View Full Version : Halfling Thrower,what class
09-29-2009, 07:01 PM
So IF i was to make a thrower type build with a halfling should I go with Rouge or Fighter as my class or a mix. Im still fresh to DDO, so im still learning some of the ropes.
09-29-2009, 07:07 PM
If you were to make a halfling thrower, I would advise you to reroll, regardless of your class.
Throwing weapons are handy (especially for strength builds) but should NEVER be looked to for a primary source of DPS. Ranged weapons deal an almost insignificant amiunt of damage compared to melee weapons.
09-29-2009, 07:09 PM
The best halfling thrower would probably a WF frenzied berserker, THF, level 20.
To be serious, characters that specialise in throwing weapons are so bad, we wont usually even discuss them here.
09-29-2009, 07:10 PM
if they would just give throwers multishot, and a decent crit range item, halfling thrower rogues with sneak attack might just be viable (radiance 2 throwing returners). Or maybe a called shot assassinate with ranged.
Le Sigh.
09-29-2009, 07:16 PM
I am not advocating making a thrower but if I had to. Assassin 3 get in close and vorpal them. hehe
09-29-2009, 07:19 PM
Ranger of course, nothing like vorpaling a couple of mobs with one shot. and the ranger capstone applies to throwing weapons as well....
09-29-2009, 08:00 PM
greensteel shuriken!
09-29-2009, 08:02 PM
Dwarves get racial bonuses when throwing halflings, do they not?
I would recommend a Dwarven Barbarian Halfling thrower
09-29-2009, 08:03 PM
Monk, wind stance for maximum attack speed.
Dex build.
Quick Draw
Improved Critical (Ranged)
Weapon Finesse (for when you figure out that melee is better)
Halfliing Guile.
Halfling Cunning.
Vorpal shuriken.
Nobody will expect DPS out of you anyway, because you will be playing a monk.
09-29-2009, 11:46 PM
Ftr Kensei
Max Str and Dex
Hold a seeker and/or backstabbing item in our off-hand.
09-30-2009, 12:21 AM
Heres the pros I see of certain classes being throwers
Cleric. You can keep yourself alive longer while mobs beat you up.
Barbarian. Run away faster
FvS. Fly away
Monk. Nobody expects much out of you anyway.
10-03-2009, 02:34 AM
I asked the same question a while back - keep in mind this was mod 7 or 8, so things may have changed, but:
sigtrent built it as a defense tank, basically. However, it seems like it very much requires 32 pts, not 28.
11-30-2009, 04:44 PM
I have a level 17 pure fighter throwing build. Yes, while the RoF for throwers sucks, she can be very fun to play. You must expect to fill an off-tank role right from the beginning and, since you want that +10 seeker in your off-hand, don't think about AC anytime soon. I went pure fighter for the number of feats you get and will be adding other non-throwing feats soon.
While not the biggest DPS machine by any stretch it can be a fun build, if you have patience and like a challenge.
This is one of the easiest questions ever asked.....if you want a truely über halfling thrower go 20 pure cleric. Cast a blade barrier, throw to your hearts content....on the run.... Thru the blade barrier.....when not healing the party.
Perfect end game halfling thrower.
11-30-2009, 07:58 PM
I have a level 19 thrown weapon fighter. I originally started her when I had injured one of my hands and it was difficult to play with two hands at the time. She is, by far, my favourite toon to play. I just love the fighting style. She is my fourth reroll and is the strongest so far. As the thread has shown you, you will obviously get a fair amount of negative comments towards your choice. However, I've surprisingly come across a growing number of people who actually ask me serious questions about the build. I've also been getting an increasing number of postive, "interesting choice" comments from elder players.
Things to note:
I chose fighter so I could get all the feats that affect thrown weapons. They are all pretty obvious except for one. I had a hell of a time finding out if Rapid Shot affected thrown weapons. Rapid Shot does affect thrown weapons, so be sure to get it. Quick Draw "stacks" with it too.
You need STR (Damage modifier) and DEX (to-hit modifier). Since you have high dex, I'd concentrate on robes and armoured bracers.
Enhancements, I focused on getting the critical bonuses the stat bonuses and the halfling thrown weapon bonuses.
Abilities, Balance and Jump. You need to get up and away quickly. By nature of the build you will be running backwards a lot, so striding item is required.
Good weapons are hard to find and are expensive. I've seen maybe 4 vorpal thrown axes in the AH and they usually run in the several millions. Subsequently, if anyone has one, I'm looking for a decently priced one...(Khyber)
You should have a Seeker with optional backstabbing in your off hand slot.
01-09-2010, 12:35 AM
With the upcoming changes to Arcane Archer, and knowing that AA's 'stances' affect throwers, as does the Ranger capstone, I'm considering a Halfling Ranger Thrower. Any thoughts?
01-17-2010, 06:27 PM
With the upcoming changes to Arcane Archer, and knowing that AA's 'stances' affect throwers, as does the Ranger capstone, I'm considering a Halfling Ranger Thrower. Any thoughts?
I think I saw a post from Eladrin saying that the new AA will only affect bows, since they didn't want Repeating Crossbow Arcane Archer builds with Slaying bolts running around.
01-18-2010, 08:45 AM
The good thing with throwing builds is that there will be very few like you.
The bad thing is that there will be very few like you for a good reason.
Saying that, it would be kinda cool if you could equip and use one thrower in each hand (maybe make a feat chain for it) for double the rate of fire.
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