View Full Version : DDOcast Episode 139 (10-17-09)

10-17-2009, 06:41 PM
Hi everyone! Episode 139 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK (http://www.cyberears.com/cybrss/7619.mp3) to the episode- just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.

This week's show features a look at reincarnation on Lammania along with two interviews and some great stuff from the DDOcast crew! DJDenial, Xiloscient and Rowanheal co-host this week's show with me as well! Lessah has week three of the Miss Stormreach Pageant where she wraps up her introductory interviews with the candidates! I interview Howard with Odd Duck Computing about the DDO iPhone app - the DDO Herald. I also interview Erica with the DDO Fashion Showcase. Stormreach Lighthouse wraps up its look at tips to work with veterans, Samius looks at practice and growth with "Sound Concepts", Rheebus has some warforged pickup lines with "Rheebus' Top Ten" and more! Thanks so much for listening.


DDOcast Episode 139 (10-17-09)

:15 Intro
4:04 Turbine Point update
7:00 True Reincarnation Talk
7:40 Past Life Feats
11:43 Reincarnation effort?
14:16 Raid Loot Crafting
15:21 XP Needed
17:45 Miss Stormreach 1
20:42 Epic Difficulty
21:17 MD Bug
21:32 Downtime
21:53 Miss Stormreach 2
25:52 Stormreach Lighthouse
32:28 Sound Concepts
41:52 Rheebus' Top Ten
45:06 DDO Herald Interview
58:04 DDO Fashion Showcase Interview
1:11:39 Miss Stormreach 3
1:18:25 Press and Population!
1:22:33 Lawsuit bookkeeping
1:23:35 DDO Europe Screenshot Contest
1:23:50 Jaggie shoutout
1:24:44 Emails


TOTAL TIME:1:37:37


LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?&postid=2473128#post2473128) to Eladrin's writeup on Past Life Feats on the DDO.com Lammania boards.

LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?&postid=2473869#post2473869) to Eladrin's basic explanation of raid loot crafting on the DDO.com Lammania boards.

LINK (http://www.missstormreach.com/) to the Miss Stormreach Pageant web site and LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=203538) to the main thread about it on DDO.com.

LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=2487385) to Thanimal's DDO.com warforged pickup line post that inspired Rheebus' Top Ten.

LINK (http://bit.ly/23ZJkH) to info the DDO Herald by Odd Duck Computing.

LINK (http://ddofashionshowcase.homestead.com/index.html) to the DDO Fashion Showcase (thanks Erica!)

LINK (http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=379664) to DDO-Europe's new player screenshot contest.

LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?&postid=2479108#post2479108) to info on Turbine's pumpkin carving contest.

LINK (http://www.massively.com/2009/10/14/choose-my-adventure-meet-fahryn-brygo/) to the latest on Massively's DDO "Choose my Adventure."

LINK (http://sarcasticgamer.com/wp/index.php/2009/10/qa-with-ddo-unlimited-executive-producer-fernando-paiz-and-development-%20%20director-ian-currie.html) to the DDO article in Sarcastic Gamer.

LINK (http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/10/ddo-free-to-play.ars) to the big Ars Technica article about DDO.

LINK (http://digg.com/gaming_news/Dungeons_and_Dragons_Online_behold_the_power_of_fr ee) to the Digg post about the Ars Technica article - Digg it!

LINK (http://www.mmorpgfocus.com/) to MMORPGFocus.com, where there's a registered user only article about DDO.

LINK (http://https//iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?%20%20documentId=hU2t/NCvOlBQ+WLRHXP3lw==&system=prod%22) to Turbine's response to Atari's countersuit in the NY District Court system.

LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=207864) to Jaggie's latest project thread on DDO.com.


10-17-2009, 08:25 PM
OMG! I am listening now, I have already favorited the DDO Fashion showcase!

10-19-2009, 12:11 PM
Jerry -- I'm listening to the show right now and just heard the comment about no named handwraps in the game. The end reward from the bartender in Korthos gives you, is a named Handwrap... Min's Handwrap I believe it's called. Mind you is not a powerful item, but it is named.

10-19-2009, 01:23 PM
Jerry -- I'm listening to the show right now and just heard the comment about no named handwraps in the game. The end reward from the bartender in Korthos gives you, is a named Handwrap... Min's Handwrap I believe it's called. Mind you is not a powerful item, but it is named.

Ah, you rule! I couldn't find it during a search I guess....

10-19-2009, 04:16 PM
I was thinking about Mins wraps also, but i think most people might be looking for something a little than ooze killer.

10-19-2009, 04:18 PM
Jerry -- I'm listening to the show right now and just heard the comment about no named handwraps in the game. The end reward from the bartender in Korthos gives you, is a named Handwrap... Min's Handwrap I believe it's called. Mind you is not a powerful item, but it is named.

one of the new quests over in the hills has some named handwraps also.

10-19-2009, 04:28 PM
one of the new quests over in the hills has some named handwraps also.

Excellent! I thought there was but was not 100% sure. However, if I'd actually read my show notes from a few weeks ago I actually had it in there! Memory....

10-19-2009, 07:36 PM
Great show as usual, Jerry. Thanks for all you do in putting it together!

10-19-2009, 10:07 PM
Concerning armor styles.

There seems to be 4+ random parts of each armor mesh.

The undermesh, the shoulders, the skirt/belt/pants/etc, and the color. Of course, color can change the style of any of the other 3, and some armors do seem to have more randomness as well.

Just for speculation here, if lets say there are 3 undermeshes for chainshirt, 2 shoulders, 4 lower pieces, and 10 colors, then that means there are 240+ chainshirt models.

EDIT: Metamagics are multiplicative, so maximize, empower, and empower healing together is 450% effectiveness, not 300% effectiveness. And the Heal spell is only effected by Empower Healing, so you are correct, Maximize does not effect it.

10-20-2009, 01:13 AM
I miss DDO.... but I tell you I have just lost the desire to play DDO.

I forgot where the DDOCast forums are, somebody mail the link to me pls...

kk thx

10-20-2009, 03:58 AM
Concerning armor styles.

There seems to be 4+ random parts of each armor mesh.

The undermesh, the shoulders, the skirt/belt/pants/etc, and the color. Of course, color can change the style of any of the other 3, and some armors do seem to have more randomness as well.

Just for speculation here, if lets say there are 3 undermeshes for chainshirt, 2 shoulders, 4 lower pieces, and 10 colors, then that means there are 240+ chainshirt models.

EDIT: Metamagics are multiplicative, so maximize, empower, and empower healing together is 450% effectiveness, not 300% effectiveness. And the Heal spell is only effected by Empower Healing, so you are correct, Maximize does not effect it.

Having a hard time sleeping, was bummin' around. Thanks! Very helpful post. I actually checked to make sure I was correct before I posted it, but was too lazy to re-edit the original statement...

I miss DDO.... but I tell you I have just lost the desire to play DDO.

I forgot where the DDOCast forums are, somebody mail the link to me pls...

kk thx

LINK (http://s7.zetaboards.com/Ddocast/index/)

10-21-2009, 04:29 PM
It dawned on me that the Lamannia Release Notes has this bit in it.

New handwraps have been added to Necropolis II.

10-22-2009, 09:12 AM
It dawned on me that the Lamannia Release Notes has this bit in it.

New handwraps have been added to Necropolis II.

Indeed they have, and they've already been looted and posted on the lamannia forums.

Devout Handwraps - (Weapon) +2 Handwraps, Metaline, Pure Good [ML:8, BTC]

From the screenshot, they do not require good alignment.

Metaline is the new name for transmutating of course.

10-22-2009, 09:48 AM
this ddocast was alright. lessah's segment was pretty funny

the epic level content will be hard though. it's not a walk in the park. and the epic crafting is going to be a larger grind than shroud, in terms of time AND resources

mordenkainen's disjunction is used all over the place in the new quests and epic content

and high-level players with a lot of raid loot will not just roll a new toon. only someone with no raid loot would say that :)

10-23-2009, 01:18 PM
this ddocast was alright. lessah's segment was pretty funny

the epic level content will be hard though. it's not a walk in the park. and the epic crafting is going to be a larger grind than shroud, in terms of time AND resources

mordenkainen's disjunction is used all over the place in the new quests and epic content

and high-level players with a lot of raid loot will not just roll a new toon. only someone with no raid loot would say that :)

Clanky wrote this one and the one we are working on for this weekend. He did a great great job!

10-23-2009, 01:39 PM
Both "Atari v. Turbine" and "Turbine v. Atari" were filed in New York Civil Supreme Court; rather than US Federal Court. Both cases have been assigned to the Honerable Judge Bernard J. Fried in the Commercial Division.

Both parties have agreed (stipulated) to merge the cases, but as of Oct 23rd, the Honerable Judge Fried has not signed an order official merging the cases.