View Full Version : Who are you?
10-19-2009, 04:31 AM
In the past several months I have been jumping into the forums a little just to see what really goes on. Testing out the waters so to speak. Saying something here or there, maybe even a stupid to see just who has to say something smart about it.
Kinda like a mentality test you could say to see what I can make happen. It's a funny thing to test.
And I have come to realize it's High school here in the forums and there are quite a few little clicks running around and hording things together while bullying up on the new guy. So who are you?
I have seen the cheerleaders of DDO. (The Hotgirls of Thelanis threads)
I seen the radio broadcasting announcements (All the ones with the videos)
I have seen Days of of Lives (cough cough -not even mentioning which that is)
and several others.
so are you the Principal that keeps them in line., The teacher that gives them lessons., the hunk, the quarterback., the head cheerleader. the librarian...the bully (which most of you are) just who are you in the forum world ?????????????
10-19-2009, 11:11 AM
I wonder who the Drama Queen is? So many candidates already and new ones applying for the position every day!
10-19-2009, 11:16 AM
I wonder who the Drama Queen is? So many candidates already and new ones applying for the position every day!
Gee I wonder?:rolleyes:
10-19-2009, 11:23 AM
I'll take the "he's from another school" role, but one who comes in like a sponge trying to suck up all the good nutrients he can find so I can one day be the class clown!
10-19-2009, 11:44 AM
We had the Jocks, Hersheys, geeks, greasers, freaks, I suppose back then I was a Freak probably still am.
10-19-2009, 11:45 AM
I wonder who the Drama Queen is? So many candidates already and new ones applying for the position every day!
I can think of a few Peechie, one inparticular :D
I wonder who the Drama Queen is? So many candidates already and new ones applying for the position every day!
Peech, are you wanting that spot ?<G>
10-19-2009, 11:48 AM
i am your Father.
so YOU'RE *Wretch*...dayum..I knew something bout you smelled funny:D
10-19-2009, 11:53 AM
Peech, are you wanting that spot ?<G>
Aww c'mon Foxxy u know you want'll go well w/your ability to stick-foot-in-mouth.:D
Aww c'mon Foxxy u know you want'll go well w/your ability to stick-foot-in-mouth.:D
that ain't my foot in yer mouth.
10-19-2009, 12:02 PM
that ain't my foot in yer mouth.
I would hope not.... stinks of toejam:D
'sides' my mouth ain't big enuff :D
10-19-2009, 12:58 PM
Lets see, I've played the bagpipes since I was 5, I played PnP D&D since early teens, Still have a Static PnP group and I play DDO, and Eve,
I think I'll be geek on the forums as well as being a Highschool geek
This is D&D there are not any cool kids
10-19-2009, 04:19 PM
I am the instigator., In case you haven't figured that out by now. I toss it in the air and see who reaches out to bat at the ball and then watch them all fight over it, while I casually step away and laugh at how they make fools of themselves.
10-19-2009, 04:21 PM
I am the instigator., In case you haven't figured that out by now. I toss it in the air and see who reaches out to bat at the ball and then watch them all fight over it, while I casually step away and laugh at how they make fools of themselves.
oh and plus I never pick on the new guy, the shy one or the one that feels out of place. I reach out to them while figuring out ways to make the bullies go crazy with stupidity
10-19-2009, 04:23 PM
I am the guy no one loves...*Runs away crying*:(
10-19-2009, 04:47 PM
I'm that one Woman who you want to play with from time to time
to see what I might say and who I might pi$$ off next.
(no i'm not flirty).....
just because it's so easy to do....
Everyone is so touchy....
OK, not everyone but A LOT of People are :D
10-19-2009, 05:13 PM
I am the guy no one loves...*Runs away crying*:(
well if you stop running long enough maybe we will like you after all.. : )
10-19-2009, 05:14 PM
I'm that one Woman who you want to play with from time to time
to see what I might say and who I might pi$$ off next.
(no i'm not flirty).....
just because it's so easy to do....
Everyone is so touchy....
OK, not everyone but A LOT of People are :D
you got that right ... touchy touchy people ..
10-19-2009, 05:19 PM
I wonder who the Drama Queen is? So many candidates already and new ones applying for the position every day!
lol...I can think of several people that I would stamp With that one. But they all seem to be on one server. That server is not Ghallanda, is not Khyber, mot Argonessan, not Cannith... geez wonder what server that leaves
10-19-2009, 05:22 PM
I'll take the "he's from another school" role, but one who comes in like a sponge trying to suck up all the good nutrients he can find so I can one day be the class clown!
well trying for the title of class clown is respectible I suppose. However there seems to be a vast majority of people all trying out for that one.
10-19-2009, 05:26 PM
We had the Jocks, Hersheys, geeks, greasers, freaks, I suppose back then I was a Freak probably still am.
so Kemoc.. enlighten me please. What was a Hershey? I have never heard that term used this way before.
10-19-2009, 05:27 PM
Lets see, I've played the bagpipes since I was 5, I played PnP D&D since early teens, Still have a Static PnP group and I play DDO, and Eve,
I think I'll be geek on the forums as well as being a Highschool geek
This is D&D there are not any cool kids
you hit that right on the head.
10-19-2009, 05:48 PM
lol...I can think of several people that I would stamp With that one. But they all seem to be on one server. That server is not Ghallanda, is not Khyber, mot Argonessan, not Cannith... geez wonder what server that leaves
Oh no, Ghallanda definitely has a big drama queen, but I'm not allowed to name names here ;)
10-19-2009, 06:03 PM
so Kemoc.. enlighten me please. What was a Hershey? I have never heard that term used this way before.
The hershey people were the good kids who always did what they where told got great marks, didn't usually party. The conservative ones, teachers pets etc. Don't have any idea where that word came from other than the chocolate it was not derogatory, perhaps meaning they were into candy and not beer. Was probably slang local to our area.
10-19-2009, 06:14 PM
The hershey people were the good kids who always did what they where told got great marks, didn't usually party. The conservative ones, teachers pets etc. Don't have any idea where that word came from other than the chocolate.
ah the good kids.. quite possibly why I never heard of them. I don't think we had them where I grew up.
10-19-2009, 06:21 PM
Hmmm, I'm the guy that doesn't quite fit in, not quite a jock, smart enough to be a geek, but doesn't really try. You know the guy, that loner that could be anything he wanted, if he only wanted :D
10-19-2009, 06:23 PM
Oh and hey Altraice, thanks for the facebook add, now join my mafia... go on, do it, I dare ya :D
10-19-2009, 06:34 PM
Oh and hey Altraice, thanks for the facebook add, now join my mafia... go on, do it, I dare ya :D you know I can't turn down a dare like that. I don't even know If I even added Mafia Wars on Facebook although I know I have it on Myspace.. geez this means I will have to add it if i don't already. Did everyone follow all of that?
10-19-2009, 07:01 PM you know I can't turn down a dare like that. I don't even know If I even added Mafia Wars on Facebook although I know I have it on Myspace.. geez this means I will have to add it if i don't already. Did everyone follow all of that?
LOL yeah actually I did. Oh thats scary
I am the instigator., In case you haven't figured that out by now. I toss it in the air and see who reaches out to bat at the ball and then watch them all fight over it, while I casually step away and laugh at how they make fools of themselves.
so how does this backfire make ya feel?
10-19-2009, 07:14 PM
OMG Foxx would you quit batting at balls already and get a real life. You just don't seem to understand. It's you and your kind of bullying forum hounds that the rest of us are tired of and even though we may be geeks we atleast have our pride and enjoy watching your kind show what type of morons you really are. In case you hadn't noticed I purposedly said some thing just to call out all the dumb people.. GUESS WHAT ?? Your trophey is waiting for you to pick it up. You win hands down , each time you type you just prove me right.
You failed my test and have managed more than once to prove you are by far a forum bully with no sense to realize he has been called out.
10-19-2009, 07:59 PM
OMG Foxx would you quit batting at balls already and get a real life. You just don't seem to understand. It's you and your kind of bullying forum hounds that the rest of us are tired of and even though we may be geeks we atleast have our pride and enjoy watching your kind show what type of morons you really are. In case you hadn't noticed I purposedly said some thing just to call out all the dumb people.. GUESS WHAT ?? Your trophey is waiting for you to pick it up. You win hands down , each time you type you just prove me right.
You failed my test and have managed more than once to prove you are by far a forum bully with no sense to realize he has been called out.
Do you need a ice pack for your nutz or eye???
10-19-2009, 09:08 PM
Ain't hypocrisy a beautiful thing? ;)
10-19-2009, 09:58 PM
(Party): [Party] <insert a really upset player>: kegor you sound like a fat elitist pig who boots newer players ot make your own insufficient life seem significant, (\@# you and (\@# your (\@#\$ life, you fat pig with a deep voice!
Nuff said ............
10-19-2009, 10:35 PM
I used to be the punk smoking cigarettes in the halls.
Now I'm the Hall Monitor. :D
10-19-2009, 10:40 PM
I'm the same as I was in high school, the guy that hangs out with any and everyone, and observes.
10-19-2009, 10:51 PM
im the guy in the back wearing the trench coat
10-20-2009, 01:36 AM
Branis: "Missy, you're such an ungrateful, selfish b1tch!"
Havy: "Missy, you're such a b1tch."
Heh.. guess we know where I fit in. :cool:
(and they say that like it's a bad thing... /shrug)
10-20-2009, 06:39 AM
(Party): [Party] <insert a really upset player>: kegor you sound like a fat elitist pig who boots newer players ot make your own insufficient life seem significant, (\@# you and (\@# your (\@#\$ life, you fat pig with a deep voice!
Nuff said ............
You big meanie! :mad: :eek: :p
10-20-2009, 06:56 AM
I'm the normal person that doesn't fit into generic stereotypes and looks down on such things as a means to categorize and label sub sections of humanity all in the futile attempts to convince themselves they're not sheep.
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are all part of the same compost pile. ~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club, Chapter 17
OMG Foxx would you quit batting at balls already and get a real life. You just don't seem to understand. It's you and your kind of bullying forum hounds that the rest of us are tired of and even though we may be geeks we atleast have our pride and enjoy watching your kind show what type of morons you really are. In case you hadn't noticed I purposedly said some thing just to call out all the dumb people.. GUESS WHAT ?? Your trophey is waiting for you to pick it up. You win hands down , each time you type you just prove me right.
You failed my test and have managed more than once to prove you are by far a forum bully with no sense to realize he has been called out.
dude, you are off yer meds again. seriously.
theres a reason you got booted from all but the reject guilds cuz you failed the real test of being able to interact with real people.
so you crawl to the forums to find a sense of security, as false a sense as it may be , it's what you cling to for what little drama and attention you can get.
(Party): [Party] <insert a really upset player>: kegor you sound like a fat elitist pig who boots newer players ot make your own insufficient life seem significant, (\@# you and (\@# your (\@#\$ life, you fat pig with a deep voice!
Nuff said ............
lmao , thats funny
+1 rep , raid on bro.
Do you need a ice pack for your nutz or eye???
hey nellie,
and i'll take the ice pic to the eye plz,.
heh heh.
10-20-2009, 12:40 PM
dude, you are off yer meds again. seriously.
theres a reason you got booted from all but the reject guilds cuz you failed the real test of being able to interact with real people.
so you crawl to the forums to find a sense of security, as false a sense as it may be , it's what you cling to for what little drama and attention you can get.
Uh...Foxx...umm...dude... really are diluted... *cringes from incoming*:cool:
10-20-2009, 01:03 PM
dude, you are off yer meds again. seriously.
theres a reason you got booted from all but the reject guilds cuz you failed the real test of being able to interact with real people.
so you crawl to the forums to find a sense of security, as false a sense as it may be , it's what you cling to for what little drama and attention you can get.
hey nellie,
and i'll take the ice pic to the eye plz,.
heh heh.
Uh...Foxx...umm...dude... really are diluted... *cringes from incoming*:cool:
wow talk about someone that can't keep their details straight. LMAO... first of all Foxx Dude it was me that slammed you in the first post, not Dark Uncle. And for your information I have never been kicked from a guild, that would be hard to do...since I am the leader of the guild and have been since I started playing DDO. Second of all it is a small guild but atleast we have common sense., which you have demonstrated here that you do not. Third off which of us are you accepting the PIC to the Eye from? cause I really wanna be the one that gives it to you. and last... Dark Uncle isn't cringing from you., he is cringing from me.
and would you atleast get it straight. Which one of us are you trying to insult anyway? I mean from the way you sound you make it sound as if Dark and I are the same person. Are you paraniod or what? any way you first started it with me by making a smart (aleck) comment in the other forum. Have I done something to you in the past that has you on edge about me or what? lol..but like I said I was trying to find the bullies and I found the leader of them all., and you proved another point I was testing. It is true people like you are bullies because they are not smart enough to be anything else. They hate themselves so much that they take their hatred out on others. Sorry you don't like who you are Foxx... maybe what we need is a little group counciling, come here and let me give you a hug.
10-20-2009, 01:05 PM
I used to be the punk smoking cigarettes in the halls.
Now I'm the Hall Monitor. :D
well Mr. hall Monitor person. I need a freaking cigarette right
10-20-2009, 01:07 PM
I'm the same as I was in high school, the guy that hangs out with any and everyone, and observes.
sometimes the best way to be. Wish i could do that at times. But I hate seeing the little guy get pushed around. I have to step in. Call it the mothering syndrome I suppose. I have to know they are okay.
10-20-2009, 01:08 PM
im the guy in the back wearing the trench coat
they guy in the trenchcoat always seemed so mysterious and well sexy
10-20-2009, 01:09 PM
Branis: "Missy, you're such an ungrateful, selfish b1tch!"
Havy: "Missy, you're such a b1tch."
Heh.. guess we know where I fit in. :cool:
(and they say that like it's a bad thing... /shrug)
sometimes you just have to be that way. I ain't bad I am just drawn that way
and you proved another point I was testing. .
you've proved only that you're a forum troll.
they guy in the trenchcoat always seemed so mysterious and well sexy
strange to say the least.
10-20-2009, 05:24 PM
how gay are you?
flaming limpwristed.
or more the pedo trolling the forums for teens.
excuse me? since when is it gay for a female to think a male is sexy? I am not certain is you realize who I am or not Foxx.. but i believe you are suffering from mistaken identity...
hmm maybe this will help.
here's a picture of me. And i am not certain but I don't think I look like a man and I believe if I think a man in a trenchcoat is sexy...then that isn't gay at all., actually I think the guy may even consider it flattering. So Foxx would you please quit showing your ignorance and get a clue. I obviously am not who you think I am .. so back down or be backed down. Your choice.
10-20-2009, 05:26 PM
how gay are you?
flaming limpwristed.
or more the pedo trolling the forums for teens.
Wow! And you call her a troll?
Here ( is the average DDO troll :p
Wow! And you call her a troll?
she plainly said she was baiting and trolling.
a troll by any other name is a still a troll.
[QUOTE=atraice17;2498845]I obviously am not who you think I am .. so back down or be backed down. Your choice.
obviously not,
but go ahead and back me down, this out to be interesting to say the least.
10-20-2009, 05:36 PM
10-20-2009, 05:36 PM
[QUOTE=atraice17;2498845]I obviously am not who you think I am .. so back down or be backed down. Your choice.
obviously not,
but go ahead and back me down, this out to be interesting to say the least.
so now that we are clear that I am not the person you are trying to lash. would you please get off my back already and leave me alone.
so now that we are clear that I am not the person you are trying to lash. would you please get off my back already and leave me alone.
stop baiting and trolling.
10-20-2009, 05:40 PM
stop baiting and trolling.
as soon as you quit chewing on your toes. Do we have a Truce?
10-20-2009, 05:40 PM
stop baiting and trolling.
if you want her to stop then its simple leave the thread! you seem like the bait cause you've been hooked on this thread for awhile now ;)
[QUOTE=atraice17 Third off which of us are you accepting the PIC to the Eye from? cause I really wanna be the one that gives it to you. and last... Dark Uncle isn't cringing from you., he is cringing from me.
I wasn't the one who implied cringe
unless yer name is nellie the ice pic was being offerd by her,
so take another stab at it or re read and brush up on yer reading comp.
if you want her to stop then its simple leave the thread! you seem like the bait bait cause you've been hooked on thread for awhile now ;)
yost go back to your corner.
and while yer at it re roll a toon that cana actualyy be of some use.
10-20-2009, 05:44 PM
excuse monsieu but i no speak la englais
10-20-2009, 05:47 PM
yost go back to your corner.
and while yer at it re roll a toon that cana actualyy be of some use.
ahh Foxx that isn't Yost. That happens to be Cindre.. and once again that isn't the perosn you are looking for. let me help you out. i think this is who you were looking for and if you go there it will give you a list of his toons. That way you can know who is who from now on.
So just what is this hatred for this person anyway. Anger is ugly you should really just let it go. breath dude breath... in and out...slowlly.. there ya go. So don't be so flustered.
Like I said though in school I was the instigator. Sorry some habits die hard.
10-20-2009, 05:50 PM
ahh Foxx that isn't Yost. That happens to be Cindre.. and once again that isn't the perosn you are looking for. let me help you out. i think this is who you were looking for and if you go there it will give you a list of his toons. That way you can know who is who from now on.
So just what is this hatred for this person anyway. Anger is ugly you should really just let it go. breath dude breath... in and out...slowlly.. there ya go. So don't be so flustered.
Like I said though in school I was the instigator. Sorry some habits die hard.
(die hard) wish i had that feat :(
10-20-2009, 06:36 PM
they guy in the trenchcoat always seemed so mysterious and well sexy
notice i didnt say what was or wasnt under the trench
10-20-2009, 06:38 PM
notice i didnt say what was or wasnt under the trench
yes I did. That is what was so mysterious about the guy in the trench coat... it was all left to imagination
10-20-2009, 06:45 PM
though you could always see my boots
hoo hoo #69
10-20-2009, 07:14 PM
though you could always see my boots
hoo hoo #69
lmao...#69...............geeez did you try to do that..???
10-20-2009, 07:17 PM
no trying im just good like that :)
10-20-2009, 08:41 PM
unless yer name is nellie the ice pic was being offerd by her,
so take another stab at it or re read and brush up on yer reading comp.
What did I do?
Come on boyz and gurlz let it be :D
*cough*cough* no namez by all means....
Hey a Foxx when your done with the ice pic could ya put it back where you found it :)
In my back :D
Left by that other forum troll who put it there from the other thread...........
your know the one where shes got BIG PROBLEMS with me and my Choice of Words and Music!!
No not flaming here just saying when your done make sure the pic
goes back in my back so I feel awesome again!!
thanks all and Peace!!
*oh by the way there is NO POINT to my post*
Random re tarted stuff!!
That's who I em and that's how I play..... :D ;) :) ;) :D ;) :) ;) :D ;) :) ;) :D ;):)
10-20-2009, 08:59 PM
lol....Nellie have i told you lately That I love you ?......
10-21-2009, 04:17 PM
lol....Nellie have i told you lately That I love you ?......
I think you just did :p
You should group with me some times....
When me and the other gurlz from satiated are all on :D
Weee so ROCK THE Server!!
and the boyz or maybe just the quests!!
LOL :D that would be peechie and Tiariah~~~> who is a part time player but shes sooo cute!!
10-21-2009, 05:24 PM
LOL :D that would be peechie and Tiariah~~~> who is a part time player but shes sooo cute!!
aw but didn't you hear, Nellie? I'm a bully! :eek:
10-21-2009, 06:34 PM
aw but didn't you hear, Nellie? I'm a bully! :eek:
A Bully!!!
Say what lol, only when it's needed we all are BULLY'S......
10-21-2009, 10:10 PM
A Bully!!!
Say what lol, only when it's needed we all are BULLY'S......
aw but didn't you hear, Nellie? I'm a bully! :eek:
who called you a bully? I called one person a bully., but I don't think it was you. Are you a bully?
10-22-2009, 02:09 AM
I am the instigator., In case you haven't figured that out by now. I toss it in the air and see who reaches out to bat at the ball and then watch them all fight over it, while I casually step away and laugh at how they make fools of themselves.
oh and plus I never pick on the new guy, the shy one or the one that feels out of place. I reach out to them while figuring out ways to make the bullies go crazy with stupidity
who called you a bully? I called one person a bully., but I don't think it was you. Are you a bully?
As I was the first to respond to your instigation of bullies, yea... you kinda insinuate that everyone who responded is. Am I a bully? That entirely depends on one's point of view. I would say no. But I can be a nasty *&%^$# little *&^# who's not afraid to speak up for herself or her friends so you may say yes. Another example... I know Foxx, been guilded with him.... have a lot of words to describe him... bully is NOT one of them.
Foxx expressed a simple opinion. He thought you're little experiment backfired. No name calling, no pushing. I rather agree with him since most people seemed to be having fun with it until you whipped out your soapbox and started calling him and "his kind" bullies.
Come to think of it, considering my sig, maybe I am a bully ;)
10-22-2009, 02:40 AM
As I was the first to respond to your instigation of bullies, yea... you kinda insinuate that everyone who responded is. Am I a bully? That entirely depends on one's point of view. I would say no. But I can be a nasty *&%^$# little *&^# who's not afraid to speak up for herself or her friends so you may say yes. Another example... I know Foxx, been guilded with him.... have a lot of words to describe him... bully is NOT one of them.
Foxx expressed a simple opinion. He thought you're little experiment backfired. No name calling, no pushing. I rather agree with him since most people seemed to be having fun with it until you whipped out your soapbox and started calling him and "his kind" bullies.
Come to think of it, considering my sig, maybe I am a bully ;)
Actually he thought she was ME...and went to "poke" at my ego...which in turn caused her to come to the "soapbox". I think in reality....(or whatever we wanna call it) that some ppl have a tendency to state things that just provoke any response they can...
As for Foxx...well him and I have an understanding.... he don't like me...and I really don't care... but when it comes down to it.... the opinion of ONE person really doesn't matter in the long run does it?
*oh and in case you all haven't figured it out yet.... I was the one who sat in the back of the class room waiting to see who would be the first one to throw the first punch, make the first stupid remark, act the fool, breakdown and lose it, or just plain go nuts. At which I made my remarks and went on my day...
I am discourse and chaos...and I LIKE IT!!:D:D
10-22-2009, 08:10 AM
As I was the first to respond to your instigation of bullies, yea... you kinda insinuate that everyone who responded is. Am I a bully? That entirely depends on one's point of view. I would say no. But I can be a nasty *&%^$# little *&^# who's not afraid to speak up for herself or her friends so you may say yes. Another example... I know Foxx, been guilded with him.... have a lot of words to describe him... bully is NOT one of them.
Foxx expressed a simple opinion. He thought you're little experiment backfired. No name calling, no pushing. I rather agree with him since most people seemed to be having fun with it until you whipped out your soapbox and started calling him and "his kind" bullies.
Come to think of it, considering my sig, maybe I am a bully ;)
quite honestly Foxx started on me in another forum thread, which I left after a rude remark he made to me. So I came here instead and he followed. I thought he was just after me for some reason and then I noticed it wasn't actual me he was after. He was thinking this entire time that I was someone else. Someone he had a "Thing" with some months back. Now I am not sure if he started "Picking" on me because he thought I was that person, or if he started "Picking" on me to call that person forward i am not certain,. But whatever he has been trolling me and I have only been defending myself.
I am not certain but now Foxx believes Cindre (which happens to be be my son) is now this person he seeks out also. No matter. I understand he is mad at this person, but to put me or my son in the middle of his hatred for the other one is not acceptable, and he really shouldn't slam people that have not attacked him. I said one thing in a forum and he more or less had everyone against me, I was just trying to enjoy the forums. After he did that i came here instead. started my own thread and I do not know ., but I assume a few of you followed me here to continue the torture instead of dropping it.
Once I figured out Foxx had mistaken my identity for someone else I offered my hand in a truce., which he thus proceeeded to bite instead of accepting. So as of this time forward., he can say as he wishes because I really do not care., his words do not affect my every day life. If the way my day went depended upon his approval or acceptance., or even yours for that matter, than it is a sad life indeed. I have more important things to attend to and enjoy.
10-22-2009, 08:17 AM
Actually he thought she was ME...and went to "poke" at my ego...which in turn caused her to come to the "soapbox". I think in reality....(or whatever we wanna call it) that some ppl have a tendency to state things that just provoke any response they can...
As for Foxx...well him and I have an understanding.... he don't like me...and I really don't care... but when it comes down to it.... the opinion of ONE person really doesn't matter in the long run does it?
*oh and in case you all haven't figured it out yet.... I was the one who sat in the back of the class room waiting to see who would be the first one to throw the first punch, make the first stupid remark, act the fool, breakdown and lose it, or just plain go nuts. At which I made my remarks and went on my day...
I am discourse and chaos...and I LIKE IT!!:D:D
yes you are discourse and chaos. You are a pain in the arse and should be flogged at times. But geez whiz must you have your enemies trailing me? But ..*sigh*.. I love you anyway
10-22-2009, 10:57 AM
blah blah blah... But whatever he has been trolling me and I have only been defending myself... blah blah blah
Actually, the only person Foxx initially picked on in this thread was me (ftr.... I would consider running for the Drama Queen position but as is aptly demonstrated in this thread, I'm out of my league). It was your posse that started with him causing him to... omg... defend himself. And that's all you were waiting for to jump all over his ass with the name calling.
Last I checked, two wrongs don't make a right and there certainly aren't 3 lefts in this thread
10-22-2009, 11:18 AM
Cant we just get along or better yet if you have nothing GOOD to say MOVE ALONG!!!
10-22-2009, 12:41 PM
Cant we just get along or better yet if you have nothing GOOD to say MOVE ALONG!!!
Silly Nellie :p this thread was designed for drama from the very get-go
10-22-2009, 07:32 PM
completely agree Nellie.
completely agree.
10-22-2009, 09:19 PM
hmmm O don't mind me just wondered what happened to foxx and the corner he mentioned to Yost :P :P :P :P, OH and me i would be the mind game bully
10-23-2009, 02:34 AM
completely agree Nellie.
completely agree.
is it just me or does this seem completely contrary to the role of instigator :rolleyes:
10-23-2009, 04:37 AM
is it just me or does this seem completely contrary to the role of instigator :rolleyes:
Things that make a mind go.... hmm..
hmmm O don't mind me just wondered what happened to foxx and the corner he mentioned to Yost :P :P :P :P, OH and me i would be the mind game bully
you'll find me in the tower.
10-24-2009, 02:23 PM
you'll find me in the tower.
Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair, so that I may climb your golden stair. Come on Foxx... don't lock yourself away., come out come out and let's play.
We can all still be friends, matter of fact
here this is for you
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