View Full Version : Question about creating a guild

10-09-2009, 12:57 PM

I was wondering if there is any in-game advantage to paying for a Guild Charter and creating my own guild? I am a F2P/Premium and the group I play with are all friends (F2P also). We contact each other outside of the game and coordinate when we will play. With the charter 50% off this weekend, I am contemplating buying one, but I cannot find anywhere on the forums showing that there would be an advantage for my situation?

Thanks in advance for any info,


10-09-2009, 01:04 PM
Hi there,

For your situation (contact outside of game) I would say there is no real advantage to paying for guild tag.

That said, it is a private window for chat, as well as a feeling of community among you and your friends. If you do come across players that are like minded but not "personal friends" it gives oppertunity to invite them as well.

You don't get any perks for having (being leader/succes. or member) a guild.

Just my 2 copper.


10-09-2009, 01:07 PM

I was wondering if there is any in-game advantage to paying for a Guild Charter and creating my own guild? I am a F2P/Premium and the group I play with are all friends (F2P also). We contact each other outside of the game and coordinate when we will play. With the charter 50% off this weekend, I am contemplating buying one, but I cannot find anywhere on the forums showing that there would be an advantage for my situation?

Thanks in advance for any info,


i've seen alot of f2p in guilds.
can you not just have someone vip start a guild, invite you and then make you the succsessor?

10-09-2009, 01:29 PM
Ah, thanks for the info. My suspicions are confirmed. If some of my regular friends fade from playing, I may think about starting up a guild then.

Your input is appreciated.
