View Full Version : Thinking About PD.. lite.

10-04-2009, 10:06 PM
Hello... I'm a new premium F2P player and I am thinking about filling in my forth character slot with a Permadeath character... as in a PD guild. But I specified LITE. What do I mean by that? Basically I want to see if I can find a PD guild that uses Rest Shrines but not Rez shrines. Also this guild should use in game spells and items.

Is there any guilds like that on Ghallanda?

This would be of course a brand new character from the basic character races. (about half way to unlocking drow and need to learn more about warforged before I role one of them up).

Also... no twinking would be allowed... but I think that might go without saying with a PD group.

10-05-2009, 12:54 AM
I think all PD uses rest shrines, as far as I knwo the only active permadeath guild on ghallanda is valhalla

10-05-2009, 01:06 PM
There is Valhalla Permadeath guild here on Ghallanda, but they have restrictions on what you can purchase (not sure if that is what you were talking about with 'should use in game spells and items').


If you don't like the item rules then your best bet would be:

The Sublime http://www.thesublimeguild.com on Thelanis or

Extreme Explorers http://extremeexplorers.guildportal.com on Sarlona

Also, there is a PD guild that doesn't use rest shrines Valorik, The Core on Khyber http://thecorehc.home.comcast.net/~thecorehc/ , If you are looking for a challenge that is a great place to find it :)

10-06-2009, 10:28 AM
We do allow players to use Rest Shrines 1x per instance.

We do not allow the purchase of consumable magic (potions etc) via the vendors or the store - however I think you would find that if you work as a team and if you use the collectibles you can do quite well with these items.

There are two guilds which may suit your preferences better.
These are open rule set PD guilds, and both have excellent members and leadership.

One is Extreme Explorers on Sarlona
Other is Sublimbe Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.
As far as I know these two guilds allow all purchases within the game mechanics, although some items from the store are not allowed.

Of course I hope that you may want to try a more "bare bones" style and go with The Valhalla Permadeath Guild.

We have had members online from about 8am EST through 3AM EST. We have active members from all US zones and many have come over to our server from the EU server. Typicaly we'll have about 15 members on simultaneiously at peak times.

KG Wiking

10-06-2009, 02:17 PM
Hello... I'm a new premium F2P player and I am thinking about filling in my forth character slot with a Permadeath character... as in a PD guild. But I specified LITE. What do I mean by that? Basically I want to see if I can find a PD guild that uses Rest Shrines but not Rez shrines. Also this guild should use in game spells and items.

Is there any guilds like that on Ghallanda?

This would be of course a brand new character from the basic character races. (about half way to unlocking drow and need to learn more about warforged before I role one of them up).

Also... no twinking would be allowed... but I think that might go without saying with a PD group.

Guild Name: PD Halls of Valhalla
Server: Ghallanda
Website: http://valhallans.proboards.com/

We are always looking for players who are interested in a pen and paper style permadeath in a friendly enviroment with patient and helpful people, please feel free to check out the website for the official guild rules!!!

Stay Safe and Happy Hunting!!!

10-07-2009, 03:49 PM
We do allow players to use Rest Shrines 1x per instance.

We do not allow the purchase of consumable magic (potions etc) via the vendors or the store - however I think you would find that if you work as a team and if you use the collectibles you can do quite well with these items.

There are two guilds which may suit your preferences better.
These are open rule set PD guilds, and both have excellent members and leadership.

One is Extreme Explorers on Sarlona
Other is Sublimbe Permadeath Guild on Thelanis.
As far as I know these two guilds allow all purchases within the game mechanics, although some items from the store are not allowed.

Of course I hope that you may want to try a more "bare bones" style and go with The Valhalla Permadeath Guild.

We have had members online from about 8am EST through 3AM EST. We have active members from all US zones and many have come over to our server from the EU server. Typicaly we'll have about 15 members on simultaneiously at peak times.

KG Wiking

I would also recommend Valhalla Permadeath Guild (not to be confused with any "imitators" ;) ) to anyone wanting to try out the PD style. KG knows his stuff and it's a great group of players.

10-08-2009, 02:40 AM
Thank you for the endorsement and for possible clarification of two guilds on this server.

Our guild has really taken off the past month - much due to renewed interest in DDO due to F2P and Mod 9.

We've added quite a few "brand new players" off the boat, and have tried very hard to make them welcomed by going away from our normal - highest quest we can do with our big guns - to making a whole slew of new players and grouping with them. We've also added a large number of veteran DDO players who are rediscovering their love for this game by running challenging content (not planting roots in Korthos and the Harbor) at appropriate levels.

Fortunately, enough of them are now out of the harbor and we can run some more interesting content - such as a party of four Lvl threes - (two of them brand new to the game) doing TR on hard with two of our veteran players, and a group of Lvl 4 - 6 (two brand new to PD play) taking on the Necropolis on Hard. Which may not sound like too much to some, but within a PD bare bones setting - I ask you to try before you scoff. One of the members, (lvl 5) who has six capped toons said she had never been so scared and tense while running a quest as she had that night.

What has been great is that we are now able to run 3 to 5 groups (including full groups) simultaneously. We do not farm easy quests. Sometimes it causes a death - like for a lvl 4 who got nailed "AFTER" the boss was killed in Splinterskull (lvl 8 quest) due to a trap (no spoilers). The thing that is amazing is how many have recently joined our guild who have previously run high end content are impressed by the sense of community that our guild shares. I think being exclusive to ourselves creates that, but also the choices of running a quest we know is difficult, and will take the whole group working together to succeed - and not running the easier quests at inappropriate levels (farming XP). We know our adventurers lives count on our guild members - and we do care about our adventurers - so we tend to become "very tight" with each other.

Recently two level 4's were running a Market quest I think it was The Quickfoot one - and we came across the shrine, but knew we had a long way to go. The question was do we dare use one of our two precious cure serious wounds potions - or save the shrine. That quest took the two close to two hours to complet - but again, Swiped Signet on elite with two untwinked lvl 4's is not a joke. Some who used to be in our guild (any guesses on who) wouldn't even dare try that quest until they were level eight or nine - because the only thing that mattered was "staying alive". Our guild membership doesn't welcome that point of view - because any player can run quests on Solo, normal, hard, elite and get to level 8 by just running the Harbor.... so what.... I remind our members if the quest doesn't scare you it probably isn't worth running in a full (four or more) group.

Of course we sometimes have to run an easier quest due to the favor mechanisms - but opening all on hard then going to elite - has rapidly changed that dynamic drastically. Sometimes we will run a quest on normal (as we will be doing on Friday with lvl 4 to 6's doing Gwylans and TOD trust me if you can't buy potions, wands and use the Brokers and AH - that is not an easy quest)- but only if the group is below the quest level. Typically, running easier quests that have no risk in the view of our members has no value - nor displays skill.

Sorry for the length - but I have to tell you - when you predominantly run tough quests in a bare bones style - there is rarely a dull moment. I understand that PD play is "not for everyone" but I would advocate that you should try it - just to regain that sense of fear that you may have had early on in the game knowing that an adventurer you care about is really laying something on the line. Trust me, good players die if they run appropriately "difficult quests". Those WW ogres are tough on elite with untwinked toons at an appropriate level - and so are some of the trog shamans that you may laugh at if you are tangling with them at lvl 3 or 4 in the Market on hard/elite. Especially when you know you have "one shot".

So...maybe you'll give us a look over. I think you'll find that the Valhalla Permadeath Guild is a group of friendly, helpful and community oriented people. I mean it when I say that we don't want people in our guild who are afraid to run a hard quest - nor do we want people who put their personal agenda above that of the guild as a whole.
The view that is now a common understanding is that when you help others get where they need to go, you get where you want to go by natural course.

So...if you want
A guild that is all about community
A guild where you will typically run challenging quests
A guild that will foster tactics in a quest and a strategic view
A guild that when you are called "Brother or Sister" we mean it
A guild that will test your limits and skills with losing it all being on the line....

Try us out.

You may find that this game is...exciting and scary again.

Either way you choose to play, I hope you enjoy the game.