View Full Version : Sad

09-03-2009, 01:28 PM
What's it like actually playing the game since the mod? Had re-install issues and update issues and all kind of issues so haven't been able to play yet....

09-03-2009, 01:52 PM
What's it like actually playing the game since the mod? Had re-install issues and update issues and all kind of issues so haven't been able to play yet....

You arent missing much. I've only had one "Oh man thats cool!" moment in all of the new content.

09-03-2009, 01:55 PM
so far content is kina weak.
the terrain is cool, now munsters are cool.
all the fluffy changes aee just that. time will tell with mod 10 if they get into coding content, or keep goofing around with dysleyxic changes .

09-03-2009, 02:31 PM
3 of the new quests I really like, ones ok, and two are extremely monotonous. Get yo stuff working man!!

09-03-2009, 02:48 PM
What's it like actually playing the game since the mod? Had re-install issues and update issues and all kind of issues so haven't been able to play yet....

Maybe the other folks dont want to make u sad but I've never liked your happy go lucky, nice to everyone act. +3 and 4 tomes are dropping like autumn leaves in the new area. Plus I' pulled 1 WoP rapier and 2 SS. Get ur butt out here!

BTW, j/k about the tomes and loot. I'm still getting the same crappy drops. But hurry up and fix your computer/software! See ya in game.

09-03-2009, 03:42 PM
3 of the new quests I really like, ones ok, and two are extremely monotonous. Get yo stuff working man!!

Should be fine when I get home tonight <fingers crossed>

Maybe the other folks dont want to make u sad but I've never liked your happy go lucky, nice to everyone act. shhhh you'll foil my evil plan... +3 and 4 tomes are dropping like autumn leaves in the new area. cool. just crafted my greensteel rake.Plus I' pulled 1 WoP rapier and 2 SS. ok well now I know ur lying cuz if there were two ppl left on the server who didn't have WOPs it would be you and me. Get ur butt out here!

BTW, j/k about the tomes and loot. I'm still getting the same crappy drops. But hurry up and fix your computer/software! See ya in game.

Thanks guys. Other than a firewall issue I think it's my own fault. Pretty sure I did the whole uninstall / reinstall thing back-asswards. Should be good to go tonight...