View Full Version : Thursday Night Dedicated Team

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09-29-2009, 06:05 PM
The Ala Rubra team meet every week on Thursday evenings 8 PM EST.

We have two spots for anyone at level 16-18 who wish to join us.

We started Oct. 8th , 2009 on Sarlona. We are part of Thalion’s “Dedicated Teams Guild” (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=57433)and a light RP group. Slow and steady….not to say if we all know the quest very well… and all agree, we can speed it up a lil, but NO ZERGING! Keep it a Team effort!

Oh, one more thing, NEWBIES ARE WELCOME! Come join the DDO experience. If this day and time do not work for you, follow the above “Dedicated” link. I’m sure you can find something.


1) no zerging

2) Vendors are ok to buy from and sell too also

3) Light to med Role Play…(don’t let this scare you off, it’s fun, try it!) in –Character will be normal party type…out of character will be ((here :) )) again don’t let this scare ya…easier then ya think. Keep Voice chat to a min. Only use if have too.... ie…raids, big trap ahead..etc, etc….

4) The DDO store is fine, but try to not bribe your way to top.

5) This is a Dedicated/Static Team…. Don’t use the toon outside the party nights. If you miss a night or two, and need to catch up with XP ,or quest, that is fine…but keep it to a minimum.

6) Everyone shall be on the same level. If you take your time to solo some content (mostly, explorer and lower level favor), bank your extra XP until everyone catch on the next level. We don't care if your XP is capped.

7) Have fun! Don’t let small things stress you out! It’s a game lets enjoy it!

The Ala Rubra Team!

1) PlaneswalkerJP (Gineon Planeswalker (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/gineon/), Drow Pyromancer)

2) ELRON (Zully (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/zully/), Halfling Assasin)

3) S1gma (Nemamiah J'orsen (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/nemamiah/), Human Healer)

4) Izdaari (Yzette Eristikon (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/yzette/), Halfling Monk)

5) Can be you

6) Can be you

Quests Completed (Casual/Solo, Normal, Hard, Elite - Updated 09/02/11)

Level 1-8
Untracked (0 XP to complete on Elite)

Level 9

The Threnal Arena
The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple (AKA: Cult of six part 3)
The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate (AKA: Cult of six part 4)
The Shadow Crypt
Gateway to Khyber
The Jungle of Khyber (AKA: Vault of Night 3)
Haywire Foundry (AKA: Vault of Night 4)
The Giants' Lair
The Giant Lieutenants
The Library of Threnal (AKA: Threnal East 1)
The Church and the Cult
The Keeper's Sanctuary
The Missing Expedition (AKA: Threnal South 1)
Entering the Gate Chamber (AKA: Threnal South 2)
The Last Stand
Fathom the Depths
The Claw of Vulkoor
Into the Deep

Level 10

The Sanctum: Quench the Flames (AKA: Cult of six part 5)
The Sanctum: Church of the Fury (AKA: Cult of six, part 6)
The Giants' Supplies
Escort the Expedition (AKA: Threnal East 2)
Hold for Reinforcements (AKA: Threnal East 3)
Secure the Area (AKA: Threnal West 3)
The Gate Chamber (AKA: Threnal South 3)
Plane of Night (AKA: Vault of Night 6)
Sykros' Jewel
Hiding in Plain Sight
Slavers of the Shrieking Mines
The Chamber of Rahmat
Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!
Tempest Spine
Vault of Night (AKA: Vault of Night 5)

Level 11

And the Dead Shall Rise
Raid the Vulkoorim
The Enemy Within
From Beyond the Grave
Desert Caravan
The Twilight Forge (AKA: Titan pre-raid)
Made to Order
Tomb of the Tormented
Tomb of the Unhallowed
Dreams of Insanity
Purge the Fallen Shrine
The Spawn of Whisperdoom
The Chamber of Kourush
Tomb of the Blighted
Tomb of the Forbidden
An Offering of Blood
Maraud the Mines

Level 12

A Relic of a Sovereign Past
Against the Demon Queen (AKA. ADQ1)
Zawabi's Revenge (AKA. ADQ2)
The Cursed Crypt
The Chamber of Raiyum
Diplomatic Impunity
Frame Work
Eyes of Stone
Chains of Flame

Level 13

A Cabal for One
A Cry for Help
Mired in Kobolds
Assault on Summerfield
Blockade Buster
Feast or Famine
Foundation of Discord
Trial by Fire

Level 14

The Prison of the Planes

Level 15

Sinister Storage
Fear Factory
In The Flesh
Acid Wit

09-29-2009, 09:30 PM
Hi all... I was thinking of doing a fighter type or a cleric. What do you guys think?



09-30-2009, 02:39 AM
Hi all,

I'm still a newbie, but am very excited about this.

A fighter and a cleric sound like a good start to me, but what do I know! LOL

With your permission I'm looking at introducing Halrong TIPKAG to DDO.

She's quite short, nimble-fingered and has a good heart, even if she does get mesmerised by shiny things too easily :)

Hope to see you in the Wavecrest,


09-30-2009, 10:10 AM
I did a fighter focused in intimidate and shield work. It's my first try with a melee defensive type. A cleric would be nice, Halek.

09-30-2009, 11:14 AM
I did a fighter focused in intimidate and shield work. It's my first try with a melee defensive type. A cleric would be nice, Halek.

Great... I will start looking at some builds. Might do a WF Battle Cleric, but I will research some builds. Just let you know I only have 28pt builds right now.

Another Static group I am in has created a WebSite at GuildPortal, would you like me to start one for this group?

09-30-2009, 11:38 AM
Great... I will start looking at some builds. Might do a WF Battle Cleric, but I will research some builds. Just let you know I only have 28pt builds right now.

Don't worry, mine is a 28 pts too.

Another Static group I am in has created a WebSite at GuildPortal, would you like me to start one for this group?

I don't know guildportal. If you could provide a link...

Anyway, go ahead and create it after we fill all spots and know who is what.

09-30-2009, 11:46 AM
I don't know guildportal. If you could provide a link...

Anyway, go ahead and create it after we fill all spots and know who is what.

Well the link is http://www.guildportal.com/, the one thing we would have to figure out is name for this group. In my old pnp days, our groups name was:

Fellowship of the Finger
Ring of the Finger

If anybody else has a witty name that we can agree on that would be good.


09-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Howdy - as a newbie I expect you already know i only have a 28 point build.

With respect to names, the logical progression of Halek's groups names would seem to be...

Nail of the Finger ? Fell free to ditch or use - just don't disown me because of the bad joke.

Roll on next week :)


10-04-2009, 09:18 PM
i wouldnt mind starting a character up and running with you guys but i have something going on till about 9 est for a few more weeks. let me know if you would want to figure something out. i would be fine with joining you guys a little late if you guys are fine with it. not sure what i would make as of now but would make anything needed for the team. just let me know would love to join a dedicated team.

10-04-2009, 10:09 PM
I set this time just because is the same hour from my other group. If everyone agree, we can start at 9 PM. I'll put you in our 5th spot. Be welcome.

Halek and Tipkag, i need the name and race/class of your characters to update the first post, and know who i should call.

10-04-2009, 10:46 PM
awesome and that time thing will only be for a few more weeks. taking the dog to obedience training. I am considering making a drow sorcerer but havent decided yet.

10-04-2009, 11:59 PM
My character's name will be Halrong TIPKAG (A Halfling Rogue). Looking forward to it.

From your other posts - it looks like I will be the genuine newbie, having done the Korthos thing only once. I hope I don't hold you back too much.

See ya soon,


10-05-2009, 12:03 AM
Don't worry, when i start on my other group (on my sig), i was totally new to the game too. In fact, most of lvl 13+ quests i did once or none. Leading this group will be a challenge to me too.

Character added, Tipkag. If you need any help or tips on your build, just ask.

10-05-2009, 12:25 AM
Well created mine at it is going to be a Warforged BattleCleric name - Renrick Dragonsbane

10-05-2009, 12:35 AM
And about time? You two are ok with we starting 9 PM, so elgbaylor can join us from start? We can rearrange hour/day if needed and everyone agree too.

10-05-2009, 01:42 AM
Thursday 8pm or 9pm makes no difference to me - it's still middle of the day friday here in australia - and I have most friday's off so that's perfect :)

We haven't heard from Chezen - he may be f2p? I couldn't post here until i became vip. Chezen if you need to email anything you can get me at rodwarcle at live period com period au

Or indeed if any of you want to email rather than pm me for whatever reason :)

10-05-2009, 01:49 AM
I sent a PM to him, i'll wait until our première before kick him from the group. A 4-people group is still strong enough to pass khortos.

I think he is a VIP, because i couldn't sent you a PM before you get VIP, and he was on the mass PM that tcmexman send to us, so...

10-05-2009, 06:20 AM
if you create the character early do we skip the tutorial part or play thru it? and im going to make a drow sorcerer i think but havent figured out a name yet.

10-05-2009, 06:59 AM
Skip the tutorial, enter Wavecrest Tavern, and wait till thursday. :)

10-05-2009, 07:55 AM
Yes 9:00 is good for me, I just won't be able to stay as long as I normally would.

Oh Yeah... Anybody else have a sugestion for the name of our band of merry men...

10-05-2009, 09:03 AM
Jerlaxle D'aerth the drow sorcerer is waiting his faithful companions in the wavecrest tavern.

10-05-2009, 10:01 AM
Everyone added as friends of Herweg. Playtime set to start 9 pm EST (GMT-5) until 11~12 pm (group calls).

See you all in Khortos, when we will decide the group name before questing. Think in something nice.

10-05-2009, 10:49 AM
The team will meet on Thursday evenings 9 pm EST (by now). Starting Oct. 8th , 2009 on Sarlona we will be part of Thalion’s “Dedicated Teams Guild” (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=57433)wanting it to be a light – med. RP group. Slow and steady….not to say if we all know the quest very well… and all agree, we can speed it up a lil, but NO ZERGING! Keep it a Team effort! Going to start this team with the following rules.

Who do we need to talk to to get our group added to the thread above. Might be able to fill out our ranks before thursday.

10-06-2009, 08:18 AM
The Team!

1) Nibel (Herweg d'Kundarak, Dwarf Shielding Fighter)

2) Halek (Renrick Dragonsbane, Warforged Battle Cleric)

3) Tipkag (Halrong TIPKAG, Halfling Rogue)

4) Elgbaylor (Jerlaxle D'aerth, Drow Sorcerer)

5) Chezen


Just to let you know I am going to change to a Human Cleric & re-roll him before thursday.


10-06-2009, 10:01 AM
If the name changes, let us know.

EDIT: 6th spot taken. Rjedi is a f2p account, but we can go with him. If needed, we can get a guest pass for him to join us in paid content, or he can simply love the game like us, and get a subscription. :D

10-06-2009, 05:18 PM
Hi all...

Renrick 2.0 is rolled up and has the same name. Just let you guys know, there won't be any healing spells until lvl 2. 3 party members set up as friends. (Herweg, Halrong & Jerlaxle)

Renrick Dragonsbane

10-07-2009, 03:04 PM
I just was able to get some tickets to the Detroit Red Wings Season Opener against the Chicago BlackHawks tomorrow night. I won't be able to log on till probably 10:30 or 11:00 tomorrow night. So I guess I will have to show up late and/or make up the quests later in the week.

Again sorry for the short notice.


10-07-2009, 05:06 PM
One of the things I miss most about my time spent in Canada is watching ice hockey as we call it down under - what you call field hockey is just hockey here.

The two teams I supported were the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Detroit Red Wings - strange combination I know but that's what you get when an Aussie starts watching - lol!

All of this is to say I completely understand, looking forward to meeting Renrick either late or soon :)

10-08-2009, 06:19 AM
The day has come, we will meet all tonight. I'm looking for you all at Wavecrest Tavern, in Sunny Khortos. Bring a nice suggestion for our group name.

10-08-2009, 08:06 AM
Thanks Tipkag. I have been a fan of the Red WIngs for too many years to count. Tonight is going to be exciting with them playing the Black Hawks, should be a great game.

I will log on when I get home and hopefully be able to get some play time in with the crew.

Hope to see you all in game tonight,


ps. The quests I miss I will try and make up later.

10-08-2009, 03:17 PM
cant wait for tonight will log on as soon as i get home. should be around 9est. and i will be gone next Thursday on vacation. i will make up whatever quests i miss then after i get back.

10-08-2009, 06:28 PM
Heyas looking forward to seeing another DT on Thursday night! Eventually, when it comes time to run the raids, we'll have some cannon fodd...err, comrades to help out.

Here's to many good memories and xp along the way!

Bellecosa Forte
Bard for hire

10-08-2009, 06:38 PM
yay it is in 1 hour and 22 minutes and i got premire but it will not let me get a guest pass when i go to the store to look at geting one so..
See you at wavecrest tavern, sunny side :D

10-08-2009, 07:53 PM
Last minute Change I am going to be a Warforged fighter named Jeriico SwordSlinger i will see you there either way :D

10-08-2009, 10:17 PM
Great night all, we have 2 newbies on the team, but i think they learned some helpful tips tonight. Chezen didn't contacted me until now, so i'm opening his spot. I'll update the first post with the quests done tomorrow or saturday.

And let Ala Rubra prevail over Khortos evil!

10-09-2009, 02:05 AM
Hi all,

Here is the website for a Dedicated Group & Ala Rubra http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=332807&TabID=2785376, Please Register on the site and enter your character in the Roster.

If you would like me to add anything to the Welcome Message Please let me know.



10-11-2009, 08:21 PM
Everybody is setup on the Web Site (http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=332807&TabID=2785376) so you should be able to access it. If there is anything you want to see just let me know and I will see if I can get it up and running.


10-15-2009, 09:17 AM
Everybody, be ready for tonight, 9 PM yet. Today we should finish Khortos storyline (maybe not Misery's Peak, let's see how the quests go) and sail to Stormreach.

Halek, did you finished the quests we did last week, and leveled to 2 already?

10-15-2009, 10:26 AM
Everybody, be ready for tonight, 9 PM yet. Today we should finish Khortos storyline (maybe not Misery's Peak, let's see how the quests go) and sail to Stormreach.

Halek, did you finished the quests we did last week, and leveled to 2 already?


I finished most of the quests. I am not sure how far I got. I know I finished all the quests inside the village, and maybe Stopping the Sahuagin. I was going to get on an hour or 2 before and finish up those 1 or 2 quests.



10-16-2009, 06:13 PM
Quest log updated with Necromancer's Doom and Sacrifices.

Yams want to join us, so i set him to our 6th spot. We're still deciding what he will do.

Next week, we will start at 8 PM EST (since Jeriico needed to leave early last and this Thursday), and we can repeat Sacrifices (good end rewards, i bet everyone wants an extra item, and we can get it on hard), and go to Misery's Peak finish that white dragon and set sail to Stormreach.

10-16-2009, 11:09 PM
Thanks for taking me into the group, nibel.

I've elected to play a Warforged Wizard with a hint of Rogue named Blockade. If you all don't mind, I'd like to introduce him through a little story. No need to read it, it's just a long rendition of a short history.

A group of weary-looking humans walked into the noisy inn. Marfalcon eyed them over his ale as he slowly drank it--as slowly as a dwarf can, anyhow. He didn't need the wisdom gained over his hundred years or the experience from his days adventuring to tell him that this group had seen quite a scuffle, nor to tell that whoever they'd fought had borne the brunt of the damage. Despite their broken armor, filthy bodies, and still-bleeding wounds, they continued to push each other around and hurl playful insults regarding each others' ability, or inability, to hew down hobgoblins.

Marfalcon smiled to himself, recalling a time when he too scoured Khorvaire and Xen'drik for riches. Soon he found himself lost to dreaming, being pulled back to the world upon the words "Drinks for everyone, on us!" Marfalcon turned to see the human standing, and almost instinctively said, "Aye, I'll drink t’ that!" He downed the pint of ale that had only moments before been set before him.

The human grinned and gestured towards Marfalcon. "And two for this thirsty dwarf!"

Marfalcon let out a hearty laugh. "Now there's a lad what knows how t’ make friends!" He got up and moved over to the table the humans were at. "Tell me, what brings ye folks here? I can see the signs of battle on ya, and I could smell ya from where I was sittin’!"

"You have a keen eye..?"

"Wyrmsbane, Marfalcon Wyrmsbane. Artificer, if ye happen t' need me services."

The human laughed. "Of course, Master Wyrmsbane. I am Seviran; this is Uleri; and Galirahan." He nodded to his two companions. "Your sense of smell does not mislead you. We spent the last few days fending off hobgoblins from a couple wealthy merchants heading this way."

"So, yer mercenaries, are ye? No harm in making a little gold off the weakness of others, eh?"

"Indeed, and more than a little gold we made. But the fighting was difficult; we saw several men fall. Ill-skilled and ill-equipped fellows. Had no business being out there." Seviran shook his head in disgust.

"I tell ye, years ago I got one o' them Warforged t’ take with me when I traveled in dangerous parts. Called it Blockade, 'cause that's exactly what it did. Aye, it woulda stopped those hobgoblins dead in their tracks, a wall of arcane trickery."

“Why don’t you hire it out, then? You could make a good bit of gold in these times.”

Marfalcon nodded his head. “And I woulda, if everything had gone as I’d planned! I selected the materials fer it by hand, scavenged parts from deactivated Warforged, and built the parts I could not find. It was a laborious process, and took more’n a few years o’ my prime life, but when it was finished, after I paid an Archmage a pretty copper to imbue it with arcane ability, watched its eyes come alight and its body pulse with energy…” He shook his head; it almost looked as if a tear might come to his eye. “The common tongue has no words to do the feeling justice.

“I put it to good use, worked it enough to more’n pay fer what I put into it. Then it started t’ get curious. Started t’ ask questions about its freedom of choice, its soul, its life…even the Lord o’ Blades. I can’t prove a bloody thing, but I know it was that cursed elf cleric; devotes himself to the Lord o’ Blades, thinks all Warforged should find it and follow it. Pointy-eared propaganda preacher! I had t’ put up wards around the manor just to keep the **** thing from running away on me! It shoulda been out paying a hefty return, instead I had it cookin’ and cleanin’!

“’Course it wasn’t but a few months before I started to catch it eyeing those wards. I knew no good could come o’ it, so I put it through a process to rid it of its arcane ability.Without its magic, that construct had no way t’ bypass the wards.”

Uleri spoke up. “But without its magic, how would it be of use to you again? Perhaps one day you could have reconciled your differences with it and split the profit from contracts.”

The dwarf shook his head. “I told a bit of a half-truth back there, lad. That arcane power, once given, couldn’t easily be removed. I merely subdued it-- covered it--removed the Warforged’s memory of how to use it. That process could be reversed. Even on its own, something could happen to that thing that triggers an old memory, maybe the words fer casting a single spell. Only time would stand between that first memory and the recovery of its power in its entirety.

“Alas, I’ll never know what became of it. One day, Blockade just up and disappeared. I thought mayhap it had found some unwarded passage; perhaps it remembered some o’ its old magic; perhaps that damned cleric came and lifted me wards fer a moment. I looked fer days, but t’ no avail. Finally I found its exit: a seldom-used storage cellar with an outside exit. The lock had been picked, something I’d never taught it to do.” He stared into his drink, a sad expression, even by Dwarven standards, on his face.

Seviran struck the dwarf’s back with his palm. “Cheer up, Master Wyrmsbane…have another round. And if we see a spell-slinging Warforged that goes by the name of Blockade, we’ll subdue it and bring it back…for a price, of course.”

Marfalcon just smiled. “Nay lads, I wouldn’t want ya tryin’ that. Ye seem like good men, with a long life ahead o’ ya.” His grin widened. “No reason t’ cut it short on my account.”


10-17-2009, 01:22 AM
Hi there blockade. Nice to finish off of our new group. Please visit the website http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=332807&TabID=2785376 and sign up so we can get you going on the website.



10-17-2009, 10:43 AM
Hi there blockade. Nice to finish off of our new group. Please visit the website http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=332807&TabID=2785376 and sign up so we can get you going on the website.



Just registered as DDOYams. If it's important, Blockade's last name is Lothoc (shared surname of all characters).

10-18-2009, 06:33 AM
hey everyone i am back at home. ill try to catch up on the quests for next week. and next week i wont be able to be on till about 9est so ill just get on as soon as i can and meet you all wherever you are.

10-18-2009, 08:53 AM
So, this mean that we will repeat Sacrifices on Hard, and do some slayer/explorer while we wait to do Misery's Peak with the full team. Looks like a nice plan to me.

10-19-2009, 02:13 PM
So, this mean that we will repeat Sacrifices on Hard, and do some slayer/explorer while we wait to do Misery's Peak with the full team. Looks like a nice plan to me.

((Sounds good to me as well))

Renrick is still baffled why he can't land a good heal on Jeriicho and now a 2nd Warforge :).

10-21-2009, 11:40 AM
Ok just got caught up thru sacrifices on hard since i will miss that tomorrow. cant wait to see you all tomorrow.

10-22-2009, 09:47 PM
Added Sacrifices and Misery's Peak to the list. Since we're not returning to Khortos anymore, then Khortos slayer/rare/explorer is open to anyone go and complete, if you want. The same can be said from the 5 solo quests on Harbor listed on page 1 as completed. After all that, i think everyone will be lvl 2.4.

Next week, 9 PM just to get Jerlaxle since start, and then we change our time definitively for 8 PM. If everything runs well, next week we can go to level 3.

10-26-2009, 08:56 AM
This week we will start 9 PM for the last time (I hope), and my plan is do both Leaky Dingly quests (Bringing the Light and Information is Key), Durk's and Butcher's.

After that, we will have enough XP to reach level 3, but we can continue on level 2 until we finish all level 2 quests, so we can sustain the challenge. But if the group prefer to level asap, then we can level on the end of the night run too.

10-26-2009, 11:38 AM
All -- I have updated the Quest Lists on the Web Site for the Sacrifices & Misery's Peak. I have to figure out how I am going to show Solo Quests.

Added Sacrifices and Misery's Peak to the list. Since we're not returning to Khortos anymore, then Khortos slayer/rare/explorer is open to anyone go and complete, if you want. The same can be said from the 5 solo quests on Harbor listed on page 1 as completed. After all that, i think everyone will be lvl 2.4.

Next week, 9 PM just to get Jerlaxle since start, and then we change our time definitively for 8 PM. If everything runs well, next week we can go to level 3.


It says we are not going to go back to Khortos Island. When do we go back for Favor, so we can get the extra backpack slot etc... Not sure if we will ever get enough favor, unless we do some of these quests again.


10-26-2009, 11:45 AM
Rjedi & Yams,

When you are doing your builds, could you guys please add atleast 1 (maybe more) of WarForged Healer's Friends enhancements (if you haven't), so my healing spells will have some greater effect on you guys.



10-26-2009, 06:55 PM

It says we are not going to go back to Khortos Island. When do we go back for Favor, so we can get the extra backpack slot etc... Not sure if we will ever get enough favor, unless we do some of these quests again.


Usually, we run the quests on their level. So, if we are on lvl 3, we do only lvl 3 quests, and so on. DDO have enough quests to run to cap without repeating any quest, so, with some exceptions (like we did with Sacrifices), we will run every quest on normal, and that's it.

Explorer zones are the exceptions, since we can't track exactly were everyone is. So, we can say "everyone have STK on normal", but not "everyone have 56 slayers on Cerulean Hills". But since explorer zones are a grindfest, we will enter only to check explorers, and if someone want to go back to fill slayer/rare, go ahead. They just need to remember to hold the level up, if you get to much xp.

10-27-2009, 09:47 AM
Usually, we run the quests on their level. So, if we are on lvl 3, we do only lvl 3 quests, and so on. DDO have enough quests to run to cap without repeating any quest, so, with some exceptions (like we did with Sacrifices), we will run every quest on normal, and that's it.

Explorer zones are the exceptions, since we can't track exactly were everyone is. So, we can say "everyone have STK on normal", but not "everyone have 56 slayers on Cerulean Hills". But since explorer zones are a grindfest, we will enter only to check explorers, and if someone want to go back to fill slayer/rare, go ahead. They just need to remember to hold the level up, if you get to much xp.


Sounds good to me...


10-30-2009, 08:44 AM
Added Bringing the Light, Information is Key, Durk's Got A Secret, and Walk the Butcher's Path to the list.

I believe we all have enough XP to go to level 3, but we decided to stay on level 2 while we finish the other level 2 quests. And our time was changed permanently to 8 PM EST. Next week, we will meet on Wayward Lobster to finish all the others level 2 quests (Garrison's, Ringleader, and all wayward quests).

11-01-2009, 07:34 AM
Sorry i could not make it, i sign in at 8 thinking that is when we were meeting... but i had to get off at 10 anyways. So i am going to make up the quest on normal and will NOT level up.

11-06-2009, 07:45 AM
Added Defend Haverdasher, Garrison's Missing Pack, Recovering the Lost Tome, Stealthy Repossession, The Kobold's New Ringleader, The Smuggler's Warehouse, Protect Baundry's Interests, Stop Hazadill's Shipment, Retrieve the Stolen Goods, and Missing in Action to the list.

Great run last night, and we almost done all lvl 2 quests (missing only Sunken Sewer), and now we all are on level 3, congratulations. Next week, let's meet in Rusty Nail to finish Sunken Sewer, and then go on to Harbormaster Zin to get Waterworks 1-2 done.[/QUOTE]

11-08-2009, 02:32 PM
A wandering minstrel approaches your group as you sit around a tavern spending your hard-earned gold on food and drink. With a flourish, he introduces himself as Lochloinn mac Roibeard, a bard from distant lands seeking his fortune in Stormreach. He begins to spin for you a tale of the wizard Blockade, whom he encountered on his trip to the city. He tells you that Blockade was embarking on a pilgrimage to find the Lord of Blades. The time spent as Marfalcon's servant had kept him from developing a sense of purpose, and he hoped that the Lord of Blades could grant him at least that. After Lochloinn shared his own visions of adventure with Blockade, the wizard told Lochloinn of the travelers he was leaving behind, even going so far as to suggest which tavern they might be found in. The minstrel finishes his tale with a suggestion that he might continue seeking his fortune under the banner of Ala Rubra.

((tl;dr Blockade wasn't doing it for me so I've rerolled as a human soon-to-be-warchanter bard named Lochloinn.))

11-15-2009, 07:41 AM
Added The Sunken Sewer and all Waterworks quests.

Since that's the 3rd week in a row that Rjedi couldn't play with us, I'm opening the 6th spot for someone else. To join, just came to level 3, read the rules of the group (first post), and say here what's your toon's name.

If someone wants to know what you're missing, we are more or less well rounded (Tank, caster, healer, buffer, trapmonkey), just do whatever you want to play. A melee DPS or a wizard would be better, but dont think you need to get one of those options to join.

11-22-2009, 01:47 AM
Added all Catacombs quests.

For next week, i heard that is a holiday on US (Thanksgiving, or something like that). Since me and Halrong weren't americans, then we probly will be playing. But if all the other 3 members are missing, i think it's better for us to skip this night, and get Cerulean done on the next week: 12/03.

RL issues come first in every instance. If you think you WILL be there, sitting in front of the game to play, then say so. If you cant be 100% on the game that night (because youre on a family reunion, or any other good holiday reason, iykwim (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IfYouKnowWhatIMean)), then avoid it and have your fun without worrying about do 2 things at the same time.

================================================== =========

Now, about tactics. Maybe i'm overreacting, and if i am, please, tell me.

I think Lochloinn is thinking too much in increase his kill count and putting his survivability in second place. On Catacombs i couldn't do much (because i couldn't intimidate the mindless undeads), so i saw that a little better. Many times i saw his life bar dropping. Fast. I'm not sure if was Renrick or himself who healed him to top every time, but the SP/heal was hurting us a little because of that. Ren was dried out of SP at least twice on that night.

The #1 rule about dedicated teams still is "play with whatever you want". You can have your warchanter melee bard DPS, just try to think better that the rest of the team is there to support everyone as a team. Your killcount isn't even being checked. Use cc spells, use Fascinate, beat the guy i'm blocking, and get agro from the ones hitting Halrong and Jerlaxe. You're doing great till now, but i'm afraid that when we reach the big hitters (Gwylan, Redwillow, Co6, Gianthold), your defenses aren't in par with your modus operanti.

Ren, remember me to donate some gold for wands (I think Loch will be our primary negotiator), so you and Loch can top us all between fights. Using mana to heal between fights isn't a smart use of SP, since your own heals are usually better than the ones we can get from pots and wands (for each healing spell having its own cooldown timer, and the first three having a smaller cooldown than wands), so wand-healing (less effective) must kick in when we don't have a big club swinging over our heads.

11-23-2009, 10:39 AM
This is good information for me nibel. I usually play Fighters & Monks, you guys are getting the on the job training cleric :) (sorry).

I forgot that Loch had Heals, so half the time I was hitting him as well as himself (so that was one issue that I have to work through). As you pointed out, it is better to pick up some of the wands (Cures and maybe some of the buffs) instead of using my sp.

As I said I am learning how to play a Cleric so if you see something I can do better, just let me know.



11-25-2009, 04:16 PM
not 100% sure if i will be able to play tomorrow. I will be driving home that night and have one other thing to do which might all happen before 8est. Im not sure when i am leaving tomorrow yet so it will depend on that.

As for the negotiator part i think I have the higher charisma score and therefore the higher haggle. Remind me to check that but if i remember right since he was a warchanter he didnt have as much points in charisma and therfore a lower haggle score.


11-26-2009, 05:45 PM
Hey guys. I won't be on tonight. Sorry for the short notice.

As for tactics, I understand what you are saying, Nibel. I am still adjusting to playing a wimpy, TWF bard. I'm really used to playing in PUGs where there are no designated roles and everyone is expected to put out DPS. If you, or any of the group members feel that I'm being too aggressive, speak up right away. Don't let me drain Renrick's SP. Lochloinn mac Roibeard won't be responsible for a party wipe!

I won't have any CC spells until level 10 when I get Otto's Sphere of Dancing. In the meantime I can use Fascinate, but at the risk of not being able to keep up Inspire Courage on the group (remember my #songs is equal to my bard level). I'm sure I'll say this again in-game, but if I fascinate a group, please...no nuking or swinging a big ol' two hander around them! Pick them off one at a time.

Not sure what Jerlaxle's CHA mod is, but I know it is higher than mine. I don't start putting points in my Haggle skill until level 6 so we'll have to start comparing around level 8 or so. Let's also not forget that Giles Goodman can give Cure Light wands for for 2 Khyber Prayer Pamphlets, and Kipling Vranch gives Cure Mod wands for 2 Wavecrasher Cargo Manifests.

11-27-2009, 09:38 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys.

Yesterday, since only me and Halrong were there, we did a little slayer on Khortos, and nothing more. rjedi (Jeriico) asked to get back in the group, and i said if no one fill the spot till next week, then he can get a second chance.

About haggling, there isn't a big issue till lvl 8 or so (when we can buy more consumables without much trouble), i was just checking. Even if Loch dont get his Charisma up to the top, bards still have haggle as a class skill (more ranks), and haggle enhancs (at least haggle II isnt very expensive, which is equivalent a cha+4), and a human skill boost (+2~5), so i bet he can get a higher haggle than anyone at later levels.

Ren, try to carry 2 or 3 cure light wands with you when we start the night. If you need resources, just ask. I dont have any trouble giving you my plat for wands, and i doubt anyone will have any issues either. Sure, you can use cure mod wands, but they are effing expensive for our level by now. When you think you can go "up a level" on wand type, then go for it (probly about lvl 5 or 6). The same goes for cure serious wands.

Next week, lets start with Cerulean Hills explorer, and both quests there. If we still have time after that, then we should go for Kobold Assault, Swiped Signet, and Sacred Helm.

11-30-2009, 09:36 AM
I will go and purchase a couple of wands before thursday.

May I suggest that you do atleast one of the following:
1) It would be nice if everyone could go out and purchase a wand or 2 and bring it along and passed it to me lets say every 2 or 3 weeks.
2) Pass me some extra vendor trash weapons/armor for me to sell and buy wands.

And buy some extra cure potions so you can use that for healing as well.

I figure I will also purchase a Lesser Restoration wand as well.

See everybody on Thursday.


12-03-2009, 08:23 AM
Sorry guys, but a personal issue came up last night and it looks like I will be gone this evening until around 10:00pm tonight. When I get home I will pop on and see if I can catch up with you guys tonight.

Again I am sorry for the short notice, but it all happened last night.


12-04-2009, 05:58 AM
Added The Sacred Helm to the list. Updated Walk the Butcher's Path and Durk's Got a Secret.

Next week, if no one is missing, we will explore the Cerulean Hills.

12-04-2009, 07:19 AM
Hi people...

I'm here to be a proud member of this group. :D
I hv a lvl 4 TWF Elven Fighter named "Vanrhyen", it's like a "intima-skirmisher" fighter.
So, see you next week.

best regards.

12-04-2009, 08:22 AM
Well I guess i will be the first to post my holiday schedule. I will be on vacation to sunny Ft. Lauderdale, FL on December 18-24. Might be home and ready to play on Thursday, but I might not.

So I might be able to play on the Dec. 24.

12-05-2009, 01:33 PM
Oculto get the sixth spot. Were full again. Be welcome, Vanrhyen. You need to use this small red wing brooch on the lap.

About schedule, i'll be out 24 and 31 because of family reunions. Just like i said on thanksgiving, its better to focus on the RL issues instead of half-do two things at the same time.

12-06-2009, 05:09 AM

While I accomplished some quests to equal me to the group, I noticed that I had committed a calculation mistake and Vanrhyen now is in the level 4, but ready for the 5. I still have to conclude the "catacombs" series and I think that I will have too much of XP, compared to the others.
Can I continue playing with Vanrhyen or would be better to create another character? (I don't care in having to do the second option, but I prefer to play the elf)
About schedule, i'll be out 17 because job and 24 and 31 because of family reunions, too. Three weeks without game... If possible for all, we could play on Mondays (21 and 28) exceptionally. Like this I would just lose a session.
December is a quite difficult month. I hope all those occurrences don't invalidate my entrance to the group, but if you prefer, be the will to reopen the vacancy. If I can continue, the following months my readiness is total.

best regards.

12-06-2009, 07:28 AM
Just stay on lvl 4. As the group level rises, its harder to expect new faces to stay on line with our quests.

12-07-2009, 08:09 AM

About schedule, i'll be out 17 because job and 24 and 31 because of family reunions, too. Three weeks without game... If possible for all, we could play on Mondays (21 and 28) exceptionally. Like this I would just lose a session.
December is a quite difficult month. I hope all those occurrences don't invalidate my entrance to the group, but if you prefer, be the will to reopen the vacancy. If I can continue, the following months my readiness is total.

best regards.

Well I will be in Sunny Florida the week of the 18-24, so my play time will be hit and miss that week so the 21 is not an option for me, but I could do the 28th if anybody else is available.



12-10-2009, 10:20 AM
Oculto get the sixth spot. Were full again. Be welcome, Vanrhyen. You need to use this small red wing brooch on the lap.
*Take the Brooch and try to insert it on the fullplate* :D

Well... this is the night! I'll enter early to buy some things and add the members in my friend list.

12-10-2009, 10:01 PM
Quest log updated with Captives, Where's There Smoke, and Kobold Assault.

Vanrhyen disconnected without alerts before we could start Kobold Assault, but we finished it. Next week, we will try to end all lvl 3 quests (Redfang, Signet, Splinterskull) and start the lvl 4 chain. We have a lot of classics on lvl 4 waiting: Depths on House D, Sharn Syndicate, STK, more Splinterskull quests, and Proof is in the Poison.

As we decided after ending the quests, next week will be our last this year. Most of us will be out for xmas-new eve night, and its beter to save the nights for RL issues. We will meet again in 2010.

12-11-2009, 12:37 AM
Quest log updated with Captives, Where's There Smoke, and Kobold Assault.

Vanrhyen disconnected without alerts before we could start Kobold Assault, but we finished it. Next week, we will try to end all lvl 3 quests (Redfang, Signet, Splinterskull) and start the lvl 4 chain. We have a lot of classics on lvl 4 waiting: Depths on House D, Sharn Syndicate, STK, more Splinterskull quests, and Proof is in the Poison.

As we decided after ending the quests, next week will be our last this year. Most of us will be out for xmas-new eve night, and its beter to save the nights for RL issues. We will meet again in 2010.

Sorry about that. Internet connection fail. I was awake until now and only now the internet returned to the normal.
Next week I'll can not play, it seems that we'll meet only in 2010.

12-17-2009, 11:56 AM
Hi all,

Just to let you know, I am going to pick up my wife's new car tonight so I might not be back in time for the start of the group. Once we get home and situated I will log in.



12-17-2009, 06:31 PM
Hey guys something came up and I doubt ill be able to play tonight. Sorry and if i dont see you, see you in 2010.

12-17-2009, 06:45 PM
I'll play tonight.

12-17-2009, 09:08 PM
Only me and Oculto were on. we waited for one hour, and no other logged. So, we did a little slayer on Khortos, and logged out (we are both brazilians, and our clocks are +3 hours from you, so, we get out midnight).

Everyone, have a nice xmas, and a happy new year. We will meet again at 01/07.

12-18-2009, 08:04 AM
Sorry guys, I must have missed you. It took longer then we thought at the car dealership and I logged on about 9:30 est.

Yep...have a good xmas and New Years. I will see you on the 7th.


12-19-2009, 12:59 PM
Guys I'm sorry I missed Thursday night. It was finals week of my last semester and I had so much **** to do and study for that I completely spaced our meeting. See you all next year!

12-25-2009, 03:17 AM
Hi all... Merry X-mas and Happy Holidays

01-02-2010, 08:02 PM
Just posting to wish everyone a 2009 worse than 2010 will be. And to remind everyone that we will restart our schedule this thursday, 01/07. Swiped Signet and Redfang to finish the market lvl 3 quests, and then right to Tangleroot Gorge for explorers, and maybe, the first parts of Splinterskull chain.

01-04-2010, 08:22 AM
Hope everybody had a Happy New year and wish everybody a Happy & Healty Year. See everbody on thursday.



01-07-2010, 05:23 PM
Fair fellows, I hope this message finds you well. I took advantage of our recent hiatus from adventuring to visit some old, dear friends. We drank many a barrel of grog and did a little adventuring of our own! May it suffice to say I am still bartering with the prison guard for my early release...

((Hey everyone. I got a rare opportunity to go sledding tonight with some of my buddies home on break so I might be a little late.))

01-07-2010, 07:09 PM
My albinism has been playing up and I've had to stay underground to protect my eyes. I did bring some new locks down here to play with though so when I return (it shouldn't be too long now) I may be even more useful than I have been before.

((I'm so sorry all - I've had a nightmare time with computers and family illnesses - still interstate visiting them in hospital, but should be back next week if I haven't been kicked out by then))

01-09-2010, 08:14 AM
Quest log updated with Freshen the Air and Redfang the Unruled. Tangleroot Gorge is fully explored, and is a free explorer area now. Slay there at will.

Next week we will go straight to Splinterskull to help Ungurz with his plans to foil Yarkuch's army.

01-22-2010, 03:22 AM
Hey guys, sorry about yesterday.
I was already playing, but my internet connection failed.
That has been a chronic problem lately, although it doesn't happen every night.

01-22-2010, 09:03 AM
From last week, added The Swiped Signet,First Strike,The Hobgoblin's Captives and Yarkuch's War-plans.

From yesterday, added Whisperdoom's Spawn, Rest for the Restless,The Cloven-jaw Scourge: Blockade and The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh.

So, everyone must be on chapter 5 of Assault on Splinterskull, and chapter 3 of Seal to Shan-To-Kor. Oculto, you must finish at least this quests to stay on the same step as us, so get a group in the meantime, and get this steps done.

Next week plan is finish STK and Sharn Syndicate, then go to level 5. Proof, Irestone, and Depths 1/2 will be done on hard the next next week.

01-30-2010, 12:57 AM
Quest log updated with All Sharn Syndicate quests and Irestone Inlet. We are now, officially, level 5.

Next week plan: STK 3, Proof hard, and Archer Point Defense. If we still have time after this ones, then we will decide on the fly.

02-01-2010, 05:03 PM
My apologies all - the brightness of Irestone inlet has really effected me and I won't be available for our next adventuring session.

((I have to go interstate for a family funeral etc. I will miss this week and probably next week as well))

02-01-2010, 06:40 PM
My condolences about your relative. I hope you'll be here next week with us.

So, change of plans. Next week we will be full exploring Three Barrel Cove, and probly The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias. STK3 without a rogue will be hard to impossible, and in proof a high-spot rogue will be handful.

02-02-2010, 10:18 AM
My condolences as well. Hope to see you soon.

I have not done Three Barrel Cove and The Legend of Two-Toed Tobias on Level, so this should be fun. Ran these zerg style at lvl 14 or 15 for Favor.


02-10-2010, 09:15 AM
Hi all, I won't be able to attend thursday. I too have to attend a Family Funeral, well Funeral is Friday & Thursday night is the family showing at the Funeral Home. Might be able to show up later in the evening when I get home.

See you next week,


02-10-2010, 01:59 PM
So, our plan for tomorrow will be another low profile night: Finishing 3BC explorers (except that underwater cave, but you all will know where it is to try at will). After we do that, then we will hope that Renrick are with us for STK3. If not, we will discuss online. (Probly Depths series)

02-15-2010, 09:03 AM
Three Barrel Cove fully explored, and the area now is open for everyone to explore at will.

Since were already at 3 weeks without full group, next Thursday we are going to finish STK 3 and get Proof is in the Poison hard. I think those 2 quests are enough to hold us for the night. Remeber to carry lots of resist acid potions for Proof (10 at least).

02-19-2010, 07:00 AM
Quest log updated with All House D's Depths quests, Hall of Shan-To-Kor, and Proof is in the Poison. Vanrhyen and Renrick arrived a bit late, but we did proof with a 5-men group.

Next week, we will meet at Necropolis, for all the Necro I quests (Tomb of the Burning Heart, Tomb of the Crimson Heart, Tomb of the Immortal Heart, Tomb of the Sanguine Heart, and The Bloody Crypt). Take your time to study and choose if you want the Silver Flame Nugget (http://ddowiki.com/page/Silver_Flame_Nugget), or the Emerald Claw Nugget (http://ddowiki.com/page/Emerald_Claw_Nugget).

02-28-2010, 08:19 AM
Quest log updated with Necropolis I quests. Halrong and Jerlaxle didnt show up, but we handled fine in 4. Be sure to get your trinket lvl 1 before we reach lvl 8.

Its the second week that Jerlaxle dont show up to play, and dont give any info on this topic. If you cant post here for any reason, but can read, you can send me an e-mail to nibelung.ajr (at) gmail dot com.

Next week the plan is to clear all lvl 5 3BC quests. I'm searching a path to fight less on the way there. Bring some waterbreathing potions (its sold on house K) because you can drink it while underwater, so you cant drown. After clearing 3BC, we will make a xp check to see if we can go to lvl 6.

03-07-2010, 05:21 PM
Quest log updated with Guard Duty, The Stones Run Red, Brood of Flame, Legend of Two-Toed Tobias, and Prove Your Worth. The team reached level 6, congratulations everyone.

I'm very sorry in saying that Jerlaxle is dismissed from our team. He didint logged in the last 3 weeks, and didnt sent me any message. The good news it that i already found a new sorcerer to join Ala Rubra. Await for news on this same thread.

Next week we will meet at One-eared Bugbear, and finish all the business with Splinteskull for once and all.

03-08-2010, 06:41 AM
I'm very sorry in saying that Jerlaxle is dismissed from our team. He didint logged in the last 3 weeks, and didnt sent me any message. The good news it that i already found a new sorcerer to join Ala Rubra. Await for news on this same thread.

Hi, I'm the new sorcer. My name will be Gineon (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/gineon).

Unfortunately my PC was with a virus in the last weekend and I could not play to level up, and I am afraid to say, but I cannot reach lvl 6 until next meet, but if I can play with the char lvl 5 I will be present in the next thursday.

03-09-2010, 08:23 AM
Hi all... I won't be able to make it on Thursday. My wife is having a medical procedure done and I need to be with her this week. I am not sure if I will be able to be there next week, but I will keep you guys posted.

Gineon - Sorry I won't be able to meet you tomorrow, but I will meet you soon.

Have a good run,


03-10-2010, 01:45 PM
Hi all... I won't be able to make it on Thursday. My wife is having a medical procedure done and I need to be with her this week. I am not sure if I will be able to be there next week, but I will keep you guys posted.

Gineon - Sorry I won't be able to meet you tomorrow, but I will meet you soon.

No problem, we met when your wife stay ok.

Good luck with procedures.

03-11-2010, 09:57 PM
Just a heads up, I will be vacationing next week far far away from any computer so I won't be able to be here on Thursday March 18th.

Renrick - I am hoping everything goes well for your wife.

03-12-2010, 07:16 AM
Well, yesterday we play less than I had programed. But the team is nice, hope we still playing all next days along.

03-12-2010, 07:57 AM
If you need help to lvl up you sorcerer or favor runs , Planes, count on me. I added you on my msn friends list, so lets play. ^^

03-12-2010, 08:44 AM
If you need help to lvl up you sorcerer or favor runs , Planes, count on me. I added you on my msn friends list, so lets play. ^^

Ok, I will contact you. Probably I will level up until next meet...

Haste will help a lot our runs =)

03-15-2010, 09:09 PM
Quest log updated with The Chamber of Insanity, The Lair of Summoning, and Archer Point Defense. We did some favor runs through Sharn Syndicate too.

Since Yams will be missing next week (if i got the message right), then we will make another voyage to Three Barrel Cove: Ghost of a Chance (sharp your puzzle skills for the cage), and The Troglodytes' Get.

03-16-2010, 12:39 PM
Informing: I completed the sharn series with Gineon. We can repeat if all want, but for me is not necessary.

I'm very anxious to do Three Barrel Cove. I am VIP are a few months and never did it before.

See all in the thursday.

03-16-2010, 08:29 PM
3BC is a very funny place... with two annoying quests, iirc.
There are some others chains you'll want to complete, I think. I'm always LFG with my paladin and others chars, say "hi" when u see me online in the msn.

03-19-2010, 05:33 AM
Sorry about yesterday.
I think my video card meets its fate. My computer simply turned off and there wasn't anything that I could do to turn it on again.

03-19-2010, 06:06 AM
My computer simply turned off and there wasn't anything that I could do to turn it on again.

Don't worry, we only did Caged Trolls after you was disconected.

03-25-2010, 11:34 AM
Hi all...

Well we hit a rocky week and my wife went back into the hospital. To make a long story short, she is comming home today from her 2nd hospital stay and will need in home IV antibiotics. The home nurses are coming tonight to show us how to administor it and I am not sure what time I will be able to log on. I will try and be there as soon as I can tonight.



03-25-2010, 12:45 PM
Great news that she is in home now. My best wishes to you and your wife.

Don't worry about us, just take your time!

03-25-2010, 03:22 PM
Halrong laughs quietly to herself - whenever the Halfling Traders capture her to take her home and put her albinism on display as a curiosity, they make the mistake of thinking locking her up in the dark will actually keep her their prisoner.

This group has at least learnt to bind her hands as well and to weigh her frail body down with shackles, so it will take her longer than normal to escape and return to her friends in Stormreach.

After hours of delicately manouvering her fingers, the bindings from her hands fall silently to the floor....

((Work has called me in this week for the whole day so I won't be in today :( Sorry for the late notice. Halek my best to your wife))

03-31-2010, 06:02 PM
Quest log updated with the last 2 weeks quests: Ghost of a Chance, Caged Trolls, Gladewatch Outpost Defense, and Dead Predators. We did a Hard run through Splinterskull 1-4 too, both to get favor, and to set Gineon in the same step as us.

Tomorrow, the plan is to finish Assault on Splinterskull, and go to 3 Barrel Cove and do Garl's Tomb series.

04-02-2010, 02:52 PM
Sorry I missed last night. I sort of fell asleep... :rolleyes:

Did you all finish Splinterskull?

04-02-2010, 07:09 PM
I waited online for 45 minutes, no one showed up.

So, next week's plan are still the same.

04-08-2010, 05:19 PM
Halrong's aristocratic family was sick of the shame of having a living albino relative - who refused to be shut up in an institution and was gaining a reputation for herself - no less!

Their hired thugs eventually caught up with her - held her down, uncovered her head, glued her eyes open and directed the sun's rays towards her eyes with their looking glasses.

They watched as she squirmed, screamed and convulsed in agony. When she could not fight any longer she focused her mind's eye on the wonderful adventures she had with Ala Rubra and passed peacefully knowing that she had found kindness and friendship in this world.

((Hi all, I'm sorry to do this to you but I've had to increase my hours at work and go to full time so I will now be working Fridays regularly so I can't play any more. Undoubtedly, you'll find a more competent trap monkey to replace me, but I will miss you all - and will still check this thread on the forum from time to time to see how it's all going)).

04-08-2010, 05:56 PM
It's not pretty to hear that, but real life really goes first than game. I wish you the best on your job, and i hope to find you playing in some random weekends.

04-08-2010, 10:32 PM
Quest log updated with Splinterskull 5-7, The Troglodytes Get, and Old Grey Garl.

We are opening a spot for a rogue or a wizard (A rogue/wizard would be even better). Anyone interested post on this topic. You dont need to be VIP, but must be willing to buy some packs (not all). I can provide passes for short-questing areas, but if possible, try to get acess to everything.

Next week we will do the full Delara's Tomb chain (4 quests), and if we have time, Dead Girl's Spellbook and Devil Assault.

04-18-2010, 12:17 PM
Quest log updated with Valak's Mausoleum, Mirra's sleepless Night, and The Bounty Hunter.

We got a new rogue for our team: Zully, a skilled killer from Khorvaire that only kills for the forces of good. Renrick and Lochloinn will meet him next thursday, and be aware at your coin purse.

We tried to investigate Delara's sanctum, but the massive amount of undeads wizards threw us off the place. We will return later when we get stronger (Delara's has been postponed for our lvl 7).

Next week we will get a warm up exploring the entire Searing Heights, and then we will defeat some Devil Assault.

04-22-2010, 12:11 PM
Wow Searing Heights, never seen this place before! I hope be fun! =)

05-17-2010, 04:23 PM
Hey everybody, what'd I miss last week? They kept me a little late at work and I logged in about 20 minutes after you all left.

Also, I want to run the Catacombs chain again to get the Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds, which for some reason I passed over the first time around. I should be on Thursday about 2 hours early if anyone wants to come along.

05-17-2010, 07:46 PM
Not much. We ran sorrowdusk explorer, and failed twice on Taming the Flames.

05-20-2010, 03:07 PM
Sorry, ppl. I'll not play today.

05-20-2010, 05:42 PM
Sorry, ppl. I'll not play today.

Same, got some trouble on my job and i need to use the night. Sorry, guys.

06-03-2010, 05:03 AM
Sorry about the last Thursdays. I was on vacation and traveling. I tried to install the game in a notebook, but I didn't manage to do it on time.
Today I'll be able to play.

06-05-2010, 01:17 PM
Quest log updated with The Pit. Everyone now is level 8, congratulations.

Next week the plan is Thrall of the Necromancer (Delara final part), The Graverobber (last lvl 7 house J quest), and maybe Tear of Dhakaan, or a new try on Devil Assault (only if Nemamiah is ready to join us).

See you all Thursday.

06-13-2010, 09:40 PM
Quest log updated with Thrall of the Necromancer, The Graverobber, and Tear of Dhakaan.

Next week, Nemamiah will join us to help us on our work to the Sentinels of Stormreach to counter the Blood Tide.

06-14-2010, 07:00 PM
But uh... I'll be right behind you, k?

(I'll be there but I may be a lil squishy yet. we shall see!)

06-18-2010, 05:02 PM
Quest log updated with Spies in the House, Bargain of Blood, and The Black Loch.

06-29-2010, 01:13 PM
Quest log updated with Storming the Beaches, and The Tide Turns.

Just remembering everyone that i'll be missing this week. Take the time to craft the silver flame/emerald claw amulet tier I, or finishing Greymoon Warning with Nemamiah. Or run whatever you all want and i'll catch later.

07-11-2010, 10:08 AM
Quest log updated with The Scoundrel's Run, The Path to Madness, and The Xorian Cipher

Next week we will start with Devil Assault (I think we can finally beat this quest), and VoN 1 and 2 (Tharashk Arena and Prision of Mind).

07-11-2010, 03:03 PM
((REal life vacation will prevent my joining this coming Thursday, the 15th. I will be back in time for the following Thursday. Godd luck in your adventures))


07-17-2010, 09:08 AM
Quest log updated with Devil Assault, The Faithful Departed, Haunted Library, and Redwillow's Ruins.

Congratulations to everyone, we reached level 9.

Next week, gather your best reserves because we will join forces with Bellecosa's team (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=227612) to storm Tempest Spine and defeat the evil giant Sor'jek Incanni.

07-30-2010, 07:57 AM
Quest log updated with Tempest Spine! Our first raid with Belle's team. Enjoy our victory over Sor'jek Incanni!

http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/1619/screenshot00066.th.jpg (http://img830.imageshack.us/i/screenshot00066.jpg/)

Also, we concluded The Iron Mines: Freeing Achka, The Iron Mines: Justice for Grust, The Grey Moon's Den: The Trollish Scourge, The Grey Moon's Den: Extermination, The Temple Outpost: Captives of the Cult, The Temple Outpost: The Libram of the Six, The Fane of the Six: Cleansing the Temple, The Fane of the Six: Fall of the Prelate, and The Sanctum: Quench the Flames.


Next week we will finish Co6 storyline and start Necropolis part 2.

07-30-2010, 09:39 AM
Hey all, sorry I missed last night. I was helping a friend move out of another town and it took much longer than expected.

08-04-2010, 10:44 PM
Hi all. I will be at GenCon all day tomorrow and thus unable to join you. Next week I will finally be back!

08-05-2010, 09:42 AM
Enjoy GenCon, Loch.

Since he will be out, I'll do a change of plans. We will still finish Co6, but instead of Necropolis, we will do the Phiarlan Carnival questline. He said he dont own this pack, so we can use the time to do it.

See you all tonight.

08-05-2010, 10:38 PM
Quest log updated with The Sanctum: Church of the Fury, A Small Problem, and Partycrashers.

http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/71/screenshot00070h.th.jpg (http://img200.imageshack.us/i/screenshot00070h.jpg/)

Next week we will start the Necropolis part 2.

08-13-2010, 09:35 AM
Quest log updated with Tomb of the Shadow Guard, Tomb of the Shadow Knight, and Tomb of the Shadow King.

Next week, we will finish Necropolis 2 questline.

08-20-2010, 07:56 PM
Hey guys. I got involved in a church project that was supposed to last "until 7 at the latest" Thursday night. Got home around 11 last night after finding out they'd need more help again today. But finally we are finished! See you guys next week.

08-21-2010, 12:22 AM
Quest log updated with Tomb of the Shadow Lord, and The Shadow Crypt. Also, we reached level 10.

Next week, we will start the Vault of Night.

08-27-2010, 06:18 PM
Quest log updated with Tharashk Arena, Prison of the Mind, Gateway to Khyber, and The Jungle of Khyber.

Next week we will finish VoN flagging, and we will run some stand-alone quests we left behind. The Church and the Cult and Stormcleave Outpost are my options there. If we get the same rhythm we got last time, we maybe can complete all 3.

09-05-2010, 03:54 PM
Quest log updated with Haywire Foundry, and Stormcleave Outpost.

With this, we are eligible to raid the Vault of Night as soon as our partners on Belle's team are ready and qualified too.

Next week we will clear all the remaining lvl 8 quests (Caverns of Korromar, and Stromvauld's Mine), and start Threnal.

09-09-2010, 09:54 PM
Quest log updated with Stromvauld's Mine, Caverns of Korromar, The Giants' Lair, The Giants' Supplies, and The Giant Lieutenants.

Next week we will do Threnal East (love Coyle), maybe start west. Lets see how it roll.

And most important, Belle's team is ready for dragon, and so are us. 09/23 we will tackle the vault of night and get rid of that dragon.

09-17-2010, 07:33 PM
Quest log updated with The Library of Threnal, Escort the Expedition, Hold for Reinforcements, In Need of Supplies, The Rescue, Secure the Area, and The Threnal Arena.

Next week, the dragon day: Time to defeat Velah on the Vault of Night with Belle's team.

And thanks to Yams, Elron, and S1gma for agreeing with the daylight time adjustment.

09-25-2010, 12:07 AM
The giant iron golem at the last vault took us by surprise. We did a very good work on the vault, and we can do it now that we know what expect us. The next try will be on 10/07.

Next week will be a favor run night (since Miah will not be with us), or a relaxing time spent on Ataraxia for explorer/slayer.

09-25-2010, 06:59 AM
The giant iron golem at the last vault took us by surprise. We did a very good work on the vault, and we can do it now that we know what expect us. The next try will be on 10/07.

Next week will be a favor run night (since Miah will not be with us), or a relaxing time spent on Ataraxia for explorer/slayer.

Bugged the link of Video, I will re-upload and post the links soon.

09-27-2010, 01:02 AM
Unfortunately I will be out of town this Thursday evening and unable to join you for our time at the spa. :(

10-03-2010, 10:50 AM
Quest log updated with And the Dead Shall Rise, The Church and the Cult, and The Xorian Cipher.

Next week, Dragon!

10-14-2010, 04:17 PM
I will be late and possibly out for tonight... GL and I will see you if I can, else next week!

10-15-2010, 05:53 PM
Quest log updated with The Keeper's Sanctuary, The Last Stand, The Claw of Vulkoor, and Fathom the Depths.

Next week, if we all gather around, we will finish Threnal south.

10-21-2010, 05:29 PM
I am stuck at work... I do not know when I will be home. I will let you know if I show up but otherwise stay safe and I will see you next week.

10-22-2010, 08:16 AM
Quest log updated with The Missing Expedition, Entering the Gate Chamber, and The Gate Chamber.

We reached level 12. Enjoy the second tier of your prestige enhancement.

Next week we will smash some sahuagins in their fortress in Red Fens.

I'm talking with Belle, so we can run the Chronoscope soon. It's a level 6 raid, but while we don't know exactly what expect us, it will be challenging anyway.

10-29-2010, 05:04 PM
Quest log updated with The Last Stand, The Claw of Vulkoor, Fathom the Depths, and Into the Deep.

Vanrhyen will leave our group to join Belle's team with an cleric alt, and next week will be the last that we have Lochloin with us. So, we have 2 spots open for anyone around level 10-13 interested.

Next week we will have our first slice on the new raid, The Chronoscope. I doubt we will fail playing overlevel'd, but lets hope this will be fun.

11-06-2010, 08:30 PM
Quest log updated with The Chronoscope! Unfortunatelly, the proof of our sucess was taken away by a marut and since it was just a portrait, I wasn't too hasty to recover it. We have the proofs in our hearts.

Now we are short on 2 members. Vanrhyen took some vacations and returned to Valenar to improve her dual blade skills. Lochloin took the same boat to the same place at the same time. I have a hunch that this wasn't only coincidence and they are hiding something from me. Oh well, hope they are happy now.

Next week we will try once more invade the Vault of Night and defeat the evil sorceress Velah.

11-11-2010, 04:30 PM
My son has a show at school this evening so Zully is expecting to be ~1.5 hours late.

Good luck and beware Velah's trickery.


11-12-2010, 04:24 PM
Quest log updated with Reclamation, Sykros' Jewel, and Invaders!.

Zully will be missing next week, so the raid will be on hold until we coincidentally find both teams complete at the same time.

Next week we will start our path to the third necropolis' crypt.

11-19-2010, 02:36 PM
Quest log updated with Raid the Vulkoorim, and Maraud the Mines.

We did The Last Stand trying to complete some set items from Red Fens (no sucess), and use the rest of the time to explore the scorrow area on Menechtarun.

Because of thanksgiving, next week we will take a break. The next meeting will be at Dec 2.

12-03-2010, 04:02 PM
Quest log updated with Hiding in Plain Sight.

Next week we will take off the head of Ghola-Fan, and maybe release some wildmen slaves.

12-11-2010, 08:34 PM
Quest log updated with Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!

12-13-2010, 08:48 AM
There is any idea about Holiday this end of year?

12-17-2010, 07:22 AM
Quest log updated with Slavers of the Shrieking Mines and The Chamber of Rahmat. We also reached level 13. Congratulations!

Next week we will meet the most loved pack of DDO: Necropolis 3, starting with Tomb of Tormented.

12-23-2010, 05:35 PM
but I will be late and may not arrive in Stormreach at all... I have unexpected guests, a happy surprise, but does impact my playtime.... sorry


12-24-2010, 09:46 AM
Quest log updated with The Enemy Within, From Beyond the Grave, and Desert Caravan.

S1gma, we had to use 2 hirelings to do half your job. Be proud. :D

Next week, we resume the old plan and go to the Tomb of the Tormented.

12-27-2010, 06:35 PM
Wel, this week I will be on travel and maybe cannot log in. I will try, but cannot promise, so, dont wait for me if I dont log soon.


12-31-2010, 07:40 AM
Quest log updated with A Relic of a Sovereign Past, Made to Order, and The Xorian Cipher.

Thanks to Belle's team to join us for the night. Happy new year everyone, and lets made our way through undead hordes next week.

01-08-2011, 09:23 PM
Quest log updated with Tomb of the Tormented and Tomb of the Unhallowed.

Zully will be out for the next 2 weeks, so we will have some fun into Menechtarum (next week) and Orchade (next next week) to fill all explorers. Maybe one or 2 walkthroug quests.

01-15-2011, 07:42 AM
Quest log updated with The Last Stand, The Claw of Vulkoor, and Into the Deep (including the demon being defeated)

01-23-2011, 02:53 PM
Quest log updated with Dreams of Insanity.

01-29-2011, 12:00 PM
Quest log updated with Purge the Fallen Shrine, The Chamber of Kourush, The Spawn of Whisperdoom, and Mired in Kobolds.

And we all reached level 14!

Next week we will resume our journey into Necropolis part 3. Now, doing it on elite because of the level up.

02-04-2011, 03:13 PM
Quest log updated with Tomb of the Blighted and Tomb of the Forbidden.

Next week let's get the Cursed Crypt out of our way (and get our tier 3 necklaces), and start our path to beat Queen Lailat.

02-12-2011, 06:28 AM
Quest log updated with The Cursed Crypt.

Next week we will go to Menechtarum for the Demon Queen flagging. Offering of Blood is the only level 11 quest that we have uncleared, so we will take care of it first.

02-17-2011, 12:18 PM
I'm sorry, I will not be available tonight. :(

Stay safe, see you next week.

02-20-2011, 11:50 AM
Quest log updated with A Cabal for One.

02-25-2011, 05:57 PM
Quest log updated with An Offering of Blood. A marvelous run where we defined the word Determinator (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Determinator)! Congratulations to us all, plus Fararn.

Next week we shall finish the flagging for Zawabi's Revenge. Enjoy the birthday parrrrrty and get a nice commodore hat fer ya.

03-05-2011, 10:51 AM
Quest log updated with Maraud the Mines and Bring Me the Head of Ghola-Fan!.

If I got the message right, Zully will be missing the next 2 weeks. So, there will be some favor/loot running there, maybe joining Belle's team if someone don't show up.

On the other hand, Treasin is flagged for Titan. Maybe we can use those weeks to raid the vault of night and tempest spine to synchronize us for the big forged.

03-15-2011, 07:46 AM
We missed you last Thursday. Except Miah, who join us on some runs.
Will we run raids this week?

03-17-2011, 12:58 PM
I know a silly little Monk (level 7 at the moment :( ) and myself (a level 8 (9 withheld) Fighter) that may be able to join you if you would have us, if we can level fast enough; get back to me please.

(was short on time, excuse the short message, will revisit upon my arrival at home)

03-17-2011, 05:07 PM
I would never bet in 2 new members wanting to join at the same time. You two are more than welcome into our humble team that saved Stormreach a dozen of times.

We are currently at level 14, probably going to 15 around mid-april. As soon as you two hit level 11, you can join the main league. If you guys need some help leveling, be welcome to ask. I have some alts around this level.

03-18-2011, 05:09 PM
Hi! I'm the silly monk (Yzette) that RenigadeWolf mentioned. :D

I had a blast running with you guys last night even though I was literally half your level (7 vs. 14). But hey, I even managed to kill a few things, and only died once when I got lost swimming in a tunnel and drowned. It was very reminiscient of the raids my old EQ guild used to run (an RP guild that also got very good at raiding). I made 8th shortly after we finished, and I don't think getting to 11 will take us too very long at the rate we've been going. Thanks again for welcoming us! :)

03-18-2011, 07:00 PM
Quest log updated with Tempest Spine, and added Kairoes and Yzette to our main cast. And since the EST daylight time started, we will return to our normal schedule and start playing at 20:00 EST.

Next week we will try again to conquest the Vault of Night with Belle's team. This time, that big iron golem will fall to our combined strenght.

03-24-2011, 09:23 PM
Quest log updated with The Vault of Night! Congratulations to everyone! Velah fell to the weight of our powerful weapons.



Nemamiah, Vanlith, Zully, Kairoes, Arano, Herweg, Gineon, Treasin, and Fararn.

Next week: The Warforged Titan.

04-11-2011, 05:59 AM
I'll be off on 04/21 on a trip. So, no healer in that week.
If we're doing that raid yet, I don't have how to come.

04-16-2011, 11:26 AM
Quest log updated with The Twilight Forge (Titan pre-raid). We tried 3 times to defeat the big Warforged Titan, but we failed. Let's take some time to lick the wounds in our pride, and return there later to turn it into a pile of scraps.

Next week we will return to Menechtarum and give Zawabi the items he needs to seal Queen Lailat.

04-23-2011, 06:52 PM
Quest log updated with An Offering of Blood and The Chamber of Raiyum.

Next week we will finish Chains of Flame, and if we have time for it, the pre-raid.

04-27-2011, 12:41 AM
Since U9 is hitting the servers today, and we are playing tomorrow, I would suggest everyone to NOT get into the new quests yet, and hit it with a virgin group before everyone spoil the entire pack to us.

What you say?

04-28-2011, 07:39 PM
I say ok! ^^

04-30-2011, 02:24 PM
Quest log updated with Missing, Sinister Storage, Fear Factory, and In The Flesh. Has been a long time since we did 4 quests in a night. Great job Ala Rubra!

Next week we will resume our business in Menechtarum.

05-07-2011, 02:42 AM
Quest log updated with Diplomatic Impunity, Frame Work, and Eyes of Stone. Thanks Belle and her team for giving us a hand on it.

Let's hope next week we can stick with the plan to get Lailat flagged.

05-21-2011, 07:47 AM
Quest log updated with Chains of Flame. We are now ready for our first charge against queen Lailat.

05-29-2011, 10:11 AM
For lack of quorum, Me, Yzzete and Gineon took a walk into Gianthold and cleared explorers. Let's see how things goes next week.

06-05-2011, 04:29 PM
Last thursday we completed Eyes of Stone again, and failed at the battle against Queen Lailat. Next week we will try again.

06-12-2011, 10:38 AM
Quest log updated with Against the Demon Queen and A Cry for Help. And we hit level 16. Congratulations everyone.

Since Zully will be out next week, lets farm some XP to help Claid hit 16 too. Maybe redoing the Harbringer chain, or some desert quests without traps.

06-17-2011, 09:22 PM
Quest log updated with Acid Wit, Delirium, and Mired in Kobolds, including defeating Sinvala with all her CR 30 glory.


Next week is the time to charge Lailat and defeat the Demon Queen for once and all.

06-25-2011, 08:26 AM

Quest log updated with Zawabi's Revenge and Vault of Night. Congratulations on everyone defeating the Demon Queen. Too bad we could not defeat Velah in her full power.

Next week, if Zully solve his problem with Barrow, we may try her again next week. If not, we will get back into the Lordsmarch Plaza to help Stormreach against the Droaam invasion (part 2).

And Welcome back, Nemamiah!

07-04-2011, 06:23 PM
Quest log updated with Assault on Summerfield and Blockade Buster.

07-14-2011, 09:24 AM
Since Zully and Nemamiah will be out tonight, we will take a break and not play today. If anyone want to join Belle's team for the night, be free.

Also, got a notice from Claid, and he will not return to the group because of real life issues. So, we have a spot open again for any class. Tell your friends.

We will meet at 07/21 to finish the Drooam second quest chain.

07-21-2011, 04:07 PM
I greatly apologize, but I am away unexpectedly. I am at a hotel with my laptop and will try to be on tonight, but I am not sure it will work. If I do not make it, fare well, and good luck.

07-25-2011, 11:09 AM
Quest log updated with Undermine. We may repeat it this week to get gineon and zully ready for Siegebreaker. Hope we dont die that much on the minefield this time.

07-28-2011, 04:41 PM
ZOMG *** :eek:

Guys I am very sorry but I have to bail tonight, I cannot get out of work. GL and see you next week.

07-31-2011, 07:09 PM
Quest log updated with Feast or Famine, Foundation of Discord, and Trial by Fire.

Since Zully was missing last week, the original plan is unchanged for the next one: Repeating Undermine, and doing Siegebreaker. Then, we will park at gianthold for a while.

08-10-2011, 10:17 PM
Quest log updated with Undermine and Siegebreaker. And we leveled to 17. Congratulations to us all.

Tomorrow we will hit the big 3 on Gianthold, starting with Crucible, and maybe Madstone if we have time for it. Also, be ready for a relic check so we can determine how far are we from opening the Tor (we should have a few from the standalone quests we did).

08-22-2011, 09:15 PM
It appears that Zully will be late on the 25-August, if he is able to make it. Expected delay could be 1/2 to 1 hour minimum. Zully will make every effort to reach Stormreach, but can make not guarantees.

09-01-2011, 07:51 PM
My connection is dropping all the time again. Good luck for everyone who appear.

09-02-2011, 05:47 AM
Nibel vs ISP ... Round 47 ... Fight!



09-02-2011, 09:11 AM
Quest log updated with The Prison of the Planes. I was out, but the team proceeds.

09-10-2011, 09:21 AM
Just to get everyone informed, my connection is really, REALLY bad the last month. I'm thinking into changing service provider, but I'm waiting a reply if I have to move out because of my job. So, until I post it on forums or appear into game night, don't wait for me.

Any news, I'll post here. I'll put Gineon on charge of the team until I'm back.

09-19-2011, 11:14 AM
Just to update, we joined Belle's Team and did ADQ1 and ADQ2.

First we tried Hard and she rout us, as we were just in 6.

After we tried on normal with a sucessfull victory.

09-22-2011, 09:01 PM
Me, Nema and Yz completed Crucible on Normal.

Herweg probably still with same problems, and Zully on his trip.

Next week we will try Madstone to be flagged to fight that hooligan dragons and his giants.

10-17-2011, 06:50 PM
Has been one month since my last update, and two months sice the last time I logged into the game. Brazilian mail and banking services were on strike, and that slowed my new motherboard purchase. Said that, my processor is a bit old, and I had a hard time to fid something that fits all my other pieces.

Add to that the lowering value of VIP subscription, and me discovering that I can spend 2 months without playing DDO. So, I took the personal decision of giving up DDO until 2012. And doing that, I hope our team find a suitable replacement for Herweg. The free nights will help with other personal projects.

If Gineon wants, I can update the first post anytime he report to me the quests done. Dont take more than 5 minutes per week. Or you guys can merge with Belle's team. Up to you.

This team was great. That's more than 4 years I'm acompaning this game. If (when) I return, I'll check if any team have a spot for me, if I have the free time for it.

Thanks everyone, and have fun.

10-17-2011, 10:20 PM
So sorry to hear that you are going Nibel, but I do understand. Good luck to you and remember you always have a home in the Dedicated Teams!

10-19-2011, 10:05 AM
It's sad read this from you.

I'll try keep our group up and recruit more people to join us and keep our schedule on, as you come back if we have a spot you will be always welcome.

And sorry for last week, I was a lot busy and as forum was offline I was unable to advise you about it.

This week I pretend return to GH and flag to raid with guys that come online.

10-28-2011, 09:39 AM
We had Belle help and defeated the dragons on TOR and are RAID ready.

Next week we will join forces with Belle's team and try defeat that giant.

starting next week we will start our meet one hour more soon as agreed for all.

12-09-2011, 08:29 AM
We are facing Ochard this weeks. We already did Fleshmaker Elite with Belle's team help and Inferno of Damned on Normal.

Next week we will try finish other two missing if all go fine.

12-16-2011, 03:34 AM
Sorry guys, last night I was engaged at work and cant log in.

Next week I will be on work also and will not show up as well.

You fell free to schedule as you wish on quests, but for me will be a little hard to work, I will be able to log in just on 29th december when I think you guys will be a little busy like last year. I'd like to know from you if possible.

12-28-2011, 06:26 PM
I won't be able to make it this Thursday (29th), because I have to work. By the time I get home, it'll all be over. Sorry. I'll see you all next week.

01-07-2012, 03:02 PM
I think I can speak for the group when I say that Ala Rubra welcomes Vanlith, Fararn, and Arano!

In practice, we were teaming up quite frequently anyhow. This brings our team membership to seven. I am sure this will not be a problem, because it is a rare night indeed when SOME one or other has to skip. (In fact I will likely be a little late this week due to a birthday dinner for a relative.)

I would like to point out, as I said before, that while we are glad to have the company of our Thursday night bretheren, it is regrettable that this comes because of the loss of the time with Bellecosa. Belle, your name suited you, your company and skills were always appreciated, and you are welcome to visit anytime you find free time.

01-09-2012, 04:05 AM
Long ago I was the DPS of the first Ala Rubra (aka Vanrhyen). I migrated to Belle's team due a loss of their healer, since in the time Ala Rubra was with 6 members.

Now I'm back to the group where I came to know the Dedicated Teams. It's nice thinking that we have a solid group, but it's sad that we get this "solidness" due the lost some friends.

Well... long life to Ala Rubra and the dedicated teams. Let's honor the memory of Herweg and Bellecosa, and the all others who joined our forces for some time. ;)

01-12-2012, 03:55 AM
Just to remember, 19pm est (22pm -3gmt).

01-12-2012, 06:07 PM
Hey all I'm having some computer issues. Trying to get it up and running, will be there as soon as I can.

01-13-2012, 04:35 AM
I got Fararn's computer issues last night. *sad* Recurring RAM problems, to be specific.

Hope you were able to complete the quest.

01-19-2012, 06:21 PM
Hey all, trying to get on but having computer problems again. Right now I can only get it to fire up in safe mode, I'll be on as soon as I can.

02-02-2012, 05:20 PM
Stuck at work, I won't likely be on tonight.

GL & see you next week.

02-02-2012, 06:05 PM
I'll be a bit late, but doing my best to show up.

02-07-2012, 06:43 AM
I'll be on a business trip this Thursday. Good game for everyone.

02-08-2012, 01:34 PM
I'll be late 20~30 min this week and next one due to work. But will log in if nothing worse happen.

We will try flag Nema to Shroud and then I will try call some friends to help us to defeat this raid. One of them will be Herweg, he confirmed to me that will help us.

02-10-2012, 03:55 PM
Looks like I may be back in game soon. I ordered a new computer from Digital Storm at the beginning of this week and just got an update from them

Congratulations once again, the status of your amazing new Digital Storm system has been updated!

Stage 5: (Phase 2 Stress Testing)
Your order has been passed to our final phase 2 stress-testing team. They run a final batch of tests to verify the integrity and stability of your system. This allows us to ensure that every system we ship will be a rock solid machine for years to come.

Estimated Shipment Date: 4-6 business days (Mon-Fri) from 2/10/2012

Hope to see you all soon!!

02-13-2012, 06:53 PM
Looks like it will be here next Mon. just got this email

Congratulations, your package has been shipped!

02-14-2012, 04:56 AM
Great news!
Let's see our furious barbarian in game again.

02-17-2012, 05:04 AM
Nicolas had a very high fever (40ºC). We rushed him to hospital, but the doctor didn't identify any disease.
After the fever goes down, we went home. Apparently it's okay now. It was only a scare.

And I had only 2 hours of sleep last night.

03-02-2012, 09:04 AM
Last night we flagged our Barbarian to Shroud doing again Let Sleeping and Ritual Sacrifices on Hard. All visited our trainers to work hard to learn new abilities and are now Level 19.

Next week Nema will be missing and we plan to continue our last hunt on Reaver Refuge to stop the devil plan of the lich toward the dragons' souls.

After that we will try a Shroud run with a help of our last member Herweg and other friends that we met last week when we tried defeat Sulomades and failed.

03-08-2012, 05:17 PM
I may not be able to log tonight, but i'll try to.

03-22-2012, 07:11 PM
of work. Attendance will be very spotty.


03-28-2012, 09:45 PM
I lost my VIP status because my credit card has expired.
I'm trying to solve this problem this week, but I probably would not be able to play tomorrow.

03-29-2012, 04:05 PM
I can't remember, are we starting an hour later this evening?

03-30-2012, 09:48 AM
Well guys, I have a good new and a really really bad one.

The good one is that i got my VIP back. :)

Now the bad one and the explanations:

Last night we had a little visitor at home, and my wife started to scream like a class B horror movie. All this for a tiny mouse that I grabed by the tail.

But that event started a second discussion about my gaming time. And, finally, we agreed that we both need to make some concessions.

That being said, it is with regret that I say I'll have to leave the Thursday Night Team. I'll still playing with Tuesday and Sunday teams, being part of Dedicated Teams, but need my thursdays less restricitive.

Thank you all for the time enjoying a good game and company, but real life sometimes needs our priority.

04-18-2012, 05:47 PM
Zully will be delayed on his arrival until around 8 o'clock Virginia time this week due to work issues. Hope to see you then

04-24-2012, 04:41 PM
Hey all, looks like Far may be out this evening. I was getting ready to head home and just got a ton of work piled on me, I'll be late if I make it at all.

04-24-2012, 10:42 PM
This night we almost finished Arreatrikos, but failed in some mysterious way where all healers died or have Dc'd.

We are reaching lvl 20 to start a new level of things. All can level up to 20 if have XP, if don't next thursday we will farm XP needed to reach it.

05-10-2012, 04:18 PM
sry, I may not make it tonight

explain later.

05-24-2012, 04:25 PM
I'm being called back in to work so I will probably miss this evening.

06-07-2012, 09:32 PM
It was just me (Yzette), Nemamiah and Zully tonight. We did Weapons Shipment in Amrath. Got our butts kicked on Normal, tried again on Casual and beat it. A mass destruction type and a live bard would've helped a lot. None of us had been to Amrath before, very interesting though desolate and dangerous place.

06-21-2012, 09:17 PM
Finally defeated the shroud.

Then reaver's fate.

We had some help of people that was hiring themselves on the cities.

06-22-2012, 04:35 PM
Congrats on the run all. Sorry I missed last night we had to have our cat put down :(

06-28-2012, 04:34 AM
Just a reminder, I'm stuck at work this evening.

06-28-2012, 12:26 PM
I dunno how people are with the xpack, but the plan is to try beat shroud again and try something else.

If all have the xpack we can explore it. If no, we will try something else, like reavers. We are thinking in continue on shroud runs+something else until we complete our GS itens.

07-12-2012, 04:07 PM
Picked up the xpack over the weekend.

07-21-2012, 09:36 AM
Sorry I missed this week. Got detained at work and did not get home until late