View Full Version : New Player/Guild

10-08-2009, 04:39 PM
Greetings everyone!

Just started playing about a month ago, just to try it out since it was free. I went VIP about a week and a half later. Im have a lifer account in lotro but was always curious about DDO. So after finding out for myself, I love it! I have played Basic/AD&D for almost 30 years. Never went to the 3.0/3.5 rules. One reason was I wasnt about to buy all new books! So having said that Im not only learning the game but the 3.5 rules. Not a big transition really but definately diferent things to learn.
I have a lvl 4 rogue, Kyrilion, and have been soloing mostly but have found it hard recently. I just started a Paladin, LrdSol. So I decided to start a guild named after a group of heroes in my old campaign (yes, it is a derivative from the dragonlance world). I wanted to give this a try and see if any would be interested in joining me. I am available only 2-4 hours in the evening during the week. So Im really looking for a dedicated group that would meet on the weekends (but not limited to) and go thru this game together. I am in the central time zone and details can be worked out if any are interested.

I have started a website as another vehicle of communication and gathering things together as they present themselves.

Lords of the Black Rose:

Casual Gaming
Lite RP
Group Oriented/Teamplay
Non-Drama/Mature fun

10-14-2009, 10:00 AM
Still looking for a core group of casual players to build from scratch and experience this world together. Looking for first time players or vets looking for a new, fresh start. Ideally would like for it to build into a get together every weekend for major palying time with during the week play a little more sparse.

12-13-2009, 12:53 AM
Are you guys still around?


01-07-2010, 09:52 AM
We are now. Me and a friend of mine just started back up yesterday. Contact us if your around sometime. Im on Kyrilion and he is on Talenpath, in game. Or hit us up here or on the website.

01-09-2010, 06:14 PM
We are now. Me and a friend of mine just started back up yesterday. Contact us if your around sometime. Im on Kyrilion and he is on Talenpath, in game. Or hit us up here or on the website.

tried to click on the web link about and got invalid response. Are you still looking for guild members? I usually play on Canith server, but I can guild play on yours, i am not picky.
a little about me, i live in KS, so I am CST time zone. I play at least 2 times a week, sometimes more, later in the evenings. I dont want to rush through a dungeon, but i am not into sight seeing either. I have a VIP account and just enjoy the game. I am willing to play any char/class, i like them all.

To sum it up, definately casual play, if it works for you, we may also invite my son, 17, he plays also.

you can contact me at online.games@jwb2stores.com also

01-12-2010, 07:03 PM
i generally play solo, as i never know when i'm going to be online, but i'd be willing to hook up for stuff when i'm around. currently playing Cahedron, lvl6 Ranger-Tempest.

01-13-2010, 01:15 PM
i generally play solo, as i never know when i'm going to be online, but i'd be willing to hook up for stuff when i'm around. currently playing Cahedron, lvl6 Ranger-Tempest.


If you are ever on Argonnessen then please look us up. Our best night is usually Friday night, ALL night. Saturdays depends on how much we had to drink Friday night. Would love to group with ya. Our main group is lvl 6 but we have some lvl 1-3 guys and a few in the lvl 9 area.

01-13-2010, 01:20 PM
tried to click on the web link about and got invalid response.

Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed the link.

01-19-2010, 05:07 PM
Still looking for a core group of casual players to build from scratch and experience this world together. Looking for first time players or vets looking for a new, fresh start. Ideally would like for it to build into a get together every weekend for major palying time with during the week play a little more sparse.

Looking for about 2-3 more people to round out our group. Please contact if interested. Current lvls are 2-9. Main group is lvls 5-7.