View Full Version : Take into consideration.

09-25-2009, 02:52 AM
You do realize that you dont have to buy 4.0? and that all your 3.5 books still exist? You dont have to throw them away. and be forced to play fourth edition.

What they did with fourth edition was to make a combat system that was Fair. Which it was. A Fair combat system. and thats about it. -shrugs- If the system isnt for you, it isnt for you. But i've found it translates well for one off games! and its neat and simple for getting new players into roleplaying. Atleast, DnDwise.

Mind you. My Roots are in WoD Roleplaying. -snickers- Far better then DnD by a longshot :)
(Flame material :D )

09-25-2009, 02:54 AM
Well I tried 4E for a year and then give up on it I just didtn find it fun to run. As to WoD I dont like runnning it but I do enjoy playing Vampire and Werewolf the others not so much.

09-25-2009, 02:56 AM
Did you play Requiem/Forsaken Or Masquerade/Apocalypse. Vast difference between nWoD And oWod :P Right now I Larp
Mage: the Awakening
Vampire: the Requiem
Changeling: the Lost

Tis all fun!

Mind you, before a year ago. played A Lot of oWoD and avoided NWoD like the plague. mainly for the same reason you guys hate fourth ed. But in a larp environment, its tolerable.

09-25-2009, 03:02 AM
Did you play Requiem/Forsaken Or Masquerade/Apocalypse. Vast difference between nWoD And oWod :P Right now I Larp
Mage: the Awakening
Vampire: the Requiem
Changeling: the Lost

Tis all fun!

Mind you, before a year ago. played A Lot of oWoD and avoided NWoD like the plague. mainly for the same reason you guys hate fourth ed. But in a larp environment, its tolerable.

I did the old stuff and tried to larp WoW but didnt care for the combat system if I larp its gonna be NERO or dragoncrest I like the idea of WoD larping but combat is so lack luster for me I just cant deal with it.

09-25-2009, 03:03 AM
I know the feelin' I larp for the politics. Not the Combat.

09-25-2009, 03:05 AM
I know the feelin' I larp for the politics. Not the Combat.

I live for combat but getting to old for NERO combat not as agile as I use to be and some of these idiot kids playing now like to swing to hard and they get upset when you get them tossed from the game. for clan in Vamp I always like Bruha(spelling?)

09-25-2009, 03:15 AM
You know.. i was expecting a total flame fest from this thread.

09-25-2009, 03:20 AM
You know.. i was expecting a total flame fest from this thread.

Well, I set my 4e books on fire, is that enough flames for you?

09-25-2009, 04:33 AM
Or you can keep all of your 3.5 books as supplements, and join the movement to Pathfinder, the unofficial 3.75.

I have found that Pathfinder fixed many of the balance issues that I had a gripe with in 3.5, but stayed true to the 3.5 roots... unlike 4e which is a complete revamp of the system, and not one that I like.

We played 4e for 7 months, bought the books and we all tried really hard to like it. In the middle of one gaming session one of the players said, "I feel guilty saying, especially after we all invested in the books, but I really don't enjoy playing 4e." And then the floodgates opened as everyone started venting about this new system.

We put the 4e books on the shelf, where they've been gathering dust again for the last 3 months, and we got all the 3.5 stuff back out. 2 weeks ago we got core rulebooks for Pathfinder, and have found it to be a perfect fit for our style, thusfar.

09-25-2009, 04:55 AM
wizards of the coast became simply too greedy as time went by...3.5 was perfect for gaming, it was still in touch with 2nd editions and fixed things that were lacking in 3rd edition. only reason they printed 4th edition is that 3.5 was saturated with material and 3rd party books that they simply couldnt dry any more water (read- money) from stone.
it became all about money with wizards...*sigh*

09-25-2009, 05:29 AM
I played Middle Earth under the GURPS system a long time ago.

The fights were horrific and unforgiving.

You have rolled a 02 fumble using a flail - you roll a 52 your incompetent swing hits your knee and explodes the joint. You are unable to walk. :eek:

The orc rolls for the critical 95! The arrow pierces your eye and enters your brain - you are dead. :mad:

11-01-2009, 08:43 AM
Well, I set my 4e books on fire, is that enough flames for you?

+1 rep for doing the responsible thing.

To the OP: Nope. They've made combat about ten times longer, but that's all they've did to it. There are still classes far better than everything else. And since the numbers are everything, the better classes both manage to be non interesting yet absolutely required as otherwise the slow grind takes even longer. You still repeat the same moves over and over, you just do so far more often. And you are completely incapable of changing anything about it, as the system does not support it. Which, given that combat is all 4th edition has is just flat out terrible.

Try this. Go to your local flea market/yard sale/used goods store. Purchase a computer that is at least 10 years old but has a CD-ROM drive. Attempt to play DDO with your sound and monitor turned off on a system whose specs are woefully inadequate. Fun game right? Well maybe it would be if it were not lacking critical features. Same deal with 4th edition. And due to the way it's set up, you can't fix it, you can only replace it.

Of course DDO can be enjoyable simply by running it on a computer that can support it, so don't get the wrong idea here.