View Full Version : DDO getting Direct X 11!

09-24-2009, 09:48 PM
So I've been reading up a lot about a new gfx card I want to get, either the ATI Radeon HD 5870 or 5850. It's going to be the first Direct X 11 part. It's really powerful and has really good power usage (really low power when idle).

On one of the reviews, talking about DX11 games, I noticed something really interesting!

DDO might be getting DirectX 11... I know they already added in DX10 after launch, obviously inheriting support for that from LOTRO since we share the same engine and all so it sounds like the same thing might be happening again. They give LOTRO Q1 2010 as a timeframe for DX11 and I figure that we'll get it sometime after that, if all goes well.

I'm excited that they will be updating the engine some more.

for those that are curious there's an image on the bottom half of the screen here:


09-24-2009, 10:44 PM
wow, this IS awesome!

09-24-2009, 11:12 PM
I forgot to mention, that DDO is actually in the image with the games listed as going to have DX 11 compatibility but it doesn't have a time frame. So I'm not just thinking that DDO is going to get it because LOTRO is getting it, it actually looks like it'll get ported over...

09-25-2009, 11:43 AM
Er, misread the post...

09-25-2009, 11:47 AM
Since both are from Turbine and both use the same engine I'm guessing the goal is Q1 2010 for both. Having developed charts in the past this is usually what we would mean if we listed info the way it was presented there.

09-25-2009, 11:52 AM
Since both are from Turbine and both use the same engine I'm guessing the goal is Q1 2010 for both. Having developed charts in the past this is usually what we would mean if we listed info the way it was presented there.

DDO was always a bit behind LOTRO engine version wise, as it was released prior to LOTRO, and at the beginning engine changes were not a priority for DDO. With the rebuild for DDO EU, I imagine they made an effort to put DDO on the same engine release as LOTRO, that way any base additions could be ported without worrying about having to upgrade other portions of the engine code.

09-25-2009, 12:22 PM
I wouldn't get too excited about DX11 and DDO just yet.

Remember, we just came out of DX10 beta 16 days ago.

09-25-2009, 12:27 PM
I wouldn't get too excited about DX11 and DDO just yet.

Remember, we just came out of DX10 beta 16 days ago.

I imagine we will be seeing these features added by Q1 2010, in both games, since DX11 requires both windoes 7 and a compatible card it will take some time before there is enough market penetration to warrent the release.

ATI is first out the door with DX11, and has a serious advantage over Nvidia with this version of the DX engine, first they have had hardwrae tesselation working on their card for several years and they are on the 6th version of the tessalation engine, second portions of DX11 were actually specced out by ATI for Microsoft, so Nvidia has some catching up to do.

That all being said, DX11 is getting considerable developer buzz, with many saying they will skip over DX10 and go right on to DX11support, on current and future projects

09-25-2009, 12:29 PM
Actually, Tarrant said in a press release that DDO will be getting DX11 in the near future. He was not, however, able to give more details than that.

09-25-2009, 12:31 PM
I imagine we will be seeing these features added by Q1 2010, in both games, since DX11 requires both windoes 7 and a compatible card it will take some time before there is enough market penetration to warrent the release.
Oh for god's sake. Did they learn nothing from the DX10/Vista fiasco?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

09-25-2009, 12:38 PM
Oh for god's sake. Did they learn nothing from the DX10/Vista fiasco?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

a quick check reveals I was wrong it appears dx11 will appear on vista as a download

edit: lloking at the technet site it only lists the following for dx11 graphics documentation

which states This section contains information about programming with Microsoft Direct3D 11 graphics for Windows 7."

so nothing has been confirmed

09-25-2009, 01:00 PM
I imagine we will be seeing these features added Soon™, in both games, since DX11 requires both windoes 7 and a compatible card it will take some time before there is enough market penetration to warrent the release.
Fixed the timeline for you :D

10-01-2009, 05:54 AM
noticed this during the install for my new HD5870.


i wonder how Soon™ is soon

10-01-2009, 06:03 AM
They need to fix all the problems with DirectX 10 first it dosent work on all graphic cards. I have a DirectX10 card and Vista but have to turn the shadowing off or the game crashes. SO fix DirectX 10 first.

10-01-2009, 07:14 AM
They need to fix all the problems with DirectX 10 first it dosent work on all graphic cards. I have a DirectX10 card and Vista but have to turn the shadowing off or the game crashes. SO fix DirectX 10 first.

Bug in the card's drivers? When the devs make a list of cards and graphics features you need to turn off for each card, in the known issues list, it's usualy a bug with the card/drivers.

Sometimes they can work around it, other times you have to wait for your card to get fixed drivers released.

10-01-2009, 07:54 AM
Question I should know the answer to but am just too tired at the moment... does the New Nvidia GTX 2xx series support DX11?

10-01-2009, 08:05 AM
During an interview with Kate we were able to ask questions a couple months ago. The first question I asked was if DDO was considering directx 11 in time for a windows 7 release on Oct 22 2009. Her response was this:

Currently DDO supports directx 10 and with mod 9 coming out it will continue to develop and work out the bugs there. They are not neglecting directx 11 for a future release/mod/update, but it is not on the table at this time.

Anotherwards, I would not expect directx11 for some time and based on the changes for directx11 I think there are more important aspects of this game that need fixing/adding.. new content would be first and foremost...


"Nvidia and AMD are preparing to launch their latest DirectX 11 supporting GPUs in the second half of 2009, according to sources at graphics card makers.

Nvidia is scheduled to complete engineering samples of its DirectX 11-based GT300 GPU at the end of September in order to start shipping in December at the earliest, the sources noted.

Meanwhile, AMD is prepared to launch its DirectX 11-based Radeon HD 5800 series (RV870) in late September and will start mass shipping in October. AMD will launch two models initially, the Radeon HD 5850 and 5870, the sources added.

AMD declined the opportunity to respond to this report saying it cannot comment on unannounced products. Nvidia was also contacted, but did not respond by the time of publication."


10-01-2009, 08:51 AM
Question I should know the answer to but am just too tired at the moment... does the New Nvidia GTX 2xx series support DX11?

No, at the moment only ATI's 5xxx series cards are DX11. GTX 2xx are DX10.

11-30-2009, 01:17 PM
November 30th, just wondering if anyone has heard of any updates on a DX11 time line for DDO?

I don't expect it anytime soon but since I just rebuilt my system and now am the proud owner of a radeon HD5850 (dx11 card), I am curious to start seeing titles that will take advantage of it.

For those who think they should fix dx10 first, I would say I don't see it happening. Vista & dx10 will probably be left to whither with a superior win7 and dx11 here and now.

Vista is the windows me of OS's and will soon become a thing of the past.

So, any news on a DDO DX11 launch?

11-30-2009, 02:24 PM
No update. Latest news was in a press release from AMD a few weeks back putting DDO with a 2010 date for getting DX11.

11-30-2009, 03:11 PM
It'll be a few weeks to a couple months after LOTRO gets DX11.
Vista also supports DX11. Vista is and was a good OS; Win7 is basically Vista SP2 and is also a good OS.

I'm still waiting on my 5850. It's been about a month now since I've ordered it. The demand for them is just SO much higher then supply right now. I'm glad I ordered mine before the prices started going up.

Unfortunately my 4+ year old graphics card can't handle most video games in 7 with the unsupported drivers. Most games fail pretty quick after launch, including DDO :(
That has meant that I've pretty much been unable to play DDO for the last few weeks. I'm really looking forward to the graphical upgrade and finally being able to get back into the game!

I just hope my card gets here before DDO gets the upgrade...