View Full Version : Bug Report Response = None

09-22-2009, 05:46 PM
I submitted a bug report in regards to the deepwood sniper 5% ranged alacrity not stacking with the ranger capstone of competance bonus. I also posted a comment and question asking for a response. But alas.... nothing. Not even a "hey, thanks for the info we are looking into it". It has been quite some time and I would think that they would be mildly interested in their newly created content not functioning properly. But, then again, we still cannot recall back to Meridia after finishing a Vale quest, so maybe I am stupid for thinking otherwise.

So, my new question is why have forums for submitting bug reports and/or places for us to ask questions if there is little or no chance of any answer beyond another poster telling me why I was right or wrong for what I posted? I can count on one hand hold 4 fingers down how many times a dev answered one of my questions. Same goes for bug reports. I never get the promised email or any acknowledgement from Turbine whatsoever. If I wanted to talk to someone who won't listen to what I say or acknowledge that I even said someting, I have a wife who is expert at that already.

09-22-2009, 05:52 PM
bug reports don't get answers, they just put things in the bug queue for 404's team. It even used to say that in the submission form, not sure if it still does.

09-23-2009, 12:09 AM
Lorien is correct. In-game tickets are the ones that get responses. Bug reports are just to inform the people who need to know. If the bug guys had to contact all the players who submitted bugs to let them know it's fixed they'd be spending most of their time sending messages and not fixing things. If only one player catches a bug I can see them responding, or getting in touch with you for more details, but all those times where 1000 players submit the same bug?...Just not possible to get back to the players.

I do understand your viewpoint though. It's certainly frustrating to have submitted a bug report and several months later the bug is still there, so you don't know if it's still being worked on or if they never even got the report in the first place.

09-23-2009, 12:27 AM
If I wanted to talk to someone who won't listen to what I say or acknowledge that I even said someting, I have a wife who is expert at that already.
You are correct that players would be more willing to submit useful bug reports if there was some kind of feedback that the reports were ever recieved. I have personally submitted many, and then months later seen developers learn about the problem by reading a forum thread.

Better than replying to each one would be to have a kind of occasionally-updated list showing things that have been reported, including both outstanding bugs and features which are hard to understand.

09-23-2009, 08:19 PM
If your really concerned about bugs you submit pm me on the forums or on my.ddo either works =D. I don't respond to every issue like it was already stated it would slow down the process 10x.

09-25-2009, 04:40 PM
If your really concerned about bugs you submit pm me on the forums or on my.ddo either works =D. I don't respond to every issue like it was already stated it would slow down the process 10x.

This is a major issue, not just a bug. Many of the inital reports of the raid sets are not working the way the descriptions are indicating they should work. However, since there has been zero response on the matter, we are only left with more frustration. This is new content with potentially thousands of new users (potential subscribers watching) and Turbine is back at their normal no comment state of affairs. I can understand for some things, but when your top of the line content is not working as advertized, you at least need to say SOMETHING about it.

10-08-2009, 01:08 PM
Still nothing back from Turbine beyond the inital canned response.

10-08-2009, 01:18 PM
If your really concerned about bugs you submit pm me on the forums or on my.ddo either works =D. I don't respond to every issue like it was already stated it would slow down the process 10x.

Did you PM 404error?

10-08-2009, 01:28 PM
Did you PM 404error?

Yes... and I just sent another one just in case the first got "lost".

10-08-2009, 01:31 PM
This is a major issue, not just a bug. Many of the inital reports of the raid sets are not working the way the descriptions are indicating they should work. However, since there has been zero response on the matter, we are only left with more frustration. This is new content with potentially thousands of new users (potential subscribers watching) and Turbine is back at their normal no comment state of affairs. I can understand for some things, but when your top of the line content is not working as advertized, you at least need to say SOMETHING about it.

Everyone thinks their issue is a Major Issue though.....

10-08-2009, 01:47 PM
Everyone thinks their issue is a Major Issue though.....

I would say that the new Raid Loot not functioning properly, or at least according the description, is major. This was reported a while ago, we now know more and more ring sets not working right with no comment still from Turbine. So yeah, I think that qualifies as major. And no, it is not just my issue as you infer in your comment, it is an issue for everyone who plans on using the new Raid Loot sets.

10-08-2009, 02:02 PM
And no, it is not just my issue as you infer in your comment, it is an issue for everyone who plans on using the new Raid Loot sets.Very few bugs submitted are going to apply just to the submitter. However, that doesn't mean that it's going to impact most players either. From your description, it sounds like a raid reward's buff doesn't stack with a level 20 pure Ranger's enhancement. Right? What percentage of the game population do you think will encounter that? And in particular (since you brought it up)... what percentage of new players do you think will be encountering that anytime soon?

Is it worth a bullet in a Known Issues list? Absolutely. But the bug submission form is so developers get to hear what's broken and have a chance to first prioritize and then (hopefully) fix them. Might take awhile, though... months in many cases, years in others - and never for some. The QA department (and probably at least a few developers) see them all, and other developers at least see the ones that are prioritized high enough to get fixed sooner rather than later (or never).

The best "response" you're likely to get for an individual defect submission is a form e-mail. They get many thousands of such defects, including dozens or even hundreds of duplicates for particular issues.


10-08-2009, 02:07 PM
This is a major issue, not just a bug. Many of the inital reports of the raid sets are not working the way the descriptions are indicating they should work. However, since there has been zero response on the matter, we are only left with more frustration. This is new content with potentially thousands of new users (potential subscribers watching) and Turbine is back at their normal no comment state of affairs. I can understand for some things, but when your top of the line content is not working as advertized, you at least need to say SOMETHING about it.

If it's a top of the line issue, then that means they have far more reports of the bug than they would for minor issues.

Therefore, you should expect no answer as it would be an even bigger waste of time having to answer an even bigger number of bug reports.

Do you realy need to have them tell you they are working on it, before you will believe they are working on it? If you realy do, you are also likely to be someone who wouldn't believe it after they said it.

10-15-2009, 09:54 AM
If it's a top of the line issue, then that means they have far more reports of the bug than they would for minor issues.

Therefore, you should expect no answer as it would be an even bigger waste of time having to answer an even bigger number of bug reports.

Do you realy need to have them tell you they are working on it, before you will believe they are working on it? If you realy do, you are also likely to be someone who wouldn't believe it after they said it.

Why have a bug report system that claims you will get a response if you don't? The ONLY response I got was a canned response after submitting 3 times. Then, I had to send a PM via the forums to have them tell me it has been escalated. I do believe it, but I don't think that the ingame bug report should require me to submit 3 times and then send a PM to get a response that I should have gotten from the ingame bug report.

Keep in mind this is FREE QA given by the player base to Turbine. You act as if I am asking for a personal favor. When any facet of the game fails, in this case new content, it should be brought up and it should be commented on by Turbine at some point. It has been over a month and a majority of the issues go uncommented upon.

By the way, to all of the other posters who feel that issues should be ignored unless it makes the game crash for every user.... it is not just the deepwood sniper set, it is the caster sets and a few others I have heard of not stacking. It's not like they had over a year to test this stuff or anything... Don't mention the preview server because it was not up long enough for a lot of people to aquire the items and lvl high enough to test these things.

10-15-2009, 09:55 AM
I did get a response from a bug report. Well, sort of. I submitted a bug report, 3 times, got 1 canned response finally. Waited a week or so, nothing more. Posted on the forums that I had recieved nothing beyond a canned response. I then got a reply on the forums telling me to submit the bug via PM. (not sure why there is a bug report system if PM works better) and got a PM back saying it has been escalated to the dev team. That was about a weeks ago. Still nothing. Send a follow up PM last week. No response. Still waiting.

10-15-2009, 10:04 AM
By the way, to all of the other posters who feel that issues should be ignored unless it makes the game crash for every user....

I may have missed it, but I don't think anyone claimed the issue should be "ignored." Rather, people pointed out that in the grand scheme of bugs (which include some pretty serious crash bugs and permanent item breaking bugs) a bug that prevents stacking from still pretty rare items combined with also still pretty rare enhancements is not at the top of the list.


10-15-2009, 10:19 AM
This is note the appropriate medium for bug reporting. The reporting tools are meant to collect the reports and are not meant as a two-way interaction, as indicated on the report when you file it. The only time you're likely to hear back is when you've included contact information and the bug you filed is one that we're searching for even more details than what was provided.

The quantity of bugs we receive is great, and among those are also counted bugs filed that aren't really bugs because a player was simply confused. Or reports on bugs that are already in the known issues but the player didn't read the KI list before they filed their report. This means that between real bug reports fighting for priority, accidental bug reports, and duplicate bug reports... there are waaaay more of you than there are of us, and to every player, their issue warrants a "dev response". Even I can't respond to all the PMs I receive on these boards.

404error is, however, very interested in the community, and as best he can he tries to interact with players on multiple fronts to gather more information - but again, there are more of you than there are of us. You're welcome to stop by the House of Errors (http://my.ddo.com/404error/) for bug related discussions, but you should use the bug reporting tool for filing the actual bugs.