View Full Version : Ever done something so stupid you feel like throwing up?

10-10-2009, 01:22 PM
This is nothing but rant city and crying and whining and blowing off steam...but...:mad:

I am leveling a new toon and am crafting. Went thru all the hub-bub to get Shroud ready. Mailed and bank swapped a ton of ingredients. Ran it til I got my shards. Blew plat on stuff to make sure I had everthing. Charged cells with my pally to be ready to craft...blah blah blah

Then...I finally am ready to make my first tier 3 item. I am being very cautious as I craft. Checking and double checking. Everything is going to plan. Then...the unimaginable. Something isn't working on the final shard upgrade to tier 3. I check my recipe. Perfect. ***???? :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Then I click back and realize I had hit the wrong effect in the planner and didn't realize it. I followed the recipe perfectly to make a completely suck azz weapon. Blew a greensteel blank. Lotsa larges and all for a stupid wrong click in recipe land.

Sooo...now I have one of the dumbest combinations on a weapon ever and I feel like playing ToonTown for the rest of the week. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

/rant off

Thanks for listening.

PS...Does anyone else think there should be a way to undo a crafting? I mean, reverse craft? I hate the tedious checking and rechecking and if ANYTHING is even slightly wrong, hours and hours of grinding are all for not.

/signed my own post cuz I am furious

10-10-2009, 01:23 PM
at least tell us what you screwd up so we can laugh about you :)

10-10-2009, 01:31 PM
That is still not as good as the time before the shared bank slots, a friend was looking to craft his tier 3 item, had everything ready, got into a shroud run checked his mail, and his ingredients bag wasn't their.... Then after several frantic toon swaps, came to the conclusion that he had mailed his bag with all his larges (claimed to have had +40) to someone who had a similar name... never got them back. talk about sickening... he actually dropped group and logged out of disgust.

10-10-2009, 01:32 PM
I don't even want to get into mail stories from the old days. lol

10-10-2009, 01:50 PM
Not quite as bad put I used a scroll of Word of Recall in ToD part 1 last night.

10-10-2009, 01:56 PM
that's worse than when i ran all the quests to make a greensteel blank on my rogue then when i went to go mail it to a different toon clicking to drag the item equip'ed it and bound it to my rogue.... to this day my rogue has a greensteel blank that i utterly refuse to build up simply because of a small error in the game! they really need to add an option to make an item bound to account instead of bound to character permanently (at least for non raid items that should be account bound anyways).

hell even raid items that you get as a quest reward should be bound to account to give incentive to do raids on characters you deem unworthy to play (like my rogue).

10-10-2009, 01:58 PM
I goofed up my very first dual shard craft a long time ago; I was so sick about it. Now when I craft I pre-mix everything the night before into the approproate Gem/Essence/Focus. Then I recheck my recipe and make sure I have the correct Gem/Essence/Focus before I imbue the shards.

This approach has saved me on three different dual shard crafts.

10-10-2009, 02:04 PM
I goofed up my very first dual shard craft a long time ago; I was so sick about it. Now when I craft I pre-mix everything the night before into the approproate Gem/Essence/Focus. Then I recheck my recipe and make sure I have the correct Gem/Essence/Focus before I imbue the shards.

This approach has saved me on three different dual shard crafts.

I usually am very careful, too. The cruddy thing is that when we make that rare mistake, the engine that drives the crafting is completely unforgiving.

I know I am whining and crying and carrying on. At least I am not threatening to leave the game! :D

Even if the devs didn't want to make items (like greensteel) bound to account, you should be able to undo stuff in crafting errors. Just my opinion. I am sure there are hard core roleplayers out there who would argue that if you did it "for real" then you would be stuck with what you were stuck with. But...since I am not an elf, or a ranger, or level 15 e.g. it's not real....so maybe a little dev love is in order! :p

10-10-2009, 02:31 PM
I usually am very careful, too. The cruddy thing is that when we make that rare mistake, the engine that drives the crafting is completely unforgiving.

I know I am whining and crying and carrying on. At least I am not threatening to leave the game! :D

Even if the devs didn't want to make items (like greensteel) bound to account, you should be able to undo stuff in crafting errors. Just my opinion. I am sure there are hard core roleplayers out there who would argue that if you did it "for real" then you would be stuck with what you were stuck with. But...since I am not an elf, or a ranger, or level 15 e.g. it's not real....so maybe a little dev love is in order! :p

Or at least "overwriteable".... I goof and put the wrong recipe onto an item... I should then at least be able to put the correct one over it, even if I loose the ingredients from the error, it still isn't as bad as starting over.

10-10-2009, 02:52 PM
Or at least "overwriteable".... I goof and put the wrong recipe onto an item... I should then at least be able to put the correct one over it, even if I loose the ingredients from the error, it still isn't as bad as starting over.

True that

10-10-2009, 05:10 PM
i'd remove the part about charging cells with your pally...

10-10-2009, 06:03 PM
i'd remove the part about charging cells with your pally...

I can't. It proves I am stupid.

10-10-2009, 06:04 PM
at least tell us what you screwd up so we can laugh about you :)

:rolleyes:This will make me sound even more stupid. :rolleyes:

I had charged a bunch of high energy cells with my pally and then (more dumazzedness from me) forgot them in the bank. Long story short is I didn't think I would be crafting and interrupted my original recipe because I figured it was pointless. Somehow I clicked "good blast" instead of "acid blast". This completely negates transmuting and all the juicy goodness that comes with it.

A kind toon helped me out and I ended up with the cells I needed. But...I didn't go back and look at my recipe before I clicked "make this item".

So I followed a recipe I chose on accident and made a holy good blast acid burst rapier. No AC. No tranmuting. No other effects I can add to it. I don't have IC piercing, so without transmuting, the blast effects won't go off that often. Basically, I have a totally gimped rapier with a stoneskin clicky that took me forever to make. At least I didn't make a potency item or something like that. :o

I still have one of the supreme shards to make a min II, so I guess I am out a blank, some smalls, mediums, and then 3 scales and blah blah blah. Ultimately I can use the shard to make a Min II, because the one I have is correct. The one I added was the screwed up one. If I did it in reverse, at least the rapier would be salvagable.

10-13-2009, 01:40 PM
:rolleyes:This will make me sound even more stupid. :rolleyes:

I had charged a bunch of high energy cells with my pally and then (more dumazzedness from me) forgot them in the bank. Long story short is I didn't think I would be crafting and interrupted my original recipe because I figured it was pointless. Somehow I clicked "good blast" instead of "acid blast". This completely negates transmuting and all the juicy goodness that comes with it.

A kind toon helped me out and I ended up with the cells I needed. But...I didn't go back and look at my recipe before I clicked "make this item".

So I followed a recipe I chose on accident and made a holy good blast acid burst rapier. No AC. No tranmuting. No other effects I can add to it. I don't have IC piercing, so without transmuting, the blast effects won't go off that often. Basically, I have a totally gimped rapier with a stoneskin clicky that took me forever to make. At least I didn't make a potency item or something like that. :o

I still have one of the supreme shards to make a min II, so I guess I am out a blank, some smalls, mediums, and then 3 scales and blah blah blah. Ultimately I can use the shard to make a Min II, because the one I have is correct. The one I added was the screwed up one. If I did it in reverse, at least the rapier would be salvagable.

I feel your pain dude... just not as acutely. I f'ed up my rad 2 rapier and ended up with fireblast instead of +2 exceptional dex. For a rogue, that is a pretty painful mistake to make as now I'm short dex and an AC point. But, I don't play enough to be a perfectionist and his name is Nobble for a reason... so my guildmates can call him Nooble and joke about how gimped he is...

28 pt builds with gimped greensteel weapons FTW!!!!!

Also, I didn't know about the goggles from VOD until I had crafted Air x3 goggles. The good news is, I still haven't gotten the goggles from VOD. The bad news is someday I will and I haven't seen any dev notes about binding crafted items to accounts.

I are stooopid.

10-14-2009, 03:18 AM
Ever done something so stupid you feel like throwing up?

Short answer?

Yes... 10 or 11 times in my life now.

Long answer?

Unless you're married to me or my best friend, you'll never know.

10-14-2009, 03:22 AM
Long ago I decided to add tier 3 sp to my wizards goggles. Got the shard the ingrediants imbued on the shard...stuck the shard and the goggles in the alter and it would not make them just ate a power cell. I check the shard put in another power cell nothing... So I check the goggles and they are already imbued with tier 3 sp...I wonder *** why did it not eat the shard...then I see I am on my sorc not my wizard...To this day my sorc still has an extra tier 3 shard fully imbued with Pos SP ready to go.

10-16-2009, 06:45 AM
Yeah I've done something stupid to the point of feeling like throwing up. I was on Facebook like three years ago and saw an ad on the right side of the screen that said "DDO 10 Day FREE Trial"

10-16-2009, 08:36 AM
Yeah I've done something stupid to the point of feeling like throwing up. I was on Facebook like three years ago and saw an ad on the right side of the screen that said "DDO 10 Day FREE Trial"

LOL I wish I had done that.. cuz then I'd get half of what you guys are talking about which would make me laugh or groan x4 as hard.. and oh.. I'd have some decent KIT on my toons

10-16-2009, 02:24 PM
Short answer?

Yes... 10 or 11 times in my life now.

Long answer?

Unless you're married to me or my best friend, you'll never know.

Well, it would appear you're married..

So what are the other 10 again? :)

10-16-2009, 02:39 PM
Well, it would appear you're married..

So what are the other 10 again? :)

Actually... not married now. I just have my children from that failed experiment in life, so at least I came out the winner. The point, though, is that I don't know any of y'all well enough to share the Godawful Dumba$$ery I've committed over the years that would cause me to feel like, or actually, regurgitate the contents of my stomach.

10-16-2009, 11:24 PM
Yeah I've done something stupid to the point of feeling like throwing up. I was on Facebook like three years ago and saw an ad on the right side of the screen that said "DDO 10 Day FREE Trial"

Now that's funny! :D:D:D:D:D

10-17-2009, 02:25 AM
Ever done something so stupid you feel like throwing up?

Ever done something so stupid you feel like Seamonkeysix? :D

Sorry. Couldn't resist. I feel for you. It's not nearly as bad, but I blew it twice in a row trying to make a dwarven axe... The first failure was when it was very new and there was debate about the recipe... I got a bit arrogant and thought I knew which one was right without verifying. Ended up with a Great Axe.

Then, after grinding for twigs and everything again, I checked and double checked the vale ingredients. Then when I had triple checked and was sure I had everything right, I threw in the power cell and clicked. (Of course, the DAxe doesn't use a power cell, so I got a morning star.)

10-17-2009, 12:14 PM
Ever done something so stupid you feel like Seamonkeysix? :D

I hope it never happens to any of you. It's a terrible, terrible fate...except on federal holidays and weekends! :)

10-17-2009, 05:55 PM
Actually... not married now. I just have my children from that failed experiment in life, so at least I came out the winner. The point, though, is that I don't know any of y'all well enough to share the Godawful Dumba$$ery I've committed over the years that would cause me to feel like, or actually, regurgitate the contents of my stomach.

Heh. And my point was that you accidentally spilled one :p

10-24-2009, 09:34 PM
Unrelated to crafting (seriously, if i want to craft ill go back to eve online) but i was on my first von raid, standing on the bridge at the dragon, wanted to take a screenie, went to hit T to get a good shot, hit R instead, and ran off the bridge. I just wanted to crawl under the desk and never come out.

10-24-2009, 10:42 PM
I took a 3 month break after messing up my sorc's first dual shard tier III item.

No, I'm not goint to tell you what I got it's too embarassing.