View Full Version : Dusts off the old DDO account... What happened to the WF?

09-30-2009, 06:42 PM
So its been about a year and half of more since I broke out DDO. Figured now that it's free it would be fun to spin up my old level 8 wizard (hey that was epic high level when I last played don't laugh).

So what did they do to my Warforged? They are ... well ... OK they are awesomer (is that even a word?). I can throw away my underwater action item now. That is pretty nice (and about time). Any thing else I get to look forward to in the way of being more in line with PnP now?

09-30-2009, 09:12 PM
The high-level content is less in tune with PnP than the low level content.

An amazing AC in PnP (50) is nearly the same as an AC of 12; every second character has truly epic gear (Greensteel weapons in particular); and carrying 100-500 Heal scrolls is pretty standard. On the other hand, the powerful divinations that dominate PnP don't exist, so puzzles are not trivial.

That said, the endgame is fun. It's just not like PnP.

09-30-2009, 09:17 PM
My old pally has an ac of 52 no buffs. On a rit sac run on hard the other tweaked pally had an ac of 80 or 90 and was upset he was getting hit by the named orthon.. Perhaps the orthon rolled a lot of 20s?

10-02-2009, 02:49 PM
Not sure what AC has to do with the OP ...

WF now have all of the inherent immunities they were missing when the game was released. They are now immune to:

Energy Drain
Flesh to Stone
Charm/Hold Person (Still susceptible to Charm/Hold Monster)
Some others I can't think of at the moment...

Indeed, they are awesome. In fact, they are so awesome that I am in the process of replacing all of my flesh-bound characters with Warforged.

10-02-2009, 02:55 PM
My old pally has an ac of 52 no buffs. On a rit sac run on hard the other tweaked pally had an ac of 80 or 90 and was upset he was getting hit by the named orthon.. Perhaps the orthon rolled a lot of 20s?

Since this was Elite, the orthon was rolling 10 or higher 55% of the time and grazing the tweaked pally with Eladrin's (pardon for saying this) STUPID grazing hits rule.

10-02-2009, 04:37 PM
Since this was Elite, the orthon was rolling 10 or higher 55% of the time and grazing the tweaked pally with Eladrin's (pardon for saying this) STUPID grazing hits rule.
On elite mode, a monster would need to roll a 13 for a grazing hit, which means 40% of the time.

10-02-2009, 04:39 PM
On elite mode, a monster would need to roll a 13 for a grazing hit, which means 40% of the time.

That's right - we graze them on 10, and they graze us on 13.

10-03-2009, 03:40 PM
Indeed, they are awesome. In fact, they are so awesome that I am in the process of replacing all of my flesh-bound characters with Warforged.


Personally I loved WF in PnP and in DDO even back when we had to get enchantments just to get some of the immunities up. So its nice to see they really did fix WF as a race. Now we just need the artificer class and all will be right as rain.