View Full Version : Bloodstained Soldiers

09-15-2009, 12:25 AM
Bloodstained Soldiers is a guild that intends to grow as Cannith matures. Our ranks have swelled in a very short period of time to over 200 members (this does include alts). We are a casual based guild where the priorities of real life, including family and other commitments, are held in high regard versus playing with our friends in and outside the guild online. While role playing is encouraged it is not mandatory of our members from my illustrious leader to the newest participant of our guild. We have expectations that all who join our ranks are mature and respectful yet can behave in a jovial environment where co-operation is asked for and expected and also where feelings of others are respected and maintained.

Our goal is to become one of the largest guilds which will allow us to be self sufficient with organizing our own raid night(s) as well creating events which will encourage a greater sense of feeling and belonging with as many of our members as possible. We are in, admittedly, the process of creating a website for BSS for all of our current members as well as potential new members, such as yourself, to see what we are about as well as to become part of our corner of the Cannith server. Also in the process of our growing requirement for organization is a possible Ventrilo server.

Currently our leader, Kiam (aka Lunatari) is organizing our guild into one that has traditional structures of officers from previous MMOs such as WoW (not my fault to mention that) and LotRO, EQ etc... We expect to also further organize ourselves to include officers that understand the various classes, which could include paths and that can act as advisers to anyone considering playing a new class or even multi-classing with a current main character.

If you feel the appeal of what we have to currently offer for your DDO experience needs can be fulfilled and if you want to contribute your part to our ranks as well as goals we welcome you to contact or any of our officers to discuss your interest.

If anyone reading this is interested in becoming a Bloodstained Soldier, please feel free to leave me a message on the forums as well as to send a tell to myself (or my alt Kibakun) as well as Kiam/Lunatari

Best wishes in your adventuring


10-29-2009, 10:36 AM
Do you have additional/new information about the guild? :) TY

08-27-2010, 06:08 AM
Bloodstained Soldiers now has a new leader, Malric. If you are interested in joining us please send ingame mail to either malric or Lunatari or Durzagh (2nd in command) or Sukara (forum admin) or you could email BSSguild@hotmail.co.uk or look up Bloodstainedsoldiers.com for more information about us.
We are now guild level 48 and working very hard earning guild renown, to get us even higher.
We organise guild runs and raids.
We have alliances with House of A. and Aggro nation

Thanks for reading this.


08-27-2010, 09:54 AM

01-24-2011, 01:52 PM