveling up my Fvs. I too frequently see a group of 5 LFM; In the comments it says "Need Healer" or "Healer only plz'. Then on the list of classes they are looking for they only have a cleric listed.

Another thing I see a lot of is level 4-5 players wanting to do level 8-9 quests and wanting to do them on hard/elite. Favor ***** has turned into a dirty word. :D

11-12-2009, 04:09 PM
This is a pet peeve of mine. When playing my cleric, I join a pug where the LFM said normal -- where normal will be a good challenge for a party of the given level.

However, I've had too many instances where I join, and someone says "oh good, a healer, now we can run it on elite." Not because they are well-equipped toons played by experienced players, but just because they have a babysitter.

Great. My job just went from capable offensive caster and healer, to scroll-using, wand-whipping, potion-guzzling nannybot for a quest that will be an expensive lost cause.

I have learned the hard way to ask to play at the level stated by the lfm, and I'll happily drop group and something else otherwise.

This is so true! Once in a great while I have a wonderful group starter that will offer heal/rez scrolls. Other than that, that's exactly what it seems we are. At 1300+ Plat a pop for a heal scroll, I'm thinking of taking donations before the start of any quest with 4+ people.

11-12-2009, 04:37 PM
This is a pet peeve of mine. When playing my cleric, I join a pug where the LFM said normal -- where normal will be a good challenge for a party of the given level.

However, I've had too many instances where I join, and someone says "oh good, a healer, now we can run it on elite." Not because they are well-equipped toons played by experienced players, but just because they have a babysitter.

Great. My job just went from capable offensive caster and healer, to scroll-using, wand-whipping, potion-guzzling nannybot for a quest that will be an expensive lost cause.

I have learned the hard way to ask to play at the level stated by the lfm, and I'll happily drop group and something else otherwise.

I usually try to avoid any group looking for a cleric. There are some quests I will only do at certain levels etc with a cleric, but I usually dont put a pug up for them, I try to get a group together and do other things until we get a decent cleric in group, then I suggest said quest.

11-12-2009, 05:06 PM
I have to say, Ive met some very good F2P players, and to me this particular time period in DDO is no different then when I started in Beta and many many people including myself did not know exactly what to do and where to go, and a few people were pros right from the start--like my BF who could solo all the content while I struggled just to keep up with him.

When we were pugging b4 F2P-- chances were that at least half if not more of your your party had done the quest a 100 times before and were also twinked---Now if I pug Im usually the only one who has ever done the quest b4, and I find it kind of fun watching people discover new things, it reminds me of the olden days:)

11-12-2009, 05:15 PM
I think you hit it there Moops. When it was half or more veteran players before, it wasn't nearly as bad. You could carry one or two new folks. NOW however, when you'll get...well, MAYBE one veteran, yourself, it's just... Frustrating. When you know HOW things should be done, and its ignored, or misinterpreted, or told that you are wrong. Whee!

11-12-2009, 06:01 PM
I have to say, Ive met some very good F2P players, and to me this particular time period in DDO is no different then when I started in Beta and many many people including myself did not know exactly what to do and where to go, and a few people were pros right from the start--like my BF who could solo all the content while I struggled just to keep up with him.

When we were pugging b4 F2P-- chances were that at least half if not more of your your party had done the quest a 100 times before and were also twinked---Now if I pug Im usually the only one who has ever done the quest b4, and I find it kind of fun watching people discover new things, it reminds me of the olden days:)

Thats not what you were saying the other night, you were cussing n00bs up and down ;)

11-12-2009, 06:05 PM
Sigh I had to just leave a redwillow group its becoming painfully obvious that I have no patience left for lowbie groups. Little mistakes that I used to laugh at and try to help with now aggrivate me. And when your in a group with a leader who blind invites others doesnt know how to pull aggro and your squishy caster is about the last man standing..

Yeah its time to drop group go cool down and wonder if its too early for a strong drink


I must be totally honest here. I have never done blind invites, I try to listen to advice whenever given, and I will not dole out advice unless I am certain I am very familiar with the subject matter. But I have made tons of mistakes. I know that without my guild, I would still be making the same mistakes over and over. Playing in a group with Creeg telling me what to do, makes me far far more effective than me muddling through on my own. Last night Creeg had me giving out more damage in one run of redwillow than I have in in like the previous 10 quests combine...

Having a tutor that you trust helping through voice makes a huge difference. I like reading and learning. I have read posts on tactics and spells and blah etc etc. And I have grouped in PUGS with players who were clearly experienced. But nothing I have read either through in article, post, or group chat format has made as much of an impact as playing in a party with voice with someone who knows what they are talking about.

I have made a lot of mistakes even with reading a lot and willing to take advice, I have been very lucky to get advice from experienced players from my guild.

I feel alot of my mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. I would safely venture out to say alot of other new players go through the same thing. It makes so much of a difference learning in a guild that it almost feels like cheating. I am very green behind the DDO ears, but I already recognize a huge difference in my effectiveness and stlye when I am with players I know versus random pugs.

In a guild party, I am the squishy caster, killing stuff left and right, constantly being saved by my party because my mind, fingers, and mouse aren't so good at this game yet. In a pug, I am the squishy caster drawing too much aggro, not knowing where to go next, and constantly feeling, "*** is going on here!" (Which is more me than the party, cause I am still getting that feeling in a good PUG, medium, or bad Pug.)

I find both fun, it is just the guild groups are far more effective. I earn 4 times the xp in a two hours in the guild than I do pugging.

So before I ramble on too much more, I just want to thank you guys for sharing the advice you do give. I am learning as fast as my old decrepit mind can.

11-12-2009, 06:07 PM
I have to say, Ive met some very good F2P players, and to me this particular time period in DDO is no different then when I started in Beta and many many people including myself did not know exactly what to do and where to go, and a few people were pros right from the start--like my BF who could solo all the content while I struggled just to keep up with him.

When we were pugging b4 F2P-- chances were that at least half if not more of your your party had done the quest a 100 times before and were also twinked---Now if I pug Im usually the only one who has ever done the quest b4, and I find it kind of fun watching people discover new things, it reminds me of the olden days:)

I hear ya moops on the begining learning curve... it is STEEP!
I still remember the first time I met you in a pug and you saved me from giving away a mana pot when the guy wanted to trade me for a lesser restore wand (it was a delera's run... funny coincidence that I was just talking about delera's too :D). Newb-ness can be fun and pugging is a great way to meet new and great people.
I dunno if it's just bad luck or if it's just because I'm doing such low-level pugging but lately I'm finding it very painfull. I beg, I pleed and I bribe but try as I might some people are just determined to suck up all of healers resources. The big problem is it's hard to tell the newbs from the noobs.
Should make 'em wear signs....
'Hi! I'm XXNEWBXX, I'm a level 6 wizard with 40hp... I plan on running through the traps and fireballing those fleshrender thingies. It's only hard, how bad can they hit?'

These (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=2552538&postcount=1) are the kinda pugs I wish I could run into

11-12-2009, 06:13 PM
*Snip*, I just want to thank you guys for sharing the advice you do give. I am learning as fast as my old decrepit mind can.

I just want to thank you for listening to advice given! :D

11-12-2009, 06:33 PM
Its time to bail when:

Someone says "Share Quest" or some variant, when the questgiver is right in front of the quest, or you are mid-chain and cant, but they ask anyway.

A crybaby states "Slow down, theres a chest back here in this level 2 quest which im sure has uber loot in it" and then complains when everyone but him and noob no.2 are at end pulling end of quest loot and moving on.

You notice the dps hitting archers and not casters...

People go afk without saying anything, then complain about being killed.

Other signs you are seeing idiocy at work:

On LFM screen, ive already countless times seen level 3-5 groups looking for more for "invaders." .......

Any group who includes a member who uses voice chat to get approval from others about his "uberness." I was running through WW with a lowbie the other day and Had some ranger spouting all kinds of **** about how rams might was going to make him uber when he gets it, and how is xbow is better than a regular bow... on a ranger.... with rapid fire.

11-12-2009, 06:40 PM
So before I ramble on too much more, I just want to thank you guys for sharing the advice you do give. I am learning as fast as my old decrepit mind can.


I have run into some actually GOOD F2P players, but... it's difficult.

You know it's time to drop group when...

You join and rest of group is midway through an argument about who's WoW character is better.

(PS) Somebody rep me will ya? I just wanna get three dots so I don't feel like such a n00blet when I post! I'm a nice guy! I only flame people that douse themselves in gasoline first!

11-12-2009, 06:47 PM
I never have to drop group with the newbs. I just click on LFMs where I’m fairly sure that I can’t solo the quest. That way I have cannon fodder and lever pullers available.

11-12-2009, 06:57 PM
SNIP Playing in a group with Creeg telling me what to do, SNIP

Taking advice from Big Mac? Youre screwed! ;) Go ahead and start attending Alcoholics Anonymous now.......

11-12-2009, 06:58 PM

I have run into some actually GOOD F2P players, but... it's difficult.

You know it's time to drop group when...

You join and rest of group is midway through an argument about who's WoW character is better.

(PS) Somebody rep me will ya? I just wanna get three dots so I don't feel like such a n00blet when I post! I'm a nice guy! I only flame people that douse themselves in gasoline first!

+1 fer pity........

11-12-2009, 07:16 PM
I must be totally honest here. I have never done blind invites, I try to listen to advice whenever given, and I will not dole out advice unless I am certain I am very familiar with the subject matter. But I have made tons of mistakes. I know that without my guild, I would still be making the same mistakes over and over. Playing in a group with Creeg telling me what to do, makes me far far more effective than me muddling through on my own. Last night Creeg had me giving out more damage in one run of redwillow than I have in in like the previous 10 quests combine...

Having a tutor that you trust helping through voice makes a huge difference. I like reading and learning. I have read posts on tactics and spells and blah etc etc. And I have grouped in PUGS with players who were clearly experienced. But nothing I have read either through in article, post, or group chat format has made as much of an impact as playing in a party with voice with someone who knows what they are talking about.

I have made a lot of mistakes even with reading a lot and willing to take advice, I have been very lucky to get advice from experienced players from my guild.

I feel alot of my mistakes are mistakes of ignorance. I would safely venture out to say alot of other new players go through the same thing. It makes so much of a difference learning in a guild that it almost feels like cheating. I am very green behind the DDO ears, but I already recognize a huge difference in my effectiveness and stlye when I am with players I know versus random pugs.

In a guild party, I am the squishy caster, killing stuff left and right, constantly being saved by my party because my mind, fingers, and mouse aren't so good at this game yet. In a pug, I am the squishy caster drawing too much aggro, not knowing where to go next, and constantly feeling, "*** is going on here!" (Which is more me than the party, cause I am still getting that feeling in a good PUG, medium, or bad Pug.)

I find both fun, it is just the guild groups are far more effective. I earn 4 times the xp in a two hours in the guild than I do pugging.

So before I ramble on too much more, I just want to thank you guys for sharing the advice you do give. I am learning as fast as my old decrepit mind can.

He really is a wealth of advice though you really play well and I had fun last night specially after spending the day pugging it was nice to run with you and the guild. I think there are good new players out there Ive just been rolling low on finding them. And im not always lucky enough to run with guild only when on lowbies (hehe specially since we never tend to stay low level to long :) )

Glad your having fun and as I said before anytime ya need me let me know I can run at most levels from dungeon crawl to zerge depending on my mood :)

11-12-2009, 07:18 PM
Nadalis hehe just re read what you wrote to the Redwillow group was just 3 hours ago not the one we did last night that was more fun four manning it then it was in a full group :( ive notice that trend a lot to.

11-12-2009, 08:02 PM
+1 fer pity........

A rep from Quik is worth at least 5 normal points, right? I'll take pity, I ain't too proud. I play mostly Human's after all.

11-12-2009, 08:11 PM
A rep from Quik is worth at least 5 normal points, right? I'll take pity, I ain't too proud. I play mostly Human's after all.

Oh you wanted POSITIVE rep, my bad.......

11-12-2009, 08:53 PM
I never have to drop group with the newbs. I just click on LFMs where I’m fairly sure that I can’t solo the quest. That way I have cannon fodder and lever pullers available.

Ya but then you complain when the fodder has better diplomacy than you;)

11-12-2009, 09:20 PM
When u join a group and more then half the part actually have their helms showing?

Sure fire sign to get the heck out of dodge }]

11-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Sigh I had to just leave a redwillow group its becoming painfully obvious that I have no patience left for lowbie groups. Little mistakes that I used to laugh at and try to help with now aggrivate me. And when your in a group with a leader who blind invites others doesnt know how to pull aggro and your squishy caster is about the last man standing..

Yeah its time to drop group go cool down and wonder if its too early for a strong drink


First, if there are any blind invites it is time to leave the group, second...its never to early for a strong drink.

11-12-2009, 10:06 PM
Taking advice from Big Mac? Youre screwed! ;) Go ahead and start attending Alcoholics Anonymous now.......

All of Lost Legions is on a 12 step program. Step 1 through 12: everybody drink.

11-12-2009, 10:18 PM
All of Lost Legions is on a 12 step program. Step 1 through 12: everybody drink.

Thread derail!!

I use to raid with a group in another game (NOT WoW) with 24 person raids.. I was the only non-drinker. It was hella-fun to play their drinking games. Primary one was "Get the raid leader to curse". To the surprise of no one that knows me, I was excellent at it. Anytime he dropped an F-bomb, everybody took a drink. By the third hour of the raid, he was cursing like a sailor. Strangely, he actually played BETTER like that...

11-12-2009, 11:10 PM
Thread derail!!

I use to raid with a group in another game (NOT WoW) with 24 person raids.. I was the only non-drinker. It was hella-fun to play their drinking games. Primary one was "Get the raid leader to curse". To the surprise of no one that knows me, I was excellent at it. Anytime he dropped an F-bomb, everybody took a drink. By the third hour of the raid, he was cursing like a sailor. Strangely, he actually played BETTER like that...

So do most of the LL crew :P

11-12-2009, 11:22 PM
when a party burns 3000 sp's for ressing and healing, plus 2 other healers' mana on the way to vod. and dont even make it close to the first shrine. *ding* bad idea.

11-13-2009, 01:00 AM
when a party burns 3000 sp's for ressing and healing, plus 2 other healers' mana on the way to vod. and dont even make it close to the first shrine. *ding* bad idea.

I told you to stay out of those Black Mantis groups, wound! ;)

11-13-2009, 03:48 AM
In my short time playing this game, this is what I avoid in a group (and yes, some times even /ragelog :( )

- When the Sorc thinks they are the uber tank and go rushing headlon into oblivion
- When I ask for someone to be the leader of a chaotic group, and no one pays attention
- When some "vet" think he's the know-it-all and does nothing but berate the group in voice chat...they need to learn how to instruct and not implode. If that doesn't work, just leave group I guess.
- Anyone who blind-invites me..I SO hate that!
- Groups who demand Clerics have DV
- Groups that form, and then sand around for 30mins deciding what quest to do
- All "Tank/Caster" groups
- Groups who think Rogues serve no purpose and die in traps and blame everyone but themselves

I could go on...but why? Everyone else has done a great job summarizing already lol :)

11-13-2009, 03:55 AM
So do most of the LL crew :P

LOL I should so be in bed...

and that is my derail got to rest tonight is drunken raid night :p

11-13-2009, 07:58 AM
LOL I should so be in bed...

and that is my derail got to rest tonight is drunken raid night :p

I had gotten the impression that EVERY raid was a drunken raid?

11-13-2009, 01:03 PM
I had gotten the impression that EVERY raid was a drunken raid?

Well for me every raid requires some booze but fridays are special we tend to really let loose :)

11-13-2009, 03:24 PM
Aaah, okay, as long as you're the healer its all good. I've noticed healers tend to heal BEST when drunk! (Mostly because I can bribe them into healing me by then.)

11-13-2009, 05:14 PM
As I told Spyderwolf booze and pink swords :) thats enough to bribe my healers :p

11-13-2009, 05:33 PM
Here's my top one:
...without healers and down two . . .
Anytime someone in the party expresses concern that we don't have a healer, I take it as a sign of impending doom.

With only a few exceptions, like the end fight in the Shroud which was designed to be pretty hard (albeit not impossible) to do without a set healer or two, the absolute best healer you can ever find is your own **** self. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

11-13-2009, 06:32 PM
Ya but then you complain when the fodder has better diplomacy than you;)

I only complain about diplomacy when I don’t have enough to open the last explorer/rare in the Restless Isles.

11-13-2009, 06:36 PM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.


11-13-2009, 07:24 PM
Here's my top one:
Anytime someone in the party expresses concern that we don't have a healer, I take it as a sign of impending doom.

With only a few exceptions, like the end fight in the Shroud which was designed to be pretty hard (albeit not impossible) to do without a set healer or two, the absolute best healer you can ever find is your own **** self. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

So you're saying except for the end of one raid, I don't need a healer to do anything at all, ever?


I'll add that to my drop group list.

11-13-2009, 07:28 PM
When the cleric in high level content asks the question

What is a heal scroll?

ding gone

OMG I had that happen the other day. My guild mate was the party lead and we both said it at the same time in guild chat "Drop em"

11-13-2009, 08:33 PM
So you're saying except for the end of one raid, I don't need a healer to do anything at all, ever?


I'll add that to my drop group list.
I am not saying that you do not, i am saying that you should not. Whether you do or do not is up to how intelligently you have decided to play your own character.

-Do you often ask yourself between fights why the cleric is not topping up your health, as opposed to doing it yourself?
-Do you often get in over your head with too much agro, and run back to the group seeking help with killing them?
-Do you play rangers and paladins without carrying plenty of wands for self healing?
-Do you rarely, if ever, buy healing potions?
-Do you find yourself frequently "reminding" the cleric to heal you?
-Do you frequently fight outside of the crowd control that has been laid out?
-Do you never use the crowd control available to melee? (trip, stunning blow, sap, etc)
-Do you rush into groups of monsters, as opposed to fighting them at choke points?
-Do you usually fight in the middle of the room, instead of at the entrances?

I could add more questions, but that should suffice. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then you should already know why you are so pathetically dependent on babysitters...er clerics, in all your parties.

Also, I would take it as a huge favor if you were to add me to your personal blacklist. If you are saying you would rather not have someone in the party who will not be taking up cleric resources, that you would rather add someone else who leans on the cleric as you do...lol, that is awesome, you do that. Is that not fewer sp from the cleric available to you? No, that is not what it is about, I hurt your pride, and you do not want to group with me anymore because of that. In addition to that, take a look at this thread (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=124327) (edit: oops, wrong thread. Should be right link now) for a more comprehensive list of people that you should really consider blacklisting (and I am not saying that for your benefit, but for theirs).

PS it is a personal pet peave of mine when people misquote me. Do you see how?

So you're saying except for the end of one raid
With only a few exceptions, like the end fight in the Shroud

Coming from a founder, of all people. After all this time, you of all people should not be so frightened by not having a cleric. Shameful...

11-13-2009, 09:21 PM
Have to agree with Ghoste not just because I play clerics, but because ive duo'ed and three personed quests with friends and guildies where we took care of ourselves. And no not just on warforged. If you play smart you can get threw most of the content sans healer. Healers make quests go smooth yes but anyone playing for a long time can learn self sufficiency to the point where a healer is only needed if the some odd rough patch happens.

Besides the major raids and even then in achievements you already have people who have done it without clerics or favored souls there was even a sorc who soloed epic wiz king. Its possible.

11-13-2009, 09:31 PM
Besides the major raids and even then in achievements you already have people who have done it without clerics or favored souls there was even a sorc who soloed epic wiz king. Its possible.
Speaking of which, did that asian guy (Oddball or Oddjob, or something like that) finally succeed in soloing the Shroud? I know he got to the last fight, and he also solo'd VoD.

11-13-2009, 09:36 PM
Not sure but wouldnt be surprised if he did :)

11-13-2009, 09:53 PM
I read 2 pages of this drivel then stopped.

Think back to your first month playing this game. You were some if not all of the previous comments in post until you got better/more plat/found core group of friends to group etc, etc, etc.

This group therapy thread is dead.

11-13-2009, 09:54 PM
Coming from a founder, of all people. After all this time, you of all people should not be so frightened by not having a cleric. Shameful...

I think you're missing my points, and yours are apparently going right over my head... but as to above, I played for the first year or so of DDO, then wandered off due to obscene lack of content. I came back a few months ago, before mod 9 after I got burned out on the game I was playing. I didn't even know about mod 9 or the F2P or anything like that.. I just missed the awesome combat system in DDO and came back hoping there was more content!

I have limited resources really... I believe it IS possible to do all you say, but for someone like me, it's not really feasible. Just a matter of a lack of resources and lack of quest knoweldge. My common refrain when I actually manage to get into a guild group is, "You'll have to tell me what to do."

I DO top myself off with potions and all, try to fight in doors and all the other tactical things. Sometimes though, you just need a good healer (and buff's don't hurt!) That's from me playing as a straight fighter though. I got no doubt you can do without when running with your guildies and friends and all that have been doing without and have it all memorized. *shrugs* Those of us that are newer, despite what forum tag says?

Bring on the healer!

11-13-2009, 10:11 PM
Quest knowledge has nothing to do with it. I have successfully solo'd several of the new quests my first time through, having heard nothing from others about what to expect. And I am far from being the only one who can make that claim. Lack of quest knowledge can be made up for with some patience and proper scouting.

Give a permadeath guild a try. They will make you feel like you are playing a whole new game. The way they work together as a party, whatever class happens to be in there at the time, will make your present parties look like a bunch of headless chickes running around flapping at the walls.

11-13-2009, 10:24 PM
I can second the headless chickens analogy. My groups seem to be a mix of zerg, zerg-lite and just random afk's lol.

Ah well. I started the thread out of a sense of frustration and desire for some levity. I think we've about exhausted it.

If you'd like to show me some of the tricks though Ghoste, I really would appreciate it. My highest so far is my old pre-mod1 28 point fighter Gorgim. I hope they get Greater Reincarnate done before he qualifies for True Reincarnate!! I'm still not sure why I did what I did with what I did... o.O

11-13-2009, 10:35 PM
The Warforge doesn't have full health at the beginning of quest and does not know what potions are.
People say don't worry we will be fine I just soloed this with my blah blah blah.

11-13-2009, 11:03 PM
I read 2 pages of this drivel then stopped.

Think back to your first month playing this game. You were some if not all of the previous comments in post until you got better/more plat/found core group of friends to group etc, etc, etc.

This group therapy thread is dead.

Loosen up.

11-13-2009, 11:30 PM
I don't know what server you're on, but I mean it when I recommend trying a permadeath guild. These guys go in with the will and the self imposed motivation to figure out the ins and outs and best ways to function together.

If you want to try something with me, I'm currently trying to organize a low level static group through the guild Warriors Soul (Argonnessen). I'm trying to get mostly newer players in the group. It will be an all warforged party, and I will be designing each character. The group will only level up to about lvl 5 or 6 together, during which time I hope to get them really working well together. After that I set them loose, and hope to see them shine.

11-14-2009, 12:54 PM
*Snip* the absolute best healer you can ever find is your own **** self. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

Truer words never spoke.

11-14-2009, 04:03 PM
I don't know what server you're on, but I mean it when I recommend trying a permadeath guild. These guys go in with the will and the self imposed motivation to figure out the ins and outs and best ways to function together.

If you want to try something with me, I'm currently trying to organize a low level static group through the guild Warriors Soul (Argonnessen). I'm trying to get mostly newer players in the group. It will be an all warforged party, and I will be designing each character. The group will only level up to about lvl 5 or 6 together, during which time I hope to get them really working well together. After that I set them loose, and hope to see them shine.

That sounds like a cool idea. I'm all on Sarlona though. *points at forum name*

Good luck with your group! I'm still trying to wrap my head around Warforged being so GOOD now. When I originally played, they were not NEARLY as nice as they are now.. all the immunities added, the enhancements and all that... yeah. I've had fun with the WF barb I finally gave in and rolled up.

11-14-2009, 04:10 PM
Any time the party doesn't run as advertised, I regard it as a breach of contract and feel free to drop. . .

Exhibit 1. Co6 No Greymoon

Party Leader. "Okay, since two in the party need Greymoon, so we'll do that first."
Me. "Good luck."

Exhibit 2. Litany of the Dead

Me. "Which side are you running?"
Party Leader. "We need all four, so we'll be running all of them."
Me. "My Paladin needs Cinnis and Doomsphere." If they'd run those for my Paladin, I'd have relogged as either Arcane or Cleric for the others.
Other party member takes us to Vol
Me. "Good luck."

11-15-2009, 12:56 PM
You know yesterday really showed me how hard it is pugging low-mid levels and im so glad my new build is getting to the level where she doesnt have to do it much anymore. Met lots of nice new players and ran with some others building up their new alts. But the level of complete jerks and morons has made it where Ive dropped group or ran like heck after a quest completed shocked that it did complete.

Two case scenarios from yesterday has sealed me pugging a lot less now. First situation was running the orchard explorer. Cleric wasnt capable of healing multiple people it happens, you would think that most would know to carry pots and top themselves off...yeah right. I end up having to take them around since no one else really knew the area. Thats fine I was wide awake and ready to rack up xp. So were talking chit chatting we messed the one rare where you protect the guy so instead of everyone recalling since they all died safe one who was smart enough to get away I recall fill up get back to them since we had killed the giant skeleton before hand and the chest had not been open. Strike one for the cleric since I didnt count the lack of heals on us was arguing with me that there was no chest. Not even a thank you as I got her ass to the shrine to raise up just kept doubting that id lead them to loot...

Then one of the guys asked me about my guild hes new and was looking for a home so I explain to him about Lost Legions and the cleric decides to attack drinking and getting confrontational about how its not fun...So I decide at this point to ignore her shes not really that good at what she does and the guys at this point I think are only keeping her because they dont want to offend a chick.. A few drop and we were going to help another new joiner get his explorers and rares we pick up a bard who keeps asking where we are we explain it over and over the orchard. They ask "what quest are you in." We say the orchard explorers. After some time saying back of house p no its not Threnal she smartly comments "You should have just said Necropolis..."

I dropped group after that gladly I used up resources to help with curses, poisons buffed people and the leader had the nerve to question my mana use after I buffed everyone took on the wagon and rats while most of them were dying.. So yeah explorer areas will be solo for me or with guild/good friends only.

Next was Tempest spine got a tell while in the bank by some new guy who wanted to know if id help. I should have said no but I noticed two people I knew in the group and said alright. I get pulled into a group with people who had no clue what they were talking about yelling over mic at the guy with the star who was making all kinds of bad decisions. And this is the kicker I didnt join this group by clicking the lfm I was asked in a tell and one of the guys a very loud one says "we need someone to use their mic and lead the group.." what? Why would I join tempest spine to lead it? Id put it together myself if I wanted to do that. And it never ceases to amaze me that by level 10+ how many people still dont know to have poison immunity. Casters who dont understand you cant firewall golems and the silly things that has gone on. But the yelling is what got me the one guy panicked because people went forward in the first golem room and a few people got locked out. The golem was dead in less then 2 mins but he about had a cow. The same guy died a few times trying to pull ice to so I should have dropped then but the two people I knew and I made a drinking game from it...

Needless to say last night I got kinda buzzed not enough to forget though I should have drank that much. Runs like this are real eye openers and I now refuse to use anymore curse removals, poison neutralization, or lesser restores willy nilly anymore. Its one thing to help new players but some of the people I ran with yesterday should have known better and didnt.

11-15-2009, 01:31 PM
Here's my top one:
Anytime someone in the party expresses concern that we don't have a healer, I take it as a sign of impending doom.

With only a few exceptions, like the end fight in the Shroud which was designed to be pretty hard (albeit not impossible) to do without a set healer or two, the absolute best healer you can ever find is your own **** self. Anything more is just icing on the cake.

True enough for the guild party where everyone is a good player and knows the quest better than his way home. I won't play a PUG with no healer because you never know if the others are selfsufficient.

11-15-2009, 01:44 PM
Party Leader says to you "Can you open this on Elite? I've never ran it before." True enough last night on HiPs. I logged and went to bed...

11-15-2009, 02:05 PM
Ugh just a few mins ago Wiz king elite party leader decides to switch up and do desert caravan then want us all to recall... because he needed level 4 components for his firewalls...


11-15-2009, 02:17 PM
Stormcleave Group.

"Share Plz"

(Party):Quikster has left your party.

ya the share quest on a walk up is a SURE drop group sign.

11-15-2009, 02:40 PM
LFM: Tear of Dhakaan on Normal level 5-7
I join with my level 7 barb / fighter

The leader asks me "Can you get the STR lever?"
I say "Well I got 23 so we'll be fine."

I walk to the entrance...I see that the leader is a level 5 ranger equipped with a bow.

I say "Do you use TWF at all?"
He replies "Nope."


11-15-2009, 05:27 PM
True enough for the guild party where everyone is a good player and knows the quest better than his way home. I won't play a PUG with no healer because you never know if the others are self sufficient.
LFM: <insert quest name here> be self sufficient.

You are right though. Even when you try to make it clear to people joining what you are looking for, you always get at least one bozo joining who asks "Wait! Why didn't you get a cleric for the last spot?!!"

11-15-2009, 07:12 PM
You know yesterday really showed me how hard it is pugging low-mid levels and im so glad my new build is getting to the level where she doesnt have to do it much anymore. Met lots of nice new players and ran with some others building up their new alts. But the level of complete jerks and morons has made it where Ive dropped group or ran like heck after a quest completed shocked that it did complete.

I have to completely second this sentiment.

As a rather new person to this server (about 4 months), I don't have the luxury of many established friends or even acquaintences. It has been extremely painful finding good groups to run with at low to mid levels. Finding groups without someone piking the whole quest or causing near party wipes (two of the worst case scenarios so far) has been rare yet that's too often in my book. But, just finding groups where following directions is a given or asking questions if unfamiliar is almost downright impossible.

I'm hoping that once past level 12, I'll finally be able to group more with competent players and not feel like an adult who's been banished to the kiddies' table at Thanksgiving where manners aren't necessary and leaving the table in the middle of dinner is acceptable. :(

11-15-2009, 09:06 PM
Desert just 10 mins ago. I was forming group for the Tombs there and just dropping random spawns while we waited for group to form. A lvl 11 Monk runs up that I had just invited. (S)he sits down next to me and meditates. Here comes three mummies and 2 zombies. My wife and I are fighting them, still he meditates. Wife gets dropped, he grabs her stone. I go to clear shrine near Wiz King, again he meditates. I get dropped, he rushes over and pulls the mob. I rez, wife rez, he puls mob back to shrine. I tell him to pull them away, he begins to orbit shrine area. After third rez wife and I decided this wasnt the group we wanted and bailed. Yea it took 3 times...:(

11-15-2009, 09:07 PM
I sometimes say weird things (like gogogo) when I'm bored xD But normally it's for the sake of saying them.
On the subject of clerics... they're nice to have for the benefit of making up for the random factor, but I don't think they're absolutely essential in most cases. Some exceptions come to mind, but that's just me.

Things that make me drop group, being a melee class (fighter/paladin):
Come to VoD. We're already in.

Somehow soloing in the sub trying to get to VoD in 20 minutes as a melee class doesn't appeal to me very much >.>

11-16-2009, 10:49 AM
Bringing up a lowbie fvs that's heal spec'd has been painful.
I ran a 'thrall of the necromancer' the other night, lvl's 7-9... shoulda been fun....
Had 3 deaths in the fire trap at the begining... I should have taken that as a sign.
10 raise scrolls, 8 cure serious wands and an hour of painful healing later we finally drop the end guy and I hear from the (non-trap removing) rogue, "Wow... that was the easiest quest I've been on!"


Its funny and sad at the same time :-\..

But what is sadder I don't have story to tell..

11-16-2009, 11:57 AM
I sometimes say weird things (like gogogo) when I'm bored xD But normally it's for the sake of saying them.
On the subject of clerics... they're nice to have for the benefit of making up for the random factor, but I don't think they're absolutely essential in most cases. Some exceptions come to mind, but that's just me.

Things that make me drop group, being a melee class (fighter/paladin):
Come to VoD. We're already in.

Somehow soloing in the sub trying to get to VoD in 20 minutes as a melee class doesn't appeal to me very much >.>

don't take this the wrong way but if yer worth yer salt as a melee and the mobs have been killed once , you 1 should be able to get to Vod by yerself, or 2 need to reroll.

11-17-2009, 02:08 PM
People dropping from group because the ranger prefers to use bows over TWF or someone else (probably a new player) wanting to loot a chest all the vets ignore? Is this the type of player community we're fostering here?

Being a healer I've seen some really bad PUGs and most of the time its always one or a few players who think with a healer that somehow makes them immortal to the game and go gung-ho in every room without waiting for everyone else in group. /recall

11-17-2009, 10:36 PM
don't take this the wrong way but if yer worth yer salt as a melee and the mobs have been killed once , you 1 should be able to get to Vod by yerself, or 2 need to reroll.

Ah yes, of course if the way is clear that's one thing... but they've long since left the sub so everything had respawned. I really don't fancy trying to kill the gate guardians and hitting the pressure plates alone.

11-18-2009, 02:27 PM
Ah yes, of course if the way is clear that's one thing... but they've long since left the sub so everything had respawned. I really don't fancy trying to kill the gate guardians and hitting the pressure plates alone.

Either they're inside in the buffing area, waiting for you, which usually means they just stepped in, or they're inside the fight and you can't join them anyway since the portal vanishes. So assuming they're not complete morons and thus were still inside the buffing area and invited you to follow, only the skeletons by the main door should have respawned.

Sadly, I have seen casters, paladins, fighters, etc, ie all the classes that should not even blink killing those 2 sad little skeletons don't make it past them, and then be *****y that nobody came to help them. It's amusing - the first few times. The question is, do you want such a great contributor inside your raid? :)


11-18-2009, 05:42 PM
Alright, I'm completely new, so in hoping that I can avoid a) joining bad groups, and b) becoming a poor group memember I have a couple of questions:

1) "Share plz" - what does this mean? They need you to open the quest for them, or that they want you to share info on how to complete the quest?

2) "Gogogo" - implying that they want to just dive through it as opposed to have some kind of order and roles assigned?

3) Why is having ones helm showing bad?

4) "Playing in a group with Creeg telling me what to do, makes me far far more effective than me muddling through on my own. Last night Creeg had me giving out more damage..." = who is this Creeg, and how do I get into his guild? :)

Judging by the general talk in here it sounds like I should more or less solo stuff until I'm mid level and have a basic idea of the dungeons. Or at least only go into groups if it's a dungeon I've soloed on hard or something so I know what to do? Alternatively if I'm lucky enough to get some vets to let me join a group, I should shut up, do what I'm told and learn? :D I have no problem with that.

Oh, and since I'm currently playing a cleric... I shouldn't expect that I have to keep everyone alive or I've failed the group, eh? That's good. I like to go in swinging sometimes too.

Any answers appreciated, being ignored is fine too.
Thanks in advance!

11-18-2009, 06:39 PM
Alright, I'm completely new, so in hoping that I can avoid a) joining bad groups, and b) becoming a poor group memember I have a couple of questions:

1) "Share plz" - what does this mean? They need you to open the quest for them, or that they want you to share info on how to complete the quest?

K to answer that Share to me is a feature Turbine put in for convienience but has bred very lazy players to the point where they wont even go up to quest givers right at the darn quest. I think new players should definitely talk to quest givers more then asking to share plz. And any vet asking to share when its an easy giver unless they drunkenly went into the quest and didnt notice the red letters saying they werent on the right part just get me grumbly..

2) "Gogogo" - implying that they want to just dive through it as opposed to have some kind of order and roles assigned?

Gogogo to me means move fast they want to do the quest as soon as possible that means getting in doing as little buffing shooting the breeze and going threw the quest as fast as Dungeon alert allows. Ive played at this pace before prefer it threw the harbor and mid level quests but its not recommended for new players in my opinion. I got to play my first year slow and I do not regret it learned the quests and now I can go fast when I wish to without mishap.

3) Why is having ones helm showing bad?

I think that was someone being funny, though considering some of the helms and armor are butt ugly I dont really show any on any of my girls. thats just personal tastes though dont take it personal Im thinking it was a joke. :)

4) "Playing in a group with Creeg telling me what to do, makes me far far more effective than me muddling through on my own. Last night Creeg had me giving out more damage..." = who is this Creeg, and how do I get into his guild? :)

Ahhh who is Creeg? hehe that is a good question, since I am in his guild I can tell you he knows his stuff, has played every class in this game and knows the game well. Hes fun and patient to a point and will help out new and old players a like. He brought me out of being completely bored with ddo and I have not regretted joining Lost Legions the guild he leads. As to your other question to join us you'd probably have to run with our officers and we tend to be adult only since we all tend to drink :) if you have on problems with this look us up on Sarlona.

Judging by the general talk in here it sounds like I should more or less solo stuff until I'm mid level and have a basic idea of the dungeons. Or at least only go into groups if it's a dungeon I've soloed on hard or something so I know what to do? Alternatively if I'm lucky enough to get some vets to let me join a group, I should shut up, do what I'm told and learn? :D I have no problem with that.

Oh, and since I'm currently playing a cleric... I shouldn't expect that I have to keep everyone alive or I've failed the group, eh? That's good. I like to go in swinging sometimes too.

Any answers appreciated, being ignored is fine too.
Thanks in advance!

Answers in red and seriously pugging is always been a game of hit or miss, sometimes you got great groups then others you wanted to run away screaming or do bad things to your computer. All I can say to you as someone who plays clerics and supportive roles is do what you can, find your own fun and dont ever let anyone dictate to you how to play the game. The best thing you can do is find your fun and you will find others who enjoy the same things. Oh and welcome to Sarlona :)

11-18-2009, 07:12 PM
Thanks Kalari, much appreciated.
I'm an adult and enjoy drinking very much, so perhaps I'll look up Lost Legions when I wander over to Stormreach next (I'm mostly trying to finish off everything in Korthos right now, up to Hard at least if I can).

11-18-2009, 10:19 PM
Either they're inside in the buffing area, waiting for you, which usually means they just stepped in, or they're inside the fight and you can't join them anyway since the portal vanishes. So assuming they're not complete morons and thus were still inside the buffing area and invited you to follow, only the skeletons by the main door should have respawned.

Sadly, I have seen casters, paladins, fighters, etc, ie all the classes that should not even blink killing those 2 sad little skeletons don't make it past them, and then be *****y that nobody came to help them. It's amusing - the first few times. The question is, do you want such a great contributor inside your raid? :)


Well I saw their lfm up a few minutes ago and I assumed they were still in the sub when they were looking for members, but I suspect they were just waiting in the buffing room for several minutes since it took them about 3 minutes to add me to the group, and I had the feeling they had done that to a couple others already. Didn't really want to find out the answer anyway.

11-19-2009, 07:09 PM
I dropped from two groups today, unbelievable.

The first group advertised as doing Gladewatch Outpost Defense, which I wanted to do to hit 150 coin lord favor for my 5th slot. Joined the group, and there were three of us. One more came and some party member started asking if we can do another quest while we wait.

Wait for what?

The party leader didn't respond so this guy asks again. I say in the party chat that it's your party, make a decision. By now a 5th member has joined, so I'm thinking we're good to go now.

And off they all go running to house D to do some other quest.

ding - I left the party

Note that only one person in this party was using voice chat, which is a big annoyance for me, and leads to my next disaster.

I log on with another toon, and there's a group farming for dragon scales. Nice and easy with a group of 16-18's on normal.

The white dragon went fine, and I advertised when the giant was at 10% and went to help beat up the dragon so we could take them both out. Then I went and finished the giant when it was time.

So we get up to the blue dragon, and I take the giant down to about 10%. Someone decided it's a good idea to not pay attention to who they're beating up and while the dragon is still at 75% the giant is killed.

Well of course the giant comes back, so I start to beat it up again and people start dying. Of course I do the nice thing and raise the cleric in the middle of combat (I'm a monk). Ten seconds later another player dies and the cleric hasn't accepted the raise. Another 15 seconds later and everyone but me is dead. So I run to the middle of the room and stand still and accept my fate.

I recall out with the intention of going back, until someone says "you guys should really keep the fight away from the cleric". And my response was, "I raised the cleric, she didn't accept it" and promptly dropped group as I was paying thousands of gold for a death that shouldn't have happened.

If she would have accepted the raise, she could have raised the party wile I kept aggro and we could have finished. Yes we would be beat up, but it's not a wipe.

All of this could have been avoided if people bothered to use their voice chat. I told them when the giant was low, but no response.

So what is it with people not using voice chat? Do I have to make that a requirement for groups I'm in now so we can coordinate and communicate properly? All the users had voice enabled, so what's the issue? I don't know the limitations of voice on F2P users, nor do I care. In situations like that voice is essential, so use it or /quit

11-20-2009, 01:40 PM
I dropped from two groups today, unbelievable.

The first group advertised as doing Gladewatch Outpost Defense, which I wanted to do to hit 150 coin lord favor for my 5th slot. Joined the group, and there were three of us. One more came and some party member started asking if we can do another quest while we wait.

Wait for what?

The party leader didn't respond so this guy asks again. I say in the party chat that it's your party, make a decision. By now a 5th member has joined, so I'm thinking we're good to go now.

And off they all go running to house D to do some other quest.

ding - I left the party

Note that only one person in this party was using voice chat, which is a big annoyance for me, and leads to my next disaster.

I log on with another toon, and there's a group farming for dragon scales. Nice and easy with a group of 16-18's on normal.

The white dragon went fine, and I advertised when the giant was at 10% and went to help beat up the dragon so we could take them both out. Then I went and finished the giant when it was time.

So we get up to the blue dragon, and I take the giant down to about 10%. Someone decided it's a good idea to not pay attention to who they're beating up and while the dragon is still at 75% the giant is killed.

Well of course the giant comes back, so I start to beat it up again and people start dying. Of course I do the nice thing and raise the cleric in the middle of combat (I'm a monk). Ten seconds later another player dies and the cleric hasn't accepted the raise. Another 15 seconds later and everyone but me is dead. So I run to the middle of the room and stand still and accept my fate.

I recall out with the intention of going back, until someone says "you guys should really keep the fight away from the cleric". And my response was, "I raised the cleric, she didn't accept it" and promptly dropped group as I was paying thousands of gold for a death that shouldn't have happened.

If she would have accepted the raise, she could have raised the party wile I kept aggro and we could have finished. Yes we would be beat up, but it's not a wipe.

All of this could have been avoided if people bothered to use their voice chat. I told them when the giant was low, but no response.

So what is it with people not using voice chat? Do I have to make that a requirement for groups I'm in now so we can coordinate and communicate properly? All the users had voice enabled, so what's the issue? I don't know the limitations of voice on F2P users, nor do I care. In situations like that voice is essential, so use it or /quit

I don't use voice chat mostly cause i don't have a headset/mic that works. I compensate by keeping aware of everything else that's happening though, and I always have sound enabled so I can at least hear what other people are telling me.

11-20-2009, 03:55 PM
Went out with a group for the first time last night, and it was a massive success. It was a PUG but there were a couple of vets in it and they were great. Thanks again for the tips.

I don't have a mic for voice chat, but I do listen for others... There was hardly any talk at all in the group I was in.

Oh, and I've /showhelmet off 'd as well ;)

11-22-2009, 12:25 PM
I personally hate voice chat.

Half of you are talking with marbles in your mouth. One guy's mic is way too loud, another's is way too quiet. There is no record of what anyone said. He mumbled something. Go where? Do what? Who knows because someone let go of their chat button mid-sentence. Again. Am I to ask to repeat EVERYTHING people say? Oh and WHO even said that? No clue. We're in a 12 person raid and someone asks for fire resist (oh and why the hell don't you have a potion if you can't cast it?) and I have no idea who asked.

In text chat I can see it the chat history. If I go AFK i can come back and see what I missed.

Do people really type that slow or are that dumb they can't keep up with text chat?

We did it for a long time in Everquest.

And how am I supposed to have known to have poison immunity by level 10? I didn't even know that stuff existed until I saw my poison immunity belt in a chest. Oh yeah, everyone expects you to read about everything in the entire game before even starting the game, thus making the game completely BORING because you know everything already.

So many here are just so pompous and act like you're so special because you've memorized the game. You're freakin playing dungeons and dragons online and acting like you're the coolest person around. Yeah, I'm a cleric and recently I asked my group why when i nuked a certain mob it was giving me his dmg in purple numbers. Here, i'd be told i'm an idiot and no one should group with me, but how the hell was I supposed to know that meant he was weak against that?

What I'm shocked at is that i'm brand new to the game and seem to understand tactics and such better than most people on their 6th alt who have been playing 3 years. Seems most of your "tactics" are based on memorization of what is going to happen.

And as far as asking for sharing the quest... we don't have it memorized where every quest starts. Even quests i've already done i don't remember which house it's in or anything. But I guess you cool guys who have played for years have every single quest memorized because you've run them all 65 times. Half the time I'm quickly googling the quest just so i know what zone it starts in so i don't have to ask. I personally just share the quest when the group fills up so no one even has to ask.

Well, anyway, congratulations on playing the same game for several years. I'm sure that makes you a great person.

11-22-2009, 01:33 PM
who's a happy monkey?

11-22-2009, 02:57 PM

Unless you are assuming you are the bad pug everyone is talking about, it sounds to me like you are a responsible player. Trying to pick up hints about how to be effective and self sufficient, using tools outside of the game to increase your knowledge, and keeping track of what is said in party as much as possible to make things run smoothly, are all things that say to me "responsible player".

It also sounds like you've been the victim of the "know-it-all" who is derisive when you don't know all the little details yet. Don't let that make you bitter, just accept that some people on the interwebs are jerks. If you get into one that is so bad that it is making the game not fun, then it is time to do what this thread suggests and Drop Group.

I would suggest that when dropping group wait until a quest is over, or if you can tell a group is going to be really rough and don't feel like dealing with it, do it before the quest starts. Dropping group in the middle of the quest is very bad form. USe the (/squelch add <name>) to help you get through a bad pug, then leave the group when the quest is over.

Are far as voicechat is concerned, it is a very useful tool, but only when everyone is on the same page with it. The ingame voicechat lacks individual volume adjustment, so a party using voicechat should take a moment to be sure volumes are all set so everyone is in the same range.

It's not a matter of being too lazy to type since your EQ days... okay that is partly it... but many of us on ddo are big groups of old friends, who love to chat. Or new friends who are going to chat. Or efficient questing machines who coordinate quick, complex directions via voicechat mid-combat which would take too long to type out, even if it only took a couple of seconds to type, before the party is dead. Also, if you tried to type with half the whiskey I tend to have in my bloodstream, no one would have any clue what you were doing. At least talking they have a chance to decipher it.

11-22-2009, 05:02 PM
I personally hate voice chat.

Half of you are talking with marbles in your mouth. One guy's mic is way too loud, another's is way too quiet. There is no record of what anyone said. He mumbled something. Go where? Do what? Who knows because someone let go of their chat button mid-sentence. Again. Am I to ask to repeat EVERYTHING people say? Oh and WHO even said that? No clue. We're in a 12 person raid and someone asks for fire resist (oh and why the hell don't you have a potion if you can't cast it?) and I have no idea who asked.

In text chat I can see it the chat history. If I go AFK i can come back and see what I missed.

Do people really type that slow or are that dumb they can't keep up with text chat?

We did it for a long time in Everquest.

And how am I supposed to have known to have poison immunity by level 10? I didn't even know that stuff existed until I saw my poison immunity belt in a chest. Oh yeah, everyone expects you to read about everything in the entire game before even starting the game, thus making the game completely BORING because you know everything already.

So many here are just so pompous and act like you're so special because you've memorized the game. You're freakin playing dungeons and dragons online and acting like you're the coolest person around. Yeah, I'm a cleric and recently I asked my group why when i nuked a certain mob it was giving me his dmg in purple numbers. Here, i'd be told i'm an idiot and no one should group with me, but how the hell was I supposed to know that meant he was weak against that?

What I'm shocked at is that i'm brand new to the game and seem to understand tactics and such better than most people on their 6th alt who have been playing 3 years. Seems most of your "tactics" are based on memorization of what is going to happen.

And as far as asking for sharing the quest... we don't have it memorized where every quest starts. Even quests i've already done i don't remember which house it's in or anything. But I guess you cool guys who have played for years have every single quest memorized because you've run them all 65 times. Half the time I'm quickly googling the quest just so i know what zone it starts in so i don't have to ask. I personally just share the quest when the group fills up so no one even has to ask.

Well, anyway, congratulations on playing the same game for several years. I'm sure that makes you a great person.

Uhhh. Thanks? I think.....

11-22-2009, 10:05 PM
I personally hate voice chat.

Thats fine its not for everyone though with friends I tend to enjoy it

Half of you are talking with marbles in your mouth. One guy's mic is way too loud, another's is way too quiet. There is no record of what anyone said. He mumbled something. Go where? Do what? Who knows because someone let go of their chat button mid-sentence. Again. Am I to ask to repeat EVERYTHING people say? Oh and WHO even said that? No clue. We're in a 12 person raid and someone asks for fire resist (oh and why the hell don't you have a potion if you can't cast it?) and I have no idea who asked.
You may have to adjust your audio its not as frustrating as it seems it can be believe me ive dealt with heavy breathers and eaters over mic its not fun but if you find people you enjoy you will see voice isnt all that bad.
In text chat I can see it the chat history. If I go AFK i can come back and see what I missed.
Just like you have a preference to type some like voice because they have a hard time typing. The game does cater for both types thankfully but many use voice over typing. Its best to try to find groups that prefer typing or form ones where you put that in your lfm.
Do people really type that slow or are that dumb they can't keep up with text chat?
What is the point of insult? Seriously you sound frustrated but this is where people will ignore your plight and write you off when you could be a fun person to play with.
We did it for a long time in Everquest.
Good to know welcome to ddo this is a different game but im sure you knew that.

And how am I supposed to have known to have poison immunity by level 10? I didn't even know that stuff existed until I saw my poison immunity belt in a chest. Oh yeah, everyone expects you to read about everything in the entire game before even starting the game, thus making the game completely BORING because you know everything already.

Its called asking many new players will send tells to players they think have been around a long time. My high levels get them and you can ask in advice about immunity items. They drop in all sorts of chest I picked up a bound to account proof against poison necklace in ww as an end reward that I will pass down to lowbies as I get better. But asking questions about what items you can use to help yourself is never a crime. And those who know this stuff are not all jerks there are very helpful people out there so thanks for the generalization.
So many here are just so pompous and act like you're so special because you've memorized the game. You're freakin playing dungeons and dragons online and acting like you're the coolest person around. Yeah, I'm a cleric and recently I asked my group why when i nuked a certain mob it was giving me his dmg in purple numbers. Here, i'd be told i'm an idiot and no one should group with me, but how the hell was I supposed to know that meant he was weak against that?

Your right there are arrogant players most are very easy to avoid though and when they arent you should drop group. There is no one forced to play with jerks and Id say that the percent of know it all jerks is a lot smaller then you would think. Also I play clerics to but many have played this game for many years its pretty darn easy to learn this game when your running the same quests over and over even as different proffessions. You dont want spoilers try to make your own groups lay down your own rules. As a cleric myself believe me its easy to do and many will jump into a group a cleric runs.
What I'm shocked at is that i'm brand new to the game and seem to understand tactics and such better than most people on their 6th alt who have been playing 3 years. Seems most of your "tactics" are based on memorization of what is going to happen.

And as far as asking for sharing the quest... we don't have it memorized where every quest starts. Even quests i've already done i don't remember which house it's in or anything. But I guess you cool guys who have played for years have every single quest memorized because you've run them all 65 times. Half the time I'm quickly googling the quest just so i know what zone it starts in so i don't have to ask. I personally just share the quest when the group fills up so no one even has to ask.

I personally hate the share option it comes in handy sometimes but most of the time I think it breeds lazy players who wont even talk to a giver right in front of the quest. If im leading a group and someone constantly types share plz I will instruct them once where to get it if they wont they get dropped.
Well, anyway, congratulations on playing the same game for several years. I'm sure that makes you a great person.

Another tip for you as a healer you probably have to get used to everything going in a blur unless you find a dungeon crawler group. Basically the game is only as rough as you allow it to be. Insulting long term players and grouping everyone into the category you did is very unfair though I can tell you wrote this out of frustration. Im giving you honest feed back in telling you that it may not get better from what im reading of your post. Being a healer is a demanding duty in this game. Half the time im ready to take a long break and thats even running guild runs so you need to figure out if your patient enough for the task as well. Also having other alts that dont play supportive roles will help you to. Hopefully your experience will get better but you are the only one that can really make that happen. If groups you join arent going the way you want you will have to think about making your own setting your rules and having players follow them.

11-25-2009, 11:50 AM
So wasn't much going on for my level 15 fighter last night so out comes the lowbies. I had a bit of an epiphany last night, and realized there were certain signs that always proceeded a REALLY bad group. The first few examples caused me to drop a group advertised as WW on elite.

All Melee group (Unless doing content absurdly under level and easy)

Group leader asks "Can anyone open this on elite?"

Someone say's "gogogo"

Every time I'm in a lowbie group, or even higher, and someone starts saying gogogo before everyone's even at quest... It never ends well. Especially going into Black Anvil Mine, without healers and down two . . . on Elite.

Anyone else got any signs of impending doom?
Quest is level 8, group is levels 5-7, someone opens the quest on elite.
Extrapolate for higher level quests.
Have fun with that. I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than die 12 times only to have the group splinter because it's pointless.
