View Full Version : Some noob love...

10-22-2009, 12:47 PM
OK, so I have been supporting the noob/froob movement since it was first announced. Yes, I have been playing for a good while (no I'm not a founder) and I still have a lot to learn (especailly where the high end content is concerned).

However, if you are new to DDO or have been gone for a good long while (welcome back); I am more than willing to help out, answer questions, run a couple of quests with you to help get you associated and familiarized with DDO. I have a couple of level ones on Ghallanda (gotta love the extra character slots in the DDO Store) and would be happy to assist you on your journeys.

I will say that those that are not interested in learning about the quests, favor system, etc. Need not apply. I am willing to teach but do not take kindly to wasting my game time.

Look up any of the toons in my signature, add them to your friends list and drop me an in game /tell. I am just getting back to Ghallanda after a lay over on Sarlona/Cannith. If you need help, ask. :D

10-24-2009, 02:35 PM
That is very nice of you. I am always willingto help out as well. I may not know a whole lot., but what I do not know I can always find out quickly. I think anyone else willing to help should put a post up here also, so that in game people will know who it is safe to ask ..

10-24-2009, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the reply. I look forward to anyone interested in assisting or needing assistance to post here. :D

I know I am not 'by myself' in trying to help out some of the newer folks. But I also know (reflecting back to my first couple months in the game) that it can be an intimidating scenario.

There are a lot of 'rules' that are similar to other MMO's and D&D pen and paper play, but there are A LOT of things that are different too.

So, don't be shy! No question is too noob-tastic, I promise not to outright laugh at you or anything (even snicker behind your back). ;)

If you need or want some help look up those that are interested in providing it. :cool:

10-24-2009, 10:22 PM
You rock!

Also the same holds for new folks on Khyber. Drop any of the names in my tag a a line and I will be happy to help you out.

OP, you're not alone. Many of us want new folks to enjoy their time here.

+1 rep

::Edit:: My Ghal toons are all below level 5, but also available to help.

10-24-2009, 11:30 PM
Thanks guys! I know it must be frustrating dealing with the influx of noobs like me. I'll take any help I can to get past this stage and to a point where I can help others and make for a better game for those I play with.

I have to say, I've been extremely impressed by the community in DDO. Keep up the good work.

10-25-2009, 04:01 AM
I helped a noob today. :D Didn't run a quest with him, this was all just in the advice channel in the market today. Poor guy was tryin, he really was. He was asking insightful questions, trying to figure out how to EARN more money (not begging for handouts), honestly tryin to learn this game and be good at it. At one point he was trying to figure out how to get a portable hole but didn't have enuf money to buy one. Someone was going to sell him one for all the money he had basically, so I just gave him one of the many I had stashed away. Then a couple hrs later he's trying to figure out how to make enuf to get that xtra backpack space. And after watching him off and on most of the day actually putting forth an effort.. I gave him 10k plat.

I'm not sharing this looking for praise. I'm sharing this to point out that those who are willing to help themselves will benefit most. (atleast in my book).

Kudos to all you other Ghallandians helping out the noobs/froobs.

10-25-2009, 08:16 AM
I helped a noob today. :D Didn't run a quest with him, this was all just in the advice channel in the market today. Poor guy was tryin, he really was. He was asking insightful questions, trying to figure out how to EARN more money (not begging for handouts), honestly tryin to learn this game and be good at it. At one point he was trying to figure out how to get a portable hole but didn't have enuf money to buy one. Someone was going to sell him one for all the money he had basically, so I just gave him one of the many I had stashed away. Then a couple hrs later he's trying to figure out how to make enuf to get that xtra backpack space. And after watching him off and on most of the day actually putting forth an effort.. I gave him 10k plat.

I'm not sharing this looking for praise. I'm sharing this to point out that those who are willing to help themselves will benefit most. (atleast in my book).

Kudos to all you other Ghallandians helping out the noobs/froobs.

Great job (even though you weren't looking for praise). I will admit in the eyes of most vets those that are worthy of helping are those that are trying to figure it out for themselves, but sometimes they need the right guidance.

I am not all about 'handing out' plat/gear, although I do a fair share of that as well. I am more in advising and helping people figure out the game mechanics and such that zre on the more 'confusing' side.

Thanks to all that are assisting our new player base. And kudos to those that are wanting to learn more. I hope to see you in game. I know we have a great community, it was one of the first things I noticed when I first came to the game. I just want to make a point to make sure others see that as well. And I know I am not the only one, but some of the anti-noob posts out there on the forums are getting rediculous. :mad:

Yes, it can be frustrating. Especially when YOU know the answers and some people couldnt BUY a clue if you handed them every platinum piece in your coffer. But those are not the ones that I am trying to reach out to. Well, not solely anyway. ;)

But I am willing to assist those that are WILLING to hear the advice that us vets are giving. Experience is the best teacher, I just like to pass the wisdom that I have gained along. No, I do not consider myself 'uber' in any means. As I stated, I am sure there is a lot I could still learn, and thats when I turn to those I know I can get the answers from - the community that has supported me for the past three years. :D

10-26-2009, 12:37 AM
im also more than happy to help out been around a long time know a fair amount about the game and what dont know can find out fast pls see my sig and if u got a question send me a tell if u can find me. more than happy to take time out to chat about anything gamewise and feel some ppl are getting ridiculed on the advice channel by some senior players who are just stirring trouble. dont b afraid to ask questions we all need to learn somehow

10-26-2009, 12:57 AM
The real treat, for you ladies anyway, is gettin Timp in party chat and making him talk. :D /swoon... love that accent sweetie. :p

10-26-2009, 08:29 AM
The real treat, for you ladies anyway, is gettin Timp in party chat and making him talk. :D /swoon... love that accent sweetie. :p

LMAO! Now this isn't THAT kind of thread :p

But thanks for the sign up for assistance Bloodyrag. The more vets we have that are OPENLY willing to help, the better off our newer player base is going to be. :D

So to those of you that have been looking for help, keep those that have posted here on your friends list and WE ALL will be glad to assist. :cool:

10-26-2009, 11:22 AM
I say handout your 20 gazillion lowbie weapons you pull from sub-loot runs ;)

As I already have, seriously what am I going to do with 10 mace of smitings? 6 Sunblades or numerous flametongues...

10-26-2009, 12:42 PM
I'm always glad to help new people out, or for that matter veterans that need help too. I only ask two things:

1. Pass the favor forward. Help out someone else, random acts of kindness go a long way.
2. If new to a quest listen to what is going on. Don't embarass yourself and anger your party by not listening to the instructions given at the beginning of a quest.

10-26-2009, 01:15 PM
im also more than happy to help out been around a long time know a fair amount about the game and what dont know can find out fast pls see my sig and if u got a question send me a tell if u can find me. more than happy to take time out to chat about anything gamewise and feel some ppl are getting ridiculed on the advice channel by some senior players who are just stirring trouble. dont b afraid to ask questions we all need to learn somehow

PS noob/froobs you may or may not somehow feel violated after you send this man a tell. but you will definitely get some help. and maybe a phone number.;)

PPS I sent some random noob/frrob rgr a bow of the elements last week. Does that count? Or did I do them a disservice by encouraging them to range?

10-26-2009, 02:37 PM
PS noob/froobs you may or may not somehow feel violated after you send this man a tell. but you will definitely get some help. and maybe a phone number.;)

I thought that was considered part of the Ghallanda Perks Package.

PPS I sent some random noob/frrob rgr a bow of the elements last week. Does that count? Or did I do them a disservice by encouraging them to range?

Bad Mav.. BAD!!!

10-26-2009, 03:25 PM
You folks are too funny. :D

On the topic of giving away loot, I do not discourage it and have done it several times myself. However, I am a firm believer that uber loot DOES NOT make an uber player. :p

I think it is much more appreciated (and needed) that we share knowledge witht he new people that are willing to listen to it, not just that +5 piece of equipment sitting on one of our various bank or storage characters. Just my 2cp. :)

Either way, I AM glad that some of us 'more experienced' players are helping out those that could use the help. ;)

12-13-2009, 06:07 PM
Just wanted to bump this thread and see some life in it...

12-14-2009, 06:14 AM
Must of missed this thread first time round, nice on anark. I'm always happy to help new people too, as is all of my guild, don't be afraid to look us up if you have any questions, anyone.

12-14-2009, 08:00 AM
thanks for the bump Whippy. :D

I can definately say that Southern Tenant Farmers Union is a great group of folks. :D

12-14-2009, 08:11 AM
im also more than happy to help out been around a long time know a fair amount about the game and what dont know can find out fast pls see my sig and if u got a question send me a tell if u can find me. more than happy to take time out to chat about anything gamewise and feel some ppl are getting ridiculed on the advice channel by some senior players who are just stirring trouble. dont b afraid to ask questions we all need to learn somehow

I can vouch for Timp on this, while he was teaching a new "rogue" on builds and playstyle during a elite coal chamber run.