View Full Version : True Story...

10-10-2009, 02:16 PM
So... sometimes when it is slow, I like to hide in different spots around the Harbor. I put up an LFM and announce in general chat that I am hiding and that the first person to find me and open a trade window will win some sort of lowbie gear, usually a +1 tome of some sort. I put in a disclaimer that it is intended for new players only. After a few minutes, I usually get people to start looking for me. Several send tells asking for clues, or try to join the LFM to possibly see my location on the map. I decline the invites and limit the clues to what instance I am in at the time, or respond with 'I can see water from here.' The new players really seem to enjoy searching, and more importantly, winning a tome. I like doing it because it helps out a new player, they truly appreciate the tomes, and best of all, I clear out more bank space.

Last night, some people were searching for me, and I received the following tell:
(Tell) ***** tells you: "if I cyb0r you, will you give me the tome?"
Never having heard that term before, I responded with: "if you do what?"
(Tell) ***** tells you: "if I have cyb0r sex with you"
(Tell) ***** tells you: "yes / no?"
(Tell) ***** tells you: "I'll do anything for that tome"
I replied: "lol, no thanks, just try to find me and open a trade window"

Fortunately, a new player found me immediately and won a +1 con tome. So I think either someone was trying to joke with me, or that the WoW crowd has officially arrived. Or maybe even that some people really will do anything for a tome. :P

I mentioned it right afterwards in guild chat and got this response:
(Guild) (To Guild): "someone just offered to have cybersex with me for a +1 tome"
(Guild) (Guild): Quik: "nice. you should take him up on it"

10-10-2009, 02:27 PM

10-10-2009, 02:32 PM
I dont know if I give you or quick the rep????


10-10-2009, 02:33 PM
My huge warforged would cyber you for free no tome needed.

Just oil ... lots and lots of oil...

...of repair! what were you guys thinking?

10-10-2009, 02:43 PM
**** you get offered some cyber sex and all I get is blind invites.....I'm gonna start runnin hide an seek events. Hmmmmmmmm maybe it had to do with your toons name....were you on Jacknife....maybe that's like a unknown code or something. Like a safe word :)!

10-10-2009, 03:03 PM
Wow. That's both disturbing and funny! Maybe you should have tried to make the Cyberofferer do something very strange, like pretend to be a warforged in love with a halfling or something....

10-10-2009, 03:07 PM
Wow. That's both disturbing and funny! Maybe you should have tried to make the Cyberofferer do something very strange, like pretend to be a warforged in love with a halfling or something....

Do not under estimate the power of Warforged Halfling love.

10-10-2009, 05:45 PM
**** you get offered some cyber sex and all I get is blind invites.....I'm gonna start runnin hide an seek events. Hmmmmmmmm maybe it had to do with your toons name....were you on Jacknife....maybe that's like a unknown code or something. Like a safe word :)!

I hope you're wrong, but I was playing my rogue at the time. All I know is I never got tells like that when my ranger was giving away tomes.

10-11-2009, 01:03 AM
I hope you're wrong, but I was playing my rogue at the time. All I know is I never got tells like that when my ranger was giving away tomes.

cause rogues are just **** sexier than rangers.

10-12-2009, 05:30 PM
Way to carry the torch on the Hide and Seek. I plan on having one for newbies on Halloween in Delaras Graveyard with.....Zefan of course.

10-13-2009, 04:58 AM
This is an ongoing joke now in guild. Jack the cyb0sexFarmer!!!!!!!!!

10-13-2009, 05:05 AM
Wow. That's both disturbing and funny! Maybe you should have tried to make the Cyberofferer do something very strange, like pretend to be a warforged in love with a halfling or something....

Ugh. I know some peeps are twisted, but man, I'm going to have nightmares for a month! AND I'll get in trouble with the wife when she starts recognizing DDO terms coming from me in my sleep.................again :eek: :eek: :eek:

Another true story.

Wife, "Honey, can you get up with the kids?"

Quik, "Yeah yeah sure, I got a bard of shroud timer"

Wife, "What?!?!?!?!??!! Are you dreaming about that darn game you m***** ******g b******!!!!!!! I swear to GOD im going to take that mouse and shove it ** **** ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."

Quik, "Huh? Did you say something honey? Why you yelling so early in the morning?"

Quik **thinks** Oh sh** did I do it again?!?!?!? Please tell me i didnt start talking about my raid timers in my sleep again!!!**Cowers under covers**

10-13-2009, 05:09 AM
Wow. That's both disturbing and funny! Maybe you should have tried to make the Cyberofferer do something very strange, like pretend to be a warforged in love with a halfling or something....

Soon we will have naked night elf...naked blood elves... er I mean naked half elves dancing on the mail box for tips.

10-13-2009, 10:22 AM
This is an ongoing joke now in guild. Jack the cyb0sexFarmer!!!!!!!!!

Quiet, you! Haven't you said enough already?

10-13-2009, 11:12 AM
Sorry, Jack. But at least now you know how I feel when some froob hears a REAL LIVE GRRLZ(tm) voice in group and why I talk much less in pugs now than I used to. Just the other night, as soon as I found myself speaking I was hit with five /tells from every other party member. "Oh! You're a girl! a/s/l? willyoucyb0rmeplzkkthxbai!" :eek:

10-13-2009, 11:46 AM
Sorry, Jack. But at least now you know how I feel when some froob hears a REAL LIVE GRRLZ(tm) voice in group and why I talk much less in pugs now than I used to. Just the other night, as soon as I found myself speaking I was hit with five /tells from every other party member. "Oh! You're a girl! a/s/l? willyoucyb0rmeplzkkthxbai!" :eek:

OMG youre a girl???!?11111!!!! A/S/L????

10-13-2009, 01:01 PM
omg Youre A Girl???!?11111!!!! A/s/l????


10-13-2009, 01:07 PM
cause rogues are just **** sexier than rangers.

No, it is just rogues do it from behind.

10-13-2009, 01:40 PM
No, it is just rogues do it from behind.

Bad Baahbe! Bad bad bad Baahbe! :eek:

But still kinda funny. ;)

10-13-2009, 03:14 PM
**** you get offered some cyber sex and all I get is blind invites.....I'm gonna start runnin hide an seek events. Hmmmmmmmm maybe it had to do with your toons name....were you on Jacknife....maybe that's like a unknown code or something. Like a safe word :)!

I Cyb0r'd myself the other night-now all my invites are blind. Mom was right!


10-13-2009, 05:47 PM
I Cyb0r'd myself the other night-now all my invites are blind. Mom was right!


you've been saving this for just the right chance to use it....either that or part of it just might be true.