View Full Version : One More Reincarnation Option

10-08-2009, 03:34 PM
Between Greater and True Reinc. One that allows you to change alignment and classes; but otherwise just functions like a Greater Reinc without all of the benefits of a True Reincarnation. Thoughts?

10-08-2009, 03:37 PM
why have another it is what greater should be. Right now greater is only useful for those with 28pt builds ( with 32pt unlocked). If you have a 32 pt build your only real option sare lesser and true.

10-08-2009, 03:41 PM
why have another it is what greater should be. Right now greater is only useful for those with 28pt builds ( with 32pt unlocked). If you have a 32 pt build your only real option sare lesser and true.

Good point.

10-08-2009, 03:49 PM
I agree... I want to run the easiest leveling path as possible:

Lvl 4-8 (remember no more sub 4s) as a THF Barb
Lvl 9-15 Firewall/InstaDeath Sorc
Lvl 16-20 DPS Monster Build

True Rez, rinse, repeat.

Time to level said char to character to 20 3x, even with added TRez xp extensions?
Effect on grouping and game play, especially for newer ppl and casuals?

Unintended Consequences = fail

10-08-2009, 03:54 PM
Levelling in this game is dead easy anyways - allow us to change alignment and classes without losing all tomes and having to start over at level 1, so that we can respond to the changes that have been introduced without having to invest many, many hours grinding raids

Plus we'll pay for it, so that will be good for everyone who plays the game

10-08-2009, 03:54 PM
While there may be a few folks out there to do this Captfurious, the gear requirements would be such a mess I know I personally wouldn't step near it. Far too lazy.

To be honest, I don't mind losing the XP even like True Reincarnation does. I just have toons that would love to trade that 1 level splash of barbarian for a 1 level splash of monk without going through the whole ordeal of a True Reincarnation :D