View Full Version : One More Inventory Bag Please...
10-26-2009, 07:12 PM
With the increase in levels comes the increase for needed gear. Casters need more slots for components and new scrolls / wands, melee need more slots for wpns and gear (i.e. Boots of Anchoring) and situational gear. Is it too much to ask for 1 more bag slot for our inventory? An extreme example of an inventory starved character is a TWF UMD Rogue. Bag full of pots and scrolls, bag full of dual wpn sets, bag full of gear and trap gear, and 2 bags 1/2 full of misc stuff like overflow wpns, gear, and pots/scrolls, tools...
I'm sure the Trolls will say "Just put the stuff in your bank and grab as you need it." The problem is if you're in a hurry, or you switch characters to join a group and forget, or you just dont think about that one spot where you need that one thing...then ppl are gonna be very angry at you for forgetting.
Just askin for 1 more bag please... :)
*Yes, I understand that this will cause some Dev to have to redo the GUI a tiny bit to fit another bag tab. Maybe they could just add 5 more slots to each bag, effectively giving us 1.2 more bags.
10-26-2009, 07:19 PM
Sure, now you want just 1 more bag and if you get it then you will want 1 more and then another. The more bags a character has the more they will fill with stuff they think they need. On my high level characters I run with 3 empty bags at all times. I do not feel the need to have an entire bag of weapons or thieves tools (are you really going to do 50-100 traps in an adventure or two) that cuts down a bag big time. Pots yes are a nice thing to have, but an entire bags worth is too many. Casters I could see needing a little more space, but not enough that they could not replenish after a couple of adventures.
Just because we don't have houses does not mean that you have to carry all your belongings with you like some hobo.
10-26-2009, 07:19 PM
10-26-2009, 07:48 PM
Cure serious wand x2, heal scrolls, restore scrolls, remove blindness, remove curse, barkskin, haste, raise dead, shield, blur, teleport, gtr teleport, fire prot, remove fear, resist wand, rage...thats 17 I wouldn't drop. I have a few I could get rid of a few others not listed.
Then dual banishers, smiters, disruptors, WoE, Green Steel, Holy Silvers, Bow, Dream Spitter, Everbrights...thats 16 plus some others.
Gear...shesh I dont wanna get into that but and I dont carry alot of extra except robes.
I do only have 2 stacks of tools, and I carry some mana pots for casters, my 3 bags for gems / collectables / ingreds. Tavern food...and a few comfort items JIC but nothing extreme.
I'm not asking for bag after bag. Just one more since we're at a new lvl cap and we've got all these item sets, new spells that need components and such now and have to hold more stuff. Of course ppl are gonna fill up another bag, but try to look at it through someone else's eyes :) Heck, add it to the 2500 favor reward :D Not everyone cares about playing a FvS but I'm sure ppl would love an extra bag (except you 2 :p hehe)
10-26-2009, 09:20 PM
I would LOVE a new bag, my twf has NO room for all the weapon sets, and I know rangers have less room since they get to carry bows and two weapon sets. Please add it to 2500 favor since I bought favored soul I have no reason to shoot for that milestone. A new bag slot would make me do it asap
10-26-2009, 10:41 PM
And how about making portable hole and bag of holding have 100% weight reduction?
10-27-2009, 01:48 AM
And how about making portable hole and bag of holding have 100% weight reduction?
Oh OOH OH I know why don't we have UNLIMITED bag space
10-27-2009, 02:01 AM
I have too many rangers/rogues/twf's that simply have NO SPACE! (not to mention my poor bard.) The only characters I do have that actually have some space for loot are my casters and clerics.
Pots, wands, scrolls, gear, swords, rapiers, bows, bags, components, ammo, ... OMG! I honestly have 5 open backpack spots on my rogue right now and that's it! I have looked thru her inventory trying to whittle it down a bit and I can't do it. I'll earn the option thru favor, I'll buy it for a ton of plat, hell I'll even pay for it thru the store, but please for the love of Harry, give me the option!!
/signed, signed, signed, signed, signed!!!
10-27-2009, 02:04 AM
There is plenty of bag space. Here is why...
Part of DnD has always been what to bring with you, what will you need etc. Being able to bring everything possible for everything possible everywhere has never been part of DnD. Also resource usuage and space management have always been part of DnD and should remain so.
There is plenty of bag space. Here is why...
Part of DnD has always been what to bring with you, what will you need etc. Being able to bring everything possible for everything possible everywhere has never been part of DnD. Also resource usuage and space management have always been part of DnD and should remain so.
Then I'll take more bank space please. thanks
10-27-2009, 02:11 AM
Then I'll take more bank space please. thanks
Yep Yep! Hell, I've got one full page of just $hit I need for quests... Sigils, Frames, Gems, etc...
10-27-2009, 02:14 AM
Then I'll take more bank space please. thanks
I would support this as it is in line with DnD. Just make it hard to get or expensive to get and you would have my vote.
10-27-2009, 02:17 AM
There is plenty of bag space. Here is why...
Part of DnD has always been what to bring with you, what will you need etc. Being able to bring everything possible for everything possible everywhere has never been part of DnD. Also resource usuage and space management have always been part of DnD and should remain so.
Then gimme a potion and components bag. Make wands of 100 charges (or more). Make tools stack more than 50. Make dragonshard fragments stack more than 1000 in the bag (or make it so they will allow numerous stacks of 1000). Something, anything.
Sorry but as a hardcore dnd player I think we can already carry a insane amount of goods. If I was incharge we would be able to carry less not more, guess its a good thing I am not in charge eh.
Then I'll take more bank space please. thanks
Yeah 3 more bank slots and take away a bag space sounds good to me
10-27-2009, 02:48 AM
I'd just like more storage, period. Backpack space, bank space, hypothetical storage in theoretical player housing... I'll take any of it.
10-27-2009, 04:35 AM
The logic is irrefutable. Orignal lvl cap 10, now it is 20. We all know that the higher level we get, the more situational equipment we seem to carry. One extra slot? I say double.
(and for all those clever sorts going on about being able to carry unlimited stuff "how realistic," you do realise that D&D IS NOT REAL - seriously :))
The logic is irrefutable. Orignal lvl cap 10, now it is 20. We all know that the higher level we get, the more situational equipment we seem to carry. One extra slot? I say double.
(and for all those clever sorts going on about being able to carry unlimited stuff "how realistic," you do realise that D&D IS NOT REAL - seriously :))
Unlike some I like a little realism in my fantasy otherwise I would play wow and the so called logic is easily refutable
10-27-2009, 05:26 AM
There is plenty of bag space. Here is why...
Part of DnD has always been what to bring with you, what will you need etc. Being able to bring everything possible for everything possible everywhere has never been part of DnD. Also resource usuage and space management have always been part of DnD and should remain so.
Didn't they have a little thing in D&D that helped with inventory space ( Pretty sure a portable hole and a bag of holding IV hold more than 20 slots..?
10-27-2009, 05:38 AM
Didn't they have a little thing in D&D that helped with inventory space ( Pretty sure a portable hole and a bag of holding IV hold more than 20 slots..?
Pretty sure that what you have in your bags would not even let you move in DnD. Try again.
10-27-2009, 05:57 AM
Yeah 3 more bank slots and take away a bag space sounds good to me
Heck no we won't go, take NOTHING from us, give us more space!obviously you don't play one of the space starved classes if you did you'd agree with us! My rogue/twf doesn't even have space for 100 thieves tools, 50 is all she carries and hope that's enough.
10-27-2009, 06:09 AM
Heck no we won't go, take NOTHING from us, give us more space!obviously you don't play one of the space starved classes if you did you'd agree with us! My rogue/twf doesn't even have space for 100 thieves tools, 50 is all she carries and hope that's enough.
My twf rogue/ranger has over 1 whole bag open despite having 800 pots and 150 tools and tons of clickys, a stack of heal scrolls, plenty of weapons, and 4500 arrorws. If you are that low on space its not the games fault or a class issue.
10-27-2009, 06:10 AM
Pretty sure that what you have in your bags would not even let you move in DnD. Try again.
Which is a great point, except that in PnP you also wouldn't have a fifty or even a forty for strength! Tough to be encumbered when you're walking around with the strength of a titan. :)
10-27-2009, 06:11 AM
Which is a great point, except that in PnP you also wouldn't have a fifty or even a forty for strength! Tough to be encumbered when you're walking around with the strength of a titan. :)
Tell it to the sorc/wiz/rogue/cleric/fvs running around with 8 str and just as much stuff
Score Light Load Medium Load Heavy Load
1 3 lb. or less 4-6 lb. 7-10 lb.
2 6 lb. or less 7-13 lb. 14-20 lb.
3 10 lb. or less 11-20 lb. 21-30 lb.
4 13 lb. or less 14-26 lb. 27-40 lb.
5 16 lb. or less 17-33 lb. 34-50 lb.
6 20 lb. or less 21-40 lb. 41-60 lb.
7 23 lb. or less 24-46 lb. 47-70 lb.
8 26 lb. or less 27-53 lb. 54-80 lb.
9 30 lb. or less 31-60 lb. 61-90 lb.
10 33 lb. or less 34-66 lb. 67-100 lb.
11 38 lb. or less 39-76 lb. 77-115 lb.
12 43 lb. or less 44-86 lb. 87-130 lb.
13 50 lb. or less 51-100 lb. 101-150 lb.
14 58 lb. or less 59-116 lb. 117-175 lb.
15 66 lb. or less 67-133 lb. 134-200 lb.
16 76 lb. or less 77-153 lb. 154-230 lb.
17 86 lb. or less 87-173 lb. 174-260 lb.
18 100 lb. or less 101-200 lb. 201-300 lb.
19 116 lb. or less 117-233 lb. 234-350 lb.
20 133 lb. or less 134-266 lb. 267-400 lb.
21 153 lb. or less 154-306 lb. 307-460 lb.
22 173 lb. or less 174-346 lb. 347-520 lb.
23 200 lb. or less 201-400 lb. 401-600 lb.
24 233 lb. or less 234-466 lb. 467-700 lb.
25 266 lb. or less 267-533 lb. 534-800 lb.
26 306 lb. or less 307-613 lb. 614-920 lb.
27 346 lb. or less 347-693 lb. 694-1,040 lb.
28 400 lb. or less 401-800 lb. 801-1,200 lb.
29 466 lb. or less 467-933 lb. 934-1,400 lb.
+10 ×4 ×4 ×4
10-27-2009, 06:26 AM
Then gimme a potion and components bag. Make wands of 100 charges (or more). Make tools stack more than 50. Make dragonshard fragments stack more than 1000 in the bag (or make it so they will allow numerous stacks of 1000). Something, anything.
I also seem to recall in PnP that you would not be able to carry hundreds of potions on your person. One of the best items in game was the masterwork potion belt that would allow you to put a number of potions on you (i forget how many) and be able to use more quickly. There is no such restriction in DDO.
The problem is there are too many twinkers out there who feel the need to have everything all the time. Most times you can get away with using 2-3 weapon sets in a mission instead of 10-15. Sure it may take a little longer to kill something, but who cares.
10-27-2009, 06:27 AM
My twf rogue/ranger has over 1 whole bag open despite having 800 pots and 150 tools and tons of clickys, a stack of heal scrolls, plenty of weapons, and 4500 arrorws. If you are that low on space its not the games fault or a class issue.
Great points, people need to learn to economize. You don't need to take everything with you.
10-27-2009, 07:49 AM
There is plenty of bag space. Here is why...
Part of DnD has always been what to bring with you, what will you need etc. Being able to bring everything possible for everything possible everywhere has never been part of DnD. Also resource usuage and space management have always been part of DnD and should remain so.
Low levels, say hi to pack animal drawn carts.
Mid and high levels, wave to the bags of holding please, that allow anyone to carry thousands of pounds worth of stuff.
Limited inventory space has never been a concern to any D&D player who has devoted any amount of thought to the subject.
In DDO you'll run out of slots long before you run out of weight allowance, even on low Strength characters. The only reason the concept of 'slots' exist is due to programming limitations.
10-27-2009, 08:04 AM
This wouldn't be an issue if they'd open up some more House K favor and give us access to the space in our bank that could be two more bank slots. I'd rather have stuff there than in my backpack anyway.
10-27-2009, 08:08 AM
This wouldn't be an issue if they'd open up some more House K favor and give us access to the space in our bank that could be two more bank slots. I'd rather have stuff there than in my backpack anyway.
Extra Bank slots I can definately get behind. There is no reason why a character should not be able to store as much as they wanted in a bank system.
10-27-2009, 08:13 AM
it's called maintenance and should be done often.. I have 24 open slots on my rogue paly wiz and I spend most of my time fighting, picking and healing/curing. I have no problem carrying what I need to plus have 3 rings of the ancestors. ( all pulled thank you very much )
The problem here is everyone wants to solo things so they carry every little thing they can to help the cause. If you grouped and relied on the proper group for the quest there would be little need for probably 10% of the items you carry.. not to mention if you rolled WF
Do you really need a resurrection shrine? major nemonic's from the store, res cakes, xp and loot potions plus 10 different items to wear?
Heck no we won't go, take NOTHING from us, give us more space!obviously you don't play one of the space starved classes if you did you'd agree with us! My rogue/twf doesn't even have space for 100 thieves tools, 50 is all she carries and hope that's enough.
Your so wrong but I am old school pnp player and I think we have to much space game is already to munckin and if you have carry that many weapons your not planning well. my twf rogue doesent even use all her set up slots.
Low levels, say hi to pack animal drawn carts.
Mid and high levels, wave to the bags of holding please, that allow anyone to carry thousands of pounds worth of stuff.
Limited inventory space has never been a concern to any D&D player who has devoted any amount of thought to the subject.
In DDO you'll run out of slots long before you run out of weight allowance, even on low Strength characters. The only reason the concept of 'slots' exist is due to programming limitations.
IN any dnd game I played bags of holding and the like were very rare, and our best games allowed little to no time for crafting(my fellow gms and my own way to keep game balance) SO in no way could we carry a dozen weapons and 3 or 4 suits of armor. ONly in a monty haul game was weight and space of no concern and DDO is a monty haul game.
10-27-2009, 08:19 AM
There's currently no reward for 400 coinlord favor, just let that be +1 bag slot and be done with it.
10-27-2009, 08:22 AM
There's currently no reward for 400 coinlord favor, just let that be +1 bag slot and be done with it.
correct me if I am wrong here but I believe you get access to those amazing potions... the one's that let you achieve a 74+ strength in the game ( there is obviously more to it then that, but I was trying to be funny about it )
10-27-2009, 10:03 AM
IN any dnd game I played bags of holding and the like were very rare, and our best games allowed little to no time for crafting(my fellow gms and my own way to keep game balance) SO in no way could we carry a dozen weapons and 3 or 4 suits of armor. ONly in a monty haul game was weight and space of no concern and DDO is a monty haul game.
So there you have it, since its a monty haul game...add another bag :)
10-27-2009, 10:21 AM
Heck no we won't go, take NOTHING from us, give us more space!obviously you don't play one of the space starved classes if you did you'd agree with us! My rogue/twf doesn't even have space for 100 thieves tools, 50 is all she carries and hope that's enough.
You have a bank for a reason...your one of those people who carry ghosttouch,everbright,muckbane,fire,acid,cold and every other variant for their chosen have a bank for a reason bring what yu need for a given quest and that's it your lucky you can carry so much as it is (See above for weight breakdowns).
I support the ditching of a bag slot and increasing of bank would feel more DnD and less Final Fantasy-y with unlimited space.
10-27-2009, 01:50 PM
Low levels, say hi to pack animal drawn carts.
Mid and high levels, wave to the bags of holding please, that allow anyone to carry thousands of pounds worth of stuff.
Limited inventory space has never been a concern to any D&D player who has devoted any amount of thought to the subject.
In DDO you'll run out of slots long before you run out of weight allowance, even on low Strength characters. The only reason the concept of 'slots' exist is due to programming limitations.
Which is way bags of holding need to work properly and not count weight against you for what is in that bag.
10-27-2009, 02:07 PM
Reduce the bag slots, so that you have to run to the bank every two quests or so and swap out all kinds of different weapons sets (and reconfigure them into your tool bars, etc). Yeah, that sounds like all kinds of fun...:rolleyes:
10-27-2009, 02:25 PM
In DnD, you did not need to carry around 500 different potions either because you could REST ANYWHERE YOU WANTED as long as it was safe. Heck, even if it wasn't safe, you could still try. So, with that in mind, I didn't need to carry 200 cure serious pots, 50 remove poison, blindness, curse, fear, etc... You could fight a nasty fight and rest right there on the bloody corpses of your fallen. Then you would gain a point or two back and have your healer heal you up. Not enough? Rest another day.
DDO forces certain play style differences that DnD. This causes us to carry around a ton of other stuff one would never dream about needing in PnP.
And, depending on how loot stingy your DM was, there were LOTS of ways to mitigate the quantity/volume/weight issue of items.
Also, in PnP, you never ran as many quests in as short of a time period as you do in DDO. You may have had time to return home between adventures and exchange gear there and prepare for the next adventure. You would not run out of space on a mule as you would have your entire keep, farm, house, tower, etc to store what ever you needed.
My vote is for giving us more backpack and bank space. There really is no logical reason to limit bank spots at all. If you went into a bank in real life, they would never say "were sorry you are out of room and we cant possibly offer any more space".. .they would say "you are out of room sir, would you like to purchase another safe deposit box? We will sell you as many as you are interested in buying"
more, more more!!!
10-27-2009, 02:28 PM
IN any dnd game I played bags of holding and the like were very rare, and our best games allowed little to no time for crafting(my fellow gms and my own way to keep game balance) SO in no way could we carry a dozen weapons and 3 or 4 suits of armor. ONly in a monty haul game was weight and space of no concern and DDO is a monty haul game.
You are correct that you would not carry a dozen weapons and 3 or 4 suits of armor. But that is because the Wealth by Level system barely lets you afford one of each that is level appropriate, not because you lack the physical space to do so.
Also, their prices range from about as much as a +1 weapon to about as much as a +3 armor. Cheap items are common, such is the name of the game.
It's mostly there because gold isn't weightless, and a typical adventure leaves you with tens of thousands of gold in vendor fodder or more at high levels.
Carry on.
10-27-2009, 02:32 PM
I also seem to recall in PnP that you would not be able to carry hundreds of potions on your person. One of the best items in game was the masterwork potion belt that would allow you to put a number of potions on you (i forget how many) and be able to use more quickly. There is no such restriction in DDO.
As far as I know that isn't in the 3.x rules anywhere.
10-27-2009, 11:07 PM
What gets me is how this community is always screaming for people to be as self-sufficient as possible, which I agree with, yet that self-sufficiency requires a cr@p ton of inventory space. You can't have it both ways. Do you want me to empty my inventory so I'm yelling for a heal/restore/resist all the time or do you want to give me the option of obtaining more space so I can take care of those things myself? Afterall, it's those clickies, pots, scrolls, wands, cloaks, etc... that takes up most of MY inventory that makes me self-sufficient.
Besides, running to the bank between each quest to grab this or that is just time consuming and a pain in the arse. And when people start forgetting to grab something then we've got a bunch of forum posts about how so-and-so didn't have something that they should have with them "all the time". It's a no win situation.
10-27-2009, 11:22 PM
Pretty sure that what you have in your bags would not even let you move in DnD. Try again.
I agree with you Fluffy, in principle, but sadly we have such over-inflated strength scores here in ddo that they might just be able to move.
a 32 strength isn't really anything to brag about in ddo yet it would move your "light load" in PnP DnD up to 692 lbs and heavy load would be 2,080 lbs.
Now imagine Shade's barbarian sitting at 62 strength ( it's probably higher than that ) His light-load would be 44,288 lbs (a heavily laden tractor-trailer load-ish) and his heavy load would top out at 133,120 lbs ;)
It's obvious ddo has completely departed from pnp in certain areas and while I'm not particularly thrilled about it, I'd say that encumbrance is one of them.
10-27-2009, 11:22 PM
I would like a bandoleer for wands...kinda like shotgun shells. Have it show up on the character. I want 2 so that I can crisscross them. :D
Maybe something like that for pots also...kinda like hanging gernades. :D
All I will need is a bandanna next to round out the look. :D
I would like something for spell components just for organization.
A scroll case would be nice too, again for organization.
I do wish weapons and wands switched for the other would go to the space of the one that was equipped.
I would like some way to make my back more organized.
I'm a bit of an organization freak.
10-27-2009, 11:29 PM
In DnD, you did not need to carry around 500 different potions either because you could REST ANYWHERE YOU WANTED as long as it was safe. Heck, even if it wasn't safe, you could still try. So, with that in mind, I didn't need to carry 200 cure serious pots, 50 remove poison, blindness, curse, fear, etc... You could fight a nasty fight and rest right there on the bloody corpses of your fallen. Then you would gain a point or two back and have your healer heal you up. Not enough? Rest another day.
DDO forces certain play style differences that DnD. This causes us to carry around a ton of other stuff one would never dream about needing in PnP.
And, depending on how loot stingy your DM was, there were LOTS of ways to mitigate the quantity/volume/weight issue of items.
Also, in PnP, you never ran as many quests in as short of a time period as you do in DDO. You may have had time to return home between adventures and exchange gear there and prepare for the next adventure. You would not run out of space on a mule as you would have your entire keep, farm, house, tower, etc to store what ever you needed.
My vote is for giving us more backpack and bank space. There really is no logical reason to limit bank spots at all. If you went into a bank in real life, they would never say "were sorry you are out of room and we cant possibly offer any more space".. .they would say "you are out of room sir, would you like to purchase another safe deposit box? We will sell you as many as you are interested in buying"
more, more more!!!
Some DMs would require money to add to weight. From what I understand, people are able to whip out the wallet of fortune and have access to several gold mines worth of coinage.
-----Nevermind....someone beat me to this comment. :)
As far as I know that isn't in the 3.x rules anywhere.
Umm just from the ability to be able to carry that many potions 50 potions in pnp take up a lot more space and weight then they do in ddo
10-28-2009, 07:33 AM
What gets me is how this community is always screaming for people to be as self-sufficient as possible, which I agree with, yet that self-sufficiency requires a cr@p ton of inventory space. You can't have it both ways. Do you want me to empty my inventory so I'm yelling for a heal/restore/resist all the time or do you want to give me the option of obtaining more space so I can take care of those things myself? Afterall, it's those clickies, pots, scrolls, wands, cloaks, etc... that takes up most of MY inventory that makes me self-sufficient.
Besides, running to the bank between each quest to grab this or that is just time consuming and a pain in the arse. And when people start forgetting to grab something then we've got a bunch of forum posts about how so-and-so didn't have something that they should have with them "all the time". It's a no win situation.
What gets me is the same people that scream the loudest about being self sufficient are the ones who go on about teamplay being so great and so awesome and shame on you for wanting to solo. Anyone who is truly self sufficient does not need a team, and groups of 6 or 12 people soloing are also not teams. Now I'm not saying people shouldn't have potions and wands and whatever, they should. But it is an obvious contradiction.
Or put another way, the baseline for competence in a TEAM game (their words) is to be able to solo it. Fair enough, but rather silly.
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