View Full Version : +2 Tomes in the DDO store

11-11-2009, 03:36 PM
Anyone know if/when Turbine is planning or offering +2 tomes in the DDO store again?

11-11-2009, 03:54 PM
hopefully never :)

11-11-2009, 03:57 PM
Probably on one of the upcoming holiday weekends. I know a whole bunch of people waiting to get +2 supreme ability tomes, for their new characters.

11-11-2009, 05:39 PM
hopefully they'll add +2 tomes to the store and give us +3 tomes during holiday weekends ;)

11-14-2009, 07:15 PM
Yes, +2 tomes pls. Missed the last opportunity

11-19-2009, 05:17 PM
Please bring these back soon. I missed out last time due to not realizing it was limited. You would think this would have gone hand in hand with true reincarnate. The prices of these have gone through the roof on the AH so us "new guys" have no chance at getting them. Turning a profit is one thing but the price gouging is out of control. Minimum price on a +2 dex on Khyber is 400kp

11-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Today - Woot

11-20-2009, 03:25 PM
One problem - you can only buy 1x per type per character it seems.

For instance, I wanted to buy a couple of +2 dex tomes with my main, so that when my alt-itis kicks in and I want to roll some new characters, I can start them at 15 dex.

I was only able to purchase 1x +2 dex tome, however. Even after placing the tome in my shared bank, it still was not present in the store again.

edit: I found that after quitting and loggin back in, the option to purchase another +2 dex tome was there. So, it works, just not perfectly.

11-20-2009, 05:45 PM
One problem - you can only buy 1x per type per character it seems.

For instance, I wanted to buy a couple of +2 dex tomes with my main, so that when my alt-itis kicks in and I want to roll some new characters, I can start them at 15 dex.

I was only able to purchase 1x +2 dex tome, however. Even after placing the tome in my shared bank, it still was not present in the store again.

edit: I found that after quitting and loggin back in, the option to purchase another +2 dex tome was there. So, it works, just not perfectly.

Just to be clear: they are bind to account?

11-20-2009, 08:00 PM
Why are Supreme Ability Tomes hidden if you already used your 32pt +2 tome reward?

My toon could really use the other 5 +2 tomes, but the store's only letting me buy them individually which costs 500pts more than the one supreme ability tome. ***.

11-20-2009, 09:07 PM
Just to be clear: they are bind to account?

would also like to verify this before purchasing please

11-21-2009, 01:16 AM
The +2 supreme ability tome I bought last time they were on sale was definitely BTA.
It was sitting in my account bank from the time I bought it until I decided on the character build to use it on.

On a related note, please remove the idiot proofing on the tome section of the DDO store. One should be able to purchase any tome at any level regardless of what you have already consumed on that character. Just add a text disclaimer to warn people, they're BTA anyways so it's not the end of the world for someone who doesn't care to read the disclaimer.
Since the tomes themselves already have idiot proofing on them, it should not be necessary to entirely lock out the ability to purchase a certain tome using a character who has used one already, especially when +2 tomes have a min lvl 7 and you cannot just use a new character to buy them (a fresh vet status char would still need 3 levels gained, that's not much but still unnecessary bother considering you'd have already put in effort to obtain the TP one way or another).

I cannot actually purchase any supreme ability tomes because one of characters which is lvl 7 or higher has used one, the others have eaten other +2 single tomes, which locks out the ability to purchase the supreme ability tome.
I do not feel like wasting time leveling a tomeless character to 7 just so I can get another supreme ability tome.

11-22-2009, 03:25 PM

They dont want your money.

11-23-2009, 03:57 PM

They dont want your money.

Unfortunately they already have it, since I bought the points, I just can't buy the tome with said points.

I think I'll just have to put some thought into whichever character I want to make next, quickly push it up from 4 to 7, and buy the supreme tome using that character. At least, then, I can still place it in the account bank until I am 100% certain I want to use it on that character.

11-24-2009, 02:39 PM
I started playing DDO because it was free, but quickly realized that a relatively small investment can make the game a lot more fun and a lot less hassle. For my group of playmates, making these available regularly would result in a lot more sales and a more dedicated group of invested players than making them available on certain days.

It would also be nice to be able to gift these somehow. If I had the option to do so, for example, all of my friends who play DDO would be receiving +2 super-tomes for Xmas. At roughly $25 bucks each, it's the perfect price for a gift. Turbine makes $150 and I make six friends very happy without having to do any shopping. As it is, I am unable to do this and unable to count on being able to do it for Xmas because I don't know if these will be available for sale. Instead of giving Turbine my money so they can invest it in more/better content, I have to shop around for more conventional presents that will probably wind up being re-gifted at the earliest opportunity.

To Turbine: Whatever you have to do make gifting all items from the DDO store, and make tomes available on a more consistent basis, it's a solution worth working towards immediately. If you give us the product we want at a reasonable price –a product that costs you almost nothing–*many of us will happily give you our money. If you're concerned about a player base that feels slighted because they had to work for their tomes (all due respect to those folks), I suggest giving them their own server or some sort of icon that indicates they earned everything themselves.

11-25-2009, 10:29 AM
The DDO Store has +2 Tomes for Turkey Day! (http://www.ddo.com/ddostore/762-thanksgiving-a-black-friday-specials)

11-25-2009, 10:32 AM
I started playing DDO because it was free, but quickly realized that a relatively small investment can make the game a lot more fun and a lot less hassle. For my group of playmates, making these available regularly would result in a lot more sales and a more dedicated group of invested players than making them available on certain days.

It would also be nice to be able to gift these somehow. If I had the option to do so, for example, all of my friends who play DDO would be receiving +2 super-tomes for Xmas. At roughly $25 bucks each, it's the perfect price for a gift. Turbine makes $150 and I make six friends very happy without having to do any shopping. As it is, I am unable to do this and unable to count on being able to do it for Xmas because I don't know if these will be available for sale. Instead of giving Turbine my money so they can invest it in more/better content, I have to shop around for more conventional presents that will probably wind up being re-gifted at the earliest opportunity.

To Turbine: Whatever you have to do make gifting all items from the DDO store, and make tomes available on a more consistent basis, it's a solution worth working towards immediately. If you give us the product we want at a reasonable price –a product that costs you almost nothing–*many of us will happily give you our money. If you're concerned about a player base that feels slighted because they had to work for their tomes (all due respect to those folks), I suggest giving them their own server or some sort of icon that indicates they earned everything themselves.

I will *definitely* bet on +2 tomes being up for christmas too.

11-25-2009, 04:37 PM
I want to make sure i have this right.

To buy the +2 tome you must be lvl 7. You can only buy one +2 tome with any given character. So if i buy a +2 int tome with my wiz i cannot buy aother +2 tome of any sort with him. However, i can buy another +2 con tome for example on another character and then transfer it to the wiz with the account bank. ... so the limit isnt on using them its on buying them right?

11-26-2009, 02:09 AM
I want to make sure i have this right.

To buy the +2 tome you must be lvl 7. You can only buy one +2 tome with any given character. So if i buy a +2 int tome with my wiz i cannot buy aother +2 tome of any sort with him. However, i can buy another +2 con tome for example on another character and then transfer it to the wiz with the account bank. ... so the limit isnt on using them its on buying them right?

You can't buy a tome you already have used on that character. Which is sort of fine, because you couldn't use it anyways (since you've already consumed one), but it also means you can't buy it for other characters who are too low.
If you buy a +2 Int tome for your wizard, you should have no problem buying any of the other 5 single +2 tomes for him. My cleric who has only consumed +2 wisdom still sees and can purchase the other five +2 stat tomes.

The real problem comes with the Supreme tomes, which add +1 or +2 to *all* the stats, while being a bit cheaper than buying all 6 tomes separately. If you've got a +2 tome on any one stat already, you can't buy the +2 Supreme tome.
That is the issue I am having, and I don't actually even want to use it on the character in question, it's for my *next* character. I have the level 18 cleric that crunched a +2 wisdom (from unlocking 32 point), a level 15 that crunched a +2 supreme tome I purchased the last time it went up for sale, and the rest are all floating at 4 or less so all I can do is level one of them to 7 if I want to get one of those tomes during this sale period.

11-29-2009, 10:27 AM
I'm also very annoyed at the level/class restriction. I just came back to DDO and there is no way I'll be level 7 before the +2 tome sale goes away. Seriously Turbine, get rid of the idiot proofing in the store. Or hell, just make DDO store items refundable for 30 minutes or something.

11-30-2009, 02:48 AM
Would also like to voice a preference on less restrictions to the store, and a gift option (Would love to see this before xmas). If you have to add a warning/confirmation box when the character or account purchasing can't use the item, a lot of money is being left on the table by not letting us do this. Not to say anything about inconveniencing your paying customers in an attempt to prevent complains that may or may not come.

If you're still worried about people being mad because they bought something they can't use just let purchases from the store be refunded for the points purchases for an hour or day. That way if you find you can't use it you can just return it, no harm no foul.

11-30-2009, 07:36 AM

I should read entire post I am quoting.

12-17-2009, 10:26 AM
So... any news on us gettings some of those yummy +2 Tomes of Supreme Ability for the holidays? I have a TR toon that could really use one.

12-17-2009, 10:30 AM
I pulled a +2 str tome out in the vale, while hunting for rares. Since I already bought a +2 str tome from the store, I didn't need it, and it made it more of a "huh, that's cool", rather than an "****in sweet" moment like it used to be.

12-18-2009, 02:20 PM
How often has Turbine offered +2 supreme tomes in the past? Just Thanksgiving 2009?

12-18-2009, 03:04 PM
How often has Turbine offered +2 supreme tomes in the past? Just Thanksgiving 2009?

the store entered this game in sept09, there isnt much past to speak of