View Full Version : Request to revisit /follow feature

10-28-2009, 11:36 AM
Hi all,

My wife and I are avid multi-boxers who just started playing DDO again recently. We tend to keep to ourselves in game and really would find the /follow command useful for having our own party. I know hirelings are an option, but really we prefer to play our own team of characters. I'm aware of anecdotal arguments about how removing this feature controls plat farming, but I think there's much evidence that this isn't the case. A quick view of the auctionhouse indicates that MUD-flation affects DDO as much as any other MMO I've played with or without /follow. LOTRO has it, and it certainly hasn't hurt that game. As far as I'm concerned the lack of this feature only keeps me from playing the game exactly how I'd like to.

So please consider adding this feature (possibly as a VIP option) so I can play the game as I like.

