10-03-2009, 01:54 PM
Guild Leader - Andygamii
Guild Contact - Andygamii, Aikopachii
Guild Size - 10ish.
Guild Type - Progression. We're fun and sociable but at the same time, serious about beating tough/new content.
We have our own private ventrilo server which supports 25 people.
Hey guys!
If you're in an GMT time zone country, or have a wierd work shift which makes u play in our time zone, then please feel free to contact us! We're trying to get a guild who is online at the same time, and this seems to be quite hard for some of us who play in Asian countries like Singapore and Hong Kong.
Contact me in game or send me a mail for info/interview!
Guild Contact - Andygamii, Aikopachii
Guild Size - 10ish.
Guild Type - Progression. We're fun and sociable but at the same time, serious about beating tough/new content.
We have our own private ventrilo server which supports 25 people.
Hey guys!
If you're in an GMT time zone country, or have a wierd work shift which makes u play in our time zone, then please feel free to contact us! We're trying to get a guild who is online at the same time, and this seems to be quite hard for some of us who play in Asian countries like Singapore and Hong Kong.
Contact me in game or send me a mail for info/interview!