View Full Version : US West Coast Guilds?

10-26-2009, 04:25 PM
I'm just wondering what West Coast Guilds are out there, or just any Guilds that see increased activity between 8pm & midnight Pacific Time (Daylight or Standard, which ever is in effect at the time).

I solo'd most of my 4 years playing "that other game" because my Guild was predominantly East coast players, and they were all great folks so even if most of them said Good Night as I said Hello I just couldn't bring myself to /GQuit. I know, I know, I may not have /GQuit but I still canceled my Sub, right? Believe it or not but I still keep in touch with several of them via email ;)

After playing DDO for a few weeks I've realized this is not a game I can Solo, but (at least at the low level) the Dungeons don't take up huge slabs of time, either. As a married, father of two young children I need flexibility in my game, so that's another reason I solo'd a lot of my play time in "the game which shall not be named"; Being a family man I needed to be able to logout, or even just /AFK at a moment's notice.

If you're read this far you've probably already worked out whether or not I'd be a good fit for your Guild, so if you're interested either drop me a line here (because I'm sure I'm not the only one LF West Coast Guild) or look for Kwazimoto in-game.

10-26-2009, 04:43 PM
Well... I am in Sacramento, CA... my small family of players (lvls range from 2-11) are spead out, but typically play 7:pm PST to 1:00am PST. We are a small group. More a trusted friend list that play together....than a large organized guild.

But... we are on Gahalla...so not likely gonna be of much help unless you want to move. There are others on too that we group up with at PST times. :) Though they may not be in the PST.

good luck!

PS: Family man with kids + wife at home too. :)

10-26-2009, 04:46 PM
As a PST zone gamer... see lots of activity from my guild. Actually a bunch of Central & east coast players play after I go to bed.

I would recommend looking at the player search tab, sort by guild.. and see who has folks on at the times you are playing. Then try to get to know folks in guilds you are interested in playing with.. guilds do have different cultures so try them out.. and let them know you are trying them out.

10-27-2009, 01:46 PM
We're based in MST, but the times you described are pretty much the times we're on as well. Also, it sounds like you'd be a good fit with our play style, as most of us are also married with children. Feel free to look me up in-game (Jagerre is my main), and Knights Equitable is the guild. We're fairly new to DDO, but have been playing WoW for about 4 years now.

Check out our website at www.knightsequtiable.org

Looking forward to hearing from you!