View Full Version : Warforge Cosmetics! Suggestion Thread

10-12-2009, 07:11 PM
As you may know, WF are currently not receiving the cosmetic enhancements that the other player races get to waste TP on.

Not yet. We're still figuring out what kinds of fun cosmetic things we can do for Warforged :D

Lets help Tolero and the team out.

Post pictures, ideas, etc. Serious/Funny both welcome.

Warforged Pigtails (From another thread)
Facial Damage & Liberty Spike "Hair"
Facial Damage & Liberty Spikes (www.cohesivegraphics.com/images/WF_cosmetics1.jpg)

10-16-2009, 10:08 AM
As you may know, WF are currently not receiving the cosmetic enhancements that the other player races get to waste TP on.

Lets help Tolero and the team out.

Post pictures, ideas, etc. Serious/Funny both welcome.

Warforged Pigtails (From another thread)

Different Body looks, like the way armor chanfes when you add a new Docent. I actually took a second +5 Docent as end of quest loot over another Loot Item only because I was sick of looking like a Turtle walking upright.

Also More Spikes! And I never like any of the cranium detail looks.

10-16-2009, 07:19 PM
Shoulder-mounted rocket launchers! Also knee-mounted...Cosmetic only, of course.

Rust patches/dents for those who prefer a more rough-and-tumble look.

Shinier body parts for girlymachine WF who have time to primp/grease themselves.

New skins for body parts (arms, legs, torso, head). This could give a much more unique feel to a WF. I would not like to see matching "sets," as this would just result in less creativity as players just picked every piece of a set. Instead I'd prefer a number of skins that looked as if the WF's creator, or even the WF itself, had made modifications to better perform its task. Players would be limited to choosing a skin based on their class (e.g. a fighter could not choose a torso piece with veins of magic pulsing along, as clearly only an arcane WF would be modified in such a way).

Maybe a little sign that says "I have a soul" or something. You know. Just to quiet them down and help them fit in.

10-20-2009, 02:36 PM
Cool ideas.

I'd like to see some WF hairstyles/Head accessories.

- A liberty spike would look good on a WF
- Also when you create a WF monk, it shows the monk with a monk outfit, it's a shame that isn't an option after creation.

10-21-2009, 06:08 AM
Some quick photoshops.

Facial Damage & Liberty Spikes (www.cohesivegraphics.com/images/WF_cosmetics1.jpg)

10-21-2009, 08:03 PM
Shoulder-mounted rocket launchers! Also knee-mounted...Cosmetic only, of course.

Rust patches/dents for those who prefer a more rough-and-tumble look.

Shinier body parts for girlymachine WF who have time to primp/grease themselves.

New skins for body parts (arms, legs, torso, head). This could give a much more unique feel to a WF. I would not like to see matching "sets," as this would just result in less creativity as players just picked every piece of a set. Instead I'd prefer a number of skins that looked as if the WF's creator, or even the WF itself, had made modifications to better perform its task. Players would be limited to choosing a skin based on their class (e.g. a fighter could not choose a torso piece with veins of magic pulsing along, as clearly only an arcane WF would be modified in such a way).

Maybe a little sign that says "I have a soul" or something. You know. Just to quiet them down and help them fit in.

Yes, It would be cool to mis/match, I think an organic steampunk look would be really cool.

10-21-2009, 08:22 PM
Not serious:
Reverse jointed legs - just so I can shout "It's got chicken legs!" in an attempted Gir voice.
Alternate sound packages so we make noises like R2D2.

More serious:
Armor/Wood* Dye - Just like the hair dye, but lets us have access to a wider variety of colors for our underlying 'forged.
Light up eyeballs - I'm thinking something along the lines of the way a stealthed tiefling looks when the spot skill works. The eyes really stand out. Maybe give us pulsing or multicolor shift options. City of Heroes style "flaming" option for raged barbarians.

Requires new skins:
Fembots. For crying out loud, you want to demoralize the enemy more than sending a pile of near-unstoppable killing machines? Shape 'em like ladies, so they just got their butts whupped by a bunch of girls**. Would also give us some reason to differentiate between the male and female options in character design beyond what flavor of grunt we get when we're hit.

*Used to reference the non metal plate portions of the WF models. I assume that's the livewood bits.
**No offense to our many fine female players, and in no way meant to imply that I do not find women physically intimidating....that didn't come out right. :D

10-25-2009, 06:56 PM
More serious:
Armor/Wood* Dye - Just like the hair dye, but lets us have access to a wider variety of colors for our underlying 'forged.
I would love to see the ability to adjust the colors, perhaps piece by piece, maybe even editing textures between wood, metal etc.

Light up eyeballs - I'm thinking something along the lines of the way a stealthed tiefling looks when the spot skill works. The eyes really stand out. Maybe give us pulsing or multicolor shift options. City of Heroes style "flaming" option for raged barbarians.
Yeah, pretty cool.

Requires new skins:
Fembots. For crying out loud, you want to demoralize the enemy more than sending a pile of near-unstoppable killing machines? Shape 'em like ladies, so they just got their butts whupped by a bunch of girls**. Would also give us some reason to differentiate between the male and female options in character design beyond what flavor of grunt we get when we're hit. I'd like to see this make it into game also, though I would hope it would be something to buy or earn, since in Eberron, female bodied WF were rare (I think, not 100%)

*Used to reference the non metal plate portions of the WF models. I assume that's the livewood bits.
**No offense to our many fine female players, and in no way meant to imply that I do not find women physically intimidating....that didn't come out right. :D

Good Ideas.

10-27-2009, 12:39 PM

Everything can be made better with spikes.

Full plate? Spiked full plate! Heavy shield? Spiked heavy shield! Toilet paper? Spiked toilet paper!

They are to beauty what hammers are to fixing thing.
(And for those who didnt get it: Everything can be fixed with a hammer )

12-21-2009, 03:54 PM
i like the i have a soul sign that would be great, maybe have more then 1 sign like i feel things, will not eat you
also like the female body so we can tell a slight differance
i like the arcane lighting up parts, but what would you give a fighter if you restricted it to casters?
and i agree with more spikes, more horns, even jsut studs shooting out would be cool
a guildie and i were talking on this subject just the other day, and why not at the least be able to redo the facial options? its the closest we have to hair. maybe release more of them.
i think it would be funny to get fake beards that obviosly looked fake maybe a visible string, and a toupe the same way. not that we are tryign to make them look human/elf but that they themselves are trying to more express that they are alive. somthign odd like rat hide beard with kobold skin hair in the descriptions lol though personally my barb would wear those things too cause i imagine him to be alittle less then hygenic

01-25-2010, 03:46 PM
definitely some cool ideas.

01-26-2010, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the laughs :D


Everything can be made better with spikes.

Full plate? Spiked full plate! Heavy shield? Spiked heavy shield! Toilet paper? Spiked toilet paper!

01-26-2010, 11:57 AM
A fresh set of Docent designs.
Removal of Pink from the docent color options.
Body-Bling (gold/silver accenting on facial features - shoulder-spikes for all body types - implanting gems - etc)
Body Dye along the same lines as Hair Dye
More Eye Color options
More Cranium design options.

01-26-2010, 12:08 PM
Docents that glow and blink (and possibly change eye color when slotted).
> Varying colors based on status of the warforged, like one that flashes green normally and changes to a red ring when the host is incapacitated

Battlefists - Just cosmetic, but it would make WF monks look a hell of a lot more imposing. Makes your hands huge and spiky.

Kill markings scratched into body armor plates.

Runes. Squiggly arcane ones that shimmer for the casters, and carved/forged metallic ones for the fighty types.

Back-mounted trophy racks (skulls on the trophy rack change to reflect the race of the end boss in the last 5 dungeons you've done).

01-26-2010, 01:32 PM
A fresh set of Docent designs.
Removal of Pink from the docent color options.
Body-Bling (gold/silver accenting on facial features - shoulder-spikes for all body types - implanting gems - etc)
Body Dye along the same lines as Hair Dye
More Eye Color options
More Cranium design options.

Yea, some new docent skins would be great.
I think a few more options for the 2nd body color would be nice other than dark grey and tan, or whatever they are.

01-26-2010, 06:22 PM
Still waiting for "Pimp my Warforged".

01-26-2010, 06:36 PM
My FvS would fit his motif much better with a Terminator look: Exposed skeleton, glowing (not just dimly lit) red eyes, chrome skin...


01-27-2010, 04:44 AM
Still waiting for "Pimp my Warforged".

Fly skill anyone?

We could also have "Gimp My Warforged" and see what Ghoste thinks.

01-28-2010, 01:36 AM
My FvS would fit his motif much better with a Terminator look: Exposed skeleton, glowing (not just dimly lit) red eyes, chrome skin...


I think it would be pretty cool to have a WF docent skin that was made of actual bone, I think that would fit the flavor of Ebberon very well.

01-28-2010, 12:40 PM
how about an actual female model so I stop accidentely rolling a female WF because its the default selection...a warforged with a female voice just sounds wrong...or just remove the option

01-28-2010, 07:29 PM
how about an actual female model so I stop accidentely rolling a female WF because its the default selection...a warforged with a female voice just sounds wrong...or just remove the option

I think a WF female model would be a good idea, even though I have heard that they are rare in PNP. I think it would get more people, especially female players to purchase WF and just add to the character of the game.

I also rolled a female WF by accident, didn't notice until about lv10, when I was getting hit and making female human groaning sounds. funny.

02-12-2010, 12:43 AM
I'd like to hear/see some more ideas, with the addition of the skinable pirate hats, this might open up possible temporary skins for WF bodies?

Also, WF monks have a monk outfit on the creation screen, why not ingame?

09-17-2010, 02:44 PM
what do we want?


When do we want them?


09-18-2010, 03:00 AM

I want my WF to skate around on wheels instead of plodding like a common fleshie.

09-18-2010, 04:00 AM
Would also give us some reason to differentiate between the male and female options in character design beyond what flavor of grunt we get when we're hit.

+1 to that.
And more rule 34 fuel.

Everything can be made better with spikes.
Full plate? Spiked full plate! Heavy shield? Spiked heavy shield! Toilet paper? Spiked toilet paper!


Oh gods, I Laughed Out Loud.
+1 too.

Battlefists - Just cosmetic, but it would make WF monks look a hell of a lot more imposing. Makes your hands huge and spiky.

Built-in weapons, such as mace-fists - reference to Fallout 1/2 and Tactics - or blade fists.
But power-fist sized hands wouldn't be too out of place either, all considered.

I want my WF to skate around on wheels instead of plodding like a common fleshie.
Guntank Golem ftw... ;)



09-26-2010, 10:04 AM
I'd like to hear/see some more ideas, with the addition of the skinable pirate hats, this might open up possible temporary skins for WF bodies?

Also, WF monks have a monk outfit on the creation screen, why not ingame?



Devs, listen up!!!

09-26-2010, 10:10 AM
I want a Halfling sized WF :D

09-26-2010, 10:33 AM
I want a Halfling sized WF :D

OMG, me too! I dont really like big-looking things! xD

Mini-WF would look so cool! *dreams*

09-26-2010, 10:41 AM
I want a Halfling sized WF :D

Warforged scouts.
I do too.

And I think WF bodies are too tall and awkward anyway.
I'd like the option to choose smaller bodies - not every WF is going to be a str 60 barb - and maybe differentiate between "genders".

More options, more variety.


09-26-2010, 10:46 AM
Come on, devs, you have 2-3 months to implement this until I tr my Monk to WF. No time to lose!!!

09-26-2010, 11:28 AM
Good post.

I agree the WF do not even get turbine point love when it comes to cosmetics (well you can buy a hat I suppose :rolleyes:). I suggest the options either at creation or in the DDO store for the following

1) add spikes, especially on melee types in various places
2) vary docent design (the turtle example mentioned above)
3) more subtle changes like on the facial choices for the marks at teh creation tool and in various areas of the body, so we coudl put marks on forearms, chest, etc.
4) add other parts like extra plates or padding on areas (this is along the spike line but more of a half plate look on top of the base body)
5) variation on scars, wounds, etc like the fleshies have but coudl be anywhere on the body if possible
6) allow to choose what the docent look slike, i don't care for my barbarian to run around in a skirt for example or have pouches of scrolls , though on a monk or caster this may look fine
7) more color variation for eyes, base color and armor color
8) robe appearance over some or all of the body is a nice possibility for WF is a good idea as well, esp for those evasion types or casters, this should be a simple addition, and the option of a hood would be cool as well

just a few quick thoughts that come to mind

good thread though!:)

10-21-2010, 02:15 PM
showdocent /off.

10-30-2010, 11:32 AM
ghoste was grumpy to me don't ask him, ask mr cow, he would give better (IE: more amusing posts) as ghoste has an obsession for being invisible.