View Full Version : <Cross of Vengeance> Asian/Aussie Guild Looking for more!

10-24-2009, 01:10 AM

Guild Composition

Cross of Vengeance is a guild composed of Asians or expatriates living in Asian countries. This is by circumstance and not exclusive. We started out as a group of real life friends that shared an interest with D&D ever since we were kids. We have now joined DDO because of our passion for the D&D concept, system, and worlds. We welcome anyone interested in joining our ranks, whether VIP, Premium, or Free to Play, provided they meet the following requirements:

Active playing times are GMT+8 peak hours

We are most active during this time. There are a few of us who are active during other times of the day, but you will find most of us active around this time. We can provide groups at virtually all levels of play during this time, as our membership has multiple characters at various levels that we can use to group with each other.

English is our main form of communication

Although we are based in Asia we use English in guild chat. Using your native language is perfectly acceptable within guild only if everyone that’s online can understand you or you’re in a group which understands you. Otherwise, out of courtesy we require our members to be fluent with English.

Maturity and Manners

This guild is composed of mature adults and we expect everyone in the guild to treat each other with respect and courtesy. This does not mean you’ll get free handouts once you join the guild. We have to find out first if you’re a good fit for our guild, then it will be up to each member whether they would like to help you in terms of loot, run-throughs, etc. We are a guild, not a day care center.

If you’re interested in meeting and running with mature players who share your passion and enthusiasm with D&D and speaks in a language you understand, send a /tell to our officers below for a guild invite and see if we’re the guild for you.

Guild Leader – Xyvar or Hellforge
Guild Officers – Therwin or Makor, Kamao or Thelner

Thank you for reading this message and may you have fair weather in your travels in Eberron. See you in game!

10-28-2009, 08:11 AM
Welcome to Bamboo from the Philippines and Tessita from Singapore. We have about 5 more players who are hardcore D&D pen and paper players and rerolls from other servers joining up. Although we're small, we're starting to fill up pretty fast! Will be in raiding form soon! If you play around our time, be sure to join up!

11-09-2009, 09:01 PM
We have a website up, still need sprucing up though...


11-15-2009, 10:22 PM
Welcome to Primejustice and XII, from the Philippines and Singapore respectively!

11-17-2009, 12:48 AM
Hi all,

I am quite a new player in ddo - sometime in Oct 09. Have started some characters on the Argon server (currently level 10). But still looking to play with some Asian guys from same time zone (GMT+8). I am from Singapore.

I have went into the DDO guild page but i don't see any updates on members in the Guild. If the guild is recruiting, i will start a character in Cannith and join you guys. What time are you normally online?

Let me know your ingame person so that I can send tell when I am there.


11-19-2009, 09:52 AM
Hi all,

I am quite a new player in ddo - sometime in Oct 09. Have started some characters on the Argon server (currently level 10). But still looking to play with some Asian guys from same time zone (GMT+8). I am from Singapore.

I have went into the DDO guild page but i don't see any updates on members in the Guild. If the guild is recruiting, i will start a character in Cannith and join you guys. What time are you normally online?

Let me know your ingame person so that I can send tell when I am there.


Heya, try looking us up during the evenings. Xyvar is usually online. Send him a tell. Hope to catch you soon on Cannith server.

11-25-2009, 09:07 PM
Welcome to Ananke who's from Australia, Axxem from Singapore and Abusado from the Philippines! We're slowly but surely growing guys!

11-25-2009, 10:40 PM
greetings from Crimson Eagles, we're a mostly asian (singapore) and aussie guild on khyber. we do have some americans on our roster too. enjoy your stay in ddo :)

11-27-2009, 03:35 PM
greetings from Crimson Eagles, we're a mostly asian (singapore) and aussie guild on khyber. we do have some americans on our roster too. enjoy your stay in ddo :)

Woot! If I ever chance upon Khyber, i'll look you guys up! Nice to know another guild on another server on the same time zone!

11-28-2009, 11:36 AM
There's a plan to meet up on Cannith server Sunday December 6 to pull an all nighter for your low-level toons! Time is still undetermined but anytime on said date is fine with me. Who is up for it?

12-04-2009, 04:37 AM
Ouch. If I'd known I'd not rolled a toon on Sarlona. :( Met a few Singaporean players on the server, though.

01-04-2010, 08:05 PM
Sorry I haven't updated the Guild site for a while, Christmas is the busiest time for me with RL work and family commitments.

Welcome to Isagi, Liwayway, Ligaya, Aimz, and Balisong to guild! A special congrats to Kamao for being promoted to officer since joining just last month because of his willingness to help and regular playing time.

We're a guild that believes in quality over quantity. Our roster is steadily growing, and I can guarantee that the people in our guild are all outstanding! Happy New Year and more power in 2010!

01-21-2010, 12:32 AM
Hi, I play on the Argonessen server, PUG'ed/solo'ed my main toon to level 16 and 1750 favor, only to realize that guilds who do the end-game raids aren't online around the time that I play (which is GMT +8). So kind of a dead end for me.

So how active is your guild? I'll gladly reroll (and re-do my 1750 grind) on your server if it means having a guild to do raids with.

03-10-2010, 06:25 PM
Bump! We're still trying to get everyone playing on our timezone on the same page! :)

03-10-2010, 08:29 PM
I wonder what's wrong with our guild page. The leader field is blank, it says zero size, and the roster is blank. :confused:

04-09-2010, 01:01 PM
Just a shout out to the members here whom i havent seen online since i join except for xkcd

What's up ? is everyone busy in RL?
