View Full Version : Please may I have a SEARCH function

08-17-2009, 01:17 AM
Why can't we have a search function in the AH

Cause I hate looking through screens and screens of stuff and writting down prices so I can make sure that I buy the cheapest one only to get back and find out its gone.

:mad::mad::mad::confused::confused::confused::conf used::mad::mad::mad::eek:

08-17-2009, 01:41 AM
Why can't we have a search function in the AH

Cause I hate looking through screens and screens of stuff and writting down prices so I can make sure that I buy the cheapest one only to get back and find out its gone.

:mad::mad::mad::confused::confused::confused::conf used::mad::mad::mad::eek:

While a search function seems nice on the surface you will end up with programs like auctioneer and then just like wow there will be a new game of economics that some will prefer to the actual game. You've never seen a messed up AH house price list until you have seen programs like that running. You would never find a deal on anything again.

08-18-2009, 05:40 PM
I have played WOW and used Auctioneer, now im not sure but if someone wants to play ddo money then whats wrong with that, thats like saying you can't play this way cause I don't like it.

I like to do quests and play, I don't like to spend hours on the AH a search function would help stop that, and if it makes someone else's experience more fun then whats the harm.

08-24-2009, 02:18 AM
I would love a search function too.

I don't see how it would be worse for people buying, as most people I know search to see if the item they are auctioning is listed, and if so, undercut it. So the net result would be cheaper items to buy.

I bought a +1 paralyzer for 150k gold, then 2 pages after that the same +1 paralyzer for 1,750,000 gold.

I believe it would encourage less **** on the AH too, if there are 5 Clever goggles of minute seeing listed for around 5k each, everyone will just sell them to vendors rather than put more on the AH for double the "current" rate.

I just want to search for item effect type, like str bonus or disruption etc.