View Full Version : Have 400 favor but Drow still locked?

10-05-2009, 02:07 PM
I got a mail saying i unlocked the drow but when i try to create a character it says i need to buy in the DDO store?
Am i missing something? I have a VIP account,
Another quetsion:
Are favored souls still only available in the DDO store even with a VIP account?


10-05-2009, 02:09 PM
Once you get the letter, you still need to go speak with Nyx to have drow unlocked on that server. It will still be available to purchase through the store though, since buying drow in the store unlocks drow on all servers.

10-05-2009, 02:09 PM
Did you read the entire email including the part where it told you to go talk to someone? Talk to them and it will unlock drow for you. (hint, its the drow in the harbor by the harbormasters house)

10-05-2009, 02:11 PM
I won't say that i read the mail 3 times and missed that .... thanks

10-05-2009, 06:39 PM
don't feel bad..I almost did as well. If it wasn't for me and my friend unlocking at the same time after completing Delera's tomb the other night, I would've missed it as well.

12-22-2009, 03:07 AM
Did you read the entire email including the part where it told you to go talk to someone? Talk to them and it will unlock drow for you. (hint, its the drow in the harbor by the harbormasters house)

I am Elder Durandimion and I bid you greetings from the allied Drow tribes of Xen’drik. Although my people have a reputation for being insular and mistru****l of outsiders, your recent deeds mark you as someone with courage and honor, someone we hope to call friend. To these ends we entrust you with our bravest heroes; skilled warriors, cunning trackers and wielders of magical power. Through your actions, the tides have turned and the evil that plagues our land now knows fear. We believe in you, Arragotth, and we believe in your quest. Thank you and fare well.

That is my letter after unlocking Drow, nowhere in there does it say to go talk with anyone.

12-22-2009, 03:15 AM
Talk to Nyx as to FvS you can either buy them in the store(will give you them on all servers) or earn 2500 favor and have them on that server.