View Full Version : Proof is in the Poison Favor ELITE ONLY

10-26-2009, 10:10 AM
This quest is a pain. It is worth 15 favor.

I am running this quest on my two accounts. I am over leveled.

The loot is atrocious. Maybe even worse than atrocious for the amount of pain this quest is.

I will run this quest on my two accounts until I get near the end boss.

I will then open up the quest for THREE minutes.

NO EXP. No one will get any EXP.

I am opening all chests. The only chest available will be the final chest but you are on your own to get there and get the +2 Short Sword or maybe 5 potions of Invisibility and 60 GP.

If you run through the FIRE trap in the beginning I AM NOT coming to save your hiney.

This is strictly favor for you and with as little time spent in the quest as possible. I am doing all the work.

I anticipate the LFM going up around 45 minutes after the hour. Which is in about 36 minutes.

10-26-2009, 11:09 AM
The quest giver is right out front and yet I was asked to share the quest.


10-26-2009, 12:29 PM
The quest giver is right out front and yet I was asked to share the quest.


That quest should come with a free psycho-therapy treatment upon completing on elite.
Take a stress day and go over-power all the kobolds in ww, it's quite refreshing.

10-26-2009, 12:35 PM
like this where a player does all the work and all you have to do is come in for three minutes it is not too bad.

If I did not need the 15 favor you can bet I would not have done it.

I did get hypnotized a few times on ELITE, which surprised me. That slowed me down a smidgeon.

I just thought I would offer to ease the pain for a few players and allow them to get 15 favor quick while they could run around and do other things until I put up an LFM.

Vaar did thank me for that in the end which was nice. Vaar earned some bonus points.

10-26-2009, 06:30 PM
I duoed that last night with my level 7 cleric and a level 8 pally. THAT is almost as traumatic a quest as Graverobber, with loot on the first run ever as bad as an overleveled, ransacked normal quest.

Never again.

10-27-2009, 10:46 AM
My friend and I did this last night on elite. It was the 1st time I have done this quest on this server because it was so hard the last time I tried it. Oh yeah this time we were both level 12.

I just want to say it was nice of the OP to offer the free favor. Quest rewards are no were near what they need to be to make this quest worth it.

10-27-2009, 01:26 PM
My friend and I did this last night on elite. It was the 1st time I have done this quest on this server because it was so hard the last time I tried it. Oh yeah this time we were both level 12.

I just want to say it was nice of the OP to offer the free favor. Quest rewards are no were near what they need to be to make this quest worth it.

Did it on Elite with mt Rgr12 and my brother's Clr12 the other day.

Mostly easy at that lvl, but it was funny to hear my brother complainig he needed a shrine over and over again. :)

Anyway, no reason any vet with a lvl appropriate char and some money to come prepared should find this quest difficult at all IMO.

Acid resist...add a fw prot pots for the jumping parts.
plenty of healing pots is a must for sure.

the slightest of tactics will limit the number of healing pots you need.
(of course you do have to slow down long enough to use your pots)

Of course, these are all things they don't teach you in raid school.

11-09-2009, 02:52 PM
I duoed that last night with my level 7 cleric and a level 8 pally. THAT is almost as traumatic a quest as Graverobber, with loot on the first run ever as bad as an overleveled, ransacked normal quest.

Never again.

Dude, I ran that on elite with a FULL GROUP and I say the same...NEVER AGAIN! lol Most insane quest EVER!!

11-09-2009, 03:13 PM
I duoed that last night with my level 7 cleric and a level 8 pally. THAT is almost as traumatic a quest as Graverobber, with loot on the first run ever as bad as an overleveled, ransacked normal quest.

Never again.

Use halt undead in that quest, even scrolls will do. Non-intelligent undead (most zombies, skeletons) don't get saves. All of the 50 something you have to kill will immediately stop in place and let you beat them down... a tough quest turned into a walk in the park :)

11-09-2009, 04:13 PM
This quest is a pain. It is worth 15 favor.

I am running this quest on my two accounts. I am over leveled.

The loot is atrocious. Maybe even worse than atrocious for the amount of pain this quest is.

I will run this quest on my two accounts until I get near the end boss.

I will then open up the quest for THREE minutes.

NO EXP. No one will get any EXP.

I am opening all chests. The only chest available will be the final chest but you are on your own to get there and get the +2 Short Sword or maybe 5 potions of Invisibility and 60 GP.

If you run through the FIRE trap in the beginning I AM NOT coming to save your hiney.

This is strictly favor for you and with as little time spent in the quest as possible. I am doing all the work.

I anticipate the LFM going up around 45 minutes after the hour. Which is in about 36 minutes.

I wish I had this offered to me on thelanis, I tried it the first time with my lvl 6 ranger and a small group of hirelings, lol, silly me, never again until I am higher in lvls. It is a most evil quest.

I just started a pally on cannith, she just got to the harbor, maybe someday you want to offer this again? All kidding aside, this was really nice of you to offer and I hope the ppl who joined appreicated it.

11-10-2009, 04:17 AM
You can easily solo it on normal from level 5 on if you have acid resistance (+fire for the entrance trap) and some sort of self healing. For elite I don't see that happening without some overlevelling though :)

11-10-2009, 06:33 AM
You can easily solo it on normal from level 5 on if you have acid resistance (+fire for the entrance trap) and some sort of self healing. For elite I don't see that happening without some overlevelling though :)

You can get past the fire trap from the side, too. But as someone said, there is acid. So much acid. Too much acid...

11-11-2009, 02:20 PM
More acid than an old Gratefull Dead concert.