View Full Version : In Bad Company

09-10-2009, 05:25 AM
Guild Name: In Bad Company
Its a pun on my characters names Badina/Badora/Badula/Badera funny haha! :D

Im the Guild leader of IBC aka In Bad Company.... We are young spirited and some young aged but no minors. Mixture of married couples and single male and female players. Of our regular players we are right around 50-50 m to f. We are fowl mouthed and goofy. I often tell people we come with a parental warning We often teach new people gaming tricks and are in-general pretty patient. We are friends with many other guilds and raid often. Although you will catch us all standing around talking often as well.... we love to socialize and talk ****. We have members spreading all across the contient and have players on around the clock. Like myself i am often atleast logged in from 5am-6am the next moring except the while i am with my children. My husband plays as well his is in my Guild. We have alot of real life friends that are also in the guild so as extreme as we are, we tend to be close nit and loyal.

09-24-2009, 02:19 AM
Im bored so i am posting on my own Forums post! Yay me!

09-24-2009, 08:47 AM
do i need to contact someone in game or is there a web site application i must fill out?

09-25-2009, 04:47 AM
well i try to check out the forums regularly but its best to find someone who is online and more often then not a officer or atlease myself is on constantly. Feel free to find me at any of the below named Members

09-25-2009, 10:04 AM
We have currently over 20 characters who are under lvl 9 and online regularly.(week or less) We have Free to play and VIP memebers alike. We dont hold how long you have been playing against you or use it as some sort of favor. We are willing to help any and all as long as they we willing to be open minded and attempt to learn. In the last week we have gotten 5 new and fantastic players who we are very much so enjoying as having in addition to our guild. Check us out on MyDDO guilds or list is rather expansive :D Cant wait to see what new and great players head our way!

Also if your looking for something a bit different try
Fallen Heroes
Dragon R. Brotherhood (DRB)
Both are great guilds that we know and run with often as possible.
they have posts a few links below this one!

09-25-2009, 10:07 AM
...We are fowl mouthed...

Clucking hell!

09-25-2009, 10:13 AM
too funny! thanks for that giggle!

cacadoodleDoo to you too! :D

09-25-2009, 10:29 AM
Hey there, welcome this guild is awesome with awesome people look it up in game!

09-25-2009, 08:38 PM
do i need to contact someone in game or is there a web site application i must fill out?
Be sure you just ping 'em (send tell in game) and they'll answer.

Yes, am just offering a shameless bump with my hip. ;)

10-01-2009, 06:31 PM
Yay!!!!! Crossed the hundred charactor mark and still growing!!!!!

10-02-2009, 02:37 PM
Im vey excited about our new growth! We have gotten alot of great and eager players! Im looking forward to the Future of Khyber and the great player spectrum we will have!

10-05-2009, 09:26 AM
Good Morning DDO

10-07-2009, 01:02 AM

Im so excited halloween is almost here ;)

10-07-2009, 12:31 PM
Excited? bet the little ones be. :) Looking forward, be some reminder there be Autumn somewhere.

10-10-2009, 04:28 AM

Looking to join you guys! getting rather lonelysome all by myself, in town; trying to sell my wares and make a bit of room for more junk to be devoured *sigh* Want to buy anything!? Hit me up ive got it all! :) Anyways! Who do i need to bug the **** out of to let me on-board?? ^_^


10-10-2009, 04:45 PM
Well Hi currently we have 3 people trained in the recruitment process
Feel Free To Contact

The 2nd in Command

Worst interviewer EVER!

Also feel free to look up my toon list mentioned in my signature! :D Thanks a ton!

The 3 of us are more then happy and capable to help you get the interview done. Once they interview 10-20 questions they contact me and i confirm or deny. Best of luck :D hope to see you in game!

10-10-2009, 04:56 PM

Don't join this group of misfits and GIMPS!!! They all Suck A$$.


(Proud Member of In Bad Company, Fallen Heroes ((Hi Em;) )) and Legends of Twilight)

10-10-2009, 05:03 PM
Be ye warned!!! I will NOT cut you slack!! I will NOT tell you it's O.K.!!! I will NOT care if I hurt your feelings!!! But I WILL tell you how you could and SHOULD be more like me!!! I will NOT watch my mouth!!! I will NOT stop cussing and ranting about the noobs!!!
I WILL, however, tell you how GIMPED you are!!!
And I WILL do all of the above in a nice, friendly and pleasant manner :)

Hope to see some new recruits when I get back in game Monday morning. Enjoy the game and Welcome to the guild in advance!!!

Hi, Bad....just though I would give them a sample of what runnign with me will be like :))


10-10-2009, 06:13 PM
LOL thanks Poon we miss you xoxox cant wait for the weekend to be over so you can drive me crazy again :D

10-12-2009, 02:13 AM
Oh Poon, will you beat me?? I so havent' had a harsh RL in soo long i need a good beating. And don't spare using none of those padded swords or what not you use to duel, use some shard to make it hurt :P

10-12-2009, 04:08 PM
Oh Poon, will you beat me?? I so havent' had a harsh RL in soo long i need a good beating. And don't spare using none of those padded swords or what not you use to duel, use some shard to make it hurt :P
Oooo, that be a lively one. :) Prefer a cat-o-nine? ;)

10-12-2009, 04:08 PM
Hmmm still growing strong even with the fear of poon :P!!

10-14-2009, 08:53 AM
Welcome to all the new players!!!!

10-21-2009, 04:45 AM
I would like to thank all of the people who showed interest or joined Our Guild.

It would appear that I didnt make it clear enough though That this is a VERY adult language group and we will not be accepting any minors/children/beings under the age of 18 within the guild. Im sorry tothe 15-17 yr old community that is having difficulty finding a guild but I promise that we are not the guild for you.

Best luck in gaming to you all. We are still accepting applications for Our guild. Cant wait to hear from you! ;P

10-23-2009, 08:22 AM
Yes, this guild is full of incorrigible scoundrels and foul-mouthed reprobates of all sorts. My kinda people! It's all quite fantabulous, truly. :)

10-23-2009, 09:21 PM
I have a short term memory ;) so i cant remember to send this to you ingame! lol please fill this out and mail it to my main Badora and we will let you know from there!! Thanks!


can be city/state state or timezone


Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?

How long have you been playing?

How often are you online?

How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds

Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids.

We try to focus the raids to the weekends(Saturdays)
We have an active player base of 15-25 people.

A Vent system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

10-28-2009, 10:42 AM
Badora lists me as one of her alts... sigh

If you can't get a hold of her and are looking to join this band of misfits... you can look for me
I'm not as cool as everyone else, so I don't have 5,000,000,000.2 alts. I'm either on Solaniel, or Alyhana. If we've grouped anywhere and I've offended you, well, you probably deserved it! (I've been hanging around F**** to long)

*Edit* Seriously?? It stared out FP0Op???

10-30-2009, 05:50 PM
actually sir I DONT name you as an alt i name you as an ALTERNATE interviewer! but just thought I'd mention that... since your dumb :P hahaha poo on you!

11-04-2009, 07:53 PM
Im the Guild leader of IBC aka In Bad Company....
We are young spirited and some young aged but no minors. Mixture of married couples and single male and female players.
Of our regular players we are right around 40-60 m to f. We are fowl mouthed and goofy.
I often tell people we come with a parental warning. We often teach new people gaming tricks and are in-general pretty patient.
We are friends with many other guilds and raid often. Although you will catch us all standing around talking often as well....
we love to socialize and talk ****. We have members spreading all across the contient and have players on around the clock.
Like myself i am often atleast 40 hrs upwards of 70 hrs weekly.
My husband plays as well his is in my Guild. We have alot of real life friends that are also in the guild so as extreme as we are,
we tend to be close nit and loyal. We strongly believe that family comes first and will not look down upon breaks from gaming for family time.
We have a vent system and are on Facebook as well! Look us up there! ~DDO~In Bad Company~ (under the groups)!!
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=199370&page=2 for the interview to Mail into Badora!! Please and Thank you!

Currently Looking to Fill in about 25 Character Slots so PLEASE feel free to Contact me ASAP!

11-10-2009, 02:33 AM
bum bum bum bum lame i know but you love it :D

11-10-2009, 04:33 PM
this is an outrage!!!

not allowing 16 year olds??? :( u make poor darvec sad :D

i was in a guild who did this in vent quite often!!! altho it was frowned upon doing so in groups with pugs tho lol

11-11-2009, 06:17 PM
/sarcasm on

Outraged or Not Gysod, me and my potty mouth corrupts my daughter enough for an army of kids and don't need corrupting the youth of DDO on my conscience!! Nah, i could really care less about the corruption of anyone anymore then Sir Poon does but its an adult guild and we have to keep some of our morales(the few remaining that is). Some topics discusses on our vent and guild chat would scar you and we all know that mental scars take alot longer to heal then the physical ones that we deal with our blades.

/sarcasm off

11-13-2009, 11:10 PM
Woot woot you guys I hope you saw it but i was famous today!

Rants of me and how Im evil as per usual!! ;) yay IBC and continuing to uphold my soiled dirty name!

11-19-2009, 03:17 AM
Im going away for the weekend hope all is well when i get back!

11-24-2009, 11:05 PM
Im back im back i back!! Watch out because here i come :D ;)

11-26-2009, 02:54 PM
Are y'all recruiting lowbies? I just started a couple months ago, and it took a lot of time before I settled on a couple of classes/builds that I like, so both the characters I play are still low level (6th and 7th).

11-26-2009, 03:23 PM
we recruit in all lvl ranges and in all experience feilds! Please refer to the interview questions above and feel free to mail them to me anytime! i will be on later tonight after of course a turkey FEAST!

Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for showing interest in our guild!

12-02-2009, 10:04 AM
We are doing well!! Great new players and interesting old Veterans of the game make for fun nights!!!

12-02-2009, 11:57 PM
I had the benefit of logging on a couple nights ago and immediately receiving a tell. I was asked if I wanted to do (whatever it was) and I took a chance - had a really fun time. I was amazed at how well everyone in the guild worked together and was impressed by their mad skills. I'm an amateur at best, so it was a relieving and enjoyable experience.

Moving on! My RL friends and I started DDO during the Beta. Now I think they're all bored of it and never want to play anymore. If I could join you guys that would make DDO fun again for me. The game is dreadfully boring alone and doing groups where people fall off of everything.

The name is Auratik! Email is brenstar@buysam.com and my AIM name is SamplayingGS.


12-03-2009, 12:00 AM
I had the benefit of logging on a couple nights ago and immediately receiving a tell. I was asked if I wanted to do (whatever it was) and I took a chance - had a really fun time. I was amazed at how well everyone in the guild worked together and was impressed by their mad skills. I'm an amateur at best, so it was a relieving and enjoyable experience.

Moving on! My RL friends and I started DDO during the Beta. Now I think they're all bored of it and never want to play anymore. If I could join you guys that would make DDO fun again for me. The game is dreadfully boring alone and doing groups where people fall off of everything.

The name is Auratik! Email is brenstar@buysam.com and my AIM name is SamplayingGS.


Hey i think i was in that party with you! The interview is above send it in and begin your 2 week trail to see if you like the Entire guild as much as you enjoyed our party :D!! Spanks!

12-10-2009, 12:41 AM
Seems like it could be a fun place to hang out! I will definatly be looking into it, and possibly E-mailing you.

12-15-2009, 12:25 AM
yay i like you ;)

01-04-2010, 01:58 AM
well that holiday of horror is over so guess what~ im back traveling finished! i will be online tomorrow :D (technically today!) See ya ingame

01-06-2010, 06:14 AM
Hi, just found this nice little post about your guild, sounds like a good one ;)

pretty new to the game myself since it became FTP and all, just wondered if could perhaps join your guild? for guidance, fun, and maybe a little adventure once Forach Thy dwarf paladin is better equipped and leveled.

Thanks :)

01-07-2010, 03:21 AM
i believe the app is on the previous page please feel free to send it in to any of my toons or mail it in here on the forums and we (mostly i) will get back to you as soon as possible! Thanks for your interest and cant wait to hear from you

01-08-2010, 02:38 AM
alright, thank you for the swift reply ryan1616 ;) i'll mail it to you here sometime soon, but for now its off to work :(

01-11-2010, 06:09 AM
Hey Thanks! Looking forward to having new members in the guild! We went thru a recent cleaning and have a few less members on the list but its a good thing all members are active and we are thrilled to help anyone who is interested just make sure you read the application and remember ADULTS ONLY! Voice is a must and no beggers ;)

01-20-2010, 02:26 PM
Boy whata sneeze ;)

Back to the top i went! Lovely ;)

02-06-2010, 01:48 AM
Id like this time to point out some of the changes that have under gone within the guild!!

We have a rough est. of about 55 members (with Excessive alts haha)
Male to Female ratio is 45 / 55
Leaning more towards the late night crew but have people on randomly thru most hrs.
We've set up Tuesday and Saturday Nights as Raids nights (thats right twice a week)
Saturday is you pick em raid night (you pick it we flag it/learn it and Raid it by saturday!
Tuesday tends to be more the usual Hound/Reaver for all alts flagged mayb a shroud or 2
Alot of the loud craziness as left we are still flithy mouthed but not as offensive! lol We love to socialize and are trying really hard to learn more of the content even if we dont like it (big strides on my part cause im a picky girl hehe)
Based on the Eastern Time Zone.
We have low/med/high lvl toons Vets and noobs alike...
Im willing to attempt to train anyone i can and pass on the best of the knowledge i have learned in hopes to better the overall collective of gaming!

We have a Gear recycling program (Yes thinking green even in DDO)
If i have it ill lend it but return it when your done or get better so someone else may borrow it as well!
We still have Vent up and running and would love more people to keep it lively! ;)
We can be found on Facebook as well!

02-11-2010, 07:20 AM
Please, excuse me didnt mean to "bump" into you!

02-11-2010, 07:35 AM
Please, excuse me didnt mean to "bump" into you!

oh well hello there Fine Officer, its ok i didnt like the blouse anyway ;) Would you like to buy me another Coffee :)

02-23-2010, 02:07 PM


02-26-2010, 10:54 PM
oh well hello there Fine Officer, its ok i didnt like the blouse anyway ;) Would you like to buy me another Coffee :)

So do you want some whipped cream on the "Top" of that coffee?? :D

03-01-2010, 05:50 PM
No thank you, im lactose intolerant.....


03-02-2010, 02:38 PM
You guys sound like a great group and just what i amy be looking to get back into. I am an MMO/PC gaming veteran having played almost every MMORPG under the sun except WOW(and never will) and am new to DDO.

I am a casual player that plays mostly between 8:30pm to 11:30pm Mon thru Thu, and Fri & Sat 8:30pm until i start drooling on my keyboard.

I am a mature player(38 yrs old) that likes to have fun and goof/joke around with a fun group of people. I am as sarcastic as Hell and curse like a sailor but also a loyal and compassionate friend. I take gaming seriously when it is time to do so but I can seperate my gameplay from voicechat BS!

I am a DDO noob with a lv 3 as my highest so looking for a place for new players! If you are still looking for new players please let me know. I will submit an application ASAP. Thank you!

03-02-2010, 11:24 PM
Hey Thanks for the interest! Come have a look around! ;)

03-08-2010, 06:19 AM

had this group up, hope it gives more insight into us and the vision we are trying to make a reality!

come check us out!

03-08-2010, 06:44 AM
Hey all... Sounds like an interesting guild LOL

Do you have an affiliation with any other guilds? I am in two guilds atm and am thinking of expanding to a third
just for the raiding opportunity. Couple quick questions tho.

Do you have people playing in the east coast australia timezone??
Do you mind players doing power leveling??
At the start I would like to bring one toon only across....extending to maybe 2 or 3..LOL..

03-08-2010, 07:05 AM
We are allied with MAC/Fallen Heroes/Dragon Ren Brotherhood I also have friends from Free Companions/Elite Raiders/Twlight Avengers/Utopia and a few others....

I recently started getting "aussie" recruits HOWEVER i am on ALOT!! So are a few of the guildies we tend to be gamaholics :)
Uhh power lvling? ME!? Never....
once a friend said he could out lvl me, we bet 10kpl (back when lvl cap was 16) I beat him to 16 by almost 2 weeks ;) 11days to cap out raids included lol
We offer a 2 week trail for any members looking to join, we like to let you in poke about ask questions, flag/raid with us.... To low level? That sucks i TR'd and less then a week later im lvl 12, your fault you said you were busy inventoring when i was lvling :P haha Alts are always welcome

03-09-2010, 09:17 AM
Shoot spilled my morning coffee again.... Clumsy sorry about that tripped on the thread again. LOL

03-13-2010, 12:57 PM
oh poo, ill get a wet rag and clean that spill up! Dont wanna stain that newly varnished floor we just put in! ;) hehe Come back before to long! Let me know what you think of the new curtains! ;)

03-17-2010, 09:33 PM
oh poo, ill get a wet rag and clean that spill up! Dont wanna stain that newly varnished floor we just put in! ;) hehe Come back before to long! Let me know what you think of the new curtains! ;)

Well loving the curtains there awesome do we have some matching rugs???

03-18-2010, 12:09 AM
We have a new lounge couch! its Rather fluffy!!

And a snack bar in the let hand side of the room! check it out! Stocked full of mint tea

03-18-2010, 11:46 PM
Ooooh and a hot oil bath for you mechanical types... :)

03-19-2010, 02:16 PM
We have a lovely Dragon Scale Chandelier strapped to the ceiling made scales from last weeks raid! Very Festive. Red, Blue, White and Black!

Green Light bulb to represent the season ;)


03-22-2010, 07:17 PM
Soon also we will be getting a guild pet a baby Green Dragon named Snuffles!!!! Only eats tastey ham and broccoli!!!!

03-23-2010, 03:53 AM
Who arranged the payment on this Green Dragon?!
I didnt agree to this! :D
I better stock up on Ham!! Poo :( hehe

Id like Snuffles! What an adorable name!! :D hehe

03-25-2010, 01:13 PM

03-26-2010, 08:02 PM
Hey everyone hope to see you all in game soon... cough bump oooops

03-27-2010, 08:34 AM
Hey Slug, Watch where you are stepping. I know im short, Being halfling and all but walk on your own feet!!

03-31-2010, 11:45 PM

04-01-2010, 02:09 AM
wow now thats a guild leader!!!

04-01-2010, 05:20 PM
you need a reasonably new halfling mage looking for some to to game with while learning ropes ?

well if you do. i, bimblewit am at your service at your service

(note wizard is subject to change trying out loads of classes now that i have vet status)

04-01-2010, 09:54 PM
hey, Thanks for the reply!

Am in game but been AFK alot its kiddy beddy time FINALLYY!!!!! haha So Game on!

04-03-2010, 04:12 AM
With all that bumping in FH I fell down here.... Hmmm How did that happen?

04-03-2010, 09:41 AM
sry havent been on bimblewit in a while so hes still lvl 4 :P been trying out barbs and bards :P wondering if we could get a grp together to do a quest to see if we mesh :)

bimblewit the lvl 4 halfling wizard

04-03-2010, 04:31 PM
Ya i got a few new toons i been wanting to work on that are in your range, Find me ;) ill make some lowbie time for you.

04-05-2010, 06:10 PM
Heya ,
Was just wondering if ur guild is still recruiting ?
Lemme introduce myself :
name in game :Hugrinos but if u see ugrin in the name it is prolly me ;-)
age: 39
Country : The netherlands
I am pretty new to the game so very little exp .
I have played loads of o other MMORPGS like UO,DaoC AoC Rappelz WoW and others
my highest toon atm is level 7
He is a 5/2 ranger /rogue
and i have quite a few level 4 chars .
Due to the fact that i live in europe i have a +5 +6 time difference .
reason why i picked ur guild is you all sound like a bunch of nice ppl.
That is about it if u have any further questions just ask .
Hope to hear from u soon


04-05-2010, 06:18 PM
Yes we are recruiting and i think you picked the perfect time to join, im growing bored with the upper lvl grind and have decided to play my baby toons for this week. I will be on 4-10 lvl toons all week :D Horray!! Contact me in game on Badyna and i will gladdly either shoot over the application or party with you and see if I like you ;) Remember Its all about pleasing me ;) hehehe!!

04-08-2010, 09:54 PM
I would like to run with you all some time. My main is Bigchunk a level 18 wf sorc but I play alot of alts as well. Currently I am in Afghanistan but should be states side in a week or so. My old guild sorta fell apart and it feels lonley pugging around.

04-08-2010, 10:38 PM
Oh yay please Find me! :D We will be on our Upper level Raiding toons on Saturday and focusing mostly on the baby toons for Tonight and tomorrow hehe, gotta get those babies ready for gainthold :D

04-09-2010, 12:31 AM
Im interested in joining this guild. Do i need to contact someone in game or apply on a website?

Char name: Malwynn

Age: 19
Gender: Male

Location: Georgia
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Student/IT

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?

How long have you been playing? About 2 weeks lol. I learn new games very quickly. Already have 2x Greensteel khopeshes waiting for me for when i hit level 12.

How many characters/alts do you have? 3

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds: Just Malwynn - 1fighter/6ranger/2monk

Have you played anyother MMOs?
Wow for around 4-5 years now. Raided the entire content availabe ranging from MC in Vanilla to ICC in WoTLK

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? **** yes

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Sorta

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Yes

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids.

We try to focus the raids to the weekends(Saturdays)
We have an active player base of 15-25 people.

/Edit - Almost level 11 now.

04-12-2010, 07:51 PM
So clumsy what will you ever do with me.... LOL

04-13-2010, 07:58 PM
You and your Big Ole Feet man!! hehe Im gonna have to put you in a bubble so you dont hurt yourself

04-20-2010, 08:44 PM

can be city/state state or timezone
Minnesota, Central Time Zone

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
I am VIP right now
How long have you been playing?
Since October.
How often are you online?
Every day it seems.
How many characters/alts do you have?
4. I only really play 2 though

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Leuslse 15 bard, Shialabeouf 8 ranger/1 fighter
Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
If its not too personal

04-21-2010, 04:15 PM
I'll just drop this little note here then...

20, but 21 this saturday

can be city/state state or timezone
Uppsala, gmt+1(or+2 during summers?)

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
I'm not VIP, and I rather buy the packages atm then go vip, that way I can still play it if I take a break.
How long have you been playing?
A few weeks, joined up when DDO went free and now I'm back.
How often are you online?
A few hours a day mostly.
How many characters/alts do you have?
4, but I only play 2 of them atm

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Lascivia (6rng/2bbn/2ftr)
Kargraz (6 cleric)
Have you played anyother MMOs?
Uh. Yeah. Played most, hit max level, done pretty much all the raiding in pretty much all the big mmo's today. They suck. Been playing EVE for a few years also, best game for pvp, DDO is the best for pve.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
Of course.
Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

04-22-2010, 03:30 AM
Hey, soon to be 21 How exciting :) Contact me ingame ill most likely be on Badina :)

04-27-2010, 07:23 PM
Age: Unknown

Location: Have u looked underyall's bed lately? o wait iraq!

Gender:depends wat do u want it to be!

Occupation: UUUmm how do i put this WAR!

Vip or FTP? HA Bet i got more TP than u saved up!

PLaying time: 4 years

Time on atm NONE WAR!:)

# alts: 13!

NAMES: to many of them and lvls r not important!

OTHER GUILDS: Some guild that were once heros but r now fallen r somthing to that extent :)

Cuss, Swear, Sex jokes: LOL wat make su thinking im joking when i hit on u? lol!

lol wat can i say bobbie and ryan i was bored! *CORD*

04-28-2010, 10:49 AM
baby, im not asain, you dont like me ;) thanks for the flattery :P you know your welcome with me anytime! poon said your coming home for leave soon!! im so excited! we miss ya bud!

04-28-2010, 03:31 PM
haha asian part nice!!! lol yea i knw i am welcome i was bored so i figured i would be mess aorund with yall. HA yea i will be home in less than a month for my two weeks of leave. I do plan on playing a good bit due to the fact thhat i cant play at all out here so this ius my plan. First off i dont have a mnk at all so i think i may roll one an try to get it lvled up to say lvl 15 at least and also at least run a shroud on all my flagged toons. I will most def. hit you guys up when i get back :) well take care dear

04-30-2010, 01:28 PM
Hea peeps just dropping a post to thank you all for aiding me with my limited exp in gianthold lastnight. I did get some decent loot. Not full plate, but robe with heavy fort., and a new shiny +5 heavy shield with some lesser resists, and +5 str gloves. Again thanks for showing me some of the quests, and running around in there. Next time will be easier.

Yellowgold L12 human cleric.

05-07-2010, 03:21 PM

... pooo allergies

05-11-2010, 10:43 PM
Heya, looks like you've all got an interesting and fun group going. I'll try to remember and mail an application to Badora next time I'm in the game as well.

Note on the voice: I do have a mic, but it's not connected to the interface right now. Kinda ran out of room on my desk. (Not to mention cables) I can always put it up in a pinch though. :P

Age: 31 as of May 20th.
Gender: Male

Location: Iowa (Central time)
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Day-job: Contract IT-Consultant. (between jobs right now)
Working toward: Recording/Mixing Engineer

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
I don't see any reason for going VIP. I'm premium, have pretty much all the adventure packs, save devil's assault, and if I need more points for new packs, I'll just buy them. :P

How long have you been playing? A few months, since last autumn.

How often are you online? Fairly often, mostly in the evenings/late night.

How many characters/alts do you have? 1 Main, and 3 alts on Khyber. Also have characters on other servers, but don't mess with them much.

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Vaylos Argent(Main) L9 Rogue
Drayzen Maerk L1/1 Bard with rogue splash
Maerack Draysen L1/2 Ranger with Rogue Splash
Mahzz De'ris L1 Sorceror

Have you played anyother MMOs?
The better part of my college days were spent playing DAoC and running with a like-minded set of guildies called Raven Wing. More recently, I've played Regnum Online.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Yep, not as often as some, but it's not like I try to control it.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? On occasion depending on circumstance.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Yep, let's just say I'm not a stranger to it.

Feel free to ask me anything you need if/when I'm around. Some nights can be harder to track me down than others. (Hey, I'm a rogue at heart!)

05-13-2010, 11:16 AM
Sounds like you all have a lot of fun :P

05-21-2010, 07:45 AM
Balance plus fifteen still couldn't keep me up right sorry about that!!!! At least i had a lid on the coffee cup this time. :)

05-26-2010, 01:25 PM
OHH.. Sooo lonely without the game right now lol..... please..... Come back up game......

05-27-2010, 12:04 AM
this guild looks like it needs a shortling.

must remember to post/mail this aussie app tomorrow night.

cant do it tonight cause tonight is PnP D&D :D

06-09-2010, 08:07 PM
whats this doing down here? i can actually see this without looking up. this will not do

*gets ladder*

06-10-2010, 02:22 AM
I'd like to join. I'm not very experienced in ddo though. I've played on and off on a free account, and always left because of the gold and level restrictions. But now i'm premium sooo I deffinitly want to stick around haha.
Only toon I have at the moment is Aramoss Nailo. Only a level 2 Ranger though :/
If I can join just send me a pm in game, or on the forums (:

06-10-2010, 09:17 AM

Location:just north of London (so GMT)
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: ex army (didnt like that eye anyway) but now a baker

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already? priemum (dont mind paying for things as i need them, but will go vip if you guys make it worth leaving WoW)

How long have you been playing?on and off since it went FtP and a little at launch

How often are you online?all day weds , thurs also anyevenings im not on WoW ( but i will leave WoW for this BUT atm cant find a guild thats on when i am)

How many characters/alts do you have? 2 ATM ( but i like making more i just deleted the guys i never use)

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds stett , 7 dwarf ranger 1 fighter 1 rogue / 4 drow wiz

Have you played anyother MMOs? WoW

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? have you EVER met a british soldier???

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids.

06-10-2010, 04:08 PM
hey everyone thanks for the replies!

please contact me or my officers Brotherdog and we will gladdly see if you are the Right fit for us.

I got on vacation starting Saturday but we are still recruiting and looking for active players between the ages of 21-45 male or female! Hope to see a happy player base when I get back from vacation!

06-10-2010, 05:57 PM
hey sent you ingame mail ... i did try to /tell you but i think you are busy in gianthold and i need sleepif you are still about in the morning (uk time) i will say hi

06-17-2010, 02:45 PM
stopping in to say hi to my homies while on vaca been a great trip so far miss ya

07-21-2010, 04:41 AM
omg, guess what?


ya, i know what was I thinking, Ive missed out on alot!! ;)

Welcome new members and friends!

If you know me chack out the aweseome sauce load of pictures!! :)

07-21-2010, 07:57 AM

07-23-2010, 09:16 AM
What a wonderful trip but its good to be back cant wait to see you all in game and hopefully see many new faces!!!!

07-27-2010, 10:36 AM
Who is ready for school to start?! I know i am!! thats just a short time where i get a break from screaming fits! Ohhh how i cant wait for school

07-28-2010, 02:10 AM
Who is ready for school to start?! I know i am!! thats just a short time where i get a break from screaming fits! Ohhh how i cant wait for school

school? bleh.

school means my cramped trains are even more cramped. At least i sleep and as such avoid 90% of it :D

07-29-2010, 12:51 PM
lol, trains packed with tons of people really doesnt sound delightful
my kids go to school and im SOO ready for that!

unfortunate for the rest of you ;)

07-31-2010, 02:27 PM
I figured I'd try to post an app. here on the forums, cuz in-game applications can just be soooo messy. :P

Age: 19
Gender: Male

Location: New Brunswick, Canada
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Line Cook - I make pizza.

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possibilities of going VIP/If your not already? I'm already VIP.

How long have you been playing? I started playing Christmas-ish time of '07, after capping several characters and playing for quite a while (on Argo), I had a falling out with my guild and deleted everything and quit.. And now I'm back, back again.

How often are you online? Fairly often, mostly in the evenings/late night.

How many characters/alts do you have? Just my main right now, only been back a few days.

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Bryttle - Barb 4 / Ranger 2

Have you played anyother MMOs? The original Everquest, WoW, Warhammer, EQ2

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Sometimes.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Hey babe, wanna get together sometime and grab something to eat? We can get hot dogs.. I'll be the wiener, and you can be the bun. ;)

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Always.

07-31-2010, 03:05 PM
sounds good find me in game

07-31-2010, 04:32 PM
we only saw buffalos and such on our trip.

so lucky to have seen bears!

07-31-2010, 10:45 PM
Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Bryttle - Barb 4 / Ranger 2

i will be on my cleric Tastey when you get on If its tonight :) find me there :)

08-01-2010, 02:46 AM
yay airship!!! and a new "vent" server :)

08-04-2010, 04:59 AM
bump, oh excuse me..

wait is it still a bump if its into yourself or is it more of a trip?


08-09-2010, 10:20 AM
That coffee was hot and darn tripped over my greatsword and then stumbled over my lance grrrrr thats why lances are not in game, no one would be able to get past there awesomeness!!!!! Seriously though come check us out and see if we are the right fit for you!!!!

08-10-2010, 09:41 PM
bacon lance.... pictures posted later.. lol

my new invention...

more epic then any item ever!!

08-18-2010, 01:42 PM
ooops the bump has caused me to stumble into the **** fire pit this time thankfully still wearing my fire resist item.. :) Seriously, if your an adult, looking for a fun relaxed guild that does some raiding, and likes to have a good time give us a chance!

08-24-2010, 09:29 AM
The not so subtle bump!!!Or rather shove back up the list!!! Looking for some more people who like to have a good time!!!

08-24-2010, 01:57 PM
IBC is almost to guild level 25 ^.^

we are going to get the new ship :)

Go us!! Come say hi and check us out! :)

08-28-2010, 01:31 AM

Calgary, AB (MST)
Security Technician/Electrician

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?

I am VIP.

How long have you been playing?
Well, I started playing for a few weeks right at launch, and took a few years off. I've just come back in the last week.

How often are you online?
Every night, some longer than others, depending on what's up with the family.

How many characters/alts do you have?
3 Characters. Two (8 RNG and 7 SOR) from my original DDO days, and a Bard (4) that's poised to become my main this time around.

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Naousemi (4 Bard)
Swyn (7 Sorc)
Saeth - Riedra (8 Rng)
Synde (3 Cler / 1 Ftr)
Apocryphal (2 Wiz / 1 Rog)

Have you played anyother MMOs?
FFXI, WoW, CoH, you name it.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
F*** No.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
Only in a well-established relationship/understood context.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
If it's a give and take relationship, no problem. If someone gives and won't take, that's tedious.

08-28-2010, 10:39 PM
If someone gives and won't take, that's tedious.

taken out of context, that would be an interesting relationship O.o

09-01-2010, 11:15 PM
interesting relationship O.o

I like those sign me up :)

09-04-2010, 02:25 AM
Hey all... Yes its me with another random bump for my guild...

We are looking to actively recruit again as its that time of year again!

We have our raid night set to wednesdays 10pmEST. Raids aren't something that we would count as a focal point for us. But we like to try to get together to do 3-4 once a week. Normally Tempest Spine (for our FTP) Reaver (Cause its easy as H***) and a random other raid normally Hound Shroud or VoD.
We have people from all over the globe within the guild and have a few people on scattered thru-out most times of the day. Average age range for the guild 20-35. Mostly male with a scattering of womens

We are looking for fresh active players.
We have a strict 3 month limit for inactive members. Sign in be around.
2 week trail for new members to come see if they like our guild. If in that 2 weeks you feel its not right by all means GTFO
We talk dirty and cuss like sailors. We like to be social. Talk and B.S.
Willing to do training for newblettes. Have a brain and be willing to listen or im not gonna waste my time trying to show you anything

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Hope to see a few new faces soon.

09-04-2010, 11:11 AM
Hi guys, im fairly new to ddo and very new to kyber so i figured id post an app with you goes since you guys seem about as awesome as a porkchop wrapped in bacon dipped in awesome sauce


CT, USA. eastern time, im very close to NYC
Security Technician/Electrician

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?

not VIP but i own all adventure packs and several other perks

How long have you been playing?
since a week or two since U5, I did a trial when the whole game was p2p and liked it alot but didnt think it worth committing a sub to at the time. Saw a lot of buzz on massively about it and figured id give it a go again and was blown away. Most of my time so far has been spent playing a few levels of different classes to get a good feel of the game.

How often are you online?
Very often, in the evening mostly cept on weekends.

How many characters/alts do you have?
1 on kyber and many chars im prolly not going to touch again on other servers

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
timicon 4/monk

Have you played anyother MMOs?
i will buy most that come out and not get the sub if i dont like it the ones ive spent alot of time were WoW(2 years about half when 60 was the cap and even co ran a raiding guild when 70 was the cap) Warhammer (its my favorite IP ever, i dont play the tabletop but have read over 30 of the black library novels) and city of villains(i had heroes too but lets face it being bad is so so good)

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
Im pretty good about censoring myself to the company i keep. So if im around it i do but not so much if around someone sensitive to it. Dont mind it at all though.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
Ya but i cant guarantee they will be funny

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
Sure can

Hope to hear from you guys soon, in game my name is Timicon as well

09-09-2010, 04:36 PM
just needing a nudge and a few more players would be great too!!!

09-24-2010, 06:43 PM
just needing a nudge and a few more players would be great too!!!

Hey you! Watch where you throw that elbow! I know you like your chicken-breasts tendor but seriously... Let them stay attached to the chick-en.


10-22-2010, 11:21 AM
Hey just checking on the status of the Hot Chocalate since its cold out!! Plus if anyone iterested come give us a try!

10-22-2010, 05:04 PM
Hey you! Go make me a sammich!

Brownies for dessert!! :)

10-27-2010, 09:27 PM
Hi there,

I was in your guild a couple months back, but then grad school started and I found myself behind in my work. Both myself and my friend would like to rejoin the guild, as I remember you guys were very cool and quite the characters. Let me know who I need to contact in game (haven't seen Badina online in quite some time) to mail me, as well as my friend, one of those applications to join. My character name is Pandoreas (LVL 10 ranger/rogue/fighter).

Thank you!

11-01-2010, 08:09 PM
Age: 41
Gender: male

can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Retired Military/QA QC for a candy company

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
Yes I am VIP
How long have you been playing?
Since the game came out, but took about a 2 year break

How often are you online?

How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Rumpal lvl 10 (6 ranger/2 ftr/2 monk)
Gelthen lvl 4 rogue
Fisonna lvl 5 2 ftr/3 monk
Obor lvl 5 tactics ftr

Have you played anyother MMOs?
WOW (yeah I know..)
various Muds

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
Yes/Yes and yes

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
Once I get to know the person better than maybe, but first off,probably not

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
Yes, but I like to give back as well

12-04-2010, 09:13 AM
Oooh its getting cold outside and just realised I slipped on some ice sorry about that bump there!

12-04-2010, 07:59 PM
Age: 33

Gender: Male

Location: Tampa Bay Area, FL EST
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Overpaid adult babysitter

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already? I am VIP

How long have you been playing? 3 months

How often are you online? 3 to 4 nights a week. From 9pm-ish to 2 or 3 am-ish. All depending on work shedule.

How many characters/alts do you have? 1 with a few alts that I dont count due to not having played them in weeks

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds Fanoa lvl 12 pure rogue assassin in my own guild, because i needed a lvl one guild.

Have you played anyother MMOs? EQ 1 and 2, WoW

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? yes

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? sometimes. i try not to until I know that the people hearing them will not be offended.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? yes

01-16-2011, 09:03 PM
OOOh coffee is warm this morning needs a good shot of irish cream no wear iu can get some?

01-23-2011, 10:37 PM
I found a picture of this guild in the dictionary. Right next to "Awesome". :D

02-25-2011, 12:35 AM
Aww thanks! :) Hoping to get some more active members! Not that i dont love you wise cracking fools! Anyone see anyone interesting let me know!!


can be city/state state or timezone/generalized

Occupation: So we know what type of play times to expect from you/also general works, marketing/financial/9-5 labor w/e

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?

How long have you been playing?

Frequency of play? How often are you online

How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds

Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
A Vent/GSC system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

02-25-2011, 02:17 AM
aalllrighty then! it's been a while, though i was in your guild some time back, over a year ago but i'm now back, had some major PC trouble and moved around a lot, but i'm now settled and will be able to play the game again either at night time (UK) or weekends if not both.. so, my question to you is, is it possible to perhaps join once again with my little character Forach?

02-25-2011, 09:04 PM
rejoining is allowed :)

02-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Without any doubt, Ryan and Bobbie are two of the most under-appreciated members of the Khyber community.

In Bad Company is a great group of people and personalities.

Some of the 'mt' can be entertaining too! ;)

02-28-2011, 05:22 AM
Aww Slink! Thanks hun!
idk about ryan's feelings
but you sure can make a girl blush ;)

03-10-2011, 05:06 AM
felt the need to be "KING(as i have ladybits QUEEN) of the HILL" woot, for a min or 2 I'm number one!

03-11-2011, 02:09 AM
Free bump for IBC. Good group of folks here.

03-11-2011, 01:21 PM
IBC are always good people to run with. Always great fun.

03-18-2011, 09:08 PM
Woot-age for bumpage ;)

03-18-2011, 10:47 PM
Got room for two more? lol I'm semi new to DDO...used to play between 2007-2008 and stopped for a while and now I restarted. My irl best friend also plays ddo and were both looking for a guild.

03-19-2011, 03:05 AM
Got room for two more? lol I'm semi new to DDO...used to play between 2007-2008 and stopped for a while and now I restarted. My irl best friend also plays ddo and were both looking for a guild.

for sure ;) I like people :) Idk if your on now but i am! LittleElle! send me a mesage with your toon names! Fill out my silly app thing and get your A.$$ in here!

03-19-2011, 03:38 AM
for sure ;) I like people :) Idk if your on now but i am! LittleElle! send me a mesage with your toon names! Fill out my silly app thing and get your A.$$ in here!

Wheres the app lol

It's like 1230am here and I'm super tired...well not so much tired as a lazy bastard to scroll through dozens of pages to find it lol I didn't find it in the first page so I thought there wasn't one lol

03-19-2011, 03:37 PM
They held their own during the drunken raid runs last night LOL.

03-19-2011, 09:59 PM
Wheres the app lol

It's like 1230am here and I'm super tired...well not so much tired as a lazy bastard to scroll through dozens of pages to find it lol I didn't find it in the first page so I thought there wasn't one lol

soo tired, it was only back one page lol... but here slacker ;)


can be city/state state or timezone/generalized

Occupation: So we know what type of play times to expect from you/also general works, marketing/financial/9-5 labor w/e

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?

How long have you been playing?

Frequency of play? How often are you online

How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds

Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
A Vent/GSC system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

03-21-2011, 09:27 AM
Age: 40
Gender: Male

Location: Michigan

Occupation: Computer Nerd working days

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possibilities of going VIP?
I've been paying for MMO sub's for many years. If I really get into the game I will definitely get VIP status.

How long have you been playing? 3 weeks now.

Frequency of play? How often are you online. I am online almost every night after 8:00 est. Sometimes more on the weekend depending on family stuff.

How many characters/alts do you have? I have 2 atm. A lvl 3 Cleric and a lvl 1 Paladin. I love healing in other MMO's so I will probably make the cleric my main, but delete the paladin and try out some of the other classes to see if anything else feels like fun.

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds Lvl 3 Cleric.

Have you played anyother MMOs? Yes. mostly WOW and LOTRO for any significant time periods.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Only when my kids are being really bad. :)

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? I have been known to.. That's what she said.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? I absolutely expect it and welcome it.

04-14-2011, 05:29 PM
Hey, I am currently in a guild. But, everytime I am on, none of the other guild members are on, and if they are, they dont want to run. I am lookin for a new guild and yours seems like that the type of guild that I would fit into quit well. what other things could you tell me about your guild? By the way, when you are on, if you see a fighter named talidemon running around, feel free to hit me up to run a quest, I am all ways lookin for some good ones to run

04-16-2011, 11:43 PM

can be city/state state or timezone/generalized

Occupation: So we know what type of play times to expect from you/also general works, marketing/financial/9-5 labor w/e
I am currently lookin for word do to the fact that I just got laid off from my job

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?at this point, I am not sure

How long have you been playing?sense august

Frequency of play? everyday

How many characters/alts do you have? one toon on kyber

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds: Talidemon, lvl 8 fighter, soon to be lvl 9 fighter/ranger or fighter/cleric. still deciding. other guild: quasimoronic but newly demonic. lookin for new guild do to the fact that I am not happy with the guild that I am in

Have you played anyother MMOs? NO

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Yes

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Not much

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? absolutely. do it all the time

04-17-2011, 01:59 PM
hey there :) i could definately have the room for you Sir :) Ill be on most of the day today and would gladdly let you in for the 2 week trail we offer to all new members to come in and peek around and see if you like it.

04-19-2011, 07:45 PM
I'm combining "bored" with "sneakily returning to DDO, because I really want to peak under a giant mindflayer's robes, to answer the unanswerable questions of the universe, and see if it's twigs and berries are in truth, octopus tendrils and oysters". I left the land of DDO before the grand aerial ascension of the guilds, and not only does it seem that airships are available, but that those ships are amazing! Seeing as how I'm unable to form my own dread pirate company, I want to join a guild in order to spew my mutterings and fly in an airship.
It's a deep seated urge, like salmon swimming upstream for fish orgies.


Location:Um...I'm graduating college in less than 2 weeks, so..right now, Iowa. in a month(or..however long it takes to get a grownup jobby, IDK)

Occupation: Student for 2 more weeks. Then..person lf job

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP? Um..when I have cash again, if DDO still has hooks in me(read: U9 makes low level casters amazing), very likely.

How long have you been playing? On and off since 09, but I've deleted many toons due to rolling the toon, then some situation changing to make a reroll better(like..starting with a drow bard. Then unlocking half elf, and having twf be more balanced against thf=deleted bard)

Frequency of play? How often are you online daily? every other day mebbe? often

How many characters/alts do you have?
one real one right now, definitely tossing together either a wizard or fvs warforged soon
Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Seldren/7 cleric
Have you played anyother MMOs?
Champions Online

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? yes. I cuss like a sailor. Y'all have an airship. I see no problem with this :P

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? In a vacuum, no. I'll default to the weirdest possible imagery at all times though, and if that takes fish porn jokes, I'll leap at them. But like...I won't make "that's what she said" jokes, or anything. That said? If I'm cracking wise, it's not going to be a **** joke by default, but if someone gives me the perfect setup, though, I've got to grab the brass ring. If I don't, I'll just be sad. :P

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? I'm torn between saying yes, and answering no in the most overwrought hyperbole I can muster up. Alas, though, my hyperbole would guarantee pre-emptive banning not from this guild, but from the server itself. The gerbil inside the server would start quaking in such fear at my cheerful, harmless vitrol that all attempts by me to log on would not just crash the server, but due to the gerbil running AWAY from my presence, it would revert everyone to whatever state they were in 3 hours ago. If I'm going with that "gerbil runs in a wheel to power the server" story, then I'm choosing to believe that the server is, infact, some sort of complicated, Babbagagian adding machine, and each individual character is represented by a punch card.

...it's a really tired gerbil

04-23-2011, 07:15 PM

Asheville, Nc US EST

I sell auto parts at a car dealership

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?

I am VIP.

How long have you been playing?
started sep. 2010 so....7 months

How often are you online?
2 or 3 times a week after 9pm est..no set playtime if a have a day or 2 notice I can make most anytime after 7 pm est

most saturday and sunday afternoons and or evenings

How many characters/alts do you have?
8 characters total

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Youcancallme Jester (10 clr radiant servant)
Jesterisa Trapmonkey (8 rog/1 wiz mechanic1)
the others are lvl 4 toons I don't play/didn't like

Have you played anyother MMOs?
EQ, WoW, Lineage2, Guild Wars

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?
I do..but not every other effin word

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
only with people I know well..I don't make random passa at female toons (except the 1/2 orcs)

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
I can ignore it if that's what the sitation calls for...just as likely to give back tho

05-02-2011, 08:57 PM
the small pre summer rush of new members we have gotten over the last 2 weeks has been great! im really enjoying all the new members! you guys crack me up :D

05-08-2011, 12:34 PM
Hey there tripped over the thread again. **** big toes. Well happy moms day to all the Mothers in the guild!

05-08-2011, 11:19 PM
Hey there tripped over the thread again. **** big toes. Well happy moms day to all the Mothers in the guild!

Get outta my post! This is my Post, not my breakfast toast! No room to share here ;)

05-13-2011, 10:25 PM
Man this guild seems like a blast so ill play-

38 (liver=90)anybody got a spare!

Yes please!

The D! Ya we kill here but i take out in game so sparing some real life lives. j/k

High Voltage Electricity. Exciting!!!!!!!!!!

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
Buying all packs and races one at at time. Almost got them all.

How long have you been playing?
6 months serious.

How often are you online?
Anytime the old lady isnt yelling at me. But i just deal with it so everyday.

How many characters/alts do you have?
Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
longand hard(20 ftr) elfs revenge
other lowbies
Have you played anyother MMOs?
what am i a dueshe bag that sits around playing video games all the time. y i am

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
F U. Serously F U

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
UMM. Do i have to say it. OK F U.

You guys seem like a riot. Give me a shout if you think I am worthy. I am longand hard all the time!

05-13-2011, 11:05 PM
lmao omfg you crack me the F up! You are soo in HAHA Unfortunately for you im going drinking tonight so if im not to hung over ill invite you. I live in the D too, so you know how we do ;)

05-16-2011, 01:23 PM
Alright you might be the kind of guild who could appreciate this story or decide I am to far gone for your guild. Playing Friday night with my brother on my 4 wiz/2 rogue and smashing some wine(killing off the old ladys stash). 1st bottle down hanging in there and power leveling in Deleras. Get into gwylans stand with me my brother and pug. gonna run n/h/e at around 2 am and into second bottle. Starting to feel way gone. My char name is drunkmage and party members who were really cool say I am living up to name doing all kinds of stupid sh!t starting with not bring thikefs tools to GWYLANS STAND After we are done with gwylans around 430 am same group decides to do tear of drakan. We get into it and 1/3 way in I pass out on keyboard. Ya that's right on keyboard. My old lady gets up to take a leak and here's my brother yelling my name on speaker phone. " Sean you there. Why is your char just standing back at beginning." Old lady drags me to bed calling me a stupid drunk peice of sh!t. Had text message from brother calling me super piker! He said group was alughing and figured I passed out. Just aother typical drunken ddo Friday night.

05-17-2011, 12:28 PM
LOl count thats some funny stuff right there!!! Running around whered the drunk go ah shoot he fried his computer with drool?

06-05-2011, 01:41 AM
aaaaa--cheeeeewwwww..... yep its that time again spring fever.... who wants to beat out the heat and hide in a nice air conditioned house and play ddo instead of risking a sun burn... :D

Yep thats me... Ill be here... 3-4 days a week avoiding the sun and its nasty burns!

06-06-2011, 04:46 AM
Age: 28
Gender: Male except on the weekends.

Location: SoCal

Occupation: What's that term for when nobody will hire you but you don't wanna say you're a jobless bum? Oh, right. "Self-Employed".

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP? Very possible in the near future. I'd really like to but it very much depends on the money situation.

How long have you been playing? I played in beta, hated it with a fierce purple passion because back then DDO sucked so hard it almost put Paris Hilton out of business, so I left. About 3-4 months ago I came back after finally breaking up with WoW, tried it since it was F2P, quickly found out how awesome DDO is now and have been playing off and on ever since. I've been playing the field since I went on the rebound, but no matter how many other games I try this is the one I always come back to, so I'm making it official and committing to DDO. Of course, I'll probably wind up committed soon, so we'll see how it goes.

Frequency of play? How often are you online? Usually a couple hours a day at least unless I've got RL obligations.

How many characters/alts do you have? 6 at present, 4 of which are on another server. But no 20s yet. I'm a bit of an altoholic. Kind of like how Charlie Sheen is a bit off. It's probably a good thing I can only have 4 toons per server at the moment.

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds: Marlynna, Human Brd2 (my main at the moment) and Vaelindra, Elf Wiz1 (my baby PM). No other possible guilds. You are the only one for me, baby.

Have you played anyother MMOs? In order: CoH (3 years), WoW (5 years), LotRO (2 years), EVE (one month lol), and more crappy F2P games than you can shake a cash shop at.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? I've had marines tell me to tone it down.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Some people's minds are in the gutter. Mine is already in the sewer headed out to sea.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Sure, if you're cool with me ribbing back.

06-23-2011, 11:41 PM
MY bumps my bumps of my lovely forums bumps.....

07-02-2011, 10:52 AM
Man was thinking about carrying in the coffee than realised it was way to hot tripped when i turned and landed with the new idea of iced sweet tea with a hint of peach. Hmmm I should fall more often.

07-03-2011, 07:50 PM
So I just recently got back into playing Dungeons and Dragons Online. Still a fun game. Looking for a fun place to hang out and enjoy the game.

Age: 21
Gender: Male

Location: Florida (EST)

Occupation: So we know what type of play times to expect from you. Student (Only have class on Tuesday and Thursday at the moment since its a summer class). Different schedule in the fall term.

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP? I just reactivated my account as VIP.

How long have you been playing? Originally? A little over a year. Now? About three weeks.

Frequency of play? I'm usually on either during the day and most often at night (usually whenever I can be on).

How many characters/alts do you have? Two characters at the moment (Elveena Nightsong (5 Favored Soul) and Dazir Nightsong (2 Monk))

Have you played anyother MMOs? Way too many to count... (Dark Age of Camelot, Everquest, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Lord of the Rings Online) (Only games that ever really stuck were Dark Age of Camelot, Guild Wars, and now Dungeons and Dragons Online)

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Occasionally, don't get offended by it.

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Yep, my minds down the gutter, why not bring everyone down with me?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Yes I can

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
A Vent/GSC system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

07-03-2011, 11:58 PM
well your ap looks sound :) ill gladdly give you a shout after this holiday :) its my kiddos birthday and independance day

07-04-2011, 01:32 AM
well your ap looks sound :) ill gladdly give you a shout after this holiday :) its my kiddos birthday and independance day

Tell your kid happy birthday and to have a great 4th of July (and you as well).

07-10-2011, 04:50 PM
welcome to the guild :D

07-20-2011, 05:08 PM
After an awesome vacation (-minus the biting flies!) Im back! and sooner then expected but still with the time off work! ddo you better watch out.... im coming for you!

07-20-2011, 07:37 PM
Age: 39
Gender: M

Location: Oakland, CA
can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Psychadelic Monk

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already? I am VIP

How long have you been playing? 3 years. Mostly on Sarlona. Moved to Khyber last year or so.

How often are you online? PST most nights from 8:30 Pm on and Weekends in the AM and PM.

How many characters/alts do you have? 14

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds. Moppette-20Monk, Flossey-20Monk, MzDevotion-2mnk/18pal, LilShimpin 7pal, Faronica-15wiz, Minniegun-3rog

Have you played anyother MMOs? Guild Wars

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? yes

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? jokes yes. commentary not so much.

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? As long as its good natured humor.

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids.

We try to focus the raids to the weekends(Saturdays)
We have an active player base of 15-25 people.

A Vent system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

07-20-2011, 10:15 PM
your ap is sound..... which is your main...???

08-01-2011, 11:28 AM
Age: 37
Gender: Male

can be city/state state or timezone

Occupation: Consultant

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already? I am VIP

How long have you been playing? Played to cap (10) back at launch as a cleric, just returned to the game last week, levelling a 2HF fighter.

How often are you online? 3-5 nights a week depending on wife aggro and other r/l commitments

How many characters/alts do you have? 10 cleric was deleted due to changes to the game so vast that my playing one would require a total rebuild, Targanor is my main. I plan to level a warchanter bard at some point but would like to finish my fighter first, unless bard is a more pressing guild need. . .

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds N/A

Have you played anyother MMOs? Started with launch of EQ I, and was an officer in two very high end raid guilds there, also did high level raiding in EQ2, WoW, and VG. DDO/LOTRO/AION/RIFT/WAR/DCUO and a few others played to cap casually.

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear? Yes. "This is a family guild" always gave me wanderlust. >.>

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary? Situationally dependant, I have a good sense of humor but I'm old enough to know when it would behoove me to keep my mouth shut. :P

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off? Yes but I'm more likely to come back with a witty retort, unless I know said person to be too thin skinned to endure my acerbic wit, in which case I merely humor them. :P

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids. 100% agree here, I quit raiding hardcore when it became more work and less fun then r/l work. I'm more about seeing content and having fun then competing for firsts these days.

We try to focus the raids to the weekends(Saturdays)
We have an active player base of 15-25 people. Saturdays actually work great for me, I should be able to make most raids.

A Vent system is up and working. <3 Vent
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

08-18-2011, 02:01 AM
Hey thanks for showing interest in our guild! Cant wait to see you online again!

08-31-2011, 08:51 PM
Who else is super ready for your kids to go back to school and leave the days off for relaxing! ;) Since i normally for a 4-10 shift my days are free to nap and play ddo! WOOT

10-17-2011, 06:57 PM
Its been awhile since i stumbled over this thread good time for a kick cause a bump just won't do it.

10-28-2011, 07:55 PM
Counting down the days! Welcome the Guild Leader to her 26th birthday Tuesday, Nov. 1st! Thank you that is all.....

11-07-2011, 08:40 PM
Sigh.... another day another dungeon! Come run with me!

12-03-2011, 09:08 PM
IBC is nearing lvl 55! Yay us! hopefully we can hit it by Christmas!

12-04-2011, 04:24 PM
wow, this still going on... ryan is anyway and i see occasional members in pugs..

12-09-2011, 03:44 PM
Anyone looking for a guild right now
Fill this out before and mail it to me in game! @Badina Thanks ;D


can be city/state state or timezone

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?

How long have you been playing?

Frequency of play?
How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds

Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
A Vent system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

12-10-2011, 03:25 PM
Anyone looking for a guild right now
Fill this out before and mail it to me in game! @Badina Thanks ;D


can be city/state state or timezone

Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP?

How long have you been playing?

Frequency of play?
How many characters/alts do you have?

Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds

Have you played anyother MMOs?

The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...

Do you cuss/swear?

Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?

If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?

The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
A Vent system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.

If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.

I can attest to the above. Good peeps to run with if you can hang that is. Not for the week at heart which is what makes you guys great to run with. See you and hubby around.

Take care,


12-13-2011, 06:26 PM
Thanks E

We kinda like you too ;) haha

See ya in DDO soon! BTW i have some mid lvl toons that i need a reason to run, saw you have one too! Look me up Thursday or Friday :D

12-14-2011, 11:56 AM
Thanks E

We kinda like you too ;) haha

See ya in DDO soon! BTW i have some mid lvl toons that i need a reason to run, saw you have one too! Look me up Thursday or Friday :D

He's at level 11 now flagging a different toon for TOD on Thursday and won't be on on Friday. But keep an eye out for us it would be good to run with you two it's been a while.