View Full Version : RP Channel 'wayfinders' Created

10-01-2009, 05:46 PM
To promote a little more RP on Cannith, I have created the channel 'wayfinders'.
Join, promote to your friends, have fun!

While I understand rp'ing on a channel isn't always the most immersive, it's a good start, and may help some of us find each other for some face to face or dungeon RP.

Hope to see you around!

10-02-2009, 12:09 PM
To promote a little more RP on Cannith, I have created the channel 'wayfinders'.
Join, promote to your friends, have fun!

While I understand rp'ing on a channel isn't always the most immersive, it's a good start, and may help some of us find each other for some face to face or dungeon RP.

Hope to see you around!

I might drop by and see what it's like. I've been looking for a reason to talk people's ears off with completely inane subject matters, and roleplaying an hyperactive halfling sounds like a good way to do so.

10-03-2009, 12:10 AM
I might drop by and see what it's like. I've been looking for a reason to talk people's ears off with completely inane subject matters, and roleplaying an hyperactive halfling sounds like a good way to do so.

*grins* Wonderful! You and Smudge will get along SMASHINGLY!
The channel seems a little quiet so far, so feel free to spread the word around and see what we can get going!
Hopefully I'll catch you on this weekend. Look for Smudge or Thrallia.

10-03-2009, 05:45 PM
I've added it on my toons and will join in the conversation whenever I can

Thanks for taking my suggestion, and yes will pass it on to RP'ers I see here from Thelanis and to any RP types who I see asking on advise channel :cool:

+1 Broccoli to you

10-04-2009, 07:46 AM
Awesome. I've been hoping to find some roleplayers on Cannith. I'll join the channel for sure.

10-04-2009, 11:31 AM
Ok, call me a nubcake...
Now, with that out of the way, help me out here please. I right clicked and made a new tab on the chat window, and named it wayfinders. Did I do this right, or was there something else I need to do? Work has been wearing me down, and Im lucky to get some playing time in, so please bear with my nubbish-ness o.O

10-04-2009, 02:27 PM
Ok, call me a nubcake...
Now, with that out of the way, help me out here please. I right clicked and made a new tab on the chat window, and named it wayfinders. Did I do this right, or was there something else I need to do? Work has been wearing me down, and Im lucky to get some playing time in, so please bear with my nubbish-ness o.O

If you're going to call this guy a nubcake, please call me the same because I really don't know how to enter a new channel either.

10-04-2009, 02:39 PM
/joinchannel wayfinders

10-05-2009, 08:03 PM
I'm happy to see all the interest! Thank you!!

To join, just type /joinchannel wayfinders (It must be in all lowercase, as it is caps sensitive)

To chat, type /uc1 and then your message.

Basically, the idea is to give us a place to chitchat, and get to know the others that rp on the server. No formal setting or rules, just keep it mostly in character. If out of character, denote that with ( )'s or ooc:. If we get enough interest, I'll start heading up a tavern night or some other rp night, as time allows me.

Thanks for passing on the word. I'll see you around!

If you have ANY questions, or just want to say hi, generally I'm playing Smudge or Thrallia, feel free to drop a line.

10-10-2009, 04:01 PM
Just a little bumpity. :)

Glad to see so many of you on the channel. There have been some great conversations! Thanks for checking it out!

10-15-2009, 08:12 PM
HI there, I typed /joinchannel wayfinders

i joined said there was only one memember? does this mean noone is on? Or am i in the wrong channel.. Im really trying to find some RP.. : )

10-15-2009, 08:58 PM
Yeah, it means no one is on. We're still in the starting stages, and still growing.
I'm trying to spread the word on here, and via friends. I'm not one for spamming general and whatnot. So feel free to invite friends, or suggest it to people you see asking about rp on general or advice.
Glad to have you along! :)

10-16-2009, 02:24 AM
Im usually on in the morning, and there is usually 4-5 ppl in the channel

10-16-2009, 01:33 PM
I've tried to RP in the party voice chat a couple times, and been met with thundering silence. :P

10-17-2009, 12:17 AM
Aww. Sorry to hear that.
There are a few of us out there, promise! For now, wayfinders is a safe haven. :)

Is there any interest in some RP type events? If so, anyone have good suggestions? I used to do riddle nights with my guild on a certain game that shall not be named way back when. I'd be willing to run one or two of those if there is interest.

Maybe a tavern night sometime? (in one of the 'rowdy' taverns? My hubby's warrior would probably end up starting a tavern brawl eventually.. hehe)

Otherwise, suggestions are welcome.

10-17-2009, 10:10 PM
IM always willing to RP group.. Id even be willing to make a new toon for a group night as well

10-18-2009, 10:47 AM
Brawl?? Ill bring my monk! We can start a massively multiplayer smackdown :D

10-22-2009, 07:59 AM
soo is there any time people tend to play in this channel?? soo far ive been on about 4-5 different times for a few hours each and i havent seen anyone around.. (well once, but they said hi and logged about 2 secs later)

10-23-2009, 08:12 PM
Most often in the evenings and weekends.

It HAS been quiet lately though. Even though there have been a few people on, when I've said hi I haven't gotten much of a response. I just tally it up to people being busy though. It's hard to chat mid-dungeon sometimes. ;)

I'm more than happy to chitchat if I'm on though. I'll be around most of this weekend. See ya around!

10-24-2009, 03:14 PM
I'll make sure to check out the channel. For anyone interested in RP on Cannith, you should check out The Doom Brigade guild at http://www.thedoombrigade.eu/ . Really nice people.

10-24-2009, 10:53 PM
I've seen a few of the Doom Brigade around. Thanks for the heads up. :)

We're not looking for a guild right this moment, but we'll keep em in mind.

10-25-2009, 12:59 PM
well i finally saw people in the channel.. but i was around for most of the early day/afternoon.. By the time everyone showed i was logging which was unfortunate, cause about 7 people showed as i had to go..

Maybe better timing next time : P

10-26-2009, 11:16 AM
I've set up to join the channel, and thought I should mention it on the forum, and say thanks for setting it up.

Westu hal, see you in Eberron!

11-01-2009, 01:58 PM
Welcome to the channel, and you're welcome! :)

11-01-2009, 11:15 PM
Well I join it tonight, Thanks, I am looking forward to RP my toon, not to many RPer here but I hope it will change.
BTW lvl 5 Wizzy drow

12-25-2009, 09:12 PM
Small bumpity...

I've not been on quite as much, as work has been crazy busy, and the holidays and all... So the population has waned some. Would love to see some old friends back, and some new ones made. :D Come say hi!

03-08-2010, 04:24 PM
This still in use or has the RP died away on our server?

03-09-2010, 03:14 AM
Does not seem to be active at least on GMT evenings. I have a few characters who log in here automatically but nobody else is on there. But I guess it would only take a few of us to bring it back to life...

I will promote the channel in our guild forums, since due to being a "lite RP" guild our guild chat is not RP only.

Btw, is there a /who command to see who is logged on a chat channel? It shows the number of people on log in but have not so far been able to find out who is on there when it has shown 2 a few times.

03-10-2010, 08:33 PM
It is close to dead, but I would love to see it revived!! :)

If I'm on, I'm always on the channel and always happy to chat. I'm usually around sporadically during the week, and often on the weekend. Usually late evening/night EST though.

I think part of the problem is the fact that you do not see it when other people log in. So, if three people log in while I'm on, and no one says anything, I have no idea anyone else is on! Also, as far as I know, there is no /who function for it, which is annoying. Someone correct me if I am wrong though! I'd love to be wrong! :D

Promote away, and say hi when you pop in! I'd be ecstatic to see it resurrected! Watch out, you just might get hugged by an over-enthusiastic halfling if you do. :D

05-25-2010, 08:33 PM
Amaile, thank you for setting up wayfinders channel. I found this thread way back when I first started about a year or so ago. I have always joined the wayfinders channel on every character I create. I may soon be joining the Doom Brigade because of it.

05-27-2010, 02:27 PM
Amaile, thank you for setting up wayfinders channel. I found this thread way back when I first started about a year or so ago. I have always joined the wayfinders channel on every character I create. I may soon be joining the Doom Brigade because of it.

You're welcome! I am glad to hear it! :D

05-31-2010, 10:08 AM
Yes it is great that people still find it. I'm on euro times and I seldom see too many people in there, but every once in a while there is somebody and we can have nice RP chat or even form a group. And during the last week we have had some new recruits to the Doom Brigade whom I met on the Wayfinders channel...

So thank you for it Amaile, from me too =)

05-31-2010, 01:08 PM
I love this channel! I've met some nice people in it :)

05-31-2010, 07:21 PM
Yes it is great that people still find it. I'm on euro times and I seldom see too many people in there, but every once in a while there is somebody and we can have nice RP chat or even form a group. And during the last week we have had some new recruits to the Doom Brigade whom I met on the Wayfinders channel...

So thank you for it Amaile, from me too =)

You're very welcome! I'm glad it has helped you guys to boost your ranks! I've met some really great people there as well. It always makes for a great night when there is chat on the channel.

Thank YOU guys for making it great! :D

08-16-2010, 04:42 PM
*bumping for people who have not seen this yet.* :D

09-12-2010, 01:46 PM
This is exactly what I was looking for on Cannith. I hope wayfinders is still active. I have played for a couple months, and joined the guilds I have because of the members who were into lite RP that I met there, but those players all seem to have disappeared over time, so missing out on RP again. Still enjoying the game, but missing out on a big reason why I started playing.

Quidlyn (quid)- priestess of trade
Dobius (dobi) - diplomat/spy extraordinaire
Alyerin (aly) - shy half-drow/half-elf from cosmopolitan sharn

09-12-2010, 10:37 PM
Wayfinders does still exist! :D It is very quiet at the moment, but if I am on, I have it up, and I have been advertising as I have time, trying to get new blood. :)

One of the big things that makes it seem so quiet, is the fact that you don't see when people log in/join channel. So, if you login and no one is on, you'll never really know if people join unless they say hi.

So! Say hi when you login. :) If I'm around, I will respond if I'm not currently in the midst of battle.

See you soon!:D

09-13-2010, 07:43 PM
Just when I thought I was the only role player on the server.
I shall haunt this channel from now on.
My thanks!!!

09-14-2010, 03:35 AM
You're very welcome! I look forward to meeting you! :D

11-04-2010, 05:18 PM
*wanders by and hip checks the thread back up* Any chance of a sticky so people know about this?

We've been getting more active again. Would love to see more people. :)

Because I was asked recently about the premise of the channel, I figured I'd share this too.
I personally have always found it awkward when an RP channel is styled off of a tavern, when I'm running around the world questing. It's too jarring of a difference for me. So, I figure, in a world where magic is so common that they hold up the tavern in the harbor with it, why not little communicator-like magical devices that people can use to talk to others of like mind? That way we can discuss what we're doing, use it to group too if we want to, and if we want to go sit in a tavern and chat, we can invite each other to do so and do it there.

Just my thoughts on it. It doesn't really matter much though, in general. Just join up, say hi, and have fun! We're not all serious, there is no pretension (at least not of the channel in general. I'm sure there are some pretentious characters. :P ), and we're very welcoming. Hope to see you soon!

11-09-2010, 11:15 PM
*wanders by and hip checks the thread back up* Any chance of a sticky so people know about this?

We've been getting more active again. Would love to see more people. :)

Because I was asked recently about the premise of the channel, I figured I'd share this too.
I personally have always found it awkward when an RP channel is styled off of a tavern, when I'm running around the world questing. It's too jarring of a difference for me. So, I figure, in a world where magic is so common that they hold up the tavern in the harbor with it, why not little communicator-like magical devices that people can use to talk to others of like mind? That way we can discuss what we're doing, use it to group too if we want to, and if we want to go sit in a tavern and chat, we can invite each other to do so and do it there.

Just my thoughts on it. It doesn't really matter much though, in general. Just join up, say hi, and have fun! We're not all serious, there is no pretension (at least not of the channel in general. I'm sure there are some pretentious characters. :P ), and we're very welcoming. Hope to see you soon!

Ah, that's helpful. I was wondering that myself.