11-03-2009, 06:56 PM
The new DDO:EU is a blast to play. The new Harbor quests are really quick & fun, EPIC is massive (but man are we missing the Shroud) and the Shavarath area makes the Vale seem like the minor leagues.
Personally, I have not had as much enjoyment from my other 20 months of DDO gaming as I have had the past few weeks.
Nice work DDO!
Gs&Gs is undergoing a huge growth spurt but we are currently CLOSED to any further recruiting through the end of this year.
Probably as a consequence of player excitement and enjoyment being at such a high level, our guild of raid running, laid back, joke-crackin fun-nutz has doubled in size the past few weeks and the requests I am getting from good peeps wishing to join up with us keeps me answering tells and emails for an hour each night when I log in.
GREAT PROBLEMS to have!! but, we need time to level up, gear-up, raid out and get-to-know all of our newest members.
Thank you Ghallanda for allowing Gs&Gs to grow and become a fun place to log in and roll!
We will gladly share our networking channels for any that are interested and will evaluate any and every request to join us again after Jan 1st, 2010.
See you in game!
God speed,
Personally, I have not had as much enjoyment from my other 20 months of DDO gaming as I have had the past few weeks.
Nice work DDO!
Gs&Gs is undergoing a huge growth spurt but we are currently CLOSED to any further recruiting through the end of this year.
Probably as a consequence of player excitement and enjoyment being at such a high level, our guild of raid running, laid back, joke-crackin fun-nutz has doubled in size the past few weeks and the requests I am getting from good peeps wishing to join up with us keeps me answering tells and emails for an hour each night when I log in.
GREAT PROBLEMS to have!! but, we need time to level up, gear-up, raid out and get-to-know all of our newest members.
Thank you Ghallanda for allowing Gs&Gs to grow and become a fun place to log in and roll!
We will gladly share our networking channels for any that are interested and will evaluate any and every request to join us again after Jan 1st, 2010.
See you in game!
God speed,