View Full Version : Lay ON Hands - CHR too low

09-22-2009, 03:37 PM
Can't cast 'Lay on Hands' in game as my Charisma is too low.... Advice in game was you need 14.
As i am a Dwarf, with a race penalty of -2, lol giving me a base of 6, it's a fair bit away.

Build is 17/10/17/10/11/6 (Swarf 28pointer)

I had a Dwarven Axe+1 and a Shield+1 and having imense fun in Kronthos (spelling?) but how much will i pay for having the charm of a brick? Will I regret this build .. advice before I devote too much time on him I guess.

09-22-2009, 03:40 PM
Much of the Paladins power comes from CHR based feats and Enhancments.
I would sugest a reroll with STR being dropped to 16 and Wisdom being dropped to 10 and CON being dropped to 16. Put the extra points into CHR

09-22-2009, 04:04 PM
A paladin with a 6 charisma is a very gimpy fighter without the bonus feats.


09-22-2009, 04:18 PM
Can't cast 'Lay on Hands' in game as my Charisma is too low.... Advice in game was you need 14.
As i am a Dwarf, with a race penalty of -2, lol giving me a base of 6, it's a fair bit away.

Build is 17/10/17/10/11/6 (Swarf 28pointer)

I had a Dwarven Axe+1 and a Shield+1 and having imense fun in Kronthos (spelling?) but how much will i pay for having the charm of a brick? Will I regret this build .. advice before I devote too much time on him I guess.

A lot of your advanced Paladin abilities are based on Charisma. I would suggest lowering your STR and CON and possibly WIS (as you can always get an item for mana and/or to increase the stat high enough to cast spells) and increase CHA (I would say a 12 min. to start).

09-22-2009, 07:56 PM
A lot of your advanced Paladin abilities are based on Charisma. I would suggest lowering your STR and CON and possibly WIS (as you can always get an item for mana and/or to increase the stat high enough to cast spells) and increase CHA (I would say a 12 min. to start).

I know people will yell and say I dont know what I am talking about, but I never liked WF or dwarf pallys. Makes no sense. drop the dwarf go human or drow or even elf. Another option...go halfling with a dragon mark of healing, than you could really heal. You NEED a CHA of at least 14 w/o tomes for a good pally. I would even say go up to 16. Even a melee FvS would make more sense than a dwarf pally with such low stats.

09-22-2009, 07:59 PM
Palidans get Divine Might from Charisma:

Lvl 5 + Cha 14 = +2 Damage
Lvl 10 + Cha 16 = +4 Damage
Lvl 15 + Cha 18 = +6 Damage
Lvl 20 + Cha 20 = +8 Damage

Divine Grace(Saves):

Bonus to Saves equivalent to Cha Mod
--ex. 22 Cha = +6 Mod = +6 Saves

Lay on Hands:

Free Palidan Healing Ability
(10 + Palidan Level) x Cha Mod = Healing!
Example with reasonable stats
(10 + Lvl 18 Pali) x 7 Cha Mod(24 Cha) = 196

Smite Evil:

Add double Cha Modifier to to your attack which inclues extra damage
2 x 7 Cha Mod = +14 Attack For that single attack

Hopefully this gives you an idea of how Charisma functions on a Palidan

09-23-2009, 05:35 AM
Thx all, I did reroll and went human in the end for the extra feat and no racial penalties.
L3 again :)