View Full Version : Account Bound Items need to be changed!

09-22-2009, 10:02 PM
Ok so I decided to buy some points through the DDO store to get some equipment and weapons for my party but after buying them and trying to transfer them to other players I realized that they are bound to my account. Well that is complete BS to me but to make things even worse, I can't even sell the equipment/items to a **** npc store?!!!! What the hell am I supposed to with them? So now I am stuck with half a page full of **** that I can't get rid of without just destroying it and wasting my RL money! I found that I can spend another $18 or whatever to buy a shared account but what the hell is the point in that? If you have shopped in the DDO store you will find that you can only access equipment that is for the class that you are logged in with. Ok well then why would I transfer the equipment for my fighter to my mage? Am I supposed to make all fighter characters?! Man who the hell is in charge of this ****?! I think at the very least, the people who are unfortunate enough to buy **** from the store should be able to trade it back to the store for other items or points so that they can get things they actually need. I bought +2 full plate and 2 +2 dwarven waraxes and the very next day I found +3 full plate and a +5 waraxe so I just spent a ton of points on items that I only used/needed for a day and can't even do anything with. Anyway sorry for the rant but I just needed to vent and hear someone elses opinion on what they think because if it doesn't get changed then I just won't ever spend any more money in the store.

09-22-2009, 11:16 PM
What the hell am I supposed to with them? So now I am stuck with half a page full of **** that I can't get rid of without just destroying it and wasting my RL money!
You are correct: Many of the items in the DDO store are simply traps for the inexperienced, to trick them into wasting money on things their characters could find anyhow.

Caveat emptor... any minorly experienced player could have informed you of this if you'd asked around.

09-23-2009, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the reply Angelus_Dead, yeah I admit that I am a noob when it comes to mmorpg but I still think that this needs to be changed. At least if they want people to spend money in the store more than once anyway. I mean they could at least let you sell the **** equiment to a vendor. Even the "character bound" equipment can be sold to a vendor. I see that there's over 80 views and only 1 person replied so I'm guessing that no one else cares but I think it's a major issue. You guys should leave some feedback here even if it's to tell me I'm just a dumb noob. haha
Seriously though guys, reply to this and let me know if you agree or not.

09-23-2009, 05:35 PM

Turbine, take the weapons out of the store. You're ripping off your newest players. That's bad business.

(note: there may be good reason for ranged weapons, someone came into the abbot ice puzzle the other day with no ranged capabilities whatsoever... I was of the mind to tell him to either buy a DDO Store Xbow or go find another group.)

09-23-2009, 06:40 PM
You asked for replies.

I think the main reason most people read your rant and move along is because it is just that:

Y O U R A N T !!

Perhaps try composing a post that isn't so angry and uses some spacing, pacing and punctuation.

Anyway, to the meat of your complaint. While I feel for you, I think you made a mistake and now are mad that Turbine wont help you un-make it. No where does it imply that you CAN transfer the items (in fact here in the forums Devs have said that items bought are bound, maybe somehow this needs to make it into the game somewhere). Once you bought your first item, you should have looked at it, you would have seen it was bound.

Call it a crappy learning lesson but that really is what it is. I can understand your frustration. You were trying to be helpful to others buying equipment and helping out and got bit big time. I bet you wont make that mistake again.

Lastly, I really think the name of this post should be "Store Items need better description" or "Store items should have a warning that they are bound and non transferable". But to claim Turbine should change the whole thing to let you sell/transfer stuff because you made a mistake is pointless, selfish and never going to happen.

Remember, you asked for ANY replies so I threw in my 2 cents. For future reference, change your 'style' of posting and you will get more responses.

Consider me.....
/NOT signed

09-23-2009, 06:43 PM
One more point why I Think Turbine does not allow you to sell these items (and I am only speculating here).

There is a way to wrack up points indefinitely and for free. If they let you buy items and then sell them for plat/gold then this could potentially be a big way for gold farmers to make in-game gold to sell. It is a potential loophole.

Again, I am purely speculating here.

But you also get another reply ;)

09-23-2009, 09:57 PM
Turbine, take the weapons out of the store. You're ripping off your newest players. That's bad business.
Alternatively, the DDO store weapons could be changed to increase their enhancement bonus as the character levels, from +2 at level 2 to +5 at level 8. Heck, even toss on Righteous at level 10.

That way, you'd essentially be paying Turbine Points to get the benefit of a typical twink item, without needing to go through the effort of convincing an established player to give you one.

09-23-2009, 10:26 PM
yup. /signed. I have always wondered why people would spend RL $ to buy a +1 or +2 item when it could be gotten for free or from vendors.

09-25-2009, 01:01 AM
You asked for replies.

I think the main reason most people read your rant and move along is because it is just that:

Y O U R A N T !!

Perhaps try composing a post that isn't so angry and uses some spacing, pacing and punctuation.

Anyway, to the meat of your complaint. While I feel for you, I think you made a mistake and now are mad that Turbine wont help you un-make it. No where does it imply that you CAN transfer the items (in fact here in the forums Devs have said that items bought are bound, maybe somehow this needs to make it into the game somewhere). Once you bought your first item, you should have looked at it, you would have seen it was bound.

Call it a crappy learning lesson but that really is what it is. I can understand your frustration. You were trying to be helpful to others buying equipment and helping out and got bit big time. I bet you wont make that mistake again.

Lastly, I really think the name of this post should be "Store Items need better description" or "Store items should have a warning that they are bound and non transferable". But to claim Turbine should change the whole thing to let you sell/transfer stuff because you made a mistake is pointless, selfish and never going to happen.

Remember, you asked for ANY replies so I threw in my 2 cents. For future reference, change your 'style' of posting and you will get more responses.

Consider me.....
/NOT signed

hahaha I knew I would get someone like this to chime in. You know what? Maybe it is a crappy learning lesson and it's even crappier that what I learned is that Turbine is a greedy money grubbing company that really could care less about there new players. It seems to me that you would rather pick apart my post than to add some constructive criticism to it. Also why would you say that my request to have it changed is pointless and selfish?! I am sorry that some people have real lives unlike you and don't have the time to find all the ins and outs of a game and how not to be screwed by the greed of the company. Oh and to your BS comment about me using spacing, pacing and punctuation, why don't you re-read your post and then tell me to fix mine. Haha, you're rediculous flame is pathetic and aimed against me rather than just being on the other side which makes your reply insignificant and useless. Maybe it's YOU that should change your "style" of post and then you wouldn't look like such a little *****. :)

Anyway back on topic.

09-25-2009, 03:55 AM
Oh and to your BS comment about me using spacing, pacing and punctuation, why don't you re-read your post and then tell me to fix mine. [/quote]

I'm alrite with my grommar, my priblem is with spilling. I can't spill to save me loaf. I have to rely on the spellchlop on my compluter.

09-25-2009, 11:36 AM
I see that there's over 80 views and only 1 person replied so I'm guessing that no one else cares but I think it's a major issue. You guys should leave some feedback here even if it's to tell me I'm just a dumb noob. haha
Seriously though guys, reply to this and let me know if you agree or not.

You DID write this in your original post, correct?

So I did reply. Some of it was critical to you, but the rest, like it or not, was accurate.

hahaha I knew I would get someone like this to chime in
So you were trying to bait responses?

Sounds to me like your angry at Turbine and angry at anyone who doesn't come to this post agreeing with you.

Also why would you say that my request to have it changed is pointless and selfish?! I am sorry that some people have real lives unlike you and don't have the time to find all the ins and outs of a game and how not to be screwed by the greed of the company

Lol, I would say it is selfish and pointless as you posted your argument. You want something changed to benefit you because of a mistake you made. That is selfish.

As for your comment about "some people have real lives unlike you", this is simply laughable. Do you know me? Do you have ANY idea who I am or how much I play? Do you have ANY idea what my life is like? What my age is? It makes it easier to justify in your own mind if you ASSUME I am a no life, 24/7 game playing fat, mommas basement living geek who has never seen a grown woman naked that I didn't pay for.
LOL, yeah, right. If you had such super powers of insight IN the game as you obviously have outside the game, you never would have made that mistake. I mean, someone who can see the private lives of a complete stranger they have never met should be able to know that those items were not transferable right?

You are establishing a pattern here with your initial post and your follow up to mine. You fail to get information and then make bad decisions because of it. Then you yell and scream about people not agreeing with you (even after ASKING for the criticism).

You dont really want help, you NEED help.

Good luck to you in game and life, you will go far ;)

09-26-2009, 07:42 AM
"You are establishing a pattern here with your initial post and your follow up to mine. You fail to get information and then make bad decisions because of it. Then you yell and scream about people not agreeing with you (even after ASKING for the criticism).

You dont really want help, you NEED help.

Good luck to you in game and life, you will go far"

+1 Rep GreenGurgler! Very well said :)

09-26-2009, 01:29 PM

If you really want to make money than make a server called TWINK.

No I am not kidding.

Let anyone who wants to make a character on that server. However on that server, and that server alone, put all the items from the treasure tables. Every magic item. Bring out the weird stuff like the deck of many things, ring of wishing (would require DM interaction) , Tomes of Darkness and Light, Real Girdles of Giant Strength, etc etc etc

All the stuff that makes the players drool.

Then charge 30 bucks for each of them. Or the equivilent amount of points. Believe it or not you would quadruple your profits Turbine old buddy old pal.

Oh and make it 35 buy in to even play on the server. ;)

09-26-2009, 10:11 PM
i feel bad for poor Keldornn he wasted his money becuse he was trying to help people. that sucks. i also feel bad for you becuse you have so much anger you are throwing it at anything that trys to help you.

i am trying to help you so go ahead and bite me and rant about my spelling or grammer ( alredy know it sucks). say i have no life becuse i know you will. but here is my help go see someone to help you with your anger or take a brake and go walk through a park or something. maybe quit videogames if it make you this mad. games are for fun thats all if you are not haveing fun than stop playing.

09-28-2009, 02:01 PM
Anyway sorry for the rant but I just needed to vent and hear someone elses opinion on what they think .

The good news is that you can give those items to your alts. Don't have any? Create a mule to carry them until you do need them.

I like the account restriction because it will stop people from buying items from the store then reselling them on the AH or via continuous shouts in the city.

09-28-2009, 02:24 PM
Let me get this straight... you bought $$$ weapons out of the store to help new players out... rather than go run around in C hills, water works, or whatever else is in the harbor for an hour and give them loot out of there....

ddo store != walmart

/not signed.

09-28-2009, 03:36 PM

Veteran players like myself have brought it to the Developer's attention that such items are a bad idea to have in the store since people will feel cheated when they receive +2 items on level 5-6 quests after using their other ones for a very short time or find they can buy them cheap off the marketplace vendor.

We agree they are bad things to have in the store and misleading and are trying to correct that so that others like you do not have bad experiences. Thank you for posting so that we might get them to understand that the issue we mentioned can happen.


You are not going to get anywhere posting as you did and insulting people, well, maybe kicked from the forums.

09-29-2009, 04:18 PM
Hopefully they change this retro-active to my recent purchase... Very Large Slim quiver (or something). See, I already bought one earlier and loved moving it from toon to toon... imagine my surprise when the one I bought today was bound to the toon I was in when I purchased it! What a major MAJOR pain! Needs to be fixed soon or they'll lose any additional income I'd think of throwing their way...

09-29-2009, 08:00 PM
Keldornn your are not very smart man. why insult people after asking there opinion, You should know that opinions are individual and that the chance that someone will agree with you is far less likely that getting someone that agrees with you. Calm down and reread the posts man. They are correct you should read more about the online store rather than claim ignorance. Just like in real life ignorance is not an excuse. Read and come prepared next time you post in a forum. All you have shown is that you are a noob at posting, reading, the game, and common sense. Good luck and have fun in the game. READ next time. the forums are full of info. And don't come into a game that you have not really played yet and start declaring changes be made because YOU DON"T LIKE THEM. I like that the items bind so that cancel out your opinion now turbine has one vote for changing and one vote against. You should also be less angry in your posts and replies it just make people think your are childish which is why noone posted at first. Then when you wanted replies they only gave advice about better posting techniques. And bashing on someone because they can't spell does not mean that what they said is wrong it only means your childish and proving there point. But i am sure that you will think that I and all the others are wrong and that you are right becuase that is what shallow minded people like you do. They close there eyes to the truth and look for any way they can make themselves look right and everyone else that does not agree with them look wrong. Even if that reason is as dumb as a response in which you bash on someone for not spelling and typing correctly.

/not signed

P.S. i do /sign the good luck in life response and good luck in game.

09-29-2009, 09:40 PM
I really hate that new players would unknowingly waste their points on lowbie weapons and armor and having the items bound and unsellable in game is counterproductive. Odds are they purchased the items using accumulated Turbine points doing Korthos and think that the point system is generous but the points will get harder and harder to come by. Even worse is a case like the OP using real $$ for a purchase that has blown up in his face.

If a dev is reading this please reconsider an overhaul of the selling of weapons and armor portion of the store. As it stands this system will only serve to turn new players off your product and create negative word-of-mouth. No weapons in the store or even changing the status quo to allow users to sell the weapons back to the store for a lesser amount of Turbine Points (ie a temporary rent-a-sword type system) are far better options IMO.

09-30-2009, 05:43 PM
sucha grey area here...

seems like they would actually want people to help thier friends out...instead of sticking bindings on all the stuff, no? inside, people are good by nature...

what they should do is to make all items returnable and refund TP's in the store for 1 hour after a purchase....as long as the item has not been used up it should be returnable...this is only a game Turbine...you really need to accomodate the natural ability of people to goof up....

09-30-2009, 09:22 PM
I bought +2 full plate and 2 +2 dwarven waraxes and the very next day I found +3 full plate and a +5 waraxe

This is the part that got me suspicious about what you were thinking.

The first time that +2 weapons started dropping is... Archer's Point, level 5 quest. How can you buy a bunch of craptastic +2 equipment and on the next day FIND a +3 full plate and +5 Waraxe and NOT know that +2 equipment is ****?

09-30-2009, 09:59 PM
The area I agree with is that you should be able to vendor them when you outgrow them. That is all I would ask for. Just let me get my 50-200 gold from the vendor and I will gladly move along nicely. :D

10-01-2009, 07:55 AM
They have logic for not allowing the trade of DDO store items. Part of this is Gold farmers. If you didnt know you Could not trade the items thats your own fault dont qitch about a system when you dont read what the system rules are.

Just about every game I can think of is stopping the trade of Store items between accounts do a little research to find out why.

10-01-2009, 04:25 PM
"A fool and his money are soon parted."

The root of this is you spent money on something you didn't understand. You did not research or look into it at all. That is nobody's fault but your own. Sure, we could all blame Turbine (or any company) for daring to actually wanting to make money. EGADS! There was nothing deceptive, nothing misleading. Supplemental information from developers and players alike is here in the forums for this exact purpose.

Some I see are claiming that they should not even have these weapons available. Not a bad point on some level. But we all know those players out there with too much money on their hands who are more than happy to spend money on temporary boosts, weapons, and the like simply to get through the quests faster, level up quicker, etc. And why should we deny Turbine (or any company) the opportunity to make money off of people who want to spend it? Someone claims "this is only a game Turbine" - it's a game to YOU, to them, it is their BUSINESS. And if that really is your feeling, then why is it a big deal to you, it's only a game...

Believe it or not, companies exist to make money. This is not a charity, or a non-profit. Don't like it or have a better way? Start your own non-for-profit gaming company.

Aside from that, Phiinix brings up points that would suggest this is all BS to begin with as the logic and timing does not seem to jive. Someone else would have to comment further on that, but based on the OP's secondary comments, it seems this whole thing is some sort of inane ploy for empathy.

Sorry, no sympathy here...

10-01-2009, 08:11 PM
Have used the store with some happy results but mostly it is not worth it imo.

Got 3000 points.

First will say the good

1. Like the ability to buy hirelings. Like the fact you can have a couple of them out and like the fact they are relatively cheap. Makes playing solo allot easier.

2. Like the exp boosts. Not sure if they are worth it for new players because they will spend allot of time learning the game, maybe a new one that boosted "quest completion rewards"...not sure.

3. Have not gotten it yet but I like the stat boosts.

Ok the bad

1. The weapons and armor are completely horrible. Most of the things can be purchased on my server for 500-2000 gold from the ah. They are cheap (around 100 store points so about $1.50) but quite honestly like mentioned above they are new player traps.

2. Before I used the store I signed up for VIP account. The game seemed good and worth it to me. By the time my account was setup, I made my char and went through the into quest I could no longer buy the 5000 points for $49. I would really like to think this was just bad luck and not because I upgraded my account. Have not looked it up because if I found at the time it would have really ****ed me off.

3. When you buy the item for feat change it should be ALL YOU NEED for a feat change. Realize new players are most likely using this and when I paid for my feat change only to find out I did not have enough plat to make it happen that was pretty raw.

4. The Collectable Bags should be bind to account. I paid $7ish for a bag that only one char can use. That is half the price someone is paying to play for a month. I can understand why you do not want people to trade them (sell them), but getting one for my char then grinding out 1750 favor to make my REAL char and then having to spend another $7 for a bag seems rediculous.

5. Finally get the points going out for the VIP membership. People are paying for this for crying out loud the fact you guys can not get it to work makes you look rediculously bad. Seriously you should pay extra points to people who you have taken money from but not given their store points. It would be good customer service.


I am guessing the store was made to help make money for the game. With this in mind it should have more items that people will actually want. Some people are actually too poor to pay 15 a month to play. It seems rediculous but I know allot of people are paying for each content piece instead of just paying 15 for one month which is rediculous imo but people are doing it cause they can not afford 15.

There are other people who think there time is worth paying money for. Some gamers do not understand this concept yet but it is simple. MMOs make you go through "time sinks" to get things done because they want you paying money to play.

Some people will play for years to get something done free. More power to them that is what they like.

Some people value their time and will pay money to save time. The reason DDO is doing this is to make money and they should work towards making both happy.

There are other games out there to take ideas from. Not just game stores but other items (like WoW Loot Cards from the card game).

If you want to make money find out what the demand is for and sell it.

Here is what I think people want.

1. Items to help raids/dungeons. Obvious are Healing, sp, rezing and summoning items which exist in some shape or form. Expand upon those ideas. Allow people to buy all kinds of things to make the dungeon go smoother. When I have more experience with the game I will come back with more exact details. Resist stuff, special weapons to kill vamps or whatever special weapon players need for whatever special creature.

2. More items that allow people to solo. It is why I like the Gold Contracts.

3. Vanity items. I ask about mounts and people say "they are not needed". Well I agree but here is the thing. People pay over $1,000 real life dollars for a WoW mount that does not fly and is not even the fastest ground mount cause it looks awsome. You do not need to make flying thing, you do not need to make super fast mounts, but if you make kewl vanity items (maybe a mount that moves at normal speed but looks awsome) people will pay for it. Maybe not $1,000 (remember the demand there is millions of people and some of them have too much money for their own good) but they will spend something.

4. Special content that NEEDS to be purchased but is easier (maybe solo) and gives better experience.

5. Maybe a item you can only buy if you have a level 20 (combined level 1 char) and gives a experience boost all the time. Something to help people level new characters faster.

Obviously all this needs to fit into some kind of larger buisness plan.

Also people need to not hate a game that does this. The game company need to pay for kids, rent and car payments just like everyone else. If that means they need to do creative things to make money so they can keep working on the game then so be it.