View Full Version : Old VCA member from Aerenal Returns, Finding a Guild

09-14-2009, 12:29 AM
AFKed since two years ago? The DDO:U caught my attention recently so I want to come back and see if the game could bring me some fun.

My main is Gahrin. Some of you from former VCA might remember that Drow Paladin. Now this Pal is almost LV14, around 10K exp from leveling up. I'm trying to re-walk the learning curve as quickly as possible. If someone at Sarlona has grouped with me in the past week and found me being clumsy, please, please excuse me for being absent for over two years. Not just my level has fallen behind, so does my DDO knowledge and technique.

Unfortunately when I came back this time, VCA was already disbanded. So finding a new guild is the way to go. I'm looking for a guild that's well organized and have activities such as raid-run and Favor-run every weekend(Sorry but I might not have too much time during weekdays. Could have an hour or so after 11:00 pm but I'm with Pacific time now. I know it would be way too difficult for players from the east coast to stay up that late.) I'm not too big of a fan for looting though it will definitely be fun to run it every once in a while.

Yeah and that's it for now, hopefully could meet up with some of the old faces and chat a little bit. See yall later in the game.

09-15-2009, 11:09 PM
heya man... welcome back... ya few of us are still around... everyone went everywhere... hoping to see more peoples from vca and have seen alot more lately... and probably see more yet.... look me up sometime...

09-16-2009, 02:14 PM
Holy sheet! Gahrin?! Long time no see, bud! I think you came to VCA the same time I did when they absorbed my old guild, LOL!

I just came back after 9 months of being gone. Been playing AoC again since April this year (Dom and I played it at launch, then went to LOTRO two months later or so). Still playing it now, in fact I'm raiding tonight but will probably be on later.

Manifest and Kaerlik I've spoken to in the last couple of days. Mani just recently came back. I think Xavier went to Argo, not sure.

Haven't seen or spoken to Dom in a while. Same goes for Sequestria, I think she plays LOTRO more now, although according to my friend's list she shows as being in a guild called "Tarnished Tarts" and Dom is in a couple of silly-named guilds, probably one's he just made up on the spot to be funny. Riv and his brother haven't been on in awhile AFAIK. Lost touch with Lothor as well. Klinthor is still here, saw him a few days ago. Really hoping EU brings back more of the old VCA regulars!

Everett, good to see you still around, man! Here's a screenshot from the old days on Aerenal, this was my first run with VCA in what became our well-loved tradition of the post-raid Tempest run!

Tell me that doesn't bring back some memories, eh? :D I'm getting all nostalgic now!

Anyway, Gahrin you are welcome to check out Black Mantis if you'd like. Great people here, as there are in Untouchables.