View Full Version : 32 Point-buy option

10-19-2009, 11:12 PM
I just joined up recently, but I was browsing around and saw somewhere that there was an option to purchase a 32 point-buy setup as opposed to a 28 point-buy setup in character creation. I went to the DDO store with a handful of credits, but I couldn't find anything. Was I just wonky or can you actually purchase this for your account?



10-19-2009, 11:15 PM
Not yet it will be here next mod. Which will be in 2wks to whatever we dont know for sure when

10-20-2009, 08:10 AM
So in other words, wait until then to make my first characters... ugh.

10-20-2009, 11:14 AM
Just grind to 1750....that's totally realistic, especially if you have kids, a mortgage, a job. Of course the age group of DDO players certainly could not fall into that demographic....oh thats right...we do. Anyway, another reward coming to those who did nothing to deserve it. Awesome. The deepening sense of entitlement that is slowly destroying our culture.
So basically you can move on without 32 points, wait for 32 points and buy it, or grind for it, get it, and find that you have just as much fun playing the game without it. Truly, it is not that big of a deal.

10-20-2009, 12:07 PM
Just grind to 1750....that's totally realistic, especially if you have kids, a mortgage, a job. Of course the age group of DDO players certainly could not fall into that demographic....oh thats right...we do. Anyway, another reward coming to those who did nothing to deserve it. Awesome. The deepening sense of entitlement that is slowly destroying our culture.
So basically you can move on without 32 points, wait for 32 points and buy it, or grind for it, get it, and find that you have just as much fun playing the game without it. Truly, it is not that big of a deal.

I don't understand. You get access to a 32 point build later on? Can I grind stuff to get access to other store items? I mean I have no problem with the grind, but I had the understanding that 28 was all that was availible.

I'll delve more into the manual and other such items, but what should and shouldn't I buy at the store?

(For example, an option to have all your characters start at level 4 instead of level 1 is also in the next update, but I don't believe I'll be buying that one because frankly I can get to level four without it [as opposed to starting with 4 extra stat points])

10-20-2009, 12:53 PM
Yes, you can unlock the 32 point build in-game. It involves doing every quest in the game on elite up until level 10-12 or there abouts. Then the increase does not apply to the current character and you have to play a new one to get the full points.

Either that or you pop the cash for a greater respec item. All in all, it's easier to buy it in the store, and something I will certainly be doing.

And the idea that 4 stat points aren't important is silly in a game so devoted to finding that next piece of marginally better loot. You can't claim that getting +.25 crit severity on some spell that crits 3% of the time for a whopping (yet unreliable) 0.75% damage increase is meaningful, while simultaneously discounting +4 stat points as unimportant.

Look at it as loot. PC on some great new endgame raid loot. +2 bonus on your worst saving throw. Stacks with everything and takes no slot. And we'll throw in some spot chance or HP or AC for free, just because you're a good customer.

People can pretend the points aren't important all they want, and maybe they aren't if you spend three of them bumping that 16 up to a 17, but spent intelligently, there is not a character out there who wouldn't see more improvement from 4 stat points than from any step on the weapon/armor upgrade ladder - and you will never out-level a stat boost. And that ladder is the rewards structure the entire game is built on.

10-20-2009, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the update.

I also discovered that I can unlock the Drow so those are some points I can save.

Right now it looks like my purchase list is going to be...
-32 point buy option
-Character slot
-Shared storage

Any others you recommend? I'll obviously use points for content areas later on, but were there any other items that are of particular note? I'm not really interested in the Favoured Soul so disregard that one too ;)

10-20-2009, 01:18 PM
Yes, you can unlock the 32 point build in-game. It involves doing every quest in the game on elite up until level 10-12 or there abouts. Then the increase does not apply to the current character and you have to play a new one to get the full points.

Either that or you pop the cash for a greater respec item. All in all, it's easier to buy it in the store, and something I will certainly be doing.

And the idea that 4 stat points aren't important is silly in a game so devoted to finding that next piece of marginally better loot. You can't claim that getting +.25 crit severity on some spell that crits 3% of the time for a whopping (yet unreliable) 0.75% damage increase is meaningful, while simultaneously discounting +4 stat points as unimportant.

Look at it as loot. PC on some great new endgame raid loot. +2 bonus on your worst saving throw. Stacks with everything and takes no slot. And we'll throw in some spot chance or HP or AC for free, just because you're a good customer.

People can pretend the points aren't important all they want, and maybe they aren't if you spend three of them bumping that 16 up to a 17, but spent intelligently, there is not a character out there who wouldn't see more improvement from 4 stat points than from any step on the weapon/armor upgrade ladder - and you will never out-level a stat boost. And that ladder is the rewards structure the entire game is built on.

I think you will find that the players who claim that 28 vs 32 is not generally a huge deal would also concur that things like trivial increases to spell crits are also not a huge deal. That the other faction which cannot live without 32 point builds and proclaim them 100% mandatory to any build are the same ones seeking that .25% boost to spells as well. You are mixing the population there.

However, 32 point builds are now gonna be so yesterday with the advent of various reincarnation options for those who get to level cap (Full 20) since they get 34 and later when they go it again, 36 build points....

10-20-2009, 01:24 PM
I think you will find that the players who claim that 28 vs 32 is not generally a huge deal would also concur that things like trivial increases to spell crits are also not a huge deal. That the other faction which cannot live without 32 point builds and proclaim them 100% mandatory to any build are the same ones seeking that .25% boost to spells as well. You are mixing the population there.
Really? Then what are they still playing for? Are they repeatedly running raids for the fun of it as opposed to looking for better loot?

10-20-2009, 01:39 PM
Thanks for the update.

I also discovered that I can unlock the Drow so those are some points I can save.

Right now it looks like my purchase list is going to be...
-32 point buy option
-Character slot
-Shared storage

Any others you recommend? I'll obviously use points for content areas later on, but were there any other items that are of particular note? I'm not really interested in the Favoured Soul so disregard that one too ;)

Hey Adarin, welcome to DDO!

I just wanted to mention (in case you weren't aware) that once you buy Turbine points, your account is automatically upgraded to Premium and you're given two character slots for free, bringing your total up to four.

Enjoy the game!

10-20-2009, 02:37 PM
Really? Then what are they still playing for? Are they repeatedly running raids for the fun of it as opposed to looking for better loot?

ummm...this is a game last time I checked and the point of games is generally to have fun...at least in my gaming circles...so yeah.....

10-20-2009, 03:17 PM
exactly....its a game. I do it for the challenge and kinship with my buddies on line. I dont care if I ever have a 32 point build. I will anyway by default because eventually I will grind all the way to it. The grind is a beating, but it is still a beating with your friends...once again, in my circles as well. I dont know about everyone else, but when I am gaming, I spend alot of time joking around with my friends, and talking....just like D&D was in the old days.

10-20-2009, 05:18 PM
Hey Adarin, welcome to DDO!

I just wanted to mention (in case you weren't aware) that once you buy Turbine points, your account is automatically upgraded to Premium and you're given two character slots for free, bringing your total up to four.

Enjoy the game!

Hey Tarrant,

I don't know if you'd place me, but this is AdarinOuest from Lord of the Rings:Online, and it's nice to see a name I know here as well. Thanks for the update, and for further note I've just discovered that I can also unlock the Favored Soul through rep grind so double bonus!

Am I missing anything else?



EDIT: Just a request folks, but could we please avoid turning my first thread in DDO into a flame war? I mean I welcome suggestions, but really it's just suggestions about what I should spend my points on... (I've got 1500 burning a hole in my pocket so ... yeah)

10-21-2009, 01:14 AM
So in other words, wait until then to make my first characters... ugh.

NOTHING wrong with 28pt characters or make a 28pt character earn 400 favor and then make a drow basicly a 32pt character with some points prespent for some builds drow are better then 32pt builds anyways.

10-21-2009, 08:10 AM
NOTHING wrong with 28pt characters or make a 28pt character earn 400 favor and then make a drow basicly a 32pt character with some points prespent for some builds drow are better then 32pt builds anyways.

And if I make a Drow with 32 points it's "basically" a 36 point character. Sorry folks, but I'm too much of a DnD number cruncher to fool myself into thinking those 4 points aren't important.

10-21-2009, 08:19 AM
And if I make a Drow with 32 points it's "basically" a 36 point character. Sorry folks, but I'm too much of a DnD number cruncher to fool myself into thinking those 4 points aren't important.

you cant make 32pt drows

10-21-2009, 02:07 PM
So in other words, wait until then to make my first characters... ugh.

You can make your character now and upgrade him to 32 points through the greater reincarnation process when the new mod drops.

Note that you will still need to have 32 point builds unlocked through favor or purchase to do this. This will cost several $ more than just waiting of course.

10-21-2009, 03:25 PM
You can make your character now and upgrade him to 32 points through the greater reincarnation process when the new mod drops.

Note that you will still need to have 32 point builds unlocked through favor or purchase to do this. This will cost several $ more than just waiting of course.

And from what found of the leveling process it will also cost a LOT more than two weeks in time. I hooked up with a fairly intense group of three guys last night to clear Korthos (got everything but all 750 of the kills in the explorer section) and it took well over 8 hours of hard fighting to get on the cusp of level 3. Yeah... Ugh.

10-27-2009, 05:14 PM
And if I make a Drow with 32 points it's "basically" a 36 point character. Sorry folks, but I'm too much of a DnD number cruncher to fool myself into thinking those 4 points aren't important.
I agree the points are important, but you can't make a 32 point Drow.