View Full Version : Official Permadeath Guilds Listing

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11-11-2009, 02:23 PM
I think it is key for the DDO community to have a full listing of any and all Permadeath guilds, so that they can make an educated choice amongst their options. Due to recent interest in Roleplaying styles I have added a bracketed section at the front of each guild that allows the playstyles to be displayed, please inform me if you are a roleplaying guild.

Permadeath Guild List

Cannith Server
No Existing Permadeath Guilds

Ghallanda Server
(Permadeath) PD Halls of Valhalla (kafrielveddicus) Guild Level: 62 http://valhallans.proboards.com/

Khyber Server
(Partial-Permadeath and Role-Playing) Loreseekers (Hordo) Guild Level: 75 http://loreseekers.guildportal.com

Orien Server
No Existing Permadeath Guilds

Sarlona Server
(Permadeath) Extreme Explorers (Ghirmeshk) Guild Level: 57 http://extremeexplorers.guildportal.com/

Thelanis Server
(Permadeath) The Sublime Permadeath Guild (Lessah) Guild Level: 65 http://nodeath.guildportal.com
(Permadeath) Sons of Xen'drik (Sparkibaken) Guild Level: 59 http://sonsofxendrik.up-your.com

Argonnessen Server
(Permadeath) Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild (JayChuck) Guild Level: 86 http://www.mortalvoyage.us/

Wayfinder Server
(Permadeath) Toy Soldiers PD (RTFM) Guild Level: 19

I will update this list as posts come in, please post your guild in the following format to be included;
Server -
(The Server the guild is on)
Guildname -
(The guild name as it appears in the who social panel)
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name -
(Your forum name so prospective new members may contact you on the forums)
Guild Level -
(Your Guild level so new prospects are sure to see that activity in the guild is present)
Guild Website -
(Guild's website, please put it in the full format starting with http:// )


11-11-2009, 06:34 PM
If your intent is to educate, you should move your guild to a new server or change the name and look of the website. By the looks of it, your intention is more along the lines of creating confusion.

11-11-2009, 07:42 PM
If your intent is to educate, you should move your guild to a new server or change the name and look of the website. By the looks of it, your intention is more along the lines of creating confusion.

I am sorry, did someone make you president of permadeath, because I didnt realize you made the rules for the permadeath community!!!

Please DDO community, do not get the idea that this is what the permadeath community is like, we are generally a friendly bunch that enjoy the game and the players in it, we hope that you find the guild that works for you!!!

11-11-2009, 10:15 PM

11-12-2009, 07:16 AM
The Sublime Permadeath Guild.

In before Ged/ Let/ / Ur or Zorn? haha!



11-12-2009, 02:18 PM

11-13-2009, 02:29 PM

11-13-2009, 02:34 PM
I am sorry, did someone make you president of permadeath, because I didnt realize you made the rules for the permadeath community!!!

Please DDO community, do not get the idea that this is what the permadeath community is like, we are generally a friendly bunch that enjoy the game and the players in it, we hope that you find the guild that works for you!!!

Seemed like a helpful and feasable solution to me. You could, perhaps, see how confusion might be caused if a new permadeath guild opened on Thelanis called "PD Halls of Sublime" yes?

11-13-2009, 02:44 PM
The Sublime Permadeath Guild.

In before Ged/ Let/ / Ur or Zorn? haha!



Hmmmmmm definitley interesting .... Probably not my thing BUT cool that people actually play this way !!

11-13-2009, 02:51 PM
Seemed like a helpful and feasable solution to me. You could, perhaps, see how confusion might be caused if a new permadeath guild opened on Thelanis called "PD Halls of Sublime" yes?

Neither KG nor I have any ongoing issues with the similarities of our guild names and both of us are aware of the origins of both names as well we both make players aware that there are the two guilds available, as much as some would like to think there is some kind of competition for recruits, there is not, mine is a smaller guild with different focuses, KG's is a much larger guild with large groups always available.

So to respond to your comment any confused new players to whether of our guilds are well informed about the differences by either guild leader, so there really is no confusion at all.

Which leaves me saying again to the DDO community, the Permadeath communtiy is a friendly place with a positive outlook on the Permadeath Community as a whole, please feel free and welcome to join any of us anytime.

Permadeath Rules!!!

11-15-2009, 07:12 PM
I'll comment here.

Narc and I were long time members of the same guild and grouped often for nearly two years. We had ups and downs as is common. We also had a bad falling out - and I won't go into details. While there may have been some sniping between us - as is common in such communities whether it be an online baseball league - Axis and Allies or DDO - when such a fallout happens, there is often rancor - and this was not different from any other split in a gaming community.

Fortunately, over the past two months we have been able to adopt a civil and even a friendlier tone towards each other. I take the liberty to speak for both and say we are both happy with this change of dialogue.

It is true that our guilds are on the same server.
They have a similar name
We have nearly identical rules

We also agree that it is a good thing that we are separate entities.

So while the split was not amicable - and there were mutual hard feelings, at present we are not at each other's throat - nor biting each others' back - nor are there hard feelings.

For my part - I am happy that we have buried the hatchet - and not in the other's back.

You can't stay mad forver --- well you can --- but what's the point.


11-15-2009, 07:56 PM
I'll comment here.

Narc and I were long time members of the same guild and grouped often for nearly two years. We had ups and downs as is common. We also had a bad falling out - and I won't go into details. While there may have been some sniping between us - as is common in such communities whether it be an online baseball league - Axis and Allies or DDO - when such a fallout happens, there is often rancor - and this was not different from any other split in a gaming community.

Fortunately, over the past two months we have been able to adopt a civil and even a friendlier tone towards each other. I take the liberty to speak for both and say we are both happy with this change of dialogue.

It is true that our guilds are on the same server.
They have a similar name
We have nearly identical rules

We also agree that it is a good thing that we are separate entities.

So while the split was not amicable - and there were mutual hard feelings, at present we are not at each other's throat - nor biting each others' back - nor are there hard feelings.

For my part - I am happy that we have buried the hatchet - and not in the other's back.

You can't stay mad forver --- well you can --- but what's the point.



And now lets move on to what is important ---- PERMADEATH RULES!!!

11-16-2009, 07:40 AM
OK. Fine than. I'll leave it alone and we'll have a big group hug and sing along. Maybe some trust building exercises where we have to fall backwards and catch each other...

Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild

11-16-2009, 08:35 AM

11-17-2009, 01:10 PM

Still looking for some input from;

Extreme Explorer's
HardCore Permadeath
The Permadeath Guild
Roundtable Permadeath

and any and all others I may not have mentioned!!!

11-20-2009, 03:16 AM
great list!!

Extreme Explorers
Leader: Ghirmeshk (Kotels)
Server: Sarlona

11-20-2009, 08:31 AM
great list!!

Extreme Explorers
Leader: Ghirmeshk (Kotels)
Server: Sarlona


Really trying to get in contact on the forums here with a representative from the HC permadeath guild, but cant seem to find anything indicating who is their leader (I know it is Movan from sublime but not sure what hiss DDO forums name is). If anyone knows how to get him to supply me this info so they can be added.

11-23-2009, 09:30 PM
For the record, Parvo is an excellent guild leader and friendly. He's committed to making sure everyone has someone to quest with and pushes the limits of possible.

Ghirm is aslo an excellent guild leader. He runs a lighter set of rules, but EE is a kickin' lot of fun.

Movan's guild is The Core (Khyber). A quick Google search turned up their website: http://thecorehc.home.comcast.net/~thecorehc/

11-26-2009, 12:18 PM

Still looking for some input from;

HardCore Permadeath
The Permadeath Guild

and any and all others I may not have mentioned!!!

11-30-2009, 07:23 AM
This permadeath guild was founded in February of last year. So it's been up about 10 months. Good players have come and go. Our highest level characters were level 12 for a long time, but we finally reached level 13. Getting to 14 will be a real adventure considering the ruleset.

Guild name: The Core HC Permadeath Guild. (HC stands for hardcore).

HC basics: no shrining in quests, no transferring anything to anyone unless it is via chest; no House Phiarlan or Jorasco buffs; can only be raised by a cleric or favored soul or UMD'ing from a scroll you pulled from a chest; no magic purchase of any kind; and then we have the standard set of rules about running quests at the highest available difficulty, limiting explorer area xp, and no spoiling.

I would be interested to know if any PD guild has a more stringent ruleset than ours.

Website: thecorehc.home.comcast.net


(Hi Carliee! Mo...)

11-30-2009, 12:02 PM

12-04-2009, 12:24 PM

PD guild added from Orien Server!!!

12-14-2009, 10:14 AM

Pd guild called "Never Die" from Orien Server added!!!

12-14-2009, 06:28 PM
Thanks for including our young guild in your list so quickly as we have only existed for 3 days...

We are doing well on our membership drive and always looking for more... http://neverdie1213.tripod.com

Narc is on top of things!!

12-16-2009, 12:07 PM
Thanks for including our young guild in your list so quickly as we have only existed for 3 days...

We are doing well on our membership drive and always looking for more... http://neverdie1213.tripod.com

Narc is on top of things!!

Thanks Dmoney, I try, but i still am lacking some of the info on some of the permadeath guilds out there, still need one from cannith!!!

01-03-2010, 08:37 AM

includes new never die website address

01-07-2010, 03:50 PM
Are there any PD guilds on cannith?


01-08-2010, 01:10 PM
Are there any PD guilds on cannith?


I have yet to recieve any info leading me to post any permadeath guild on Cannith to date!!!!

01-14-2010, 09:52 AM

includes new never die website address


Fixed Never Die website address!!!

01-19-2010, 09:14 PM
Server - Cannith
Guildname - The Reborns PermaDeath Guild
Guild Leaders Forum Name - B0ndy15
Guild Website - http://thereborns.guildportal.com

01-20-2010, 10:01 AM
Server - Cannith
Guildname - The Reborns PermaDeath Guild
Guild Leaders Forum Name - B0ndy15
Guild Website - http://thereborns.guildportal.com

List updated!!!

Welcome to the permadeath community!!!

01-30-2010, 02:24 PM
Adding a guild to the listing ;-). Thanks for all of the warm feelings and help!

Server -
Guildname -
Vive Hodie Permadeath Guild
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name -
Guild Website -


01-31-2010, 04:34 PM
Adding a guild to the listing ;-). Thanks for all of the warm feelings and help!

Server -
Guildname -
Vive Hodie Permadeath Guild
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name -
Guild Website -


Had you added, but thanks for the PM asking me to remove you from the list, if something changes in the future let me know and I will add you back on the list!!!

01-31-2010, 04:34 PM

Added "Only Die Once Permadeath Guild"

03-27-2010, 05:43 PM
Please add Knights of the Crying Spire.

Server - Khyber

Contact - Caimbeul

We have, possibly, the most unique usage of the Permadeath playstyle in the game.


03-28-2010, 11:23 AM
Knights of the Crying Spire added!!!

04-07-2010, 02:17 PM

Knights of the Crying Spire Weblink fixed.

05-04-2010, 09:07 PM
Guild: Ransack PD (A sub-guild of Ransack)
Server: Khyber
Note: This guild no longer exists.

05-05-2010, 01:06 AM
Another permadeath guild on Khyber and more players in a regular guild who play permadeath frequently. Hmmm, sounds like there is some interest brewing. The Core is always accepting more if you are so inclined-- the ruleset is pretty harsh, so it's not easy to do real questing (not explorer areas) without a full party. If you guys are finding yourself in a similar situation, let's gather, seek and destroy.

At one point we had enough players to run Tempests Spine with a group of level 8-11s. All we need is some fresh blood to get our vamp hearts ticking again. Did I say that? I meant, welcome, let's be friends!


05-07-2010, 11:05 AM
which PD guilds are also RP based? any server

05-12-2010, 10:05 PM
which PD guilds are also RP based? any server

I'm sorry I missed your question before. It's Chai's fault. I don't have an answer but I think it's a worthy if not altogether viable combination. At first thought, you might think PD and RP are a perfect pair, but I'm not sure. The times I tried it, our groups had different ideas of what RP meant. Also, rerolling a character might not be much fun in RP. Say the group has progressed to level six or so...what do they do? Everyone reroll?

I'd say, send a private message to Lessah and ask her. She's into RP and PD. She may have a better answer. If you find what you're looking for, let us know how it works out.

05-12-2010, 10:31 PM
I roll play all the time baby!

/put on my robe and wizard hat...

05-13-2010, 03:39 PM
Chai = bloodninja ?

The only RP/PD guild I know of was on Cannith but are no longer active :/ They had an interesting set of rules, I wish I had been able to play over there more.

05-13-2010, 04:43 PM
Chai = bloodninja ?

The only RP/PD guild I know of was on Cannith but are no longer active :/ They had an interesting set of rules, I wish I had been able to play over there more.

Yeah I gave their ruleset a look over during the time I was researching PD before I made my decision on where I would play. I wasnt so down with the favor of the gods thing. Its a good idea in concept, but I cant imagine the management effort that needs to go into something like that.

I think RP and PD can mix. In NWN on our PD server (Myth Drannor), there was a guild of 60 or so players that were RP. The big myth surrounding RP is that you dont go into combat much, which isnt necessarily true.

In their dungeon crawls, they would use phalanx tactics while their leader Sarge would bark out orders from the second row, and they would literally move through the dungeon at crawling speed with a few scouts up front, rear guard tanks in the back and the casters in the middle. Nothing like turning a regular level 3 dungeon into an epic millitary march into the underdark.

05-13-2010, 07:53 PM
...In their dungeon crawls, they would use phalanx tactics while their leader Sarge would bark out orders from the second row, and they would literally move through the dungeon at crawling speed with a few scouts up front, rear guard tanks in the back and the casters in the middle. Nothing like turning a regular level 3 dungeon into an epic millitary march into the underdark.

Did they go in with level six characters? Just askin'...

05-19-2010, 10:24 PM
thx for the update i just found the link on stormreach society and was gonna go look them up, sucks
Knights of the Crying Spire looks cool cept for the whole Elf only thing but can work with that

05-20-2010, 11:15 AM
rolled a character last night and went online looking for Halls of Valhalla members but didnt find any

it seems to me that RP would go perfect with PD, i mean losing the character if they die is the ultimate RP imo and most of the common rules seem to favor RP; grouping within guild only, limiting vendor interaction and specific "game" type items all lend to making the game more "realistic" which i think RP does as well (by realistic i mean more like an RPG and less like a video game)

Also, rerolling a character might not be much fun in RP. Say the group has progressed to level six or so...what do they do? Everyone reroll?
why would a whole group have to reroll if 1 dies? if the guild's of decent size seems there would always be a fair amount of lower lv characters to restart with. thats one rule i dont get; i see on alot of guilds if 1 character dies the group has to abandon the quest and restart it? why would they do that? if you are playing pnp dnd and 1 character dies, everyone doesnt quit the game. i thought PD was to make it more like authentic pnp.

anyway PD/RP seems like it would be fun and challenging, maybe not for my main gaming but as something to do like once a week so i'll keep checking the listed guilds and try and find one that suits me.

Extreme Explorers on Sarlona looks cool but Sarlona is my main world and id rather have my PD characters on a separate one

05-20-2010, 05:53 PM
...why would a whole group have to reroll if 1 dies? if the guild's of decent size seems there would always be a fair amount of lower lv characters to restart with. thats one rule i dont get; i see on alot of guilds if 1 character dies the group has to abandon the quest and restart it? why would they do that? if you are playing pnp dnd and 1 character dies, everyone doesnt quit the game. i thought PD was to make it more like authentic pnp.


There are no large and active RP PD guilds though. You'll be lucky to find six players that want to do the RP PD thing that can actually play at the same time. Hence my comment. Not saying an RP PD guild couldn't work, but someone needs the will and energy to create and nurture such a thing.

05-20-2010, 06:02 PM
Did they go in with level six characters? Just askin'...

If they did they got 0 xp per kill and no loot drops. All risk 0 reward. Oh, and a level 3 mob can still kill a level 6 toon when you have to roll your hp every level and theres no +20 heroic hp for a level 1

A level 6 wizard on our server would have ~25hp. Thats one good crit from a level 1. It wasnt nearly as distorted as what you see in DDO.

05-21-2010, 07:29 AM
We, The Doom Brigade on Cannith, have had a permadeath section now for a month or so. That means that the majority of us have non-PD characters as well, but the PD chars are untwinked to be on equal standing with each other.

We are also a lite RP guild so if people are looking for RP & PD that would be possible with us. ("Lite" there meaning that not all the groups or guild chat are RP, but if someone wants to RP or sets up an RP run we play in-character.)

We are not a large guild, but we have about 50 active members and I think about a dozen permadeath characters. We are active on US and EU time zones.

Facts in here in the format op wanted (even though I guess the opening post is no longer active?):
Server - Cannith
Guildname - The Doom Brigade
Guildleader's Forum Name - voidholder
Guild Website - http://thedoombrigade.eu

06-03-2010, 09:20 AM
updated to include The Doom Brigade

06-14-2010, 02:18 PM
Please inform me if your guild is disbanding or becoming inactive!!! So that I can keep the list up to date.

06-14-2010, 02:43 PM
edited to include warriors of valhalla pd

and removed roundtable permadeath

06-21-2010, 04:02 AM
edited to include warriors of valhalla pd

and removed roundtable permadeath

Warriors of Valhalla PD is the continuation of Valhalla Permadeath Guild.
KG has been MIA for months, and he did not name a successor. So you can remove that one from the list.

06-26-2010, 04:31 PM
Red Dragon PermaDeath Society has a new improved website address


thank you for updating


07-20-2010, 11:38 AM
Red Dragon PermaDeath Society has a new improved website address


thank you for updating



07-27-2010, 10:54 AM

Valhalla Permadeath Guild on Ghallandra removed from the list for inactivity.

Those who have toons in that guild are welcome to speak with the other guilds on the server to see if their toons are eligible to join those guilds.

08-23-2010, 10:22 AM

Warriors of Valhalla on Ghallanda server have been removed as the guild leader has informed they have disbanded completely.

PD Halls of Valhalla is now the only known Permadeath Guild remaining on the Ghallanda server, please feel free to contact us.

We are happy to have many of the members from the original Valhallan guild join us, happy days and old memories abound!

Stay Safe and Happy Hunting!!!

09-15-2010, 12:50 PM
Please if anyone from any of the servers or any of the leaders of the guilds know that a guild has become inactive please inform me so that i may either contact the leader to confirm and remove them from the list

10-07-2010, 03:18 PM
Removed "Never Die" from Orien Server, does anyone know if any of the permadeath Guilds on Orien are still active?

Updated in OP!

12-01-2010, 10:06 AM
Come on devs sticky this!!!

It is a resource for all players looking for permadeath!!!

12-03-2010, 02:12 PM
Have to agree a sticky would be useful for this.

12-06-2010, 08:16 PM

Server - Thelanis
Guildname - Sons of Xen'drik
Guild leader - salaheddine
Forum name - sparkibaken
Guild Website - http://sonsofxendrik.up-your.com

Sons of Xen'drik is a regular guild with a different naming convention for our permadeath characters. This way we can see our alternate characters online witch make party creation easier.

12-07-2010, 09:43 AM

Server - Thelanis
Guildname - Sons of Xen'drik
Guild leader - salaheddine
Forum name - sparkibaken
Guild Website - http://sonsofxendrik.up-your.com

Sons of Xen'drik is a regular guild with a different naming convention for our permadeath characters. This way we can see our alternate characters online with make party creation easier.

Updated and added Sons of Xen'drik!!

Sparkibaken, I suggest you make your permadeath rules accessible for reading without registration, I myself am curious but will not register to the site, this may cause recruitment issues for you!

12-07-2010, 01:51 PM
Updated and added Sons of Xen'drik!!

Sparkibaken, I suggest you make your permadeath rules accessible for reading without registration, I myself am curious but will not register to the site, this may cause recruitment issues for you!

Your absolutely right, i just made our PD rules accessible for non register.

12-13-2010, 09:32 AM
Your absolutely right, i just made our PD rules accessible for non register.

Good choice, hope it helps with your recruitment, also suggest you put a link in your signature as well!

12-16-2010, 08:29 AM
Have to agree a sticky would be useful for this.

So any idea how to get this down, I know on Ghallanda forums they have a similar thread stickied for ghallanda guilds, just not sure how it was approved to be stickied!!!

01-04-2011, 09:20 AM
Devs, are you out there, hear the screams, sticky this thread!!!

It is a useful resource for the whole community!!!

01-19-2011, 12:55 PM
Removed "You only die once Permadeath" from the Orien Server as it is defunct!

Keep playing Permadeath!!!

See the original post for the full list of Guilds!!!

01-28-2011, 09:32 AM
Removed "The Permadeath Guild" from the Orien server, currently there are now no known Permadeath guilds on Orien.

03-18-2011, 12:52 PM
Removed "the Reborns Permadeath Guild" from the cannith server as they are no longer active.

Please see the original post for the updated list of Permadeath Guilds

Please feel free to add your permadeath guild to the list by using the instructions located at the bottom of the original post!!!

03-31-2011, 11:06 AM
Removed "Knights of the crying spire" from Khyber as they are inactive!

03-31-2011, 11:09 AM
Always sad to see a guild become inactive and die off. Especially when they're a niche guild like PD. :(

03-31-2011, 11:25 AM
Always sad to see a guild become inactive and die off. Especially when they're a niche guild like PD. :(

i am always hoping that there are more active Permadeath guilds out there but I can't add them to the list if they are not pro-active in recruiting, this page will certainly aid in getting players!

03-31-2011, 05:49 PM
Always sad to see a guild become inactive and die off. Especially when they're a niche guild like PD. :(

It's not because the playstyle isn't growing. MV has been growing. 38 new members in March alone (a smaller percentage stay for long).

04-01-2011, 10:24 AM
Always sad to see a guild become inactive and die off. Especially when they're a niche guild like PD. :(

I actually I agree with Parvo on this one. I imagine that all of the "larger" PD guilds experience growth at the expense of some of these smaller ones to at least some degree. Having more options is good, but not having anyone to play with sucks. If a guild has less than around 30 ACTIVE members (which is still small) and you are a new player it may be difficult to find a group, especially if nobody on has toons in your level range. So I think its natural for people interested in trying to PD to gravitate towards a larger guild.

Thats why, to a certain extent, its not (imo) beneficial to have a ton of guilds - simply because it splits up an already small player base. I think 1 per server is a good amount - 3 or 4 would be better, but 1 per server is certainly tenable.

That said it is a little said when any guild becomes inactive, but such is the way of things.

04-01-2011, 10:26 AM
Narc, have to ask... why do you put exclamation marks at the end of like all of your sentences? It makes it come across like your "yelling".

04-01-2011, 11:03 AM
I actually I agree with Parvo on this one. I imagine that all of the "larger" PD guilds experience growth at the expense of some of these smaller ones to at least some degree. Having more options is good, but not having anyone to play with sucks. If a guild has less than around 30 ACTIVE members (which is still small) and you are a new player it may be difficult to find a group, especially if nobody on has toons in your level range. So I think its natural for people interested in trying to PD to gravitate towards a larger guild.

Thats why, to a certain extent, its not (imo) beneficial to have a ton of guilds - simply because it splits up an already small player base. I think 1 per server is a good amount - 3 or 4 would be better, but 1 per server is certainly tenable.

That said it is a little said when any guild becomes inactive, but such is the way of things.

I think starting up any permadeath guild requires patience and dedication otherwise the likelihood of it being successful is very unlikely, the first 4 months of my guild it was 3 or 4 dedicated players at most with several lowbies joining but quiting after their first death, once you have some dedicated players with toons of multiple levels, who are able to join in with any other players toons it starts to become a rolling stone, the addition of our assister rule has allowed even the veterans in our guild to be able to group with lowbies and get them past the painful boredom of korthos and the harbor. I think there is a good spread of permadeath guilds across the servers now all with some sort of different ruleset which appeals to different folks, the permadeath community is stronger than ever!!!

I am not much of a forum vet so I dont know all the meanings of some shortforms and punctuations.

ie. who can tell me exactly what this means "....... o.0"

The Narc

04-01-2011, 11:19 AM

I've been hesitant to post in this thread because the PD we do is strictly voluntary and is basically a run when scheduled thing by some of our folks. We don't have a separate guild for them, but we do (or at least should unless I've accidentally messed stuff up) have a forum header for our members who wish to run a PD toon/group. It simply is not the primary focus of the guild, but it is a fun part of it for some of our members. Both PD and PDRP have been run with limited success. So, I don't know if we belong on the listing or not, but at the very least it may spark some more PMs/Emails and allow our members who do run PD as a sideline access to very good information.


p.s. Khyber server, link is in the sig

04-01-2011, 11:34 AM
I am not much of a forum vet so I dont know all the meanings of some shortforms and punctuations.

ie. who can tell me exactly what this means "....... o.0"

The Narc

Well just in general while writing an exclamation mark "!" signals excitement and/or anger/volume. So when you use them at the end of all of your sentences it makes you come across in either an overly excited or angry fashion when you post. Especially since you like to use more than one. I'd recommend using periods more often, as it will make your posts come across more the way I'm sure you intend them as well as make them easier to read.

O.o is used to kinda signify an offish confusion almost like sarcastically saying "Really?" or "OK..."

Thats about the best I can think of to describe it.

04-01-2011, 11:50 AM

I've been hesitant to post in this thread because the PD we do is strictly voluntary and is basically a run when scheduled thing by some of our folks. We don't have a separate guild for them, but we do (or at least should unless I've accidentally messed stuff up) have a forum header for our members who wish to run a PD toon/group. It simply is not the primary focus of the guild, but it is a fun part of it for some of our members. Both PD and PDRP have been run with limited success. So, I don't know if we belong on the listing or not, but at the very least it may spark some more PMs/Emails and allow our members who do run PD as a sideline access to very good information.


p.s. Khyber server, link is in the sig

Added Loreseekers to the List in the Original Post. Welcome Hordo!

04-09-2011, 01:39 AM
Server - Sarlona
Guildname - Wolf Dreamers
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - FlyingMonkey
Guild Website - http://wolfdreams.guildportal.com

We are a mixed guild with both PD and non-PD toons. PD is not required. We are level 15 and actively recruiting. See you guys in game. Stay safe.

04-27-2011, 01:46 PM
Server - Sarlona
Guildname - Wolf Dreamers
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - FlyingMonkey
Guild Website - http://wolfdreams.guildportal.com

We are a mixed guild with both PD and non-PD toons. PD is not required. We are level 15 and actively recruiting. See you guys in game. Stay safe.

Added to the list in the original post, thanks for your interest in Permadeath!

06-14-2011, 12:57 PM
I hear there is a new Permadeath Guild on Orien, whoever is running please post the info needed as per the original post in this thread and I will add you to the list!!!

I think the guild is called weonlyliveonce

The Narc

06-15-2011, 06:46 PM
Server - Orien
Guildname - PD We Only Live Once
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - Reyyvin
Guild Website - http://weonlyliveonce.forums.do/

Our guild rules are a bit in flux, since we're new (about 2 weeks old). We're looking for a fairly tough ruleset that is f2p friendly. We're currently level 13 and actively recruiting.

06-27-2011, 12:57 PM
Server - Orien
Guildname - PD We Only Live Once
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - Reyyvin
Guild Website - http://weonlyliveonce.forums.do/

Our guild rules are a bit in flux, since we're new (about 2 weeks old). We're looking for a fairly tough ruleset that is f2p friendly. We're currently level 13 and actively recruiting.

Updated with this new guild in the original post.

Also have now included Guild level for the perusal of any perspective new members, please post your guild level if you wish to have it on your guild info!

06-27-2011, 03:19 PM
Extreme Explorers is guild level 42. Thanks for the excellent thread.

06-27-2011, 06:17 PM
Mortal Voyage is guild level 55 and steadily (albiet slowly) progressing. Took four months to go from 50 to 55. If turb doesn' make any change in renown mechanics, we'll probably top out around 62 within a year.

06-28-2011, 08:27 AM
updated! looking forward to having the other guilds give me updates for their guild levels.

The Narc

06-28-2011, 08:53 AM
Narc, I would think the thread would be a lot more helpful if you put something about the rules each guild follows. I would suggest having a section of the "typical PD" rules and then say how each guild varies from the typical. I would focus on the restrictions on twinking, purchases, the AH and grouping. Also, it would be nice to have an idea when players are online.

As it is now, I would have to spend a lot of time visiting the web site of each PD guild, searching for that information before I would decide which PD guild to join.

06-28-2011, 09:09 AM
Narc, I would think the thread would be a lot more helpful if you put something about the rules each guild follows. I would suggest having a section of the "typical PD" rules and then say how each guild varies from the typical. I would focus on the restrictions on twinking, purchases, the AH and grouping. Also, it would be nice to have an idea when players are online.

As it is now, I would have to spend a lot of time visiting the web site of each PD guild, searching for that information before I would decide which PD guild to join.

Permadeath is a big choice in the change of style in which you play, if it is something that you will truly be interested in trying, taking the time to look at a couple of websites for rulesets will be a good investment. There are so many variations in the rulesets, this is why a thread like this is a great resource to the community, it provides a place for people to look and make a choice for which type of playstyle they wish to try. Good luck in your choice!

The Narc

07-05-2011, 09:12 AM
updated with The Core's Guild Level 48!

Permadeath is Awesome!!!!

07-05-2011, 11:52 AM
updated with extreme explorers guild level 43 now, congrats!!!

07-05-2011, 02:57 PM
Sublime is guild level 50.

07-05-2011, 03:14 PM
Sublime is guild level 50.


07-11-2011, 01:27 PM
Wow over 10000 views, people are curious about permadeath!!!

Come give it a try folks, what have you got to lose besides your first PD toon!!!

The Narc

07-13-2011, 06:44 AM
Congratulations to the OP for raising a full listing of any and all Permadeath guilds with details.

It helps a lot to choose your pet PD's rules.....

07-13-2011, 01:47 PM
Congratulations to the OP for raising a full listing of any and all Permadeath guilds with details.

It helps a lot to choose your pet PD's rules.....

Thanks I do my best to keep the list up to date, its hard to know when some of the newer guilds become inactive.

I hope it becomes a useful tool for all those considering Permadeath, nothing better for the community than having those who wish to try permadeath be sure to see all the different guilds and pick the one they are going to enjoy the most!!!

07-14-2011, 05:56 AM

By the way, in your opinion what's the PD Guild with tougher rules? With 'tougher rules' I mean harder to survive in Stormreach......

07-14-2011, 08:34 AM

By the way, in your opinion what's the PD Guild with tougher rules? With 'tougher rules' I mean harder to survive in Stormreach......

I would have to say The Core, they have no use of shrines and no sharing of consumables, no trading, but there is great value in comments some of the Sublime folk have posted about difficulty can be determined by the player, our guild tends to take the easy path, so to speak, we like the fun of pounding a quest with gear restrictions, but at the same time we take on challenges here and there to ramp up some intensity, just not looking for it all the time, a balance for us, I would like to see The Core ramp up their rules by adding one of our rules; any death in a quest means a complete recall from the whole group, so it is either a perfect execution of a quest or start over, you all go in together you all come out together.

07-18-2011, 07:58 AM
Stick this plz. Super useful resource for any PD Hero!

07-20-2011, 12:38 PM
Stick this plz. Super useful resource for any PD Hero!

Been asking the devs to do this for a while now!!!

Updated PD halls of Valhalla is now guild level 33.

07-21-2011, 03:47 AM
Anyone know of a PD guild on Cannith thats active?

07-21-2011, 08:28 AM
Anyone know of a PD guild on Cannith thats active?

I have been asking this for sometime, it is no easy task getting a permadeath guild going, it requires time and dedication, but feel free to start your own.

07-21-2011, 06:18 PM
I concur this thread should be stickified. Narcs dedication to keeping this thread current is a true service to the community.

07-25-2011, 06:05 AM
It's not only about dedication, but rather mostly about usefulness.....

About Narc's dedication: I suggest Narc to learn by any means the following: in a given moment the maximum number of Characters in an usual day that are logged in for each Guild? That's an interesting issue.... may be asking in this thread the Guilds' leaders to post it if they want.

07-25-2011, 09:21 AM
It's not only about dedication, but rather mostly about usefulness.....

About Narc's dedication: I suggest Narc to learn by any means the following: in a given moment the maximum number of Characters in an usual day that are logged in for each Guild? That's an interesting issue.... may be asking in this thread the Guilds' leaders to post it if they want.

I think guild level is a good measure of which guilds are active and dedicated to permadeath play, although i understand for new guilds it may not represent their dedication fully, but i think it is up to the rest of the community to be sure and recommend players who fit other guilds better to try those guilds out.

For example; when i get players that join my guild and they complain about restrictions on gear and questing, I recommend that they try out Sublime or Extreme Explorer and I try to give them a brief description of what i know about their ruleset and playstyles. When I get players that dont want to run casual and normal settings, because they find them boring or uneventful, I recommend they try Mortal Voyage or The Core and I try to give them a brief description of what I know about their ruleset and playstyles.

I think it is of a benefit for all of the permadeath guilds to be familiar with the other guilds rulsets for this purpose.

We are a community and for us to incur growth it falls upon all of us to help each other, for the greater benefit for the community as a whole, the larger the community gets the more interest we will draw.

As far as activity goes each guild has its peaks and valleys, I know for example that my guild is always slow during the summer because so many of us enjoy things other than gaming and many of us are from more northern locations giving us a short period of time to enjoy the warm weather, we in fact are having a guild party at some point over the next month where as many of us will be all trying to get together in one place.

Happy Permadeathing!!!

07-25-2011, 09:23 AM
I concur this thread should be stickified. Narcs dedication to keeping this thread current is a true service to the community.

Thank you Parvo, maybe you should consider updating your guild listing on your website to remove KG's old inactive guild and replace it with mine. (by the way even though KG is no longer playing the game, I am still in contact with him)

07-25-2011, 09:24 AM
oh and by the way, does anyone know how to contact the forum moderators, in order to get a thread sticky???

07-25-2011, 11:10 PM
I doubt we'll let it get off the front page here.

07-26-2011, 08:40 AM
I doubt we'll let it get off the front page here.

Yeah the guild level updates should keep it current and within view of any people that are considering permadeath.

So I still checked this morning and your link section on your website still has a link for KG's old guild on this server, do you think you can update that parvo?

07-26-2011, 12:00 PM
Congrats on guild level 44 Extreme Explorers!!!

07-26-2011, 11:49 PM
By the way The Core HC Permadeath Guild reached level 50 a few hours ago....

07-27-2011, 08:21 AM
Congrats on Guild Level 50 for The Core!!!


07-29-2011, 04:22 AM
The Core bought yesterday a bigger ship after breaking through 50!

07-29-2011, 06:43 AM
By the way The Core HC Permadeath Guild reached level 50 a few hours ago....

Very nicely done! I know you folks worked very hard to get there and it is doubly hard doing it PD. Fantastic achievement!

08-03-2011, 08:56 AM
I count 11 active Permadeath Guilds on Eberron (At least 1 in each server!), but 5 of them doesnt show its level. Can something be done to settle this situation?

Another suggestion: it would be nice to show the date of the notification of the Guilds' level!

The Guilds' level measures their activity......

08-03-2011, 05:46 PM
I count 11 active Permadeath Guilds on Eberron (At least 1 in each server!), but 5 of them doesnt show its level. Can something be done to settle this situation?

Another suggestion: it would be nice to show the date of the notification of the Guilds' level!

The Guilds' level measures their activity......


08-04-2011, 08:49 AM

Exactly parvo, the guild levels are a good enough thing to maintain on this thread, if others want to do more research there are other tools to do that like the link above.

Speaking of links and seeing that you are paying attention to this thread parvo, I noticed that you removed the old link for the old Valhalla guild from your links page, but it seems you have forgotten to link the new Valhalla guild. As a member of the permadeath community, I and I am sure others of the permadeath community would be curious as to why you would only select certain guilds to be on your link page, especially when a permadeath guild has requested that they be added, are you playing favourites and thereby segregating the permadeath community?

I mean I truly have to question why you would take the time to remove one, yet at the same time that you were doing that you couldn't take the 30 seconds required to add one, although I could easily edit this thread to not include certain permadeath guilds that would do nothing to benefit the permadeath community as a whole. It is very sad to see that you represent yourself as a major part of the permadeath community in DDO, yet such actions are taken. I feel sorry for you.

Please DDO community, note that the permadeath community is a friendly bunch and well worth participating as part of.

Permadeath Rules

The Narc

08-04-2011, 09:22 AM
Exactly parvo, the guild levels are a good enough thing to maintain on this thread, if others want to do more research there are other tools to do that like the link above.

To enrich even more this thread I suggest a little research and add the Guilds' level to the first post periodically..... It would be super!

Speaking of links and seeing that you are paying attention to this thread parvo, I noticed that you removed the old link for the old Valhalla guild from your links page, but it seems you have forgotten to link the new Valhalla guild. As a member of the permadeath community, I and I am sure others of the permadeath community would be curious as to why you would only select certain guilds to be on your link page, especially when a permadeath guild has requested that they be added, are you playing favourites and thereby segregating the permadeath community?

I mean I truly have to question why you would take the time to remove one, yet at the same time that you were doing that you couldn't take the 30 seconds required to add one, although I could easily edit this thread to not include certain permadeath guilds that would do nothing to benefit the permadeath community as a whole. It is very sad to see that you represent yourself as a major part of the permadeath community in DDO, yet such actions are taken. I feel sorry for you.

Disagree. Anyone acts as wishes and has his reasons. But that's why this thread is the MVP of this Forum!!!!

08-04-2011, 11:00 AM
Guild leaders have been all asked to post their guild level as it changes, so that I may update the Original post as needed. much like any other Guild listing threads on the server based forums, i am just here to channel the info that the guild leaders provide me with. If they choose not to provide me with the info then so be it!

08-04-2011, 06:35 PM
Exactly parvo, the guild levels are a good enough thing to maintain on this thread, if others want to do more research there are other tools to do that like the link above.

Speaking of links and seeing that you are paying attention to this thread parvo, I noticed that you removed the old link for the old Valhalla guild from your links page, but it seems you have forgotten to link the new Valhalla guild. As a member of the permadeath community, I and I am sure others of the permadeath community would be curious as to why you would only select certain guilds to be on your link page, especially when a permadeath guild has requested that they be added, are you playing favourites and thereby segregating the permadeath community?

I mean I truly have to question why you would take the time to remove one, yet at the same time that you were doing that you couldn't take the 30 seconds required to add one, although I could easily edit this thread to not include certain permadeath guilds that would do nothing to benefit the permadeath community as a whole. It is very sad to see that you represent yourself as a major part of the permadeath community in DDO, yet such actions are taken. I feel sorry for you.

Please DDO community, note that the permadeath community is a friendly bunch and well worth participating as part of.

Permadeath Rules

The Narc

The links on my web page are personal recomendations. It's not intended to be a comprehensive listing. You are doing a good job of a comprehensive list here. I don't need to duplicate that.

08-04-2011, 06:36 PM
To enrich even more this thread I suggest a little research and add the Guilds' level to the first post periodically..... It would be super!

Disagree. Anyone acts as wishes and has his reasons. But that's why this thread is the MVP of this Forum!!!!

Why don't you volunteer to update the list every week? Just check the level and update this thread when needed.

08-04-2011, 06:38 PM
The links on my web page are personal recomendations. It's not intended to be a comprehensive listing. You are doing a good job of a comprehensive list here. I don't need to duplicate that.

i just know the the loreseekers arent a perma death guild. due to seeing the guild on myddo and it saying that its 2/5 perma death guild which just means that they accept higher than level 4s or even 1's

08-05-2011, 04:10 AM
Why don't you volunteer to update the list every week? Just check the level and update this thread when needed.

I wouldn't mind to update the Guilds' level but to be meaningful it should be done on the 1st post of this thread....

By update I mean to do it once each month! For instance at the first day.

08-11-2011, 12:56 PM
List updated!!!

PD Halls of Valhalla reached guild level 34, only one more level for the bank!!!

08-12-2011, 10:10 AM
Khyber Server

Rest in Piece s

New Permadeath guild only a couple weeks old.


08-12-2011, 11:21 AM
Khyber Server

Rest in Piece s

New Permadeath guild only a couple weeks old.


Added, Best wishes on getting your guild going!!!!

08-18-2011, 02:07 PM
I wouldn't mind to update the Guilds' level but to be meaningful it should be done on the 1st post of this thread....

By update I mean to do it once each month! For instance at the first day.

If and when people would like their guild level updated, they are welcome to post within this thread. The only time I plan to update guild levels is when I am officially informed by the concurrent guilds leader.


08-19-2011, 07:33 AM
Reporting from The Core: guild level 51 in the bag.

08-19-2011, 09:24 AM
Reporting from The Core: guild level 51 in the bag.

Congrats and updated!

08-19-2011, 11:08 AM
i just know the the loreseekers arent a perma death guild. due to seeing the guild on myddo and it saying that its 2/5 perma death guild which just means that they accept higher than level 4s or even 1's

Very true.

We have a PermaDeath contingent. Certain toons, and a relatively static group, that does PD or PDRP, but the main focus of the guild is to accomodate all playstyles concurrently.

Event though we are GL 74, some of the PDRP groups cannot use the amenities (other than the tavern up top and the quick travel that he airship conveniently provides, whereas others can depending on the guild member who is in charge of that particular group.

Mostly, yes, the guild does things other than PD. The PD population is very small, and most of us play in all the modes our guild can provide. I've often switched from my PD bard, Hordoschatz, to my cleric, Hordeau, to heal a ToD or Epic and then back again as the guilds needs change.

The beauty of DDO is that we can do all of those things at one time. The beauty of PD is the sense of accomplishment when you take your PD toon and do the same stuff your other toons do but without the easy buttons of twinking, loot, money, you name it. Two totally different rushes there, and both are equally satisfying at different times for different reasons.

But anyway, yes, we are not exclusively PD, but we are GL74.


08-19-2011, 12:29 PM
Very true.

We have a PermaDeath contingent. Certain toons, and a relatively static group, that does PD or PDRP, but the main focus of the guild is to accomodate all playstyles concurrently.

Event though we are GL 74, some of the PDRP groups cannot use the amenities (other than the tavern up top and the quick travel that he airship conveniently provides, whereas others can depending on the guild member who is in charge of that particular group.

Mostly, yes, the guild does things other than PD. The PD population is very small, and most of us play in all the modes our guild can provide. I've often switched from my PD bard, Hordoschatz, to my cleric, Hordeau, to heal a ToD or Epic and then back again as the guilds needs change.

The beauty of DDO is that we can do all of those things at one time. The beauty of PD is the sense of accomplishment when you take your PD toon and do the same stuff your other toons do but without the easy buttons of twinking, loot, money, you name it. Two totally different rushes there, and both are equally satisfying at different times for different reasons.

But anyway, yes, we are not exclusively PD, but we are GL74.


Thanks for the update, updated original post!

08-19-2011, 01:05 PM
Extreme Explorers hits 45!

08-19-2011, 01:08 PM
Extreme Explorers hits 45!

Congrats and updated!!!!

08-20-2011, 10:35 AM
Starting a new PD guild on Ghallanda -- Scions of the Covenant

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - Callavan

Guild Level - 5

Whadya expect -- it just started!


In-game contact: KaptinJack

Basically it's the permadeath rule in effect without 2/3s of the iron man rules some other guilds enforce.

08-22-2011, 11:14 AM
Starting a new PD guild on Ghallanda -- Scions of the Covenant

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - Callavan

Guild Level - 5

Whadya expect -- it just started!


In-game contact: KaptinJack

Basically it's the permadeath rule in effect without 2/3s of the iron man rules some other guilds enforce.

updated the list, I am also hoping to run with your guild and help you build it up!

08-22-2011, 02:55 PM
Looking forward to it. Awesome, thanks!


09-22-2011, 04:26 PM
The Core is guild level 52 now.


09-23-2011, 09:32 AM
The Core is guild level 52 now.


Congrats and updated!!!

09-23-2011, 09:34 AM
Extreme Explorers is 47 as of this morning!

09-23-2011, 09:45 AM
Extreme Explorers is 47 as of this morning!

Congrats and updated!!!

09-26-2011, 09:23 AM
PD Halls of Valhalla just hit Guild Level 35, the Ship Bank should make things so much more convenient!!!

Play Permadeath it Rules!!!!!

10-11-2011, 09:06 AM
PD Halls of Valhalla has been edited for guild level!

10-18-2011, 03:32 PM
The Core is now guild level 53. Thanks!

10-19-2011, 04:39 AM
Mortal Voyage is level 57 since a few weeks ago. I think we can make it official now :D

10-19-2011, 01:26 PM
updated! Congrats!

11-08-2011, 01:57 PM
Congrats to Extremem Explorers on guild level 48!

11-14-2011, 08:21 AM

Just an update: Loreseekers has some rekindled interest in PD (thankfully!) and we are starting a PD group on Argo. For the time being it is just a group of us vacationing from Khyber to go to a different server and work things up from scratch. The guild is currently level 7 on Argo.

The Guild Leader toon is Horsdoeuvres.

11-16-2011, 10:39 AM

Just an update: Loreseekers has some rekindled interest in PD (thankfully!) and we are starting a PD group on Argo. For the time being it is just a group of us vacationing from Khyber to go to a different server and work things up from scratch. The guild is currently level 7 on Argo.

The Guild Leader toon is Horsdoeuvres.

+1 rep for adding to the permadeath community, Loreseekers has been added to list on the Argo server, I hope to run with you guys at some point in the near future!!


11-19-2011, 04:50 PM
The Core leveled to 54.


11-21-2011, 09:46 AM
The Core leveled to 54.


updated, congrats!!!

11-28-2011, 01:30 PM
PD Halls of Valhalla hit Guild Level 37!

12-19-2011, 07:07 AM

The Core is guild level 55 and rising.

12-26-2011, 03:50 PM
I think we can officially add the guild to the Wayfinder PD guild list.
Army of the Undying, light Perma-death until we have enough players to play full PD:

12-28-2011, 10:34 AM
I think we can officially add the guild to the Wayfinder PD guild list.
Army of the Undying, light Perma-death until we have enough players to play full PD:

as per the original post, please post as per the following request to have your guild added to the list;

I will update this list as posts come in, please post your guild in the following format to be included;
Server -
(The Server the guild is on)
Guildname -
(The guild name as it appears in the who social panel)
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name -
(Your forum name so prospective new members may contact you on the forums)
Guild Level -
(Your Guild level so new prospects are sure to see that activity in the guild is present)
Guild Website -
(Guild's website, please put it in the full format starting with http:// )

Thank you
The Narc

01-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Mortal Voyage is now level 59

01-03-2012, 04:58 PM
updated! PD Halls of Valhalla is now Guild Level 38!

01-16-2012, 05:39 AM
The Core is now guild level 56.


01-16-2012, 10:28 AM
The Core is now guild level 56.


updated! Congrats!

01-23-2012, 09:36 PM
Ok finally sat down to let you know. Rest in Piece s on Khyber is guild level 13. Just so you can update that.

02-05-2012, 04:28 PM
The Core is guild level 57 and rising :)


02-21-2012, 12:13 PM
The Core is guild level 57 and rising :)


Congrats, updated!!!

02-21-2012, 11:41 PM
Mortal Voyage attained guild level 60 this weekend. Unfortunately the server-wide achievement message went out in off hours and i missed it. With decay, we went back to 59 and I got to see the second time we made 60. Since then, we've climbed slowly past the point where decay bounces us. Looks like we will make 61, but it may take a long time. I was told there were congratulations coming in from general chat. It is a great thing for MV, DDO, and permadeath in general.

02-22-2012, 04:59 AM
Yes indeed! Grats on guild level 60. The world broadcasts are good PD promotion. Seems like MV has more decay than we do in The Core. We are approaching 58 and I predict we will hit 60 in about 3 weeks.

02-22-2012, 06:25 AM
Yes indeed! Grats on guild level 60. The world broadcasts are good PD promotion. Seems like MV has more decay than we do in The Core. We are approaching 58 and I predict we will hit 60 in about 3 weeks.

Right now, we are seeing about 30k/day renown decay. Given steady rate of renown gain, the decay formula is such that an exponential increase in time is required for each new level. MV will be about 30 more days before making level 61. I think 70 is a very long time away.

02-22-2012, 08:52 AM
Mortal Voyage attained guild level 60 this weekend. Unfortunately the server-wide achievement message went out in off hours and i missed it. With decay, we went back to 59 and I got to see the second time we made 60. Since then, we've climbed slowly past the point where decay bounces us. Looks like we will make 61, but it may take a long time. I was told there were congratulations coming in from general chat. It is a great thing for MV, DDO, and permadeath in general.


Question 1: If we were to achieve level 45 and unlock Medium Guild Augments, what would happen if decay dropped us back to level 44, both to access of medium guild augments and to existing medium guild augments on items?
Question 2: If we were to achieve level 50 and earn/purchase the Windspyre Falcon, would we lose the ship if our decay dropped us back to level 49?

02-22-2012, 06:43 PM

Question 1: If we were to achieve level 45 and unlock Medium Guild Augments, what would happen if decay dropped us back to level 44, both to access of medium guild augments and to existing medium guild augments on items?
Question 2: If we were to achieve level 50 and earn/purchase the Windspyre Falcon, would we lose the ship if our decay dropped us back to level 49?

My understanding is that once you have access to something, you will always have access to it.

02-22-2012, 07:30 PM
My understanding is that once you have access to something, you will always have access to it.

Ships you keep. If you drop to a level where you no longer qualify for Hookpoints and/or Crew then they stay until they expire, but you're no longer high enough level to purchase a duplicate replacement when it expires.
Pertty sure that's how it works.

02-23-2012, 07:00 AM
...Seems like MV has more decay than we do in The Core. We are approaching 58 and I predict we will hit 60 in about 3 weeks.

According to DDO Wiki, Mortal Voyage renown decay is 24948/day. Level modifier * modified guild size = 226.8 * 110. As recent as two months ago our modified guild size was 175. We enacted a new recruiting policy to reduce churn and it has been an unqualified success.

Taking this a bit further, if MV was somehow able to gain level 70, our renown decay would be 540.225 * 110 = 59424. We don't gain that much in a typical day, and therefore it is not reasonable to expect we will hit that level. It's easy enough to determine where your guild will peak at. Just monitor how much you gain per day and figure out where that fits into the decay calculation. When they are equal, that is about where your guild will hit steady state.

02-23-2012, 07:15 AM
Extreme Explorers hits 50!

02-23-2012, 07:59 AM
Sorry about this, but ummm when I click the Orien perma-death guild link it just takes me to a google error saying it can't be found:
(Permadeath) PD We Only Live Once (Reyyvin) Guild Level: 13 http://weonlyliveonce.forums.do/

I only point it out because I'm kinda curious about the whole permadeath thing in general, and since I play on Orien and like every close-knit guild there are house rules I figured their page would be the best to look it all up on.

02-26-2012, 07:20 AM
Sorry about this, but ummm when I click the Orien perma-death guild link it just takes me to a google error saying it can't be found:
(Permadeath) PD We Only Live Once (Reyyvin) Guild Level: 13 http://weonlyliveonce.forums.do/

I only point it out because I'm kinda curious about the whole permadeath thing in general, and since I play on Orien and like every close-knit guild there are house rules I figured their page would be the best to look it all up on.

Many of the guilds on this list are not active. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get a permadeath guild on solid footing. Most fail the first year. I was fortunate to have some dedicated officers who helped out a great deal getting Mortal Voyage established. There are five guilds that have been around a long time now. Each has differnt rules, so check them out before you try em.

Sublime of Thelanis
Extreme Explorers of Sarlona
The Core of Khyber
Mortal Voyage of Argonnessen
PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda

Stay hard

02-26-2012, 01:10 PM
Please add this to your permadeath guilds list.

Legends PD - Legends website (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029)

Legends PD is a Khyber based guild that meets on Tuesday nights from 1900-2100 CST (USA time). Members in Legends PD must be in our parent guild Legends with some exceptions contact the Legends guild leader for details. You can see some details about our PD nights in our forums under Legends sponsored events.

Note: We have been running a PD night for almost 2 years now and boast a permadeath constitution that guides our play.

Server - Khyber
Guildname - Legends PD (parant guild: Legends)
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - shores11 (Fizban)
Guild Level - Legends PD = 10 (although not really trying to level it up as a priority)
Guild Website - http://www.Legends.republichost.com

03-04-2012, 08:41 PM
The Core is now guild level 58.


03-05-2012, 02:08 PM
Please add this to your permadeath guilds list.

Legends PD - Legends website (http://www.legends.republichost.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=358027&TabID=2998029)

Legends PD is a Khyber based guild that meets on Tuesday nights from 1900-2100 CST (USA time). Members in Legends PD must be in our parent guild Legends with some exceptions contact the Legends guild leader for details. You can see some details about our PD nights in our forums under Legends sponsored events.

Note: We have been running a PD night for almost 2 years now and boast a permadeath constitution that guides our play.

Server - Khyber
Guildname - Legends PD (parant guild: Legends)
Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - shores11 (Fizban)
Guild Level - Legends PD = 10 (although not really trying to level it up as a priority)
Guild Website - http://www.Legends.republichost.com

Added, welcome to permadeath!!!

03-15-2012, 06:20 PM
10 characters

04-10-2012, 06:25 AM
The Core is guild level 59.


04-10-2012, 11:06 AM
The Core is guild level 59.


updated, Congrats!

04-11-2012, 10:55 PM
Extreme Explorers is 51!

04-18-2012, 06:38 PM
I just recalled a new PD guild that was starting in Wayfinder.


Hope it's still active.

04-20-2012, 01:47 PM
Extreme Explorers is 51!


04-25-2012, 08:38 AM
Pd Halls of Valhalla, hit guild Level 40, sweet Large Guild Chest!!!!

05-12-2012, 08:07 PM
The Core just leveled to 60!


05-13-2012, 04:58 AM
Thanks for taking and posting the screenie Zorn!

Sorry I missed out on the big sheebang.

I'd rather knock out a really really difficult guild first
than level to 60. But it's a nice milestone nevertheless.


05-14-2012, 11:41 AM
Thanks for taking and posting the screenie Zorn!

Sorry I missed out on the big sheebang.

I'd rather knock out a really really difficult guild first
than level to 60. But it's a nice milestone nevertheless.


Congrats on Level 60! updated!

05-14-2012, 05:38 PM
Server - Cannith

Guildname - Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - DDOBard1

Guild Level - 1

Guild Website - http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Alder_d%27Cannith_Permadeath_Guild#Alder_d.27Canni th_Permadeath_Guild

Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Alder_d%27Cannith_Permadeath_Guild#Alder_d.27Canni th_Permadeath_Guild) just started!

05-15-2012, 12:29 PM
Server - Cannith

Guildname - Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - DDOBard1

Guild Level - 1

Guild Website - http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Alder_d%27Cannith_Permadeath_Guild#Alder_d.27Canni th_Permadeath_Guild

Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild (http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Alder_d%27Cannith_Permadeath_Guild#Alder_d.27Canni th_Permadeath_Guild) just started!

List updated, best wishes on getting the guild going!

05-20-2012, 11:55 AM
Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is 6!

05-22-2012, 11:22 AM
Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is 6!

Congrats, updated!

06-06-2012, 10:19 PM
Hey all, I am new to DDO but have played DnD as well as a few other computer RPGs. I prefer a play style that mimicks pnp rgps a little more than mmorpgs, I like a little light role play and prefer to be challenged to be strategic rather than to mash buttons. I am shopping around for a guild/static group that I could meet with once a week ongoing. My time to play will be limited but I am not interested in grinding content. Give me a shout if your guild has any lowbie groups starting up. I am looking to try a couple groups out.

06-14-2012, 09:49 PM
Extreme Explorers hits 53!

06-15-2012, 05:36 AM
The Core hit 60, dropped to 59, hit 60, dropped to 59, and..

You know what I'm getting at.

But now we are at 60 and seem to be over the hump.


06-18-2012, 12:14 PM
Congrats Extreme Explorer's on Level 53!

Duncan, I just figure it is best to just post the highest the guild has been at and not worry to much about the decay, so if you drop back to 59 again, no worries we will just leave it at 60!

Permadeath Rules!!!

07-11-2012, 05:42 PM
Alder d'Cannith hits 11!

07-12-2012, 12:25 PM
Alder d'Cannith hits 11!


07-18-2012, 03:54 PM
PD Halls of Valhalla hits guild level 41, we are slowly creeping towards our medium guild augments, so exciting!

Permadeath Rules!!!

07-28-2012, 08:20 PM
Soulbound Permadeath Guild is a new guild. We are a PD/Rp guild going for an almost PnP feel.

Name: Soulbound Permadeath Guild
We are PD/Heavy RP
Guild LEvel: 3
Reps: lilleengen2, pie2655
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=457730&TabID=3938731

07-28-2012, 09:12 PM
I gave both your entry and your website a quick glance, and I didn't notice a server listing anywhere.

07-28-2012, 10:38 PM
Oh, silly you, Pie. :D

We are on the Sarlona server, Magnyr.

07-30-2012, 01:23 PM
Soulbound Permadeath Guild is a new guild. We are a PD/Rp guild going for an almost PnP feel.

Name: Soulbound Permadeath Guild
We are PD/Heavy RP
Guild LEvel: 3
Reps: lilleengen2, pie2655
Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=457730&TabID=3938731

Updated to the listing in the Sarlona server area.

Good luck Soulbound, the hardest part of a permadeath guild is getting it up off the ground, there might be a guild or two that people are leaving at the current moment, as they may be lacking their leadership!

07-30-2012, 01:24 PM
Updated to the listing in the Sarlona server area.

Good luck Soulbound, the hardest part of a permadeath guild is getting it up off the ground, there might be a guild or two that people are leaving at the current moment, as they may be lacking their leadership!

Thanks narc. We already have a pretty solid start. Our goal isnt to be the biggest, just to have a couple people who we like to play with :)

07-30-2012, 01:48 PM
Thanks narc. We already have a pretty solid start. Our goal isnt to be the biggest, just to have a couple people who we like to play with :)

Keep me posted on your guild level as I will update the original post, guild level definitely is a good measurement of activity, although it can vary from guild to guild whether they run challenges or guildes take loot over favor!

We run a lot of cannith challenges and always take lot for crafting over favor, except maybe impressive trophies

07-30-2012, 01:50 PM
Will do

07-31-2012, 07:49 PM
Soulbound is now level 5! We can mail invites!

07-31-2012, 11:50 PM
Updated to the listing in the Sarlona server area.

Good luck Soulbound, the hardest part of a permadeath guild is getting it up off the ground, there might be a guild or two that people are leaving at the current moment, as they may be lacking their leadership!

If that's a crack at my current project you'll be dissapointed. Mortal Voyage is full of leaders. If you are thinking about The Core, not likely. Both MV and TC have unique rule sets which appeal to different types of players.

08-12-2012, 04:51 PM
Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is 15!

08-13-2012, 12:18 PM
Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is 15!


Also updated all guild levels and removed inactive guilds!

08-13-2012, 06:15 PM
List misses Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild in Argonessen??

I take the opportunity to thank you for updating this awesome list! What a thread!!

08-14-2012, 04:55 AM
List misses Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild in Argonessen??

I take the opportunity to thank you for updating this awesome list! What a thread!!


08-14-2012, 05:34 AM
I believe Mortal Voyage Permadeath Guild in Argonessen missing was an oversight. Plz amend it.

08-14-2012, 08:32 AM
It seems I deleted a whole server section - fixed!


08-14-2012, 10:40 PM
It seems I deleted a whole server section - fixed!


Bah, you're no fun. I liked it better thinking you did it on purpose.

Unless the guild renown mechanics are changed, Mortal Voyage will not likely achive greater than guild level 61. For some time we hit 61 every day, then settled into about mid 60. Pretty much steady state now. I wish we had a bigger ship to look forward to, but it ain't gonna happen anytime soon...

08-28-2012, 08:12 AM
EE hits 54!

08-28-2012, 10:51 AM
EE hits 54!

Congrats, updated!!!

09-18-2012, 02:57 AM
Soulbound Permadeath guild is dead. The combination of PD and heavy RP was too much, and my schedule have changed a lot, thus I have to go back to European Timezones to play. I am not the only one who haven't had time for it, as most of the players haven't been around for weeks with -two- exceptions. It was a short but fun project, and Perma-Death is for sure something I would like to continue, thus I will more likely attempt to create yet a new PD-guild. This time around, it will be based around European timezones and will only be RP-friendly, not an RP/PD guild. :D

(DISCLAIMER: Pie may continue the guild for all I know, but I have not heard from him in quite some time.)

10-08-2012, 06:26 AM
The Core leveled up to 61 a while back. I had forgotten to mention it.

We have added a couple of recent recruits and are starting to run new characters through the pd gauntlet. Mo has become infected with a Druid craze. Epic non-pd has been fun, but the appetite for a more pure challenge as come back with a vengence.


10-09-2012, 02:51 PM
The Core leveled up to 61 a while back. I had forgotten to mention it.

We have added a couple of recent recruits and are starting to run new characters through the pd gauntlet. Mo has become infected with a Druid craze. Epic non-pd has been fun, but the appetite for a more pure challenge as come back with a vengence.


Updated, congrats you are now ranked #2 amongst guild levels keep reaching for the stars, it is obvious that your challenging playstyle has drawn quite a large amount of activity, I recommend many others looking for challenging permadeath join your ranks!

10-25-2012, 03:29 AM
I sadly report that Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is inactive until Christmas, for professional reasons of their leader.

DDO Permadeath forever!

10-25-2012, 07:56 AM
EE hits 55!

10-29-2012, 11:11 AM
EE hits 55!

Congrats on 55, is ghirmisk still guild leader or are you?

+1 Rep for your constant input and contribution to this thread!

10-29-2012, 11:12 AM
I sadly report that Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is inactive until Christmas, for professional reasons of their leader.

DDO Permadeath forever!

+1 rep for keeping the permadeath community informed of your guild's status

The Narc

10-29-2012, 11:36 AM
Congrats on 55, is ghirmisk still guild leader or are you?

+1 Rep for your constant input and contribution to this thread!

Ghirmeshk is absolutely still the head honcho. He is really busy with real life, and I enjoy keeping up with the forums. We're loving the new airship!

11-04-2012, 03:53 AM
+1 rep for keeping the permadeath community informed of your guild's status

The Narc

thanks for understanding and fellow feeling

11-25-2012, 09:09 AM
I think it would be nice to add the current local time in which, usually, at least one member of the guild is online!?

What is the opinion of PD's community? ty.

12-19-2012, 12:56 PM
Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild is over!

I started a new one: Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild

Plz delete Alder d'Cannith Permadeath Guild and enter the new Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild

Tyvm TheNarc

Server - Cannith

Guildname - Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name - DDOBard1

Guild Level - 3

Guild Website - http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Cyrite_Scholars_Permadeath_Guild

Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild started!

12-21-2012, 03:25 PM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild hits 5

01-02-2013, 03:22 PM
Sorry I have been away, updated!!!

01-05-2013, 11:50 AM
welcome back TheNarc

01-11-2013, 09:53 AM
Mortal Voyage is Guild level 62 closeing in on 63.

01-11-2013, 10:24 AM

PD Halls Of Valhalla reached Guild Level 42

02-02-2013, 03:48 PM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild hits 8

02-12-2013, 03:44 PM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild hits 8


02-24-2013, 02:10 PM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild hits 11

02-25-2013, 02:07 PM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild hits 11


03-10-2013, 07:55 PM
Whoops, haven't updated in a while. EE has reached 57.

03-11-2013, 07:20 AM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild reached 15 today

03-14-2013, 10:23 AM
updated the original post list!!!

03-27-2013, 09:59 AM
Updated original post!

PD Halls of Valhalla is now guild level 44, only 6 more levels to go until we get our new ship!!!

04-09-2013, 10:30 AM

A new Perma-death guild have been formed on Orien: 'Roll For Your Life'.(Level 5)
I will update as soon as the webpage with the rules and all is up and running!
Just wanted to throw it out there. :D

Edit: www.rollforyourlife.guildportal.com

04-11-2013, 07:16 AM
Cyrite Scholars Permadeath Guild reached 17

04-14-2013, 04:47 PM
Roll For Your Life hits level 11!

04-15-2013, 03:38 PM

04-18-2013, 05:30 AM
Roll For Your Life have reached level 14!

By the way, we are EU-based. Possible to put that in the OP? :D

04-30-2013, 05:00 AM
Since my forum's name was changed and the link was deleted, please change the following:

Guildleader's or Representative's Forum Name: remember1

Guild Website: http://pedrodnd.blogspot.pt/


05-09-2013, 12:31 PM
Roll For Your Life level 22!
(This is lilleengen2, had to change forum name)

05-22-2013, 04:18 AM
Level 24!

For some reason I now am Lilleengen2 again! :D

05-22-2013, 02:28 PM
unfortunately right now cant seem to figure out how to get logged in with my old name "TheNarc", Turbine you are really crappy, have even sent in tickets to try and figure out how to get logged in with my original forum name and password! Doesnt work, turbine you suck!!!!

05-30-2013, 08:58 AM
Mortal Voyage is now level 65.

New Twitter Account @MortalVoyage
New Email Account MortalVoyage(at)outlook.com

We are also updating our website and revising some rules. Both should be publicly available June 1st.

06-01-2013, 06:56 AM
Mortal Voyage new website is up and running. Stop by and check it out.
