View Full Version : All Dwarf/Barbarian Elite Shroud

10-09-2009, 02:01 PM
Title says it all :

When : Sunday Oct. 11th @ 6:00 pm EST

Guidelines- Characters must be Dwarven in race. All melee types must have at least 14 levels of Barbaian.

Party make-up will consist of :

Bard Warchanter- 1
Cleric or F/S - 3
Arcane - 1
Barbarians - 7

I don't believe we will have trouble filling the melee slots, so if you have Dwarf Cleric or Arcane your participation will be greatly needed. I will provide each healer with 100 heal and 100 mcmw scrolls and 2 mana pots. Please respond to the thread if you are interested.

Roster as of now.

Bard - Nun (me will switch if needed) Level 17 Dwarf Warchanter
Healer 1 -
Healer 2 -
Healer 3 -
Arcane -
Melee 1 - Luudo (see above) Level 20 Dwarf Tempest Barbarian
Melee 2 -
Melee 3 -
Melee 4 -
Melee 5 -
Melee 6 -
Melee 7 -